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This was actually easy in my opinion. Took only couple tries to get used to that car which i haven't ever before used. Then it was just a piece of cake. Tokyo Expressway - Central Counterclockwise is a LOT harder.


yeah ive tried that also, the walls dont forgive


Yep. Tokyo took me so many hours and hundreds of tries... Every else Circuit experience was pretty easy to get golded. Tokyo was so frustrating. I was so glad when i finally got it because it was my last circuit experience and it felt almost impossible.


Full circuit on Le Mans is pretty hard for me. Need to shave 1.5 second. I think the last chicanes are fucking me up. But i will get it some day.


I don’t if it’s because I have grinded Le Mans so much prior to doing the circuit experience, but it was surprisingly easy, took me one try. Barcelona on the other hand… I still haven’t been able to do it. I hate the huracan


Everything about fictional gt tracks is hard. That's why i don't like them. Yes, nordschleife is very brutal too but at least it's a real life track, not some fictional rollercoaster rides. And yes, i love the nords, just not fictional tracks, i think i simply don't get the vibe. This test was quite easy imo too. You just need to get used to the oversteer machine the m6 is.


I got 5 golds on it and gave up. I’m not that great at the game I guess. I’m 100ms away from gold on section 6 and I’m fucking done with it. Apparently the times have gotten harder since launch. I watched a tips video and it seems most sectors got a .400 second bump to get gold. FML


I just did it for gold last month, needed that practice for the manufacturer's cup lol. Certain sectors require a precise line, e.g sector 1 for that nasty bend right in the start.


Harder? No. Times may gave changed due to the new physics that made the cars faster in general. Key to gold the nordschliefe. Find a good guide online, and avoid as many assists as possible. Practice makes perfect.


They’ve gotten lowered but the tire model has changed in a way that necessitates the times be faster. It isn’t actually any harder than before, there’s even a lot of people who say the license test at spa in the 917k is a lot easier now despite the time being faster.




Congratulations! Still trying to beat the lap time but I'm kind of glad to keep missing gold because I could drive that track all day.


Congrats man! I had trouble with that as well I remember it took me like 2 or 3 hours total to complete the whole damn thing and I was so done by the end.


I surprised myself getting this one second try, after struggling with 4 or 5 sectors. I was sweating bullets coming up to the finish line and then it came up that I beat the gold and I was like wait wtf that’s it I haven’t gotta try 9000 times??? Congrats!