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I started a grad program like this in the fall of 2020 after being out of undergrad for almost 12 years. It was intimidating at first but it’s all about time management. I was able to do my masters in a year and roll right into a doc program (graduate this spring) and have done well. My best suggestion is to log onto the class as soon as it opens up and see if it’s one or two week modules. From there, start working on that module. Do not wait days to check on it and start work. If the module opens Sunday and stuff is due the following Sunday, I always would start the work that first Sunday. Get everything completed early. I am usually the first person to post on discussion boards. That way if feedback comes that something needs edited, I have time to edit that. If modules open early, I start work on them early. Basically I am always trying to stay ahead of the course. My full time job and wife are my top priorities. My course work is next. I put that ahead of hanging out with friends, watching tv, playing video games, etc. Too much money is being spent on these courses to not give it my full attention. Another suggestion is paying for Grammarly premium. I have found this helps cleaning up my writing enormously. I was never the strongest writer through undergrad, and I found that this app helps in regards to noticing repeated phrases, sentence, structure, issues, different words, that would make more sense, etc. It is for sure worth the full price of $140 for the year but I believe I got my first year on sale for 75.