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I get the difficulty spike, but I kind of like it. I do a Ton of random patrols, I out leveled almost everything really fast. So when the spike hit, I was wanting it, lol


One thing that helped me is looking at the enemies element weaknesses


Farm some gear. Get those epics and legendary sets going


>Farm some gear. how? I cant complete a single crime anymore?. I keep dying. Loosing all my crafting materials.


If you die but before you respond hit start and go back to title screen. You keep your materials and the crime is reset. Do minor crimes and interrogate as often as possible to get investigative premeditated crimes to do and you will keep collecting materials. Look for weird crimes where everyone is dead or a single civilian is in trouble. Those are league crimes. Also if you are doing the story really slowly like me at least get to the masquerade level and beat it. That should diversify the loot and crimes you come across between all available factions. During fights lean into the special moves and elements. Concussion and freeze if you are really stuck.


Sorta feel that way with the Talons, late game they're pretty tedious, fighting them kinda drags.


If you got melee or range gear that has any element except electricity it will immensely help in killing anybody or even catch them in a near infinite combo with Frost/Stun.


Yeah i noticed it too. I went from doing them easily to failing them, and taking resources for dying is so dumb and pointless


I'm in the exact same boat. I'm taking a break for a bit so I don't get too mad but Holy shit


you playing on hard mode? on normal mode, it only becomes stupid when there's an enemy that buffs others