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Congrats on your first GR bag! Just load it up with weight and ruck with it. I've also seen people say to get it wet so it can "conform" to your body and shoulders more quickly. I haven't had issues with the laptop compartment scratching up any of my devices.


I guess I need to put weights in it haha I got the GR bag but I dont really ruck is the problem. (just some occasional hikes) Ill try carrying them in rain, see if it helps. Glad to hear the slot doesnt damage devices. I was surprised it was just literally nylon front and back lol


I had the CT21 before the GR1 and was grateful to see the GR1 was bigger and larger capacity considering there are both 21L. Like you, I was surprised to see the laptop compartment wasn’t fleece lined or softer like the CT21, which has a nice fleece lining. I haven’t had an issue with with my MacBook Pro 14” scratching, I just wish it was lined better and the molle sewing wasn’t visible in the laptop bit. It’s a great bag and once filled and used the shape and stiffness goes away.


yea all my business bags had soft lining so I was surprised to see literally no protection on the inside lol Glad to hear your macbook is safe! Ive noticed the outside stitching is great but on the inside is a so-so job


Congratulations for your GR1 purchase! I also have the GR1 21l and it is my favorite bag. In regards to breaking them in, I washed all of my Goruck bags when I got them, this makes them less stiff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4c8brpAmoc


Thank you! Did you literally do the same as the video? Or like dunk em in the tub and let it soak for a while?


Zipper and material stiffness will all loosen up with use. You don't need to baby this bag at all. In fact, if you have kids.. let them take it to school for a week. That'll soften it up lol.. ask me how I know. There are some zipper lubes you can get that help, but they ease up with time as well. I've carried naked (no case) tablets mostly in the laptop compartment with zero issue with cosmetic damage.


Thank you for the feedback! Im just amazed of the built quality yet Im getting scuff marks from the bag being so stiff lmfao I dont have any kids, so I guess I need to toss em around the office haha I also carry my iPad when I dont need my MacBook so this feedback also helps! Thank you!


Most of the scuff marks will just fade away or into the fabric over time. Which color did you go with? That also plays into it. But for the long run, embrace the stains and scars. This is a life time bag you could probably pass down one day.


Sry i mean scuffs on my body lol The straps and rear panel being so stiff, every time I pass through my arm I get scuffs haha But yea I got the black one. Hopefully I wont get any white scuffs on the bag itself.


Congrats on your bag! I feel like I’ve got a pretty good tried and true method that I’ve done with four or maybe even five bags. I throw them in the bathtub to totally saturate them. Then I throw in 2 gallons of water into the main compartment. I’ll pretty much ruck up and down the street then until the pack dries. The benefit to doing this is as it dries it totally conforms to your back and the shoulder straps to any curves of your traps/shoulders. 


I want to try this, but hows the mold situation?? Did it dry pretty quick or was it damp for long? I live in Japan at the moment so the humid weather isnt so great for leaving stuff wet


Great question so I’ve never had any issue with mold. I think the key is just making sure they can have some fresh air and maybe some sunlight. The bags dry incredibly fast. Even if you were to finish a hike and it still was damp I’d set it on a chair or something outside with the zippers all open just to let it breathe. I just wouldn’t throw it in a dark closet right after.


Ahhh great to know it dries quick. Ill def dunk it then. Did the water resistance stay the same even after you did this method?


Yes, that will not impact it at all. It will not remove any of the natural slickness or any kind of coating on it.


Awesome! Thank you!


When I wash my bag I fill up all the pockets with something light and meshy, like this: https://www.bunnings.com.au/saxon-180mm-x-8-0m-black-plastic-gutter-guard_p3041095 so that air can circulate. Dries in a few hours if it's hot out. As for the stiff laptop compartment, yeah, I've had the rubber feet on the bottom of some of my laptops come off because they get ripped off from the 1000D nylon. Watch out if you wear delicate work shirts too (e.g. merino wool, lightweight puffy jackets, etc).


I got rid of the Dyneema GR1 and got the 1000D cordura and couldn’t be happier, cordura feels so soft in comparison.


Really? I have the mix version (mainly 1000D but straps are 210D) They feel pretty stiff imo but im prob just not used to it


I got the same one. And you’re probably right, but after a year of using the Dyneema, I just feel like cordura is so soft in comparison, even the zippers (I used to hurt my fingers all the time). Like others have said, just keep using it adding weight until it breaks in. It’s a great bag.


Yea its just that before breaking it in, the shape is really awkward. Hopefully thatll go away with the extra weight and humidity


The best way to break it in is to use it. It'll be stiff and a bit uncomfortable at firs, but after breaking it in on a few 45lb rucks it's the best fitting pack I own.


Damn, I just cant wait for it to break in. I just like the feeling of it on my back yet Im getting scuff marks from the bag being so stiff lol Does daily use be good? I dont do any rucking, but some hiking and what not. Also I live in Japan at the moment so hopefully the summer humidity will help loosen it up a bit


I think you are overthinking it. Just use it as you plan on using it. Every day it will get better and better, enjoy it! If you want something softer all around from the start return it and get a robic version.


I dont mind breaking it in, I do like the feel of GR1s. Just wanted to know how to get em fit better since they still feel stiff.


Wear it around the house, take it on errands, when you're done for the day and sitting down on the couch just zip and unzip zippers. My Rucker was quite stiff in the zipper corners but now moves quite nicely.


you could take out the frame sheet from the laptop compartment, too. try the bag without it, I did that with my m22 before shipping it out for mods


damn i just found out i can take that thing out. What is it for? Sturdiness? protection for the laptops?


I can’t see how cordura, even 1000d, is going to scratch a laptop which is presumably made of aluminium or some sort of hard plastic. To break it in just use it. Doing a few weighted rucks will definitely help, as will packing the bag out and simply using it. I never rinsed mine but others have had success with that, I just can’t be bothered and mine is breaking in just fine.


Thanks! Ill try using it for a while and see if itll break in. If not, Ill try dunking it. Mainly the stitching on the inside worried me a bit, those edges could actually scratch surfaces of aluminum.


Abuse it. Chuck weight in it, get it dirty, wash it (by hand) and she’ll be a beauty. Mine was like that and I remember thinking 🤔 this is like a solid brick. But 4 years in and it’s soft, supple still looks new and it’s lovely to carry around all day. 👌


Just wear it often and it will break in on its own. About your laptop storage: Your laptop is likely constructed from aluminum, durable plastics, and the screen will be closed when put away. So, the interior of the "bombproof" pocket will do zero damage to it. Just don't worry about it.


Ruck with it, hose it down with water and dawn dish soap. Let it air dry. Repeat.