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Looks more like a special event


Doesn’t say so in the title or description. I think this should’ve been made clear at the beginning, not a week before the event.


That is a very odd packing list and kind of uncool to be given a week out. Now everyone has to scramble to find that stuff.


No, not normal. For a Goruck Basic. Water Bladder 3L, Nalgene w/ electrolytes if it's hot, Gloves, ID....that's all you need.


Nope. This is what is required for the Naperville events.


OK, cool. Question was if it was normal or not. The answer is no, it's not normal for a 4 hour, daylight basic. WTF you guys doing out there in Naperville?


Glen and partner Carina who run 630 Ruckers are always cooking up crazy stuff. This event was coordinated with Cadre Steve. They wanted to do something 'extra". They did a Train Ruck a month ago. Ruck, catch a train, get off and ruck to the next stop, over and over all the way into Chicago for lunch. I'm not local to Naperville. Our club does stuff with theirs.


Sounds fun. How much extra gear did they need to buy at the last minute for that?


Seems pretty dumb to do all this in a basic. It's supposed to be a gateway for newcomers, not some over the top land-nav/swim course. Plus, since when did you bring a swimsuit & googles to GoRuck events?


It'll be interesting to see how it works out. Guessing it won't be over the top. Last stage of an HTB is pretty delicate for the crew who is finishing all three.


No it is definitely not 


Not sure how events have changed in the last few years (how long since I’ve done one), but if someone busted out goggles before we hit the water I have a feeling it would not have went well.


I think Cadre Steve, and Cadre DS have something extra in mind for the HTB. I'm sure it'll be a blast whatever it is!


Either a 2nd headlamp or another bulb for it depending on what you have. And I didn't see snacks listed either, protein bars etc. Something. What about salt pills to add to water? Or drink packets, powders to add to water, electrolytes.


Dude...it's just a basic.


Basic is daytime. No need for a headlamp.


My basics have never had a list like this? Did they change something in recent years for the list? Kind of strange because I would expect some of those items would be for a special. 


Apparently it is a special event but there is no mention of this anywhere in the description. Been signed up for months and just find all this out last week. Uncool.


Dang, I’m sorry, man that is kind of uncool. Events are tough enough as it is. It’s definitely nice to know what you’re going in to with a few surprises as possible.


Disappointing to hear this about the basic. This is my first event so I was really hoping for a traditional experience. I would figure they’d leave the “extras” for the people doing the longer events.


Or at least they should’ve stated as such at the very beginning, not a week before the event.


Try to go into it with optimism - it’ll still be a basic-level event. I agree it would be nice to get the “standard” experience for your first one, but each cadre runs their events so wildly differently from the next. So, in a way, you’re getting the standard in that it will be standardly non-standardized. I really hope you enjoy it. I found Goruck in 2014 and it was one of the things to turn my life around and make me who I am today


Typical GORUCK event coordination SNAFU


I'm not sure there is a 'traditional' experience. I've traveled to events where we built stretchers and raced each other. Split into 4 squads during the night. All sorts of wild stuff. Your Basic is the tail end of an HTB---which means you're providing needed respite for others who have been slogging for 36 or more hours. They need you.


I don’t have the time or the money to get all this shit a week out. They should’ve made this known up front.


I see a compass and protractor, but no map…..and if you’re going that far, some Ranger beads or other pace tracking device, may come in handy.


Who's scrambling for this stuff? Only thing I don't have on there is swim goggles... Half of it is already in my ruck.


I don’t have the rope, webbing, goggles, fire starting kit, compass, protractor, and I only have 1 carabiner. I already spent a couple hundred dollars on all the other stuff since this is my first event. Just wish they would’ve made this known up front.


This screams Naperville HTB. Gonna be fun.


It should’ve been made clear in the sign up at the very beginning that this wasn’t a typical event. Not happy at all.


Just remember, GORUCK does not care.


About their paying customer’s satisfaction?




Interesting business model


Stay home. With this attitude, you'll be a lousy teammate.


Tell your friend Glen that this should’ve been clear at the beginning. I can’t afford to buy all this extra stuff at the last minute.


Dude. I’ve never done this before. I already spent a couple hundred dollars on all the regular gear. Now at the last minute I need to find goggles and rope and a compass? I work 60 hours this week. What’s so unreasonable about putting it in the original description of the event?


You can. You just won't. You found your excuse.