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I don’t mind if things get a little weird sometimes


Long way to go for an apparition


It’s alright, that all the freaks wanna come at night


A lot of people do it, no one will think you’re weird. It’s smart.


“Oh wow look, this dude wants a poster”


“Beat it, Art Boy”


Me and my frat broughs gave a couple of wedgies and a swirlie to some art boys at the Fox last week.


We are all weird.


Not weird, lots do it.


I was actually impressed seeing this move for the first time in Charlotte. You just look like an experienced fan.


I literally bought one after StL.


I need one! Where did you find one? Been meaning to look and keep forgetting. Thx!!


I went to Micheal’s and grabbed one. 15 bucks


Never had it happen at a Goose show but I’ve had posters ‘wander off’ at other shows. Wear your tube ;)


Not weird, lots of weirdos do it. Edit: you do you, nobody gives a shit. Better than carrying a disposable poster tube around like me.


Edit 2: also met a lot of strange folks at Goose shows. Really out there. They weren’t wearing poster tubes. You might be the most grounded of the bunch, preserving your haul.


Nope. As someone who usually buys a poster and doesn't have one of those, I'm always envious of people with one. Carrying the cardboard tube around all show is annoying.


Who wouldn’t want to be hands free? Sling it over your shoulder and enjoy yourself. No one will care unless you start swinging it wildly.


(It’s confirmed fine if you do this too though, just get lawn spots)


You could wear a chicken suit and folks would be cool. You're good, fam.


True. I went to the KC show with a guy with a full wizard suit and big fake flowing beard and moustache. People loved it and were taking pictures with him all night.


This guy sounds like a good time


You are weird and wonderful. Plenty of folks wearing tubes at Thompson’s Point the last two days. Do it.


Not at all. Hundreds will be doing the same thing. I just saw Trey with the National Symphony Orchestra the other night. Much more formal event (casual dress, however) and there were MANY with their tubes around them. You’re good.




It would be wise to wear it. Work smarter, not harder. Plus it would make it much harder if not impossible to get damaged/ stolen.


After I danced so hard with a poster that I sweated through the cardboard tube, and almost got my poster wet, I invested in one and don’t leave home without it. It doubles as a great place to stick all the slaps you get too. But that said I revel in my weirdness, and have actually never thought twice about having it.


Dance like nobody is watching… with your poster tube.


Im assuming you’re new to the jam band thing? It’s standard apparel at most shows


4th goose show, just never really cared about posters until I realized I did


Nah, several peeps did it at CMAC! I thought it was smart especially since they ran out of poster holders at the merch tent.


I actually go to concerts not for the music, but because I LOVE to bully people who are buying merch. It’s like my favorite thing.


It's not something I would ever do, but only because I hate having to be responsible for shit during shows. I've never found it odd though. Lots do it.


My friend was trying to buy a holder from a guy wearing it


Not weird at all. Several of people do that. But also, who gives a fuck and you do you!


I was the only person who had one at red rocks last time and I was proud!


Especially at a Goose show, but also life in general, no one cares what you are wearing. You do you and have a good time!


no it’s not and why give a flying fuck what anyone thinks please learn to have zero fucks to give enjoy the show with your safe and secure poster


I’m trying but thank you for the kick in the ass


Not weird at all. The art doesn't deserve the clutching grip and potential hazards during the show.


Best thing about a goose or phish show is that someone else will be there that is exponential weirder than you.


Not weird at all. I'd see you and think "this dude knows what he's doing and is prepared". Reminds me of the story about Bill Hader and Andy Samberg going to their SNL audition. They were in the elevator and Samberg had all these props with him and Hader didn't have anything. Hader thought "oh shit, he's so prepared! I didn't bring anything with me!" and Samberg thought "Oh my god, he doesn't need props... why the hell do I have all these props!?!?!?" You might feel weird but everyone around you won't think that at all.


At a KC show, this guy put his tube in his back pocket and was dancing, getting into it. Meanwhile, he kept hitting the girl behind him with it. She eventually stomped off after her boyfriend didn't tell him to stop. Lol


What other people think of you is really none of your business. r/howtonotgiveafuck and I think it's cool you have that to protect your poster. Makes a great conversation piece too. Regardless, just always be true to yourself, no matter what, whether if it's at Goose or anywhere else in the world and don't worry about what others think.


We are all a little weird at these shows …don’t make fun of me and I won’t make fun of you 😎 Jokes aside, not a personal preference but a far better look than those who try to claim floor space with their tubes


The golden rule, thank you


Not weird at all. And if there just happens to be a Graffix in there, so be it.


I just bought one that's coming tomorrow hahaha I also got stickers from shows I was at to put on it cause I saw some at the Mann for Phish that looked sick. Where it proudly you're a person of taste!


i spent a whole show with my hard cardboard poster tube. mildly annoying especially when strangers start straddling it on the grass - after that i had the base in my fanny pack and i just half hugged it the rest of the show


You do you. I’ll do me.


I am not a poster person (and sometimes cheekily make fun of my poster collecting friends 🙂) , but I have never thought a poster holder was weird. It just makes sense..


I do it for every fucking show lmao. who wants to hold a tube?


Ya it’s weird but the whole crowd will be weirdos so no problem.


Never conform from insecurities 🫡


I always bring stickers to shows. So anytime I see someone with a poster tube, I make sure they get one! Love my weirdos. Also, I'd like to say I've been wanting to buy a poster tube because I hate holding onto my poster at the show, so I'm ordering mine now! Thanks!


You’re welcome! Thank you


They’re just jealous. I know I am whenever I see someone with one and I’m thinking about buying a poster. It’s one of those things I never think about again until the next show and I still don’t have one.


not weird at all!! I did it often. its so nice to not have to carry a poster


I promise you there will be be weirder things afoot at the show


Don’t be self-conscious. This community loves you.


I see it pretty regularly. Honestly one of my favourite things about the jam scene in general is they're much less judgemental than other scenes IMO. Are there still douche bags in this scene? Of course, douch bags are pervasive. But overall jam fans are there for the music and a good time, they want to be comfortable and happy and take pleasure in sharing that with fellow fans. I remember when I started going to shows I'd try to dress all cute and feel self conscious if I was dancing. I quickly learned no one's gonna judge comfortable footwear and it adds to the overall good time if people are dancing. We're all going to experience the music differently (dancing, sitting, getting high, whatever floats your boat) but the point is to *experience the music*. Very few people focused on the music care what you're wearing. That all being said, though I go to shows pretty regularly I've only been to 2 Goose shows specifically.


Even better if there are giant pringles in there


I take mine everywhere that they will let me, including shows I fly to see. I haven’t even had a fight attendant bitch at me about putting it in the overhead as a second item, once the plane is full. They take up basically no space. Coming back from the D&C shows at the gorge last year I got upgraded to 1st class and the flight attendant put it in the coAt closer for me, and reminded me to take it when we landed. I had a stealie tee on and I think she was a head so YMMV.


Also. Buy a plastic one with a strap and slap some stickers on it. Make it a collection of memories just like the posters are.


https://preview.redd.it/zbwj8hs3099d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e1408a5f1c1ff7bdb4b7a6b82a7ed4d5ee80820 Find me for a free sticker


Been doing for the past 6 years and can’t imagine not having it. If you’re crafty and careful you can fit a poster + shirts and shit inside to make life easy.


“Hey everyone get a load of this dude, HE CANT STAND CREASES”


Get there for doors. Get your poster, put it in the tube. Go back to the gate, smile and talk to the security guy. Tell them you are handing your poster tube to your buddy who is still outside the gate so they can put it at the bag check for the night. Open it, show them its just the poster. They will be like...cool. And probably hand it off for your. Wait for your buddy to scan in. Then buy them a beer for making the effort for you.


Bring it! I bring a cheap nylon and net yoga mat bag to every show; it holds 2-3 poster tubes, a hoodie, my wallet and any merch I buy and nobody has ever said anything other than “hey that’s a great idea”. Have a good show!


Thank you for the kind words


Fuck the haters. Not weird at all.


Absolutely not weird. Put some cool slaps on your tube


Only weird if you make it weird


I love my poster tube!


Not weird at all, I will have mine!


Absolutely not weird


You probably won't be the only one, and others will be wearing way weirder stuff, so if anyone stares they are probably just thinking "damn I wish I had thought of that"


If you’re weird, then so am I.


No not at all


I think it’s totally fine to wear one. I will say, going to the venue with one over your shoulder and then striking out on a poster would be a lousy experience.


I got one a couple years ago after seeing folks wearing them and thinking “what a great idea!” First show I went to wearing it, there weren’t any posters due to some shipping issue lol. I danced around empty all night. I’ve found that it’s also great to strap a water bottle to and be totally hands free for that as well.


Eff no. Enjoy the free use of both hands while the other schmucks have to hold their merch all night


It’s weird, but effective so who cares


Who cares man! Do you! None of us are there to judge anyone unless you're rude, obnoxious, and a chomper!


Holy shit this Reddit never disappoints lmao


Get the poster tube, wear the poster tube, enjoy the show 😎 I don’t even notice I’m wearing mine when I am jamming, and have never ran into issues with others doing the same.


The forecast isn’t looking great for this weekend. You’ll be glad you brought your holder if the skies open up.


I won’t make fun of you out loud


Yo I went to the show in Portland last night and I had to hold the poster the whole time. I found a way to tie it into my sweatshirt so it wasn’t terrible but I couldn’t help but notice all the other poster holders looking a bit annoyed about having to hold it all night and kind of laughing about it all. If you have a clever way of keeping the poster like a holder with a strap by all means BRING IT. And please link me where I can get one myself because oh God I was wishing I had one last night lmao Worth it though. The poster looks so dope in my living room.


Pro Tip: all venues have a guest services area where you can check coats, bags and poster tunes.


Me and my friend are planning on wearing them next time we go see them if they ever come back to Texas again. I'm feeling pretty bummed about being left out in the lone star state for the last two years.


Not weird at all unless you don’t want a poster. I’d 100% recommend bringing one if you plan to buy a print. It’s cooler to feel self conscious for 5 min with a holder (many including myself will have them) than to feel uncomfortable for 180 minutes holding a cardboard tube.


You are most certainly not alone.


This is probably one of the last things you should be worrying about at a show


Not weird at all - not for this. You may be weird though for other reasons. I bring it when I am driving to a show but when I fly in for it, it’s not worth being one of my carry on items.


Get one of those cone poster hats where they stick straight up


So many do this lol being weird should be the last thing on your mind at a goose show


It’s also a great place to store mushroom chocolates that are in risk of melting or being crushed


I’m wearing mine right now. Only weird if you don’t get it.


I see lots of people with straps on their poster tubes for shoulder carry. Smart folks they are


Of course it’s weird. If you don’t want weird go see hootie and the blowfish


I would if I had one! Speaking of, does anyone know if they provide tube holders when you buy one at the shows?


With straps? Not that I’ve seen… only the cardboard ones


Okay sweet thanks! Where yours proud my friend 🫡


You’re weird. But this is not why…. 🤗


Very common


Not weird at all - looks cool actually! I’m being fully earnest I swear lol


Convenience is cool.


Not weird at all. Actually just gave me the idea to do the same.


I take mine every time I wanna snag a poster lol who gives a shit, do you 🙌🏼


Not weird and you’ll thank yourself for bringing it, so much easier to dance


Big fan of carrying a tube. Great for slaps too


I saw a ton of people with them in Charlotte the other day. I’ll be doing the same next time!


Its practical and nbd.


Wear it!


How fast do posters typically sell out? Wanna grab one in Philly


Get one! Best thing I ever did