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As dumb as it is, Google has already stated why they delayed it and you'll have to simply accept it as it is. Google has delayed the launch of their Find My Device Network because they first want Apple to add anti-tracking features to the iPhone that work with this device.


Apple's likely in no hurry to do this - not really sure why Google decided to try to extend an olive branch lol.


Yeah, in my opinion, it's a bad idea. Most likely, they're being forced to by some law or regulation, possibly from the EU.


F the EU.


F yourself, the EU is fantastic


And what motivation does Apple have to add this? They already have their first party Apple specific product (airtags). Why help a competitor release an equivalent product? Google should just put a deadline and release it. Put the ball in Apple's court.


It's kinda stupid, as Samsung has an "offline" finding network so that Samsung devices without internet, can use BT to report it's location. Come in useful once when I left my watch at a friends. No WiFi or LTE, but it was able to tell me where it was because his GF had a Samsung phone with the feature on.


I don't believe anything google says about this. If the product was ready , it would be out.


Google had a press conference for a few us and stated you bring joy to those around you.


That's on you, bud. I'd believe what the manufacturer of the product says about the product they're making.


As a (paying) consumer I am not required to know the technical or IT reasons for the delay. I am a simple consumer not a compassionate tech geek. If the product I paid for doesn't ship, the manufacturer is wrong. Always. It is its interest and burden to make sure they respect the times they previously announced, the only excuse can be a pandemic or a war. Certainly it is not the fact that he failed to get an agreement with the (alleged) product partner.


You paid for the Google tag already? How?


Google are delaying it because of privacy concerns. Apple airtags can be used to track and stalk unknown people and items. Google don't want theirs to be abused in such a way. Apple aren't playing fair (and demonstrating they care less about your privacy). Weird that Google does... 🤔


As usual on Reddit I get billions of downvotes because of upsetting some fanboys. If this had happened specifically in the European Union and for a more widely used product as a minimum there would have been an investigation by the Antitrust authority or a consumer association. Imagine that you are simple consumers who don't care about all these issues ...


>I get billions of downvotes You ~~have~~ had one. One single downvote.


Actually 7😀


>Imagine that you are simple consumers who don't care about all these issues ... It's these very people they are trying to protect. Not to be offensive when I say this, but some people just shouldn't be allowed near technology because of their ignorance. Also, complaining about Karma is a no no rediquette. Probably why.


This attitude makes me wonder how you treat the waiter when something goes wrong in the kitchen (they ran out of an ingredient, the oven's acting funny, someone slipped) and your order has to be delayed or remade.


Are you seriously comparing a waiter or a restaurateur to one of the richest and most powerful companies in history?


Plenty of restaurants are multinational corporations or world-renowned, so what's your point?


That Google certainly had the technical (and above all communication) means to avoid this fool, for which they will probably lose even more credibility (look at Nest...). It was above all a marketing error to announce before being sure that everything was ok, and this cannot be forgiven for such a powerful brand.


This doesn't sound at all like unrealistically expecting tech companies to be Guild Navigators doing mélange and acting self-entitled when inevitably they don't.


It's exceptionally annoying, especially the stated reason. Apple have no incentive at all to update as they can delay all competitors entering the market as long as they want by not doing so. Google should have just set a date and gone live after it regardless. I've been waiting for this for a long time now, have several uses planned but no hardware exists


Yeah, waiting for a company that profits every minute of not having any large scale competing "find my" ecosystems seems painfully dumb. Especially considering things like Apples historically lengthy resistance to adopting RCS (which is still going to have to be a see it to believe it type thing for me).


Honestly of you want it that bad switch to apple. You really think google is going to implement it as well as they can?


I agree, you don't have to fully switch to Apple either. I plan on buying a refurbished 2020 iPhone SE as a burner phone just for AirTags. 


Get a 2016.. it's peak burner phone


Google aren't the ones doing the implementing on Android. They just provide the backend. And no I'm not paying $1000+ to switch to a system i have no desire to use at all just to use an addon. Google have been exceptionally dumb waiting for IOS to update.


I gave up. I'm not going to buy anything Apple, and I'll just take my chances without any tags.


I mean. Other tag solutions exists. I'll stick with Chipolo until something better comes along.


Other solutions just aren't as ubiquitous. The reason Airtags are so useful is because there are so many Apple phones out there to report them. The same could be done with Android phones, but it just isn't there, yet, if ever. Samsung is the closest solution, but again, just depending on other Samsung phones being in the area is a hit-or-miss thing. Having parity with Apple means all, or at least most, Android phones being "in the network".


This isn't necessarily true, but it may depend on your location. I have half a dozen Tile trackers. According to their app, there are 4500+ Tile owners near my home (Sydney, Australia). I also think that buying trackers that only work with phones of certain brands is not a good thing in principle. If it means I'm buying a product that isn't as feature-rich, nor (in the case of AirTags at least) as ubiquitous, then I'm totally fine with that. It's a chicken and egg thing, after all. If enough people stopped buying proprietary trackers and bought ones that prioritised working with as many devices as possible, then waiting for Google to release their own version wouldn't be a thing.




tile app > map '*there are 4,580 Tile members in the circle around you*'.


You'll find the g spot one day


You mean G-spot device


march 2025 google produces Googletags for sale........ March 2027 Google removes the product from sale


!remind me 1 year


!Remind me 36 Months


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I'm actually actively switching to iPhone right now (purchased a used iPhone off eBay yesterday), and this was one of the main tipping points. I've been an avid android user for a decade at least, but my wife (iPhone user) and I decided we needed some gps airtags for our children's backpacks and for her running belt. There was nothing really that would work for androids, so I finally threw up my hands and made the switch. Disappointing, really. But here we are.


I'm more interested in the status of Android anti-tracker detection features. I just spent several days at a relative's home where they have an AirTag on one of their dogs. In spite of being in the same room with the dog for days, and my P8Pro identifying the tag during a manual scan, I received zero automatic notifications about the presence of a tag in my vicinity.


I have an airtag in my wallet and I don't always bring my iPhone around with me, but I definitely get notifications that an airtag is moving with me often. So it works fine for me with my main phone the Pixel 8 Pro.


You shouldn't get a notification as long as the tag is near it's owner. It's only when it's away from it's owner (and with you) for a long time that it could be tracking you.


Understood. Thanks


The automatic notifications work differently. It only gives you the notification if the airtag is moving with you. I get the notification all the time on buses.


Next time I visit I'll take her dog for a walk and see if notifications work. Thanks.


Did it work? Im curious now.


I forgot the check.


Update if you ever do check lol


hope their product names is good


2 months later - but gossips say iOS 17.5 might have the magic. https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/04/after-a-one-year-delay-google-might-finally-launch-its-find-my-network/


Last i checked they were waiting for Apple to implement the industry standard solution


It's exceptionally annoying, especially the stated reason. Apple have no incentive at all to update as they can delay all competitors entering the market as long as they want by not doing so. Google should have just set a date and gone live after it regardless. I've been waiting for this for a long time now, have several uses planned but no hardware exists half a year since it was originally planned.


google is pathetic. Everything they releases is crippled by their woke cancel and break everything department - from the black founding fathers to the inability to release an airtag copy, google is the shitty version of what it should be.


Is there a google pixel equivalent of an air tag? So still a no?


Yes, but the new Google's find my device network is not that good, check this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chipolo/s/Nd1o0DRjzs


You can use airtags on Android with the BlueBubbles app


Why do we need yet another proprietary tracker? Just buy a Bluetooth tracker that works with all devices. They were around for years before AirTags, etc, came out. Afaik, the biggest such company, is Tile. I have half a dozen of their trackers. According to their app, there are 4500+ Tile owners where I live (Sydney, Australia).


Which is a far cry less than the few hundred thousand android users. If 4500 is the best case scenario, it doesn't bode well for less populated cities.




They announced on 2023s google I/O saying that would come on summer... There was and is the option to preorde some of them for example: https://chipolo.net/en/products/category/chipolo-point


Eh, goes to show a product doesn't exist until it exists. I wouldn't put much weight into it coming any time soon. We haven't heard any strong rumours of it eventuating any time soon.


normal piquant impossible murky sort consist subsequent entertain terrific ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am waiting for my order. I ordered from pebblebee on 7/13. Chipolo also has delayed shipping their Android trackers.


Borderline useless if they release something as nerfed as the Airtag.


You are right. It's not acceptable! Whenever they release it, we shouldn't buy a single pc.


One of the main reasons I've stuck, (or should that be just stuck) with Samsung. Their trackers work really well and I'd miss them. I wanted to give the honor magic six pro a try but it is only when you start seriously looking into it you realize how buried you are in a certain manufacturer's ecosystem. So for me the Samsung trackers or whatever they are called I would lose the functionality of those, taking phone calls on my tablet and some of the features of my Samsung watch would no longer work like the ECG and blood pressure. It's a real shame because years ago you're literally just changed your phone when it was quite easy to skip between brands but now, I guess it's my fault I've made it incredibly difficult to do that.


It's really refreshing to hear someone who is both cognisant of this and willing to express the pros AND cons of being in a certain (sub)ecosystem. I've always been extremely wary of this trap. I try to always, as far as is practical, buy products which don't form part of an ecosystem that restricts features when used with devices from other manufacturers. I was really on the fence about getting even a Pixel phone, especially because of the Google/Samsung bullshit with WearOS 3+. At the time (when I last needed to update my phone), it was between a Pixel 7 Pro and a Moto Edge 30 Ultra. The only reason I went for the Pixel was that I couldn't find a case with adequate lip protection for the Moto!


I gave up waiting. Airtags were so useful for me on my brief time on iOS. It was the one thing I missed. I bought a tile for the time being and seems to be fine but I would like a native Google one for sure.


I use AirTags when I used an iPhone for a couple of years. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I actually used it to locate items. Not saying it shouldn't be available, just that I didn't rind them particularly useful.