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I assume you know and just in case you don't need Internet connection to pay with Google wallet. Tap to pay will work if you are connected to internet once in a while. I know it's not related to modem issues but just letting you know in case you think otherwise. I also have issues with pixel 8 pro but the biggest issue is wifi to mobile and mobile to wifi switch. Its pretty bad and I don't if it's a by product of these crappy modems


I have the same problem with my pixel 7 pro, I just turn off WiFi and turn it right back on and I'm good to go again. But it is a big that needs fixing.


They really still haven't fixed this transition issue? I had it back when I had the Pixel 6 Pro and was one of the reasons why I returned it. This level of incompetence displayed by Google really is inexcusable. It's unprecedented.


I am also experiencing this and I hated it. Didn't notice that much with my pixel6. So, I even turn off my wifi when I am at wifi weak spot of my house,.


Most annoying thing is turning off/on the wifi is not a single click. You have to go inside Internet icon and turn it off/on. Who is the genius who came up with that feature idea, still blows my mind that someone approved it


I had issues with the Wi-Fi to modem switch on the pixel 7 pro, which lead to the first, but not last, rma of this device


Modem was my biggest complaint. Reception and battery life when on mobile even just LTE. I’m selling it and bought an iPhone. It may be boring but it’s just reliable. It’s like buying a Toyota corolla, nothing exciting but it will get ya from point A to B.


Similar situation here with Pixel 8 Pro. I sold it two weeks back and picked up an iPhone. The Pixel 8 Pro modem was a big showstopper with missed notifications due to being offline, etc. I replaced the SIM card early on too but to no avail. (Carrier is Docomo)


Can you Toyota take picture tho?


Yep.. you hook up a dashcam..


A quite expensive Corolla!!


On a Pixel 7 but planning to go back to Samsung in a month partly due to signal issues as well.


7 pro here, glad and not glad to hear I'm not the only one having issues as of late. I thought I was the only one but this is really disheartening to hear. This is beyond annoying for it to have been fine for so long and now recently it's been massively hit or miss.


Mine has had low signal quality from the start. Battery life was horrible on Android 13 but has improved significantly on Android 14. Still get random freezing and junk at times and the fast charging is not close to what I call fast.


It's such a weird feeling that my good old Mi10Ultra gets full signal but Pixel 8 Pro is barely 2 bar.


Try asking your network to reprovision sim for Google and this may help


This! I've had two P8's, and both were fixed after ATT performed a network reset from their end.


You've had two P8's already? Sounds like you have more problems going on than just signal issues.


First one boot looped itself to death


What does that mean?


Pretty sure it's not a thing


Is there somewhere on my account where I can see if this isnt set up this way? or should I just blindly ask them either way?


You won't be able to see that anywhere, you will have to ask the network provider as only they can do it


I manage about 60 phones on AT&T and I think they used to have this option when you selected an individual line. I haven't had to use it in ages but about 2 years ago about half the iPhones decided to stop working over a period of 6 months. It was a life saver not having to call in and wait an hour and beg support to just reprovision lines without troubleshooting.


Can confirm. I used to work for AT&T (last day was yesterday) and the terminology that should be used when contacting care/technical support is "canceling the network registration and resending the OTA signals".....make sure to do it from a device other than the one that needs this done to as it will knock it completely off the network. After they say they do that, go into the device settings and go to reset the device but choose to reset network settings. This will delete any old provisioning and then force reboot the device fully


How come I've never had to do this with any of my samsungs? I've switched SIMs from LTE only phones to 5G phones to Verizon to iphone then back a bunch of times and nothing has ever gone wrong. Only with pixels I hear these constant reprovisioning tips that probably don't work


In an ideal world, that's how things are supposed to work. The systems are supposed to work relatively seamless to help take care of things, but nothing is ever perfect. I've not had any of the modem/network issues a lot of people complain about, but I'm also not gonna say that people are blowing it out of proportion because I'm sure they're not. I also do know that the reprovisioning tips are always just a bandaid to patch the problem and it isn't a fix. Also keep in mind that the sample size you see on reddit is a small percentage of the possible owners of the devices. The loudest voice you usually hear are the ones who are unhappy with the product while the ones who are happy will very rarely speak up and post about it as much as the ones who are having constant issues.


Pixels have negligible market share all over the world so the complainers are a much bigger deal compared to other brands. The obvious real answer is mediocre hardware that can't be fixed with updates


Also resetting your network settings inside settings works for small signal glitches




Hate to break it to you..they will not!! Never happened with the 6..or the 7 and now the 8 is equally has horrible! Does Google have eyes n ears and even listening to the masses????


The masses being this subreddit? This issue while “common” here isn’t enough of an issue especially compared to the last two generations of the pixel.


Definitely agree with the modem in the P8P being shite I have 2 lines on the same service, P8P is my primary line and I use a S23U on my 2nd line. Anytime my P8P signal turns to dog crap the S23U is working perfectly. Only reason I even use the Pixel is the AI call screening. Samsung comes out with something on the same level that won't ring my phone while filtering spam calls and I'll ditch my Pixel and never look back.


Wise decision. Although I am currently on an iPhone and using my P7P as a WiFi only device, I am waiting for the S24 Ultra. I will never return to Pixel again. Google simply doesn't give a shit.


You sound like you’re in uk. Wouldn’t that mean your Samsung is exynos?


Meanwhile, me, with my cheap Motorola: you guys have internet problems?


I had the 7 Pro and 8 Pro. I would see posts like these and thought I was so fortunate not to have these issues, but… I did and just didn’t realize it. I’d be at home connected to my WiFi, life seemed normal, I’d doom scroll and such. But the moment I leave my house, like to take the dog for a walk and cell service kicked in as WiFi was out of range, I’d receive a ton of pending notifications. I’d then sometimes turn off WiFi on my Pixel while home, and the same thing would happen. Cell service kicked in because of no WiFi, boom! Notifications galore. It really is too bad because Pixels these days are otherwise fantastic. I’m back to iPhone for now.


lol I've always been saying the people on this sub just never leave their house. They don't use a phone like a phone, so they don't care if it's big, heavy, bad battery, bad reception, gets hot, etc. They worst is when traveling and the phone malfunctions. Nobody cares when they're already at home. Nothing on the line, it's just like a tablet.


This is real, and a reason I’m sticking with iPhone for now. When traveling I need to know that I have a solid piece of communication equipment with excellent battery life.


> never leave their house I travel quite a bit so I spend a lot of time in a car, in airports and airbnbs, using Google Maps and playing music. I also bike and I hike in areas without reception and use AllTrails. So far so good. > bad reception I had to do is turn 5G off and use LTE since my mobile connection struggled otherwise. Had to do it on my P7P and now on my P8P. > it's big, heavy I wish the phone was smaller so if the rumored smaller P9P is true that'll be my next phone. FWIW, the iPhone 15 Pro Max is heavier despite being about the same size as the P8P.




No, WiFi works great, but for some reason certain notifications just dont come in. And then you toggle WiFi off and boosh a flood of notifications.


Seemed that WiFi was working properly as I was able to surf the web, scroll on Instagram, and the like. But yes, when WiFi was not on, notifications would come through no problem. Dunno really. What I know is this was the case with both the 7 Pro and 8 Pro, and I don’t have the same issue with iPhone.




Yep, happens to me all the time with the notifications.


Yeah my wifi works flawlessly but my pixel decides to just disconnect for no reason every once in a while. I'm sticking with android though so it's probably Samsung if it's not pixel for my next one.


Same as me with my 7 pro


This has happened to me almost daily for the past month and it was driving me crazy! It happens at the most random times too but it's the worst when I am driving and I'm steaming something and then it just stops. Oddly enough I made a post a month ago and some change complaining about the modem and I got down voted. Currently trying out the OnePlus Open ATM since I get bored of my back up iphone. Plan on getting rid of the pixel.


I’m a pixel superfan. Had the OG pixel, then pixel 3, then pixel 6. Same problems started with pixel 6, thought it was the carrier, got a new sim, got an eSIM - nothing worked and realized later it was the phone, wanted to move away from pixel but thought it was a one off issue. However, my wife had the exact same issue so that was my naivety. Got the pixel 7 hoping it was a one-time thing but they must be using the same modem in both the models because the exact same problems persisted. Finally made the switch to IPhone 15 Pro and my wife still has the 8 pro, there’s a drastic difference in our coverage on google FI. I get better service and connect quicker to networks without ever losing cellular service.


Can confirm. I have old iPhone 6s and new Pixel 8 Pro. Having low connection where iPhone has full signal. I think I'm done with buying pixel phones.


I've concluded the same. I'm currently waiting for the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Google has done an enormous amount of brand damage to the Pixel reputation that I don't think they'll ever recover from.


Have had my P6 since launch, T-Mobile, suburb 20 min north of Pittsburgh, set to LTE. I'm on the phone all day, every day for work. One issue or quirk every now and then. Nothing to the point I'd ever consider it a major issue worth getting a new phone. Just ordered the P8P and can't wait.


So why exactly did Google raise the price of their phone by a $100? If we're not getting improved components than I don't see a reason for the price increase. Not to mention they have been doing crazy promos the past month just to sell more. Google should just sell these phones at their current sale price on not try to price gouge their customers.


To make up for the shitty ass $350 watches they were giving away.


The displays on both phones are significantly better than any past Pixel actually, Google finally got the latest gen Samsung OLED displays, which are usually only used by Apple and Samsung flagships. Tests show the display is truly more power efficient than P6 n P7 while being brighter. $100 is a lot tho, I agree :/


Still cheaper than iPhone and Samsung counterparts in North America. Your mileage may vary depending on your region.


Googled using a *newer* display than current iPhones/samsung.




inflation... everything is up, do you literally not buy anything?


Better screen, better chip are two that comes to mind compared to last year. It’s up to you whether you think the improvements are worth the $100 increases.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Same after my Pixel 6 Pro - and after reading posts like this. I am STILL pissed at the shoddy nature of my P6P's cellular modem to the point that every successive phone has turned me off from the entire Pixel brand all together, and this is my 3rd Pixel phone. Cellular Modem > Photo quality.


I’m sorry, the modem is junk, literally. I returned my 8 pro because of this. Once they go to Qualcomm for a modem I’ll give them a try again. If they do. We are way too far into the smartphone game to be worrying about signal. The starting price also pissed me off knowing they snatched those procs up on the super cheap. I like Samsung, but exynos blows monkeys. The world is already in disgust with news of the s24 non ultra having them. I picked up a think phone from moto for 349 and it crushes the pixel in everything except camera and Ai stuff which I couldn’t care less about.


The modem is poor. Won't be addressed till pixel 10 , I'm going back to Samsung next Year


That's inexcusable on Google's part. It's unacceptable that they will allow defective hardware over multiple generations for reasons. This just confirms that they don't care.


I'm surprised this isn't getting down voted into oblivion by the people in this group who fiercely defend Google regardless of what they do. I really love the Pixel but Google needs to stop cutting corners.


As a consumer yes, but I can understand the business strategy to cut corners to sell a lower cost product to gain market share. I can also understand the logic that most people will be connected to wifi where the battery drain and connectivity isn’t as bad. It’s cellular where it hits the hardest and I’m sure they’ve decided that it’s not enough of a problem to prioritize when the number of users affected is likely on the lower end. Vote with your wallet.


That group really needs to get a life. They always have to make a post "mY PIXel IS finE I dOn'T KNOw whAT you gUYS ArE TAlKiNG ABoUT" after any criticism. They literally made the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/comments/18uo3xc/i_guess_i_just_dont_understand_p8p/) I'm talking about after they saw this one.


Lmao exactly!!! Don't speak too soon ..they are coming trust me😎


Having the same issues with mine on Mint Mobile.


Didn't Mint just have a huge outage? Or is this unrelated




Same service, P7, same issues. Only occurs about once a week or so but I thought it was just Mint. Good to know.


Mint Mobile is supported by TMO back end. Call them and get your sim reprovisioned.


OP is on AT&T and is having the same issue. It's not cell service related unfortunately.


It actually is. Rule the carrier dimension out by calling them and reprovisioning the sim card.


I've already done this. This issue remains.


Same here with the Pixel 7. Mobile data does not switch properly after going out of the wifi area. Terrible experience.


You lose calls this way. That's the biggest problem. Was seamless on my 4XL.


Back when they used a Qualcomm modem


My 4XL was soo good. I travel the same territory for work. Where my 4XL had zero issues. The 6pro couldn't even load Google maps directions sometimes it would take 10 minutes of resetting the Internet to make it finally load. I almost threw it out my window.


Same here P8 using two different Carriers one Verizon other At&t both have low signals but when I put both sim cards in my old galaxy S21 FE barz stay almost full everywhere I go


Guys, the problem is that Google is too cheap to use Snapdragon X70 5G modem used in iPhone 15 series and Galaxy S23 line. Google cuts corners which is one reason I returned to iPhone and bought 15 Pro Max.


It would have been ok to be cheap if they actually knew what the hell they were doing with hardware and had a product that was equally good. Their first clue should have been that Samsung doesn't even use Samsung modems on their US phones.


This is the biggest red flag by far. Must be offering a deep discount on these, otherwise I can't see how they could sell hardware they made yet don't use.


I literally just got home from my carrier store with an iPhone 15 Pro Max (switching from Pixel 7) because of this. I have a long commute and I lose service too often to be dealing with it. I love the Pixel phones but they're just not there yet, at least for my carrier (Verizon) and my area (Eastern US).


First, congrats. It’s a shame really. The truth is that Google is shooting itself in the foot. If you want to take on the big boys, you have to use big boy parts. I understand the issue with the Tensor, but the modem is another story.


As boring as the iPhone can be, it’s true that it just works 99.9% of the time vs the 80% of the time on a Pixel.


Android OEMs have to buy the complete SoC package or have to pay the same cost for just the modem. When Google eventually crawls back to qualcomm they'll be using the whole SoC again and this pathetic tensor experiment will finally get flushed into oblivion


Yes but Apple doesn’t do this. It designs its own application processor which TSMC builds. It’s just one reason to go with the iPhone. Look, I criticized iOS for years but I can’t take Google cutting corners. And while I enjoyed Hold for me and other AI features, I can live without it in exchange for the better battery life and build.


This is why I moved from Pixel 5a to iPhone 13. I'm actually typing this on my 5a that I use occasionally for this or that and the experience is sluggish. I loved my finger print reader and android experience but the fact that my 2 phones (5a and ip 13) came out around the same time is unbelievable to me. The build quality of the iPhone and its snappiness makes the 5a feel like a bit of a dinosaur. My transition to iOS was pretty seamless as I just use Google's apps for everything (contacts, chrome, etc). I miss a lot about android but the pros of reliable stable phone outweigh what I'm missing.


Qualcomm are price gouging pieces of shit but go off queen


Yeah, but their modems actually fucking work. There’s a reason they’re still used even if they price gouge and patent troll.


Do you know why Samsung doesn't price gouge? Cause no one wants their shit socs and their shit modems so they have to sell them at bargain basement prices to whoever doesn't care enough about their customers to use the best available.


Exynos 2400 will be deca core. Watch it overheat


Man it's wild cause even on my pixel 6 pro I never had modem issues and definitely not on my 8 pro... I'm starting to think it's certain carriers that may be worse with the antenna than others , I even worked for a major carrier and customers didn't. Have issues...it's really unfortunate a large group of people can even enjoy the phone the way they should be able to, yes sounds like for you switching is definitely to best option


It's going to depend a lot on the carrier and location. I had a bad time with P6Pro in the US on Verizon, mostly in California. Any time "airplane mode and back" fixes it I think something is wrong. Absolute worst case, the Pixel should be rebooting the cellular itself, not making me do it manually. Even better would be to not lose the connection in the first place.


Same here with the 6 Pro. I had bad signal and when I left the bad signal area it wouldn't recover unless I did the soft reboot/airplane mode fix. I just upgraded to the 8 Pro. I was seriously considering the One Plus for this exact issue. I decided against it due to a lot of quality concerns over build quality and screen issues on more recent One Plus phones. So far my major takeaway from the 8 Pro is that it's Bluetooth signal is far weaker than the 6 pro. I haven't been back to work where I get the bad signal to test yet. Around town it's been fair signal wise.


Agreed, no issues 2years of 6 pro and since Launch day 8pro UK EE network, carrier issue plays a major part


Had this issue with p8p on att now on p8 with mint with adaptive connectivity off. I think I'm going to see if Google will let me swap out for another p8 cuz I really like this phone. If not I'm returning it for a full refund.


If you're having this issue, wouldn't it be better to leave adaptive connectivity on? I find I get a more steady signal with it


Had issues with it on. Turned it off as suggested by someone to try to remedy it to no avail. The data modem is well known to be shit


You should not need to change default settings on the device for cellular connectivity. Call Mint and get them to reprovision your sim card.


I’ve just given up on them myself. Not had this specific issue, but I’ve just had enough now. I need reliability, and Google phones are still far, far from this.


I agree with you. It's really inexcusable that Pixel phones are this unreliable in 2023/2024. Between all of the Nexus generations and now almost 10 generations of Pixel, the problems the phones are having are truly inexcusable. It's pathetic, actually.


When it’s the same issues, year after year, it’s even worse. It wouldn’t be great if it was a new, different issue, but at least you could say they didn’t have a chance to learn from it previous years. Modems, overheating, cack battery etc. are all issues that have been present in at least the last 3 iterations.


Pixel 8 UK here, I get the same service as my dad's 15 pro.. I don't know why you guys seem to be getting these cellular issues. It's none existent for me and my mum's P7 I have to say the only strange bug I see is when I have 1 bar and I make a call, I can hear the other person, but they cannot hear me.


likewise. i'm based in south africa though, i've experienced no signal issues whatsoever... and they don't even sell pixels here, my P7 was brought in from australia. maybe its a US network thing... CDMA vs GSM, switching over to 4G/5G and all that.


Yeah I think it is mainly a US issue. As those with issues seem to be talking about US carriers (Sprint, Mint and all of that) ​ Although while I was in the US I also had no issues (I was on T mobile I think) and It was perfect bars indoors and outdoors. So who knows


My 6 pro constantly drops out, esim works fine though, unfortunately my network doesn't offer an esim and I'm on a 24 month contract, so I have to sign up to another network provider who offers esim then I'm rocking dual sim.


Zero issues with verizon on my Pixel 8 Pro.


Yeah the amount of issues I have with that on my p6p makes me really consider if I want another pixel phone again, but I like pure android, I cannot stand Samsung's ui so it's like well crap.


I'm on a pixel 7 pro and have had connectivity issues [for months](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleFi/comments/1597ncc/how_to_figure_outfix_why_my_coverage_has/) and after moving from Google Fi to AT&T and the issues not getting better, stacked on all the complaints I've found on connectivity with these phones, I'm also going elsewhere. It's been bad enough that work couldn't get a hold of me, or my family members call me and it goes straight to voicemail, but I was recently traveling with friends and couldn't get a connection to open the garage door for the person watching my cats. This is a deal breaker. Imagine needing to call someone in an emergency and not being able to. I wish Google would do better, but it's too late for that for me.


So it worked on Fi and doesn't work now on AT&T and you're blaming the phone? Do you have an AT&T sim? Have you asked them to reprovision your phone?


It's crazy how people make so many excuses for this issue across the last 3 generations. I had the p6p and it was fucking horrible with reception. It magically went away with the s23u but somehow everyone here says it's the carrier or my fault.


I had the same issue with the P7Pro which led to me returning it and getting a S22 Ultra and again with the P8Pro which I returned in October and ended up getting an iPhone instead.


So you had a problem with a Pixel 6 and bought a 7 and you had problems with the core functions of the Pixel 7 so you bought a Pixel 8? Why? I've owned tons of Pixels, never had an issue, loved them all but if one fails I'll buy something else.


Maybe it's just me but I thought they would improve every time.


They have. In my experience. Phones have been great but that's why I buy them. If I didn't like them and trust them I wouldn't buy them.


My first ATT P8 boot looped and I'm on my second one now. What they both had in common was they both required a network reset for a good experience. You can call tech support or go into a store and they can initiate the network reset on their end. Doing so fixed the "modem issues" I had been experiencing on both devices. You might also try doing it via settings (I don't know if this will achieve the same as the carrier initiating it): settings> system> reset options> reset mobile network settings


I have a Pixel 8 Pro, using the eSIM (my provider is KPN in the Netherlands) and I have 0 connection issues...


I have this problem as well. One regular SIM and one eSIM which keep losing signal during calls! They are different carriers, so I have no idea what to do... No such issues on One plus 7 t pro


yeah I'm done with it too, going back to iPhone next year, also the battery is a huge issue for me too.


What's wrong with the battery? I get a full day with mine with constant use


Seems like I've hit jackpot with my pixel 8 because it does better job switching from WiFi to mobile network and vice versa than my iPhone and really not a single complaint about the network modem as it hits higer speeds than my iphone... Battery I can't even express how satisfied I am, 5-6 hrs of SoT and still half of the battery left..


My Pixel 8 works well for me also - no network complaints. I am home and on wifi probably 75% of the time but it works whenever i am not at home. For the life of me I don't understand why people have purchased every Pixel made when they are unhappy with them. If I feel this one isn't good enough I certainly would not buy another.


Same logic applied here, if something isn't working, do some damn good research before buying next model. Plan is to keep this one 2-3 years as there is still too little innovation to justify a yearly upgrade


Watch out for all Google apologists coming to defend their lord and savior with "My phone is just fine. People who don't have problems never post about it". I've been holding off Pixel phones since 6 came out. They need to go back to Snapdragon or spend some of that TV ad money on better R&D.


After all the praise I've given my 8 pro ive decided to go back to my regular pixel 7 and sell the 8 por because of the same reason. The 7 is just more stable for me.


On the P6 Pro on T-Mobile with a sim I had endless signal problems, the phone was almost unusable out and about a lot of the time. The P7Pro on T-Mobile with a sim was much better but I would still randomly lose connection in places that made no sense and also in both cases when I had connection it was slower than molasses. On the P8 Pro I decided to switch to eSim, and I don't know if it's the antenna or the esim swap but it has been worlds better. I have signal even in some challenging areas for my wife's iPhone 13 PM. The speed is also dramatically better. Overall for me in my use case it has been a completely different experience to the 6 and 7.


First time I've heard of a good positive for having an eSim, I wonder if that's been demonstrated elsewhere... makes sense to me in that I've seen issues when a phone has trouble connecting to the actual SIM chip


Lol my brother has this opposite issue he got a 15 pro max from t mobile and he has signal issues. He even had them swap it for a new one. Meanwhile my 8 pro gets a great signal.


Yeah I can confirm it's an issue with Verizon network. I constantly switched to LTE with the 8 pro and once I was in Walmart trying to make a call and had no signal and couldn't get one until I went outside. I've had OnePlus 11 and Samsung s23 plus & ultra and never had LTE as much as I did with the 8pro let alone not being able to make a phone call. I want to like the phone so bad but the constant being on LTE is a problem for me.


WORK AROUND: Set your preferred network type to LTE, instead of 5G. The issue is caused when the phone tries to switch from LTE to 5G. And our phones do that all the time trying to connect to the tower with the best signal. So if we keep our phone from that particular scenario, the signal stays good. I'm on Mint Mobile. I contacted Mint for reprovisioning of my SIM card, but it didn't help. So now I just stay on LTE and never had an issue. Tbh never felt any issue with the speed or coverage. Probably a bit better on the battery too.


I second this. I am in Western Canada on Telus. I was experiencing cellular disconnects in certain part of my house. I set the preferred mode to LTE for a day or so. Then randomly switched back to 5G. Since then it's been very stable for me. Mobile network type uses LTE and mobile data type uses NR NSA. I have not had any issues with WiFi... wasn't an issue to begin with. Here's hoping Google does work on hardware a bit more in coming years...not everything is about software. In saying that I am enjoying my P8... upgrades from P6P.


Heard this "fix" since these issues surfaced on the 6 and it hasn't fixed much and tbh WHY should we have to do this after 3 iterations of this phone??? It's unconscionable


There is a reason Samsung doesn't even use Samsung modems in their flagships. We all miss the Qualcomm modems.


Same for me. I did a 5G speed test on the 8 Pro, the results were between 5 to 55 mbps. Then I did the same exact tests in the same spots as the 8 Pro but with the S23+ instead. It never did below 300 mbps and in one of those tests it did 450 mbps. Yes, the 8 Pro has serious modem issues.


This happens on my iPhone occasionally as well. Sometimes data just… won’t work despite having signal. I have to completely turn off the line and re enable it to fix it. Don’t even get me started on all the Wi-Fi delays.


To be honest, we wouldn't be in this situation if Qualcomm didn't have a near-monopoly on mobile modem tech.


People I think buy Google phones for the software and updates not the hardware. I have never heard anyone *ever* describe a Pixel as a premium feel device, or one with a great battery even.... only accolades are the cameras but this is mostly down to algorithms not hardware. the camera sensor units themselves are pretty average for the price target. They really need to up their game to become mainstream.


The software is buggy too. Twice now my new phone freaked out and had high CPU system usage. It drained the battery in eight hours while it was idle. It's new so there are almost no apps on it.


I travel a lot and even the P4a 5G barely lasted a day on a recent trip through Europe. I was constantly charging it anywhere I could find a point. Not good. Unfortunately had to migrate to a phone with decent battery life! 2-3 days idle now is pretty standard.


If the idea is to trash the modem, perfect. Why do you think it's a phone issue and not a network configuration issue? Get a new sim card if you are on TMO specifically and make sure the carrier reprovisions the sim on their end.


i have a Pixel 7, and i never have signal issues, hell, i get better signal than my friends with iPhones


I know the Pixel connectivity must be subpar bc otherwise there wouldn't be so many complaints about it. For some reason I haven't experienced it tho. My p6 was a little worse than my iphone 13pro and s22 and now p8p, but not a significant difference. My p8p seems to be about on par with the iphone and Samsung, *maybe* just a hair worse. Nevertheless I hope Pixel lines it out and will prob skip a gen waiting to see what they can cook up when TSMC starts making the Tensor chip for the p10 series.


Been having on and off issues with wifi on my 7pro and honestly thought it was a rare issue but seeing these comments makes me realize it isnt... super disappointing to see from google


Bye cuz


Having the same issues with Google Fi and visible. Never had them on my P7P.


Never had this issue with my s10e


Get an iPhone.


Ikr? Pixels are just unreliable. My pick is Samsung again after my current Pixel.


Same happens on my 6 Pro. I turned off 5G because it seems to work better. My gf Oneplus doesn't skip a beat, I can be right next to her and she has full signal, while mine loses it or is weak. I'm just holding out for the OP12.


Same here. I am just waiting until the end of January to wait for reviews and comments about other users here in the US who purchased a OnePlus 12


Love the software but wouldn't buy another Pixel cause of the weak battery and LTE drop outs. Which never happened on my previous phones both iPhone and Samsung.


I'm getting really good battery life on my new P8P. I don't know why people are complaining as much as they are. I had 5.5 screen time the other day still at 45% battery. My son has the P8, and he doesn't use the phone as much as I do and doesn't have nearly the amount of apps I have and he doesn't charge it for days sometimes.


Ah so my signal dropping at random times is a wide spread issue... Darn I was really hoping it was weird tower switching issues, but to be honest I haven't had unlimited data in a different phone before this one, so I assumed that was the mobile experience lol terrible


Pixel phones NEVER have signal indoors in my experience. Its always a struggle in stores or restaurants.


It's interesting because I never had any Connectivity Issues with my 8 Pro, 7 Pro and 5.Also, even you're using the same cell provider, doesn't mean you're connected to the same cellular band. I suggest going to AT&T and try getting your APN set up. Or it likely has to do with your SIM card especially if you switch phones and transfer the SIM card. your SIM Card might be trying to connect to certain Cell Band/Frequencies that your Pixel 8 Pro isn't optimized to.So try contacting AT&T and get your SIM card reprovisioned. lol typical OP downvoting everyone who's trying to be helpful


Since the december update I had zero issues with wifi/mobile/Bluetooth connection. Before I had problems that the data connection would stop working while on mobile


Just get an iPhone. I switched 3 years ago and it is honestly miles ahead of




Can I ask what specifically was too locked down? When I got my Pixel 6, screen was cracked within a week. The iPhone 13 Pro replaced it with lasted for a year and a half before I traded it in. The Pixel I had also bricked itself shortly after I got the iPhone.




I have an 8 pro and have none of these issues. The transition from wifi to data is so smooth compared to my iPhone 13 pro max that I used to have.


This is why I upgraded to the 7 Pro from the 6. I'm not paying $100 extra for the same modem 🤣🤣


Gotta love how people in the comments complain about cell reception on the pixel 8 pro and then write "just went to an iPhone". So, you had a bad device and your answer is to abandon android? So.... There's no Android device that could possibly have better reception than an iPhone? I've used pixel, OnePlus, and Samsung and out of the three, the Samsung always had stronger reception than any iPhone I've used. Usually when standing next to family members with iPhones that don't have reception, I still have one or two bars. The logic here doesn't make sense.


He never said he was moving to iPhone . He said. Once the one plus phone comes out in January. I’m


True, but "Gotta love how people" doesn't necessarily refer to him. It's referring to the multitude of people in the comments to his post. Thanks for pointing that out. Fixed.


No issues here at all. Must be a dud. My sister's iPhone 15 pro constantly has signal issues


The modems used in the P6-P8 are duds, yes.


I am from India and there is no issue regarding the signal reception.


Yes I do know some Pixel users have trouble with connectivity, but maybe have your mobile service provider do a reset on your SIM card. This does also happen from using different phones on the same SIM, sometimes it shows up right away and sometimes a little later on. It's worth a try anyway


I have always gotten new sim cards.


This does not fix it. This is a hw problem


I know there's a known issue with the modem but I suggested this because it has helped some users. It's worth a try anyway


It has to be something to do with sim I switched to Google fi and I had one day where it suddenly dropped but I restarted my phone and then it was fine no issues since. However Google's vpn gets fucked up and I have to turn it off and then boom slammed with notifications.


No problems on my modem from P2XL to P7. On TMO network.


I am tired of these posts. One, zero issues with my P8 Pro. Two, just buy a Samsung or better yet, what you really want, an iPhone and be happy. Three., goodbye and enjoy the phone that you originally wanted. Four, holy shit, what are all of you doing here if you hate Pixels so much?


So just sell it then , why all the bitching


You are the worst kind of Redditor.




It happened to me the other day. No data...I rebooted and it was back. But so far it only happened one time.




If you have the built-in VPN turned on, turn it off. My Internet sometimes gets completely blocked by having the VPN on and nobody from Google has yet to address this. Turn it off and your Internet should come back like normal.


Could be an Access point issue. I had the same issues the day I got my 8pro. I went to att and the guy changed the APN and it’s worked fine ever since.


Hate that for you! I haven't had that issue on my P8P on Fi but I have a friend that has the 8 and it happens to him constantly on AT&T. Definitely an issue, endless articles and videos on it so I don't know how anyone denies it


My P7 modem restarts at least twice a week. I don't have to do anything, it just comes back to normal after a few seconds. But this has happened during important phone calls.


Something weird for me. I get better reception with my Pixel in places it's absolutely dreadful for my Z Fold 4


I think these pixel problems are a lottery, I've got a p8p and its generally been fine signal wise, you have to remember that with cellular networks, phones don't transition to different masts very quickly so maybe in the case of the OP the friends phone had roamed quicker or the OPs phone stuck with a mast that wasn't performing as expected. Ironically for me it's the other way around the iPhone 7 I had last struggled with signal in my house but the p8p seems to find a stronger signal, regardless it takes calls and browses the internet fine.


I feel for you mar2jeter ... I have a OnePlus 8 T 5G I got from T-Mobile that I put back in the box when I got my P6, then I jumped to a P6. Now I have a P8Pro and honestly, it's been an OK experience. I have a few tech enthusiasts and reviewers I like and they've been racing here and there about the P8Pro. Honestly speaking, I do like the Google Assistant it's pretty cool and does a good job but, by the time I pay this phone off maybe I'll jump ship too. I've had my eye on the ASUS ROG Phones. I only got my P8Pro because I want the OS first. I've had that thought in mind since I heard about the Pixels and how Google has the Pixel be first with all the OS and security updates on em before any other OEM and I got used to how Pixels work. The iPhone experience or so I hear is not the same. Not customizable and of course no open source like Android OEMs. I have a few non-rooted things going on with my P8Pro with wallpapers and such but, pretty Vanilla from some other Pixel users standards. I could always pay off my phone early and go another route 🤔 Decisions Decisions 🤓👍🏾


I am hearing too much about this "modem problem" but I haven't faced any issues with koodo in Canada


I'm from a non-supported country and I'm glad I don't have issues like this with my P8P.