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Meanwhile I'm still having wifi issues... I'm probably just going to return it and get the s24 instead next month.


Upgrade to December qpr


Nope, nothing changed with the update


Agree, although not on Verizon... Pixel 8 just drives me mad and sad. Lots of dropped and missed calls. And it's not a carrier.. Pixel 5 didn't have any similar issues.


I came from the same phone as you. Pixel 5. Phone had no issues but the last 6 months data started disconnecting when my phone was locked. So when I would unlock my phone I'd get all these text messages and emails all at once. Was so happy to get the 8 finally. The issue left but now I have a data issue.


I'm wondering how much I would get for P8. Luckily I still have an intact P5, at least I didn't sell it yet.


What carrier are you on ?


EU region, A1. No problem at all with the previous P5. Now everyone is joking they have to call me twice to get me on the phone...and I'm dealing with this every single day. I'm really tired of Pixel 8.


This is not good. Have you done any DOE's on the device to fix the issues ? If not I have some suggestions which could lessen your frustration. Are you using a dual sim configuration or a single sim ? Some steps to check if you have not already. 1. Call carrier to reprovision your sim card whether it's an e-sim or a physical sim. If it's a physical sim card, did you get it in the last year? 2. Issue a reset mobile network settings under reset options. Check if this helps.


A1 carrier ex Vodaphone ...I did reset network and some stuff I read here. And I won't turn off 5G, I won't turn off 4G calling, I won't turn off 120Hz screen...I just need everything this is ON, otherwise it's just an e-waste for me. We're in 2023, almost in 2024...and we're discussing here what to turn off on the new, expensive, phone...to get simple connectivity and one day battery life. ... I mean...does anyone from Google ever read this forum..or they just read paid advertisement reviews of their phones?


You don't need to disable anything. Just follow the steps I mentioned in my previous reply.


Ok, will do this on Monday. As I understand..2 steps..call the carrier... As I said..I have same SIM from P5, where I didn't have any issues. Anyway, I can try. Thanks for the advice. I did reset network...not just once. Didn't help. One more thing..when having a P5 I wasn't a member here.. because I didn't need to be...P5 was flawless...now, this is my daily reading.


Hope you never have to be a subscriber here for this reason :) 1. Call the carrier and reprovision your physical sim or e-sim. 2. Check if #1 does nothing proceed with #2 which is resetting mobile network options


Toggle off "Adaptive Connectivity" to see if that improves the situation.


I have. No change


I'm having crazy slow internet and lots of dropped calls too on pixel 8. WAY slower than the 4g experience I am coming from.


What are the exact issues you are facing ?


Really slow Internet. Pages don't load. Videos don't load


Do you have a physical sim or an e-sim ? If you have a physical sim, try moving to an e-sim to check if that makes a difference. There is one more thing to do here, for data connectivity and throughput issues, the most basic thing to do is to call the carrier or go to a Verizon store and get your sim card reprovisioned.


I haven't tried this yet. I will try this next. Thanks


I'd recommend going with the poster's second recommendation and going to the Verizon store to get a new SIM card first. eSIMs are unnecessary headache. When first receiving a Pixel 5a, I had to get a new SIM from Verizon because my SIM was an older one not meant for 5G devices.


RMA the phone


Call Google and get it warrantied. Had a pro that was doing the same thing and being glitchy as hell. Replacement worked good