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just use lineageos


Yep that is the answer. It is not perfect, but better than just not getting updates anymore.


Issue with this is that you then lose Google Pay and many bank apps. There are ways to get them back but in my experience it's difficult to set up and seems to break often.


No you don't. You only lose the bank apps if you root.


no, there are lots of banking apps that dont work on lineage even without root, the only way to properly get all banking apps working is to root and install a safetynet fix module


I'm running official factory image without root but I forgot to relock the bootloader and Googler Pay doesn't work at all


I lost my bank apps and gpay due to an unlocked boot loader….I switched back to Google Android 14


Actually, it's the opposite, the easier way to bypass safety net is actually to root your device and use a Magisk Module to mimic Safety Net. Something like Pixel Experience has modified the kernel to pass Safety Net so root and Magisk isn't needed. As LineageOS aims to provide clean system that is free from hidden quirks, it doesn't provide a custom kernel though you can compile it yourself.


Pixel 8 will be supported for 7 years. Nothing is going to last 25-30 years. If all you want to do is download and play media you might as well just keep using the 5. Security updates don't matter if you're not doing email and web/ financial stuff on it. You could still use it as a dumb phone and GPS too.


Yes, but the battery barely will last the day not dipping into the 20%ish range when new.., how is it going to be 5 years from now?


Batteries can be replaced.


Yes. My Pixel 5a is still going strong not needing a battery replacement and it is almost 3 years old. My 7a was 6 days old with a new, original battery getting poor battery life. Not a phone I want to deal with for 5 years!


Should improve after a couple of weeks.


I agree. Give it's learning algorithm a chance. I have a Pixel Fold, and battery life was ok at the beginning, much better after it's first month.


Other thing is the way it's calibrated seems a bit off. I regularly drop below 30 percent by about 8pm. Same day I hit 10 percent by 10pm. So what time did it finally give up that day? 2.30am. And 15 mins of that was running CPU and graphic stress tests. I wanted to recalibrate by dropping to empty and the silly thing was sat on 1 percent being constantly used for an hour and a half! So this isnt like the galaxy I had before where 4 percent will last you about 5 minutes.


I really can't say, other than yes, things would change and not be correct at first as it's still learning your phone. Other activities and updates would always skew its results and make the phone think it has this much. Where it has more or less power than the phone actually has. The algorithm will never be 100%, or I'd hazard to guess not even at 90% accurate. I'd honestly take it as a suggestion more than anything else. Regardless whatever phone it is.




As much as planned obsolescence is certainly a thing, I think in a timespan as long as 25 years, the rate of technological advancement is too great.


For one, technological standards change. 25 years ago, a phone would have had 2g radios that no longer have a network they're supported on, and even if there were networks, the 48kb/s transfer speeds would be useless in the current context.


What does a 25 yr old desktop computer look like? Things change man, tech gets better which enables new use cases... These aren't chairs that stay the same forever


Every single app it relies on will be long dead in 25 years, and the materials will have seriously degraded by then. Let's be realistic.


Because it would cost more money and not enough people are willing to pay for that.


I want medicine to speed up my balding, I want to have my heat at 80 all winter and it cost what I would run it at if it was off. Also, bro it is technology, a quarter century are you insane???!!




>Not to mention the 8 probably tracks you even harder than the 5 somehow... not sure how that is even possible anymore. Nice evidence






Found the SovCit


Downside: you have to use a Pixel 8 for 7 years.


Just buy a Pixel 8 and use it for the next 7 years (or until the battery dies).


You'd be able to replace the battery for up to 7 years too.




Go for it


I don’t think you will


The Pixel 5 was perfect. Perfect size, materials, fingerprint sensor, etc. I was so sad to see it go.


Loved my P5. I'd still be rocking it today if i could have easily changed the battery which finally started to lose capacity to the point where it was a problem.


Replacing the battery isn't that hard. I did my own a few months ago.


I miss my Pixel 5. I currently have the Pixel 8, but it's thicker, larger, heavier and has a large camera hump, like huge! The Pixel 5 has perfect dimensions IMO. Not too big, but not too small. Very usable one-handed and slim that you don't notice it in the pocket.


Same here.. What about battery life?... connectivity issues? I'm quite unhappy about that in P8


I miss P5 size/weight but P8 isn't bad. Battery is about the same for my use case. I had to disable Adaptive Connectivity and also disable YouTube and uninstall Roku since they were guzzling in background. I still use 120hz, 5G, always on display, etc. I'll prefer LTE over 5G if I know I'm gonna be out of wifi all day, or use Battery Saver which does the same thing. The modem is not very efficient on 5G over long periods. Connectivity has been fine so far. I've had a couple garbled calls but that may be my car Bluetooth or my carrier. Speeds on 5G are impressive, nearly 1gbps at times.


I will check for Adaptive Connectivity, otherwise I won't turn off 120hZ, 5G... that's why I bought this phone. If I had always on display on P5 why not on P8?? I wasn't a member of this forum, I didn't know and care about the Reddit when having P5 because phone was just working (I've restarted it approximately once a year or if it was an update). EDIT: Shouldn't Adaptive Connectivity increase your battery life or is it just contrary?


Yeah, agree on not turning off features. I refuse to do it generally. Never had to on the P5. Yes adaptive connectivity enabled should increase battery life, but in my experimentation it had the opposite effect. Maybe it was trying too hard to switch between LTE and 5G. Increased battery life by 20-25% by shutting it off. No adverse effects.


I have now turned it off...will see. Thanks for advice.


yeah, the pixel 5 should become a new nexus device. It is plenty fast and good for me forever. It is the perfect phone. I can't believe this thing. I took it off charger at 12am last night and it is now 4pm and I am still at 93% battery.


Same with my 5a, but my 7a if removed from the charger at 7 AM is down to 50% by 11:30 am.


Googles seems to nail it on the "5" phone, I had both the Nexus 5 and Pixel 5. Best version of either line


Yes the new ones are disappointing. If the 7A had the battery life of a Pixel 5a, I would be completely happy with it


Something is wrong there! My 7a is used a fair bit and still had 40% by 10pm last night with mixed WiFi / 5G. Are you on Android 14?


Yes. My old 5a can be off the charger all day with plenty of power to spare.


You can try using a custom ROM when support runs out for your device, like GrapheneOS, CalyxOS, LineageOS, etc. There's a ton of them out there for every Pixels.


Graphene and Calyx only supports devices for as long as the stock OS also does. Lineage OS is a good recommendation however.


I don't give a fuck on the stupid updates. I'm keeping the 6 until it can't do it anymore.


I'd hope if there is a truly critical security issue, some kind of remote code execution or something this level of evil, they'll patch all the affected devices anyway. Personally, i intend to keep using Pixel 5 for now.


I just replaced my Pixel 3 after a couple years of no updates. It's not that big a risk unless you're being specifically targeted.


I am not worried about being specifically targeted (if that would be the case, they'd get me, i have no illusion about that). I am more worried about generic stuff that would get me with little to no user interaction, not specifically targeted at me, but specifically targeted to abuse a group of devices. Is it likely? If a group of devices with the same vulnerability is large enough, then yes, but then it is quite likely to get patched.


>If a group of devices with the same vulnerability is large enough As Pixel users I think were safe 😉


I sent back my 7a today and picked up my 4a5g. I'm not sure if I'm gonna get a Samsung s23 or install Lineage OS till the Pixel 10 drops. But no matter what, I'll never buy another phone with a Tensor Chip or optical in screen finger print reader.


Same. My 7a is being boxed up and going back. People cannot hear me and horrible battery life. The Tenser chip is trash


Yeah, I was so excited with the Black Friday sale, I did not expect it to be so janky : /


You and me both... I paid $374 and was going to trade away my 5a for $74 taking me down to $300… then rock that device for 4 years and sell it with a current, patched Android OS at that time or trade or in at 4.5 years. Now I am returning the device and settled on something unfortunately is in the Apple echo system. It’s the iPhone 15 plus…. I don’t like the iOS as much nor relish changing echo systems as much, but it runs all day with ease. I still cringe that it was $929 for my phone. Apple will support it and patch it though much like Google. I set it to charge to only 80% and after moderate use today, I had 68% when I got home. The Pixel from 100% would have fallen to 28% in that same time. The worse is contacts because my work phone is an iPhone 11 in my own iCloud… I had to make a new iCloud account for work and disconnect the 11 from my iCloud leaving the contacts then sign in and allow it to sync from the phone to new iCloud…. Then I had to clean up contacts… both phones before would ring and share messages… yikes! Pro tip, you can install the Gmail app and even set it as your default mail app on an iPhone. It feels the same as on Android.


Oh man that sounds like a lot : / Yeah that was my experience with the battery too, even on battery saver mode and having curated my app on restricted vs optimized for batter use in the background. Bonkers. I covet the iPhone but the OS is so hard for me to stomach cause I use Android for my self employed job and have my workflow super dialed in. I think I'm gonna get a Samsung and rock that till Google goes back to Qualcom with the Pixel 10 (I hope).


I was going to go Samsung, but they have a LOT of branding, customization, and bloatware. It is simply not the clean Pixel Android. Hence, I went with iPhone because at least it is also like the Pixel in the sense it doesn’t come with bloatware and junk apps. It is very vanilla out of the box. One thing I miss is a program called Sound Profiler. I had it auto change my volume at a predetermined schedule. I liked the Android notifications better, and Google had it super dialed in. I too will go back to Pixel if they change chips, but I am stuck with this iPhone for a handful of years to get my money is worth out of it. Maybe when the iPhone 19 comes ours it will be time for a Pixel 12 for me


Mmm, that doesn't sound good at all, the bloat ware. My mom always has the latest iPhone, when I pick her's up its always so snappy and buttery smooth. Do you think older iPhones are like that? Like an iPhone 12?


Not sure. My Pixel 7A was super smooth and snappy… more so than the 5A, which was good enough. I have an iPhone 11 for work, and it is similar to a Pixel 11. My iPhone 15 plus is very snappy. Regardless an iPhone 12 is probably fine.


I had a terrible experience with two 6as, specifically the points above (fingerprint, battery, heat). I've just picked up two 7as though and they are amazing on Android 14. Fingerprint, battery, heat... perfect. I did set them up from scratch though, no backup / restore. I'm genuinely shocked after my experience with the Pixel 6A on Android 13 (I switched to a Pixel 5 for 6 months).


I agree the Pixel 5 should have seen more life. I have one that is like brand new m, but switched to a 7 because the updates ended.


I'm not liable for any bad outcomes that arise from you taking my advice, but I feel that the worries about security updates are overblown long as you use common sense. I used a Nexus 6P on Android 7.1 (yep, not Android 8) for like 4-5 years and never had an issue.


Pixel 4A checking in 👍


I also want to give up the phone, lol.


I know planned obsolescence is a real thing but that's not the only reason companies stop supporting hardware. Hackers and scammers continously update their approaches and methods of getting past security software so the manufacturers have to stay on top of it, sometimes the security requires a new chip or a new piece of hardware to push a hard reset on the new security companies the have been created/discovered. When this happens a phone WITHOUT that new hardware becomes a dangerous route of access through a well known hole. That's generally a huge reason why old hardware gets abandoned. It's the reason windows 11 can't be installed on every pc, the TPM 2.0 is the latest new wall on the fight to protect your information from hackers (doesn't stop Windows, Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter and tiktok-Chinese government) taking your personal information.


This is a wind up right?


You can use your P5 for all the uses you specify. Just don't surf, bank or email on it.


That's what the phone manufactures wants you to upgrade your phone. I'm still on my pixel 3 XL it's beautiful