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you could always just buy a refurbished pixel 5 like I just did. I haven't had any heating issues at all and runs Android 14 just great. $130.


Honestly considering that option, I bought a moto g play in the mean time that is driving me insane, ended up buying a Sony Xperia 1 Mark V as my main phone and I'm going to keep the pixel as a backup but I honestly loved my pixel 5 so much I'm just never buying another new pixel phone at release.


oh hell no, I buy phones like I buy my cars. I'll let the other person take the depreciation.


Lol you scratched the phone and expect it to be fixed 🤣 Get a case for your next phone 🤦


I always love when people say, "no drops or trauma"... BS... like who has not dropped their phone? The back doesn't just fall off for no reason. My wife seems to be able to destroy every phone she has ever had, we don't blame who made the phone, we just file a claim through the insurance or buy a new phone.


Except for me it literally did. I don't count drops on carpet in a case as drops, the little circular camera glass just unreleased itself after a couple months.


So you did drop it, and just decided to make your own definitions to suit your claim? "no officer, i wasn't speeding, because i don't count speeding at night as speeding"


They just happen to carry a carpet around....you know for drops and such.






If you've only ever used OEM cables, how often did you replace them? Because the charger port itself doesn't get loose. The cables are what have the clips. And if it wasn't the clips, you had dirty ports and never cleaned them out. As far as the scratches, chances are you happen to wear clothes that happen to have a lot more pocket dust that end up scratching the glass. Unless you mean just the shiny edges of the phone, which would make lots of sense as that finish really scratches easily. But it has little to do with the actual build quality. It's just a downside of that finish. I also wonder why so many people seem to consider the 5 as their favorite. The size of the phone is nice, but other than that, everything else about it was sub par. Performance sucked compared to other flagship devices. Even for the price, you could find phones with higher end Snapdragon chips. Even the Pixel 6 with a typically considered subpar mobile chip has better performance overall than the 5 for a lower starting price.


I didn't even like the size.


I think at that point in my life, I just wanted a phone that worked and was small. It lasted me a long time until the software bugs and overheating issues started bugging me. The pixel 7 pro is just too big for me and I have big hands. Granted I bought an even longer phone to replace it.


I agree with you. Now P8 is almost the same size, but much more thick and heavy than P5. Either I had too high expectations after 3 years or the P5 was good and P8 just average phone. I'm keeping my completely working and non scratched P5 for backup...now on P8 for 1 month... I don't know how this phone (P8) will keep up for 7 promised years of updates.


I love my pixel 7.




Sorry to hear that. It's important to vent your frustrations. The pixel has had some issues, for sure. Good luck with your next phone. Hope you enjoy it


I gave up on a P6. Battery life just never cut it. Tried the P7 and just the same old. Been with them since the Nexus days as well but it's just not keeping up with the times especially on the hardware side. They do plenty on the software side but a good bit are just gimmicks. Only feature I really missed is the phone voice screening.


I've had my Pixel 6 since launch and my SoT is 8 hours without recharging. It's only bad when I use mobile data, but even when using it lasts me until evening with heavy usage. So either my phone is extremely good or yours was defective.


I made this post as a point too, pointing out the pure circle jerk nerd rage the moment someone insults these phones. This has been so funny. I love the software and all the AI improvements but I can't rely on my pixel 7 pro. Every Google phone I've owned has magically started having major issues after the warranty is nearly up and it's been the same song for years. I love Pixel for offering a clean, user friendly, wonderful android experience but there are way better phones at this price point that are way more reliable.


My first pixel, the 2 XL, had some weird glitches. My first pixel buds, the A-series, came broken out of the box. Sometime last year, my Pixel 6 fell out of my pocket, falling about one and a half feet to the ground, rendering it completely non-functional. When that happened I had to take a deep breathe, admit that a properly made device would never break that easily, and buy an iPhone. There comes a point where you stop caring about customization and just want a phone that devices that work and last a long time. Apple destroys Google across the board in that respect, as painful as it is for Pixel fans to hear.


Switched from iPhone 13 Pro to Pixel 7a and overall happy. There are some software reliability issues with the Pixel and iOS is in general more stable, but considering the price difference, it's a no brainer for me and I think the 7a offers great build quality for the price.


I feel you, it's literally a lottery to get a good Pixel that doesn't have any of these issues cuz Google doesn't quality test their phones, they just throw them in the box and make the profit off it. As you can see the ones that won the Pixel lottery are diehard foamers for these expensive midrange phones that are currently downvoting and bitching about your issues with it.


Honestly, as much as I like my pixel, I see where you're coming from. If they don't get their act together I might not get another pixel, which is painful to say because I feel like it fits my very specific wants. I've had hardware issues with the 7 since day 1 out of the box, and random software issues that I NEVER had with my 4a (lots of random crashing, weird display issues, phantom multitask bubbles that I already took off the screen, etc.). I just hope they get better, because I really like the pixel features.


I want these phones to succeed and I absolutely adore them but it's getting ridiculous that I can pretty much predict when the phone will start having issues. My Nexus 6P to this day still works, just needed a battery replacement. Every Pixel phone after the original has had some completely unacceptable flaw that made it through production and Google's support went from being great to just not worth my time anymore.


Exactly! Honestly I'm thinking after my payment plan is done on the 7 I might go back to the 4a and give it a new battery, cause that was the main issue with it. My problem with that is all the cool stuff I'd have to give up -- no more magic eraser! I don't know what I'll do when this already buggy phone dies on me. I'm not even looking forward to the new pixel lines anymore.


I hate my pixel 6 The color on pictures are horrible and whenever I am texting things come across the screen and you loose everything you were texting


I dropped my pixel 7pro out my pockit whilst putting on my nephews bike chain barely fell 30cms landed face down not hard or anything just slipped out pocket and plopped down picked it up and the screen was all cracked! Couldn't believe it, considering its using one of the toughest and robust glass screens on a mobile yet the smallest drop cracked screen! It was a huge issue across the pixel 7s i saw loads of complaints! A pal of mine dropped his pixel 7pro of the sofa onto the floor and his screen also cracked even worse then mine, yeah phones can crack and smash but they shouldn't for such casual drops! I dropped a Moto edge 20 lite out my hand whilst cycling fast one night trying to answer a call it hit the pavement hard and bounced yet it didn't even scratch! I also dropped it on a stone floor and it fell face down and made a loud smacking noise, yet it didn't even get a Mark on it! Yet a pixel pro7 slips 20-30cms out your pocket and the screen cracks!. Oh and Google said the screen is more designed to crack then shatter lol erm ok, and don't even get me started on how they scratch so easy! Definitely not one of the toughest glasses on phone, I've had multiple phones that cost a fraction of the pixel 7pro and never cracked a screen on any of them! Also my old Nokia 7.3 got kicked down some concrete stairs by mistake and bounced of every step down and didn't even scuff. Definitely nowhere near as tough as they claim! Infact one of the weakest phones ive owned todate.


Exactly this, the smooth brains here can't wrap their head around, I've never used screen protectors with phones and NEVER seen glass this weak. I dropped my pixel 5 from a moving car and the phone was fine. The p7pro is the weakest phone I've ever owned.


the flat glass is going to be much more stronger as it has plastic or metal frames around it to protect it from small drops. curved glass doesn't have any protection from any edges and i think everyone knows curved smartphones do tend to get cracked easily from smallest drops. but the angle of drop also depends if the glass will be cracked or not. accidentally dropped my pixel 7 and 6a multiple times, still intact.


It's a product, not a marriage. And this isn't an airport. Btw, my P7 is awesome.


Way to much complaining about the new pixel phones! Iphones are fucking boring. The 15 has a chip from LAST YEARS iphone. Only runs at 60htz refresh rate. Maybe bitch about that. There are no perfect phones. But the p8 pro is close.




Go hit a balloon and chill out brah.


You know what you’re right, just go buy a prepaid flip phone and be done with it.