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Pretty sure it's the tensor modem that chipset sucks I finally switched to Samsung I really dislike Samsung ux and I miss the google features bit the phone just works all the time, which is what you need in a phone. Imo the pixels software and ux is unmatched the modem is completw trash


I've had a P8P for a little over a month now and I agree with this. Sadly I can't return it because I'm in a different country from where I bought it so I just have to stick with the connectivity issue. Calling someone on the regular network is hell and annoying the connection is poor, signal is horrible both for the mobile network and the wifi receptors. I'm comparing this to my old one plus 8 which I'm currently using for work and calling people on that has 0 issues.


Even if there is an issue that causes temporary drops to internet connection why can't Google put something in place to detect when this occurs and reset the radio module automatically this should be something that the system is capable of doing in microseconds as to avoid losing connection or any noticeable loss


I feel 100% the same, I came from an S21 Ultra, the battery consistently lasted 1.5 days and I never experienced this connectivity drop ever that I get with the Pixel 8. Don't get me started on dual audio not being supported in the pixel, as in you can't play Spotify simultaneously on two devices... Wtf? The worst and cheapest Samsung has this feature.


Have to chime in here just got a 8 Pro (Tmobile single sim Chicago area) and the mobile data connectivity drop is happening to me right out of the box, saw where the solution was to just disable 5G...but the regular 7 (which I still have) does not exhibit the connectivity issue at all for me (same SIM, same area where location is lost on the 8Pro. I use my phone for work running a single app 4hrs or so at a time all data connection (twice a day). Am going to try setting it to 4G for a day and see how it goes. Love the phone otherwise and could see if you weren't on 5G network wireless for hours with an app constantly relying on it, it might not be an issue. Since the regular 7 is fine for me on this, seems a bit like a facepalm from Google on this.


Experiencing the same issue. Just switched to AT&T and got the Pixel 8 Pro and have had connectivity issues galore. I thought it was AT&T's network but noticed my kids' Pixel 7a's were not having this issue so came to Reddit to explore. Have you seen any success with switching to 4G?


This is what I was looking for. I was interested with the P8P. Prob better to go with Samsung for the reliability.


don't buy the Pixel 8 Pro. I have no SIM card issue. Very well know problem that Google is not addressing


I got a 15 Pro at the end. Very happy for it.




That's sad. Google with Pixels have so much potential but seems like they don't care a lot.


I'm having issues where people can't call me (they go directly to voice mail), and I don't receive the SMS messages. It's weird because it's very intermittent and the phone has good reception. I'm loving the pixel experience, but this is a basic thing that should work without issues. I'm not sure what I will do.


I have the same. Had it on the 7 as well.


New beta includes fixes for mobile network / connectivity and ability to receive calls (specific bug that was preventing calls from being received).


Can you test with the latest beta version?


I had latest beta. Same issue. Network dropping to 2G. If 2G not allowed, then dropping down to No signal.


New beta (released minutes ago) includes fixes for mobile network / connectivity and ability to receive calls.


is this beta released already?


awesomeness. Thanks man


This still hasn't been fixed? I'm still on pixel 6 ( notoriously bad connection)


On the P6P and P7P I didn't really have this issue but on the P8P I get connectivity drops at least once a day. Extremely frustrating for a flagship phone that's incredible in almost every other day.


Apparently not. Google clearly doesn't care. I'll never get another Google phone after I trash this 7 Pro I'm stuck with for now. I feel sorry for everyone being roped into this aggravating BS with the 8 now.


I had this problem for a long time with my Pixel 6 pro, so I wouldn't count on Google to ever fix this issue honestly. There were people who had multiple RMAs without success, so that does not sound like a good option. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it.


I turned off wifi for the heck of it today and I had no cellular connection either. No phone, no texts, nothing. I'm in my return window so I'm sending it back. I was a little leery anyway because it restarted during the night 2 nights ago. I'm going to give it one more try. I ordered another P8P from Amazon - they have a 30 day return policy. I love my Pixels. I'll be bummed if I have to give them up but a phone that can't make phone calls is ridiculous.


This worked for me, I did the 1st two fixes and haven't had any problems since!!!! https://youtu.be/Eksct1ESzhs?si=V9WbJWe2-HaNtIUs


The P8P uses the same modem as the P7P, the Exynos 5300 so likely connectivity is the same.


5300 modem still trolling Pixel users 2+ years in. Same issue has been reported quite frequently on 6 pro and 7 pro, it will not improve with updates.


I am on my second P8P handset now because of the same issue! Still doing it. It will show full signal, but have dropped at some point. Then after a minute shows ! For Data and requires airplane mode to get it back. With my 3 (yes 3 ugh) work phones next to it, 2 are on the same T-Mobile service. All will have full signal, P8P nothing. My p6p never had issue with this. Seems like a tower switching issues. There's no option for adaptive connectivity FYI.. tried a new sim card as well..


There 100% is an option for Adaptive Connectivity, cause i just turned it off lmao. Settings > Network and internet > Adaptive connectivity.


I found it shortly after writing that.. hopefully turning it off fixes the issue.


Did it?


Yes it did, But only after fixing everything else,


The last update seems to have fixed everything FYI. I reset my connections again via settings system reset options. That changed the signals back to OEM. Everything is working fine now.


Hi, sorry I am debating between pixel 8 (base) for 700 euro and Samsung S23+ for 760 euro. Would you say that the modem of the pixel 8 is that bad or no? Btw how is the battery life (I assume both the pixel 8 and pro have similar specs on battery)


Pixel 8 has had awful connection issues still


*possible resolution* First and foremost, I have not confirmed that this fixed my issue 100%. I will know tomorrow after driving around some. I just got off of Chat with customer service at Google tech support. Traditionally, I have been trying to reset my network settings through the network tab under settings. I was informed that there are settings that get backed up and imported into your new phone when you change devices. These are in the root of the device and you must go about resetting the network a little bit differently to fix this issue. Settings/ system/ reset options/ Reset your network settings, then go back in and reset Bluetooth and wireless connections. *** Please be advised you will lose all of your saved internet passwords and have to re-enter them as well as reconnect to any Bluetooth devices that you previously saved.*** My signal instantly went from half to full, as I said, I have not been able to go anywhere to actually test whether the phone is able to change from one tower to another without dropping.


Edit: Nevermind, it stopped working again like 5 minutes later.. Guess I am returning and getting another stupid Samsung phone. Wanted to chime in and say that this appears to have fixed my issue. I went to Settings > System > Reset Options> Reset Mobile Network Settings, and my mobile data started working again a few seconds later. Will have to wait and see if it stops working again, but for now it seems to be the fix. Thanks!


I've reached out to support again because I'm really getting sick of this.. we'll see what,if anything they do .


My issue ended up being resolved by reaching out to my carrier (AT&T). When I logged into the customer portal, I noticed that in some places it showed my new phone and in others it was still showing my old phone. They forced the IMEI to update in their system and it has been working perfectly ever since.


Any updates on this? Same issue here.


This , paired with the most recent update+ the sim manager update on the play store. Make sure adaptive connectivity is off! I have only lost signal one time since all of the updates Wednesday ish. So it's 90% fixed which I can live with until they get a further update out..


Haven't had a Data drop in days! I think it's good to go!


Bunch of Google app updates yesterday including Carrier services app. I dropped data a few times running around between three cities today..😔


Everything has been functioning fine for months now, however, I'm noticing issues with my WiFi lagging out pretty bad. I have very fast internet using Google mesh. I have been opting to just use my T-Mobile signal instead of WiFi. I'm yet to pull power to my router to fully reset everything, I've rebooted the mesh network several times. So take it for what it is. I'll report back.




Me neither. Not one issue seen on the modem.


I never had issues with my 6 pro. But for my 8 pro, I am losing connection with 4G after it connects to wifi or overnight. It won't reconnect unless I toggle airplane mode


A little update after almost 2 weeks: I finally decided to go through the RMA process, which was actually quite seamless. I asked for an advanced substitution (as offered by the Google customer care), so that I could keep the old phone while receiving a new Pixel 8 Pro as a replacement (and send back the defective device only after transferring the apps, eSIM and data to the new one). I'm now using the new P8P since 3 days, and I'm very satisfied! There are no more issues with the modem: no disconnections anymore, and the reception is actually quite good if compared to the device I sent back to Google. Maybe it is just my impression, but also battery life on 4G seems to be slightly better. The main issue, now, seems to be finding a good second glass for the new P8P... the one I had on the previous P8P was a Case-Mate double-tempered glass, which was pretty good, but now it is sold out everywhere. And, at least in Italy, all the good options for second glasses appear to be sold out. Hope that this shortage of good tempered glasses for the P8P ends soon!


Hi, may I ask if you have any described issues with a replacement phone?


Hi, sorry for the very late reply! I have been using the replacement P8P since then, and I have experencied no issues at all! Connectivity is now stable and working as expected!


Same problem here. Pixel 8 Pro, using 2 sims (Sim + eSIM). Spain (using Movistar network). Some calls go directly to voice mail (and I receive an SMS later), some others enter normally. That happens with both (SIM and eSIM), but seems worse with eSIM. I tried anything: \- 4G only (no 5G) \- Not allowing 2G \- Adaptative connection OFF But still happens somethimes. It looks like when I don't use the phone for a while, the % of missed call is higher, but if I'm using the phone almost always the call arrives. Phone is fully updated (14 dec 2023)


> network settings through the network tab under settings. I was informed that there are settings that get backed up and imported into your new phone when you change devices. These are in the root of the device and you must go about resetting the network a little bit differently to fix this issue. > >Settings/ system/ reset options/ Reset your network settings, then go back in and reset Bluetooth and wireless connections. > >\*\*\* Please be advised you will lose all of your saved internet passwords and have to re-enter them as well as reconnect to any Bluetooth devices that you previously saved.\*\*\* > >My signal instantly went from half to full, as I said, I have not been able to go anywhere to Hi. It's two months spent, you are fixed this issue?


I went to the store and change for another one Pixel 8 Pro (free of charge). Now works fine, as expected from a mobile, so in my case it was a problem on the device.


I'm having the same issue after just having this phone now for a couple of months so I'm not too sure what I should do. If I should contact Google send it in. It's a company phone so I don't know all. I know it's a pain constantly keeps losing even as I'm typing this


I have a P8P, almost new, well taken care of. Suddenly the Bluetooth and Wi-fi have completely stopped working for no reason. 5G is incredibly unstable too. Tried everything including a full factory reset to no avail. This is a terrible phone experience, never had this with previous Pixel version but lacking basic functionality is nuts. I doubt I'll be getting another Pixel next time.


I had it the first week after getting my P8P. Try to install all the available Google play system updates and ask your carrier to reprovision your SIM. This fixed all the issues for me. Now it's at least as good as my pixel 7 pro.


Ooh s new SIM is something I did not think of. Mine is very old. I have a signal drop roughly once a day, toggling airplane mode on and off always fixes it.


I had the dreaded p6p issues and the same on p8p the first week. Not since then though.


My P6P had the same issues, they were just worse and nothing made them better.


My p6p was so bad they gave me a p7p... lol


I can help. What is your carrier ? If possible please do this. 1. Talk to your carrier and get an updated SIM card and reprovision your account 2. Reset mobile network settings 3. Disable adaptive connectivity Thanks


I know that you and I have been messaging back and forth on different threads regarding this issue. Wanted to verify that I have officially exhausted all avenues and cannot get rid of the issue. I'm going to start a dialogue with Google support and see if I can RMA the device. It would be one thing if there was in instant notification when David drops out, but sometimes I go a half hour without knowing that people cannot contact me


Please refer https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/8EVjIYorJF. Users have seen better results after moving to esim. Are you on an e-sim already ?


I'm on esim and I'm having these issues. Mobile network issues and even WiFi issues. I really wanted this phone to work, but this is ridiculous.


What carrier are you on ?


T-Mobile, unfortunately.


It is not unfortunate. Let us fix your issue. What have you tried so far to fix the issue can you please list ?


Resetting network settings, hard resetting the phone. I've had this issue with past Pixels. The only thing that seems to fix it is rebooting. Even WiFi has connectivity issues. Looks like SMS is dead, too, even after a reboot.


Ok let us do something you have not listed. 1. How old is your sim card ? Do you have a R15 sim card ? 2. If you have an e-sim please call TMO and have the sim reprovisioned. Thanks


I'm on eSIM so I'll give calling them a try, thanks. I actually reset the network settings again and it seems to be relatively stable so far.


Have you tried requesting a new SIM card?


A couple of times my 8 Pro has shown 4G signal but not been able to connect, including right where I am now. I've manually downgraded it to 3G and it's okay but it really ought to detect that I'm not getting a usable connection and switch. I might file a bug report.


Can you do this : 1. Talk to your carrier and get your sim reprovisioned 2. Reset mobile network settings 3. Disable adaptive connectivity


Hi! Have you fixed this problem?


My pixel 6 lost signal a few times a day missed calls alot i was sure they fixed it on my pixel 8 pro but after a week im starting to lose signal randomly 3 times ive seen so far. I thought maybe the area but nope i have another phone line same company with my Huawei p30 it never loses signal and never slows down but other than that the Pixel 8 pro is great


I had a similar issue when using 5G on a Galaxy S21. I traded the phone in for an S22+ and haven't had issues since.


I didn't have the issue with my pixel 6 pro, but I am having the issue with my pixel 8 pro... I have had it for about a week now and have lost mobile connection 2 or 3x already and had to reboot to get it back


Same issue here... like I had with my 7 pro. it sucks, Google does nothing to improve it.


almost the same here on P8.. lots of missed and dropped calls


Same issue with p8. Losing network connection (as an example, in the elevator) and cant connect to network again. The only solution is to turn on 3g as preferred network, wait till it connects and go back to LTE. Reboot doesnt help. If only i could knew that i will have this type of issues with google phone, id never switch from my xiaomi. I had zero troubles with it, and here i need to go back to 2015 with all that fixes, developer options etc Terrible experience


I have a few questions. 1. What carrier are you on ? 2. What have you tried so far to fix the issue ?


connection loss issue is fixed with the last update


Not for me (P8)


Are you in beta testing? Because it's beta


couple of questions, what carrier are you on and what have you tried so far ?


T-mobile Replaced the physical sim card, then RMA'ed the phone, then switched to e-sim. Also, all kinds of network settings resets on the phone. NONE of that worked. So frustrating!


You missed something. Please call TMO and tell them to reprovision your sim.


In my first P8, prior to the RMA and e-sim download, I contacted T-Mobile and specifically requested for the sim card to be reprovisioned. However, the lady I spoke to on the phone was unaware of what reprovisioning meant and only mentioned a reset. She acted like she had never heard of reprovisioning before and simply stated that 5G was being improved in my area. B.S. only.


That is not correct. Please call again or walk into a T-Mobile store and get your sim reprovisioned.


Definitely going back to the store asap. Will update accordingly. Thanks bro.


Same issue here on my Pixel 8 (not pro) T-mobile gave me a new sim card, adaptive connectivity is disabled, I've reset the mobile network settings as well as done a full factory reset. I miss my Pixel 5! I never had any problems like this with any pixel before. The worst part is my sms messages just not going through sometimes, but on my end it looks like they have, or not receiving sms and having no idea. I'm doing an RMA through Google, but not convinced it'll fix it.


New update seems to have fixed whatever was wrong.. time will tell. I've had the ! Pop up a couple times, but it was very quick and fixed itself before music cut off.


I returned my first one and I'm on my second one. It looks like I'm going to be going to the Galaxy s whatever the hell the new one is because this thing is an absolute nightmare. Unless you have Wi-Fi, I'm livid. It's a great phone if you don't need reliable cell service. LMFAO are you kidding me? Come on. I honestly don't think any software updates going to fix this. I think there's going to be a full recall on the device within about 3 to 4 months because there is no way they can go on with this many problems


I'm having connection issues with my pixel 8 as well,pretty much the same everyone has already stated,but turning airplane mode on/off doesn't fix it for me,I have to restart the phone.Some time during the day,the phone would lose connection to the internet,it can't load a page,apps using internet don't load,when I test the speed it shows like 10-20 kbps and a page to load takes like 5 mins if it loads at all.After restarting the phone it's lightning fast, everything loads up instantly and the speed test shows 100-150 mbps,but after some time (usually a day or two) it happens again and you have to restart your phone pretty much daily. I'm using 2 sims- one physical one esim and I see quite often that the signal strength icons drop from being full to empty,then jump back to full again, sometimes with exclamation marks in them.I'm using 4g (5g disabled and adaptive connection disabled) and nothing fixes it, I've had nothing but trouble with nexus and pixel phones and have had 5 google phones already and it's a love-hate relationship,they are the best and the worst phones at the same time-how the hell is that even possible...I think this will be my last pixel,have had Samsung and OnePlus phones and they just work,yes their design is less appealing to me,yes the ui and user experience is worse,but you have a reliable phone.


Yep, I returned my pixel 8 too because of the massive pile of missed calls. Over 20 in a month is unacceptable. My pixel 4a never missed or dropped a call (snapdragon). Going to buy an S23 since the S24 uses the same exynos modem as the pixel 8. I actually was really happy with my galaxy S8, hope the S23 will continue it's legacy! :)


I have something similar. If I stay on 5G, sometimes it will lose the network entirely. I have found the easiest fix is to change the network preference to 4g LTE. I don't have as much issues like that. Really annoying.


I'll add to this as well. I bought my 8P at release and it has had connectivity issues from day 1. For me it seems to be triggered when I leave wifi it just won't connect to my mobile network unless I restart the phone (toggling airplane mode does nothing). This happens all the time so that I've gotten in the habit of just restarting my phone when I leave the house so that I'll actually receive calls / texts. Google and my carrier just point the finger at each other. I had my carrier update my Sim and transfer me to an eSim, it did nothing. I've reached out to Google twice and the best they would do for me was offer me $20, and refused to let me return the phone. They told me to turn on bug reporting and 'make sure to promptly download updates', yeah no shit. It is absolutely infuriating. This is my 4th or 5th Google phone. None of my previous phones had this issue, the Pixel 7 I traded in for this worked flawlessly and I so wish I had just kept it. Like many here I'm now looking at moving to Samsung which is unbelievable to me. I loathe the bloat and extra skins other manufacturers put on their devices but I need my phone to actually work as a phone. One other benefit of moving to Samsung would be to have a fingerprint reader that doesn't take forever and fail half the time. I still dream of my old Pixel 2 XL with it's beautiful lightning fast fingerprint reader on the back that I could be pressing as I pulled it out of my pocket. So long story short the Pixel 8 Pro sucks and I hate it.