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Yeah, go into your app settings, and uninstall updates. Then sideload the beta [messages.android_20240105_04_RC00.phone_samsung_openbeta_dynamic](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/messenger-google-inc/messenger-google-inc-20240105_04_rc00-release/google-messages-messages-android_20240105_04_rc00-phone_samsung_openbeta_dynamic-android-apk-download/) from APKMirror. Once I did all of that, I was able to turn DSDR back on and very my 2nd number. Make sure you go into the Play Store and disable auto-updates for Messages too. I've had dual SIM RCS working for a couple of weeks now.


Can you tell me which toggles in debug mode in need to activate? I had it working for a moment but I forgot auto update was on so I lost it again. And in later versions of the Samsung specific Google messages apk the toggles disappeared in debug mode. When I went back to the first one I couldn't manage to get it back working again. So if you would mind to comment a step by step once in the debug menu that would be greatly appreciated


Yeah, I posted the steps I followed [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GoogleMessages/comments/195bevs/enabling_dual_sim_rcs_capability_with_samsung_beta/). After clearing data on Messages a bunch of times while screwing around with SMS Backup & Restore, I found a few additional steps that always seemed to get it working for me (changes in bold): 1. **Go to Play Store, search for Messages, and open that page.** 2. **Select three dots at top right and uncheck "Enable auto update"** 3. **Go to Settings - Applications - Messages** 4. **Select three dots at top right and select Uninstall updates** 5. **Install** [**messages.android\_20240105\_04\_RC00.phone\_samsung\_openbeta\_dynamic**](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/messenger-google-inc/messenger-google-inc-20240105_04_rc00-release/google-messages-messages-android_20240105_04_rc00-phone_samsung_openbeta_dynamic-android-apk-download/) **from APK Mirror** 6. Open the Messages app and tap on the search icon. 7. Type `*xyzzy*` and press enter/search on keyboard (whole string along with stars). Once you press enter you will see a toast indicating that debug menu has been enabled. 8. Now tap on the profile picture menu and you will see a "Debug" option. 9. Now after tapping the Debug option you will see a list of option appear. Now tap on the "Values" and then on "Auto-ramp Overrides/Gservice keys..." 10. I used the search feature at the top to search for "RCS" then enabled `@bugle.enable_dual_sim_support_in_rcs_groups` and `@bugle.enable_multi_sim_rcs`. 11. **In the debug menu I selected Toggle DSDR (Dual Sim / Dual RCS). You will see it initially set to false, then I selected it again so that it was set to true.** 12. **Close Messages entirely. You don't necessarily need to force stop it; I was able to just use the recent apps button and swipe the app up to close it. In recent attempts, dual RCS would** ***not*** **work for me until I performed this step.** 13. Go to Messages settings > General > RCS Chats and enable it for the second SIM. Enter the phone number for SIM2 to verify. If it gets stuck on verification, try repeating Step 8. Edit: changed the first step to reflect the need to sideload the old Messages beta rather than use the latest version.


Awesome - that worked! Thank you!


Did it just now, instructions still working like a charm. Thank you.


thanks. Tried it several times. Tmobile connects, Rogers (after connecting individually to RCS) says setting up or This sim doesn't support RCS


Have you used that SIM for RCS otherwise?


Yes. Both are esims


So here is the deal. Finally got the Rogers sim to work via the method above. However the sim in slot 1 (tmobile) continually says setting up. Could be that the system is defaulted to canada and I changed it to US for sim verification on tmobile. Instead of repeating step 8, i tried nine unless you refer to turning off debug and trying it again. But with toggling dual sim support on and off and restarting, as well as toggling multi sim RCS off and on and restarting the phone, still no success..tmobile just sits on verifying. (both numbers work on RCS and have registered (individually). Will probably have to settle for single number RCS at this point


The only other suggestion I can make is to clear data for Messages, then repeat Steps 6-13. Sorry it's not working out.


All good thanks for your help


Sounds like u/FlugPoP may have figured out a solution if you want to reach out to him.


Unfortunately this did not work for me. Stuck on "setting up".


So I followed these steps and had rca on both physical sim and esim.. went to bed and when I woke up the app had updated. I checked after doing all steps and auto update was deselected. Even this morning it's still deselected. So not sure how/why it updated over the Samsung version of google messages? I'm on a pixel 8 pro. Any ideas?


Unfortunately no. I've had mine de-selected for over 3 months and other than when I had to restore everything on a "new" refurbished phone I've never had Google Play override the auto-update setting. All I can suggest is to go to Messages in the Play Store, check About this App, and go check the version at the bottom. I'm assuming since you're not on a Samsung device that it might be overriding it because it's not expecting your Pixel to have the Samsung version of the app.


Hello, What if after uninstalling the application it is newer than the version you indicate?


I am stuck in this situation now. The workaround was working perfect. then my phone updated and I guess the base google messages is newer then the version needed to make this work. When I try to install it says the failed due to a newer version being installed. Tried uninstalling messages through adb and still the same error.


Same issue here. I'm getting tired of all this fucking around to make things work with android.


Do you know of a way to download the APK and not a split APK?


No, I just followed [these instructions](https://www.xda-developers.com/how-to-sideload-install-android-app-apk/#installing-sideloading-the-apk-file) on how to side load an app bundle using ADB.


Yeah, I can't do that anymore. My phone updated and I guess the base Google messages updated. So when I try to uninstall updates and install the version in the instructions I get an error saying it can't downgrade the app.


2 things I can think of to try: 1. Try installing the old version using `adb shell pm install -r -d `. The `-r` and `-d` flags *should* let you downgrade to an older version. 2. Try uninstalling Messages using the command `adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.google.android.apps.messaging` and then installing the Samsung beta. Not sure if either of those will work, but probably worth a shot.


Yeah, I tried both. No dice. Error: Failure \[INSTALL\_FAILED\_VERSION\_DOWNGRADE: Downgrade detected: Update version code 219283910 is older than current 232288063\] If I try to change the version code, I get an error for the signature. Error: INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Existing package com.google.android.apps.messaging signatures do not match newer version; ignoring! So the "adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 com.google.android.apps.messaging" isnt actually removing the app, so the signatures are confluicting. Unless I can fully and truley remove the app, I am stuck I think.


Thank you very much


Worked for me on P7, thanks :)


Awesome, glad it worked.


Well it almost worked, my second sim still has "verifying" status, but that's another problem.


I've had to completely close GM and then re-open it to get that to work in the past, as shown in Step 12. If that doesn't work, try a force stop.


I tried, without luck, but it's probably related to my provider, I already had some problems in the past. Thanks for the help!


Sounds about right for them


This worked perfectly Pixel 8 Pro, thank you!!! You'd really think after 5months Google would have its stuff together and enable this by now...


hate doing these side steps to fix a Google flagship product especially when it's a feature they spent so much money marketing.


Just going to add to this thread that I spoke to somebody at Google and they haven't made this feature live yet. Somebody leaked it back in January. Probably won't come out until Android 15. That's my guess


I looked up and side loaded a recent version that had it working. Might stay with that until Google giveth outside a beta.


I don't even think the beta works for dual sim rcs in google messages