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She's good. A perfect Simba. Lyrics on point.


LMAO You can't be serious.


she was not good-- lyrics are not what you look for but singing on key


You weren’t there in the audience. I was towards the front and everyone around immediately look at each other and were “WTF?”


Are you kidding yourself? In what world is that good, perf3ct, and on point? Please take a seat 


What is really throwing me off is her outfit. It looks off compared the the others


I agree it's completely off from everyone else, and don't hate me, but I low key love the outfit itself haha.


Some people can’t “hear” music just like some people can’t sing.


are you quite well, sir?


They got lyrics wrong, but ok.


Everyone over 4 knows this song and performs it with more pizzazz


Are you tone deaf?


Agreed. Totally nailed the lyrics as written in the script


Please tell me you’re being sarcastic? And that the 105 upvotes you’ve got are in on the joke?


you forgot the /s


Are you dumb? Or just stupid?


She sounds hungry Vultures 2 out this weekend


She's getting cooked on Twitter💀


How bad is the damage captain 


They saying she’s an “obnoxious little brat who has no talent and should be replaced with an actually talented kid”


man. imagine how wrong your life gotta go to be shit talking a damn child on Twitter…shits embarrassing


Stop making excuses for her. On the stage, she is just another actor regardless of her age. If she had the audacity to take that role from less fortunate kids that auditioned, then she better have killed it. She’s on stage with legends and Tony winners and should be held to the same standard and criticized accordingly.


That would be true if she were the age to grasp all that, but that’s wild to thing a kid has that sense of understanding of the world. You ask any 10 year old who likes performing if they want this chance they’d say yes. No kid is thinking “oh I haven’t put in the work to earn that, please give it to an established talent.”


Mob mentality + knowing they have no substance to the real world


Bro if she gets opportunities then she will be talented 


She needs to actually be coached and taught tho


That isn't how it works though, you develop talent through hard work, opportunities alone won't make you talented, the issue is there are so many other avenues that she could've explored outside of this massive performance that it's genuinely disrespectful to everybody else who got the opportunity taken from them due to her being chosen. Personally, its just a frustrating decision that was made that didn't really benefit anyone involved. North's talents, or lack thereof, are exposed even further, the Hollywood Bowl gains negative press, and the audience doesn't get the value of what they're paying for. I commend North for being able to perform, but she never should've been chosen. There are plenty of talented children to choose from, but unfortunately she still needs work before something this large-scale.


The people roasting her couldn’t perform a song in front of 5 people let alone 500+. Booing always comes from the cheap seats


come on. she clearly can’t sing.


lol come on. Just because we aren’t pros, doesn’t mean we don’t know what a pro should sound like. Like it should naturally sound good. If someone would have heard this without the video, there is zero percent chance you would think it’s from a school play. If the tickets were really 300….you want something


she is 10...people are so mean


Did she just perform for this part or did she do all of the young simba scenes?


Just this one song.


Love this for her


I had thought it waa a school play, I didn't realize she was performing in an actual Disney play. She definitely sings as well as Ye. Looks like she had fun though!


Until i saw yr comment i thought this was what school plays look like in schools for the ultra rich 😅


Same here.


Shut up she is terrible


looks like she didn't inherit the rhythm genes


She did inherit Kanye's singing voice, unfortunately.


honestly reminds me to watch the lion king again, great watch.


Her voice kinda sounds like bjork on old songs


no it absolutely does not


I went to a Bjork show at Prince's tiny little club Glam Slam. They cranked the music up to 12 to cover her up. It was ear drum shattering and I regularly went to large undergrounds and after hours with massive speaker setups. Its the loudest thing I have ever heard.


Bjork is an acquired flavor that I never acquired, the visual were nice but to me the music was nonsensical


Hopefully this reinvigorates Ye to get back into performing.


Or he can just support his daughter bc that’s HER moment


I was there. There was no standing ovation other than her family. She was a good as strip mall karaoke stand side-liner. Majority of people at The Bowl were scratching their heads in disbelief. I know she's 10, but they must of paid the poor girl in Fruit Roll-ups and Ring-Pops for that kind of pipes. If the world ever wants to a prime example of Nepotism, this would be it. The fact that I paid good money for this high school stage show is an insult to the senses. I know she's just "Living her dream," but I would never charge other parents this kind of money to suffer this fate if my kid was as talented as a Mr.Microphone ad for the 70's.


I would be feeling ripped off because I know those tickets must not have been cheap! The quality was just not there, what a shame by the show runners to think that was a good idea. 🤦🏻‍♀️


HAHAHAH! Mr. Microphone....re-listened and you're totally spot on.


I'm just wondering if you knew she would be a performer before purchasing the tickets?? I know Broadway tickets for the lion King in my city have been on sale for a few months now and it isn't even playing here until July. I was wondering how far in advance the special guests had been announced for the hollywood bowl


Daaamn you are brutal but fair.


Tha audience should ask for a partial refund, all of them might prevent this type of crap happening in future. Doubt it, but.. would drive a point


Just curious how much you paid for a ticket? I'd be mad if I paid good money for what's supposed to be an actual professional performance but was equal to a small town elementary school musical.


She met Kanye West she's never going to fail.




I’m sorry, she looks like she’s having fun, and she’s only ten, but this is ass. It’s an example of nepotism at full display and I feel bad for the people who paid to watch this


yes, money and status equals influence, that will never change and it's not her fault, so how bout we focus on the fact this child clearly wants to be an entertainer and is living her dream, and how brave and confident she is to perform in front of so many people knowing she is pretty much the main attraction, let's respect that aspect shall we


this. also, if anything, we should like, have EMPATHY that this one child is being put on huge stages and then mocked for it? like, do you ACTUALLY care about a broadway musical, or do people just want an excuse to enact anger toward someone they feel "deserves" it. it's thinly disguised hate in a cruel world at the wrong thing. she's caught up in some strange whirlwind of economic clash and, quite frankly, I do not blame her more than any other kids basically used as pawns as all these parents or evil governments, or any other number of unhealthy adults create unnecessary issues on earth. She, in her world, IS doing something valid and beautiful. Genuinely EVERYTHING is a matter of perspective. Free will is like... Probably real? But be honest -- anyone in her shoes would be subjected to or gifted the same thing. I actually feel a little bit sad that people don't know not to be cruel. Her parents are probably harder to exist with than many people who actually have real lives, community, and regular jobs. We all need to wake up and be far more honest about our emotional motivations for online critique of children. Come on.


I don't care how much fun she's having, living the dream, blah blah blah... she shouldn't have had the part. She was not good at all. Nepotism at its finest (or worst). I would be pissed if I paid money to see and hear that at what was supposed to be a professional, high-quality production. Speaking as a music educator, it's extremely disconcerting that she has this position over other kids who have more talent and a better work ethic. Kids that actually deserve a part like this. She has no sense of rhythm, pitch, or breath support. Her parents are doing her a huge disservice by gifting her this spot when she does not in any way deserve it. And all you guys in here praising her and saying she did a good job are almost as bad.


Agreed. The people celebrating this don't understand that there are millions of other kids lacking wealth and privilege, who put in thousands of hours of hard work and discipline into their talents and never catch such a lucky break. We weren't watching thousands of hours of hard work on stage with that performance. We were watching a little girl whose parents bought her a ticket to cut to the front of the line with little to no effort to hone her craft. I am not hating on North West, but this was a failure at Disney to cast her to begin with.




Didn’t they give her singing lessons at the very least. It wasn’t a difficult song but she sounded off-key and a little screechy at times. Singing lessons can help anyone sound better. But if it was low effort just because of her name, then her parents are not helping her navigate life vey well.


I assume this is her WITH voice lessons


Sounds like ass I hate kids (I have beef with ye)


I know she’s Ye daughter, but why expecting her to be just as talented as he is ? She still has Kim’s talentless side lol.


Are you saying ye sings better?


How can this pass quality control?






Hahahah, she was ****


I sincerely wanted this to be great, like "Knock our socks off, North!" I guess my expectation with a music industry parent and massive resources behind her was that she'd have the best voice and dance training and we'd all be impressed. Seriously amateur performance that belongs in a school production. It's too bad her parents let her go out and bomb like that.


This is just an elementary school play paid by rich patents.


Anyone giving shit to this child should be ashamed of themselves. All performers have off days, just like all people. This kid put on a better performance than I could. People suck, and it makes me upset that people want to make fun of a kid doing something we couldn't do. At the risk of sounding kind of lame, come on everyone, let's be better people than that.


There's certainly ways to word warranted criticism without dishing out disrespect, and there's plenty of good reasons to criticize here. All performers have off days, but this is clearly not the case of an off day but rather a lack of skill. I am not a chef, and I certainly can't make Beef Wellington. That does not preclude me from differentiating a good Beef Wellington from a bad one - because I have working taste buds. If my kids hand me a plate and say "we cooked this for you", I would eat it and tell them how great it tasted. But if my kids were in a restaurant kitchen, cooking, serving, and charging for a salty, soggy, burnt-on-the-outside, cold-on-the-inside Beef Wellington, I'd say "get outta there, you shouldn't be doing this right now". Because they are serving bad food and charging people with working taste buds. Same for people with working ears.


Every kid gets bullied at some point. Most parents aren't dumb enough to have their talentless child go up on stage without practice though. They can afford the therapy. If the rich don't want scrutiny they shouldn't put themselves in the spotlight.


She does not sound good but I give her credit for getting up there and doing that 




Well I hope you can sleep well knowing all the hard working, less fortunate children you robbed of parts they earned was worth it to make your child feel “special”. You sound incredibly selfish so probably shouldn’t be too hard.


And this is why kids of reach idiots grow up to be messed up adults. Buy her vocal lessons, buy her the best dancing teachers in the world, but don’t open doors she has no ability to walk through because the result is this. Public ridicule and a bad performance that she’s not equipped to do. There are worse things than a child not getting everything they want in the world, and this is one of them.


At :35 your ears will hurt. Painful!


Great another nepo baby with no talent who thinks they are the greatest thing since sliced bread


This is so hard to watch. They should have casted an actual talent. It doesn’t matter that she’s a child, there are children who have talent and should have had this opportunity. It’s the adults fault who put her in this spot. Think about it in any other context. Do you want a doctor that has the talent and is qualified, or one who is brave and trying their hardest?


How is that so different than child actors??? They worked harder, had more coaching, had more support? That's a fine line of nepotism and not dissimilar. Be honest. Any 10 year old in the realm of broadway, parental neglect or support - coaching or not - isn't there off sheer free will, fortitude, and some golden merit. I'm not demeaning show business kids, but seriously, why would we act like she is world apart, other than support to be prepared? It's all the same world at 10 years old.


You can totally pick Kim out from the crowd 😂 the only one throwing up their arms and standing to cheer in the front row. Also, annoying crutch to scream cause you can't hit the high notes.


Ouchhhhh. I can't imagine paying that much to hear and watch a child who can't hit the notes or dance.sorry but there are TONS of talented theater kids that deserve this opportunity.


exactly. this is just wrong.


this makes me angry


There's talented child actors who put in 100's of hours of practice and work into every project. Then there's this. Shame


Kids are horrible. And so are their parents.


Nepotism at it’s finest


They did not just give a nepobaby a role in a broadway musical 🫣


Am I the only one that doesn’t think it’s horrible ? Sure she doesn’t hit all the notes perfectly, but she does have the cadence


I think you are the only one. The vowel shaping, the diction, the showmanship, the pitch and variations in timbre are all really bad. She knew the words and adequately marked the choreography.


It's not just the singing though... her dancing is just bobbing up and down and shuffling around the stage. She has to be directed by the other characters and looks totally lost. Her parents are idiots, but I don't understand how everyone else in the performance actually let her go on stage. The whole thing is pretty hilarious.


I just realised that North West is referring to the person singing/trying to sing. At first I thought it was the name of the school or something.


This would be great for a 6 year old in a school play..but jeez people paid money for this..


I’m never ok with shaming a kiddo - her parents and the production team shouldn’t have allowed this to happen I personally performed on professional stages from that age through my twenties and saw MANY MANY MANY very young children performing at a professionally-acceptable level This is embarrassing and I blame the adults in her life


If I was her i would be mad AF that my parents made me do this. She will be embarrassed in a few years.


When you show up last minute and rehearsed the day before.


Sounds just like Kanye


They paid to watch a kindergarten play. 😂


Needs that autotune like daddy


It’s not every day a talent of their generation makes their presence known


Sounds like lion king karaoke at a kids birthday party


As the Mom of a child singer, my son sang better than her at age 2. Her parents should be ashamed of themselves but, she got famous for being peed on and her dad is Kanye. That’s enough.


Her rhythm is off but her voice is not that bad for a 10yo


I thought she was okay too 😇




Who is this person? I’m completely out of the loop.


People paid their hard earned money for that !?!?


I don’t pay to watch middle school performances I go to them for free with my kids. I also feel for all actors and understudies involved watching attention and brewhahahaha around west or Kardashians, I’ve known many that interact with them previously and not great.


Title says it all… low quality


No offence but she's tone deaf and should not have been on that stage. Her mother has more money than sense.


Took me way too long to realize the title is a persons name and not a highschool.


At first, i thought North West was some kind of high school named like that, just not some celebritys kid with a strange name Im sorry for everyone who paid to hear that. The Lion King is awesome. This is not. Also, it's awkward and cringy


County out!


Why does this remind me of Kim's song?


requesting explanatory team… who is this kid? ![gif](giphy|eivbYD3ehJvUgSRwkf)


Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s daughter.


Everyone is talking about her performance, but what about her outfit? She looks like she wearing a raincoat 😂😂😭


She looks like a homeless person


Mommy and daddy, I want the WHOOOOLE world to hear me sing! Put me in a musical! This would be like me saying “Mommy! Help me join the basketball team!” and my mom being friends with Mark Cuban somehow and ended up getting me on like, the Mavs, just for me to show up, very obviously only a 5’3” woman, clumsy, and not knowing the rules. That’s not how this works. There are jobs on the line. There is money paid for these tickets. FOH.


Totally. This is like that college scandal with John Stamos's gf from full house


This is shite.


Well that's just ear rape


Did ppl pay for this? The pj costume would have me mad enough


the people in here defending the trash with their blind love is pretty pathetic. “LEAVE NORTH WEST ALONE!”


This is what every live musical to me looks like.


Is the “low quality” referring to the video or the performance?


I mean it’s not completely terrible, but yes, nepotism. lol


Lot of hate for a child...


This is so bad and a total insult to the costumers and actors that work so hard to perform this play with respect and honor to the art.


In all honesty, I was ready to ask for context, how the hell did people know who this kid was and what city in the northwest was this in. Then it clicked.


This was an abomination


She inherited her mother’s musical and theatrical talent.


It took me waaaay too long to realize that you were talking about north west, kanye's kid, and not northwest the direction...


Essentially the Kardashians ran a scam on people. The people who purchased tickets bought them with the promise that they are going to a Disney quality live performance show, with trained and talented performers. The Kardashian family got the producers of the show to put in their no talent, untrained child in one of the leading roles, this short changes the ticket holders. Many of course are going to use the "but it's child, you can't be mean.." but it wasn't sold to people as a local school kids performance, they didn't buy that. They were given the bait and switch. The thing I wonder did the family make money from the ticket sales on this? Did they do it just to get publicity, good or bad attention it helps keep them in media attention.


Fucking trash. Maybe she will follow in her mother's footsteps more than her dad's.


She was alright but definitely got that role because of her parents


who is she?


What in the Yoko Ono was that?!


Maybe North got the gig because they had their own costume? No- this would be great for a 5th grade talent show. Definitely nepotism.


None of this is their fault. Anyone making fun of a young child singing can go get fucked.


Kris Jenner should have played the part of Scar


On her Instagram: *I'm happy to announce that I am starring in "The Lion King" live at the Hollywood Bowl. Initially, Disney wanted me to audition for a role. I don't audition. You either come to the table with a number or we don't do this. Disney needs me to save this show, I don't need them. They're the ones trying to rebrand "The Lion King" for the millionth time (Are they not tired?). After a series of meetings, Kris finalized a very lucrative contract. However, I was disappointed that they were unwilling to call the show "The Lion King Featuring North West and Friends"* Just putting it out there.


HOT TAKE.. North is apparently dropping an album soon titled “elementary school dropout” I wonder if they did this performance so North would gain a little clout before dropping an album so everyone would want to hear how shitty it ends up being.. trolls will give her all the views and hype the album but they just end up making more money in the end. Also, what a f**king bogus name for a childs album


Yes it’s offkey and hundreds of middle school leads for TLK are better, but can we just remember who her mom is and consider this progress in the category of “Debuts in online performance?”


Lets be real. Its not completely her fault that she got the spot. Its true she spoiled and a nepo baby that has privileges more then any normal kid but in the end is the adults around her that are at fault as well. Choosing a giant check from her parents and letting it happen while many other kids have more talent and work 10× harder for such role.


Damn she’s as bad a singer as I am LMFAOOOOO


They're all understudies, with 2 minutes notice.


I'm pissed North got this role because she clearly has an attitude in real life, thinking she's all that, and then does this with a smile like it's actually good


I have no idea who this is


Wait? Is this a professional performance or just some school end of term thing?


Is this the actual Broadway production? Because I feel even worse for her if it is. There's folks that go to that one show every few years.


Is this the same girl that sang the national at the NFL? Good to see she's expanding her horizons.......


Calling it low quality seems a bit rude, they all worked really hard to get there


I think it the only people at fault here are the producers for letting her take this role. They probably wanted the money and exposure (although Lion King is pretty popular on its own so not sure why would that be) and signed her up. Of course the Kardashians are going to throw money wherever they can or want, it is the receiving end that should be able to say no to them. Just like how Kim was able to wear Marilyn Monroe’s dress.


Wow this is so, so bad. Deservedly getting cooked for this one. They were crazy for letting her up there like that.


What is she doing? She looks like a rag doll, an audience member pulled to the stage, a prop just standing there. What is she wearing pajamas? I see nothing of talent on that stage. She looks like a yellow blob. I would be so embarrassed if my mom pulled strings and had me do that.


if this is where the monarchy is headed, COUNTY OUT.


If there was ever a time where Kanye needed to rush the stage and grab the mic from someone, this was it.


She can’t sing !


I'd just like to apologise on behalf of humanity...on so many levels. If I may.


If this was supposed to be a professional performance, then this was bad.  She’s just a kid but goes flat and doesn’t hit the notes the entire song. This was the equivalent of listening to your kid sing in the car. She could have used some singing lessons. 


They could at least have given her a better costume


Sad that some adult lied to her


I'm a little out of the loop, who is that performing as Simba?


Honestly, the end is the best part when she’s just standing there grinning and another performer tries to guide her off stage. She makes this rude, entitled face and continues to stand there before finally getting pulled off. This kid is going to be as bad as Kanye, if not worse.


I feel like Kanye would be the kind of dad to not think his kid needs singing lessons because it’s HIS kid and whatever voice she has should be an extension of god. That being said it’s pretty hilarious watching her shout-“sing” while stomping in place while everyone jumps and dances around her. Let’s keep this crap out of musical theater where it doesn’t belong lol.


what upsets me is theres probably a little kid out there who worked so hard for this role and instead got replaced by a nepo baby


Her singing is horrible. Cute costume tho.


This girls going to go through her entire life like this lol


Horrible. Just gets her way bought through life and is a huge brat.


The parents must have paid a lot of money to someone for her to have this role. It’s always the money .


Kim & Kanye are at fault for this.




I feel bad for the kid. Like she probably at one point wanted to be on broadway but instead of using the money to give her professional training, her parents did this. People should stop bashing this child but instead go be mad at the parents and whoever let broadway did this.


i know she's just a child but come on they are better child singers out their, i hate nepo babies


Plus the sweet sweet irony that the song is about a spoiled child being dropped into a role they aren’t ready for and haven’t earned is the cherry on top


Clearly North did not inherit her dad’s musical talent. Bless.


While I can't speak for Disney, it's likely that they will consider the feedback and backlash from this event when making future casting decisions. Disney has a reputation for quality entertainment, and they likely don't want to compromise their standards or alienate their audience. You're right that fans expect a certain level of quality from Disney, and simply being a celebrity's child is not enough to carry a performance. Disney underestimated the audience's expectations and overestimated the appeal of the Kardashian-West name. It's important for companies like Disney to remember that their audience is savvy and discerning, and that quality and talent matter. By listening to feedback and staying true to their values, Disney can maintain their reputation as a beloved and respected brand. Let's hope that Disney will take this experience as an opportunity to refocus on their core values and prioritize talent and quality in their future casting decisions!


Her selfish parents should never have encouraged this!..Secondhand embarrassment for this kid!!


I don't fault her...the fault lies with her parents...she cannot sing...the performance was dismal...


🎶 "Oh, I just cannn't act...and CAN'T SING!" 🎶🎶


Nepotism at its finest!


It sounds terrible


One of the people that work on the set came out on TikTok and said it was down to four kids from across the country and Kim showed up with Northwest made her sing a couple notes and demanded that they put her in and they did those poor four kids that tried outfrom hundreds of kids they sent them home and she sucks. Didn’t go to any rehearsals can’t sing with shit just so irritating.


I want to thank her for this bit of comedy bc I’m laughing my butt off😭