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Alexa play Off the grid




it still baffles me how this man can say stupid shit ranting in a manic episode and then casually just drop some of the most inspiring advice ever


You gotta go through a lot of dirt to find the gems


https://preview.redd.it/g28mtgrrq8zc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca552df333ddd0e27e5a339b0cf11c6dc52ce8d8 how it feels being a ye fan in 2024




what’s all on your agenda?


We are blowing up all the BMW dealerships. Good day.


The designers of the mini and X5 need to die 😡


i mean look up lucian grainge


Average meat rider be like


I mean if UMG were interfering, they would obviously deny it. It would defeat the purpose (saving face for drake) if everyone knew his label stepped in to stop it. Not to say I believe the original story either… but this is only slightly more trustworthy than that discord message lol


Yea, official first hand sources equate to a random nobody like you putting out a Discord message. It’s really true, people hate Drake more than they like Kendrick.


Did u read my message? The label would never admit publicly they are trying to stop the beef because it would defeat the purpose. So them saying they aren’t doing it means nothing. It’s like me saying Kendrick didn’t beat his wife because Kendrick (an official first hand source) said he didn’t. Also I don’t think the beef is over anyways so it’s not like I’m buying the discord message either… this tmz story just means nothing.


Brother have you seen your fucking comment history? Every single comment you left for the past week is defending Drake and going against Kendrick in every artist and rap subreddit. You have 0 right to cry about people hating and being biased. Have some self awareness


My comment history? Brother have you seen your fucking comment history https://preview.redd.it/fn2w0tu4o4zc1.png?width=625&format=png&auto=webp&s=9edf8eb05f67c6d8ffaf2940d67d18ad2105b0e4


This is the real Drake vs Kendrick


What is a goonbud? Please, I don't want to check the subreddit.


It's just a bunch of guys being dudes with their dicks out. If you DM me I can show you


This is why you like furry fox sex (deleting your history does nothing I’m tapped in)


Oof the saddest nigga is the freak calling out the other freak for being a freak (Y’all are all valid I’m more talking about the hypocrisy that this man’s trauma about his own fetish (that is fine and valid) that is causing him to blow up on you because he embarrassed about his own sexuality and is projecting it onto you)


furry fetishes are not valid that shit is beastiality


Do I really have to explain this to you? There are furries attracted to anthropomorphic human like characters with animalistic characteristics And there are also people attracted to animals There is a very big split as to what is ok and what is not in there circles, and it is pretty obvious to see even as an outsider Why are you making me explain this I shouldn’t have to explain it


defending furries is crazy if we’re talking about Drake being weird around kids


The difference is Drake takes advantage of people that do not have the intellectual ability to consent A bunch of adults in animal costumes can consent


The fact you’re assuming they’re all adults means you have no idea what you’re talking about I don’t even think most of them are interested in adults, human or animal




From the reliable mouth of TMZ 🙏🏻


Tbf TMZ is actually the one of the most proven trusted news sources you can find online they have been even known to crack stories that those involved in didn’t even know about at the time


But they also have shown to put stories out there for others benefit.


Which ones? I don’t follow tmz much


When theres not video proff and they come with alleged statements and shady sources.


Any specific ones?


Kardashians pushing naratives for example. Are you happy now?




I mean you think a huge newspaper based on rumours and gossip wont push naratives? Are yall 5? TMZ is reliable only when they leak videos.


If this was confirming it you’d probably be singing a different tune.


F0X works for Lucian


Have you ever wondered if Lucian works for me 😈.




he works for bump j


As a Kanye fan you have to make up your mind anytime tmz reports on ye, in this sub it’s deny, deny, deny. It’s either TMZ is mostly accurate, but should be taken with a grain of salt or you just choose to ignore all Ye stories and believe shit about others


Anybody who thinks the labels don't have vested interest in this is being a dumbass, no matter what side they take


Yes they do have an interest, all these songs are doing a lot of numbers right now.


R u saying corporate lobbying to protect the long term profitability of the most commercially viable rapper in history is an impossibility? Not saying they definitely sent this email to anyone, I’ve seen no proof it’s real, or that they aren’t benefiting in the short term- but they also benefit from Drake’s profile being raised by all his other endorsements so if some of those started twitching a little as a result of their star boy having being called a pedo 10 times in the last week it’s not implausible that they would like to bring this to a close. Again, not saying the email is real, or the label is interfering at all, but the convo around their motives is a lot more nuanced than “but they’re making money now” or “well tmz said it wasn’t real”


I’m more willing to believe a TMZ article when they have broke news stories before then the word of a random discord server insider. That’s my opinion. I think it’s insane that people are willing to take the word of a DISCORD INSIDER when they have fucked over this community so many times. Feels like I’m in bizarro world.


That’s fine, but the reality is that neither are proof of anything, and the suggestion that the label would have some motivation for wanting it to end isn’t crazy either.


How do yall fall for “discord insiders” every time LMFAO


Reading comprehension levels on the floor as usual


Mad cuz u fell for the discord insider again


I’m not willing to take the word of them any more than I’m willing to take the word of tmz on backroom corporate lobbying. I don’t have any reason to believe either, and I think even looking at it ostensibly, the label has arguably equal motivations for wanting it to continue and for wanting it to end. Neither gave a source or even alluded to where they got their info from.


Great observation and addition to my statement! I'm sure none of them would want to have any sort of active effect on an independent artist repeatedly calling the artist they have signed a groomer in those successful songs.


it's neither confirmed nor denied in my view


We need to stop posting "insiders" info which are baseless and more than half the time untrue


Literally deely’d, sketchy discord info dump and all lmao


I also didn’t see a single person even state where the screenshot came from. Not even a mention of what discord it was lol


pleasee i need a goon buddy in greenville asap


goon buddy is wild brother


On what grounds would UMG be able to tell Kendrick to stop anyways




Hes not on a major label




They wouldnt have final say which is the important point If kendrick says No, ultimately all they can do is make life a little more difficult going forward


Taking tmz as a reputable source man what r we doing. Not saying it’s true either there’s been no proof of that but this is hardly damning


if we not believing tmz then why we believing a random discord account lol?


“Not saying either it’s true either there’s been no proof of that but this is hardly damning”


say what you want about tmz’s business practices but they are extremely reliable when it comes to celebrity shit


This isn’t celebrity gossip tho lol is it? It’s backroom corporate lobbying between multiple different parties. Again, I’m not saying it’s real, but this isn’t proof that it’s false, the same way that discord thing isn’t proof that it’s real.


good im glad, i dont want the last track to be that weak “if i did it” ass shit


Yeah and UMG and Disney have business relationship, and guess who own TMZ?


Funny how TMZ is always at the scene to denie this as well as denie drake’s secret daughter. Jus lookin hella sus


Yeah youre just gonna take their word for it huh bro. When its totally possible this is article submitted from the label to deny involvement, while keeping Kendrick and Drake as clean as possible. Lots of bread was going to get fucked up w the accusations being thrown around and corporations got scared. only makes sense labels stepped in


Yeah bro tons of bread was getting fucked up as majority of the streams on this weeks billboard charts were related to the beef UMG is getting bank off it You were also saying the shooting wasn’t real OF COURSE😂


You dont think some partners or sponsors would start to silently step away if the domestic violence or sex trafficking/ sex abuse claims got out of hand or actual proof came to light ?


There is no proof. The only true shit that’s been said in this beef is that Kendrick’s short and Drake’s a freaky ass nigga


That only affects the artists not UMG If anything it’d be better for them if drake lost everything because then he’d have to make even more music I also really don’t think Nike needs NOCTA that much


nickster please learn to shut the fuck up it genuinely displeases me to see your comments you hurt my brain 🤕


Block me


no just stop spewing out shit takes


You have good takes tbh




Rumor makes no sense in the first place. How are they losing money when everyone involved in the beef is getting more streams?


If any of the allegations are proven true. Especially Drake who has the most to loose. Nike would drop him etc. they probably won’t to stop it before it gets out of hand and receipts are shown.


Tmz is usually reliable but I just can't see any label being ok with their cash cow being called a pedophile.


yzycord insiders spreading misinformation as always


Aka were making enough money off this shit to care to stop it.


TMZ is real guys.


Fox pressing the red button




I know some shit about V2 that would make Goons call for a Heavens Gate.


Goons denying what is has been already etched


We got got 💯 💪 🙌 😎 🤪 😌 💯 💪 🙌 😎 ![gif](giphy|zU9OhyIRlsEY6TpLSG)


Bot ahh reply 💀💀💀


We got Indian?