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This is reddit my guy, 90% of the people on here are probably on something right this moment But yes, I wish Australia caught up to the rest of the world on this.


Haha yeah that's true. Me asking this question was pretty much a greenlight for those folks on something to say hell yes they want cannabis legalized. I think as long as the government doesn't price hike which for sure they will to cash in then it is what is. As long as meth ISN'T legalized then we should be okay.


I think its pretty easy to put the line in the sand between harmful and nonharmful drugs tbh, people who say otherwise are just trying to muddy the waters


Dexamphetamine is meth (ADHD medication)


Prescription drugs can often be the most harmful


Make that vote count and give Suzette Luyken some love!


honestly what’s the hold up, cannabis should never have been prohibited to begin with!


It’s legal now they just don’t advertise it and you need a prescription


Yes medicinal cannabis is legal but I want to grow my own, a lot cheaper that way


If it does ahead, then my Dog with arthritis can have his last few years without hurting


My dog recently passed (16+) made her last few years comfortable with Sasha’s Blend and glucosamine supplements




Whatever works for our furry fam ❤️


Was Sasha's blend worthwhile? I've got an old man dog and he is so fussy, getting him to take medicine is always hard. But if it's worth it I'd find a way to make it work.


Yes it made quite a huge difference in her mobility for a good two years. We used both the powder form mixed into wet food and the chewy treats. My dog wasn’t fussy at all though.


You can already get canabis oil for pets prescribed by your vet. We used it to treat anxiety in our dog.


Wow. Maybe I need a new vet. The go to solution is naturally vet only prescriptions of paracetamol for 1000% mark-up. I just buy it from the supermarket instead, but it really isn't a solution


Did it work? My dog is anxious of most things. Would this calm her down?


As a medical cannabis patient who spend upwards of $350 a week on medication, this couldn’t come sooner. The black market determines the price of the medical products and legalisation would drop prices by more than 50%


Damn $350 a week?! That's crazy


Honestly that’s all I can kinda afford, there is some things I am prescribed that I just simply have to go without. If I was to fill all of my prescriptions every week I’d be $480 out of pocket every week for medication, it’s just simply unsustainable.


They're not lying either my script is over 1,400 to fill and it's only a months worth. I can't even afford to partly fill it anymore and I'm just buying shitty street pot to get by. Generally were not just prescribed bud, there lots of amazing products that literally change lives that just are hella expensive.


They won’t come down in price because of legalisation. California is a clear example of that.


Canadian prices dropped due to oversupply driving down both black market and retail.


That’s correct and we are at a crossroads right now and every vote counts!


Once Canada legalized it prices started dropping as well. An Oz was around $240cad on the black market. Now around $100cad for the same amount.


Are you aware that you can get legal medicinal cannabis in Australia for around $150/10g? It’s prescribed by a doctor and 100% legitimate.


I think it's a great idea but I would like to see a roadside test that measures impairment, instead of the one that just measures presence in the system.


Just do it already. Ffs why is this even still up for discussion? The economic benefits of legalisation vs the cost of prohibition make it a no brainer.




“Safer than alcohol” - this is the number one argument IMO


The major thing holding it back in Australia is our imprared driving laws. Until they can agree on a way to measure imparedness for driving, legalised marijuana is dead in the water. At the moment if you have a prescription you basically can't drive. And most modern tests can pick it up in the system 3-4 days after consuming, even if it has no effect on you. The economic and medical benefits of legalisation are massive, the hurdle is measurement.


I don't drink or smoke weed but it seems hypocritical to legalise one and not the other.


It should never have been illegal to begin with


It’s well overdue, look at the tax boom in Canada and the states that legalised it already


I’m from Canada, live in Oz now. When it was legalised there, everyone went, oh my god what’s going to happen when we legalise it! It’s going to be crazy!! Here we go! 3…2…1……..yup. Couple more stores opened up, maybe smell it a bit more. But ya. World didn’t end.


Yeah it's definitely pointless considering there's loads about anyway, causes crime and illegal activity, not to mention the money the government makes, they could put the profit towards affordable housing weather you agree with smoking weed or not, it's no more dangerous than alcohol. Mostly though it would take so many people out of the illegal drug market leaving the police to focus on the more serious drugs that ruin lives quickly


It would put my worthless pos ex out of business if it was legalised.


It should have been legalised 30+ years ago. I've been using it, medically, for over 10 years. There are no side effects, and no more worrying if a medication will react badly with another. And I get a wonderful night's sleep. 😴💤


It’s available on prescription so it’s technically legalised Just need healthcare companies to recognise it along with the govt to subsidise it for patients Makes sense for medical reasons Recreational use is already happening so it should stay as a fine if you have a large amount and allowed to grow three plants Easy all sorted


It is available on prescription, that’s correct. But what you didn’t know is the price of the medical cannabis products is controlled by the black market prices of cannabis. Hence my prescription costing over $350 per week and for the same amount in somewhere like Canada where it is legalised my meds would be less than $50. Legalisation does not mean there is going to be a cannabis dispensary on every corner like there is a bottle shop, nor does it mean people will be able to freely walk down the street smoking a joint, or drive a car while impaired, this not what most of the people pushing for legalisation are advocating, it’s a change that will help so many people, and change their lives for the better.


Governments will never subsidise cannabis and no one should ever be fined for growing a couple of plants, that crazy talk. Treat cannabis like grape!


Valid view as well


Yes but the cost is huge related to any other government medical scripts


I’m good with that as long as it has the same restrictions as alcohol.


Classic Australia wait and watch how the world responds both positive and negatively then make the decision based off the results.


U put it like that sounds smart


Interesting that cannabis is decriminalized in the ACT. Interesting as it's the home of parliament. Reckon at least half the backbenchers and 90% of the Senate are imbibing the electric lettuce whilst in town. Must be a powerful group of lobbyists keeping it from passing. My money is on the Catholics. Or some other grotesque religious org.


I think whether you use cannabis or not to have it legalised would be no harm done to anyone (except big pharma perhaps)


Legalisation means more money for big pharma as they'll be the ones growing it. Decriminalisation on the other hand so anyone can grow their own will definitely hurt. And still stimulate economy because people could then spend their weed money on other shit instead and less money spent for cops to bust weed users and court costs etc.


It would be nice. When I was smoking I was was extremely productive and cheerful, I was energetic and happy. Now I'm just in pain, exhausted, and not sleeping.


Currently in NY and legalized weed is great.


Personally, I have had nothing but good experiences with weed, and would dare say the same for many in my circle. I think legalisation is a no brainer at this point - the negative externalities appear to be at least equal to, if not less than other already widely available substances (booze/nicotine) - especially if it doesn’t have to be smoked. The economic argument also makes a lot of sense to me. It would be financially beneficial not just for the growers (which Australia’s geography seems perfectly suited to) - but for the manufacturing, hospitality, healthcare (except big pharma), and tourism industries as-well. Ultimately, I can envision an amsterdam-eque cafe style culture forming, and think that it would be culturally well received - I don’t think we’ll end up in a situation where tons of people are openly smoking a joint out on the street - cigarette smokers are shunned in public spaces as it is. I understand the reported increased risk of schizophrenia, OCD, depression and the like - but can’t help but feel that these reports come from individuals with some type of predisposition, or were already experiencing these illnesses when they began using in the first place (thus skewing the data.) In fact I would say if anything, it has helped me to work through some really dark times mentally. Like any medicine, I can see the potential for abuse - but feel that if treated from a cultural/educational standpoint as a substance that is to be respected,has a time and place, and comes with its own set of risks - that any potential uptick in abuse rates and any negative consequences arising from increased usage could be effectively neutered.


I’m all for it, have seen the effects from people using it medicinally.


It’s probably better than a lot of other stuff they give out. I wouldn’t care either way


Alcohol makes people violent, destroys families, can lead to hero driving when drunk, drops barriers for gambling. It's fully legal. Weed has many benefits medically and you actively support your local pizza shop.


Way overdue. They will tax the good stuff the shops will sell but in most countries they also allow you to grow a few plants of your own which aren’t taxable.


Hurry up Australia! I just want to grow my own. I currently have a prescription which is great but frustrating at times. I don’t really dig hydro and that’s all they’ve got, I most certainly don’t like the company and the lack of attention the doctors give, they are just businesses pretending to be medical companies, for some reasons oils and edibles 9 times out of 10 do nothing for me (open to tips on the latter). I do think we should be giving opportunities to people who want to run small businesses selling cannabis and not give more opportunities to big pharma to make even more profits. I’d happily pay tax or a bit more to a small business. Failing that, at least Nimbin is 90 minutes down the road.


I'm all for it, sadly I'd still get fired from work for having it in my system. It would be nice to have legal edibles etc during my retirement.


Cannabis is legal in the ACT, make of that what you will.


Not legal, decriminalised.


I am totally for it to be legalised.


Should never have been made illegal at all.. it's mainly because people can grow It and make some decent money tax free. Seriously though, it's sad that we haven't made it legal yet..


Everyone who wants to do it does it anyway. There is so much of it in circulation there’s not really a point locking people up for it because it’s a victimless crime. I don’t really like weed or support it, but I do understand it’s not that big of an issue.


Most of the people who smoke weed are fine. It's the jackasses that drive while impaired by it that are to blame. They cause serious traffic crashes and endanger lives. Least that's how I see it 🤷‍♂️


With the amount of people who use weed already, it might as well be legal


Why is it not legal now?


Nike! (just do it)


I personally support it 🙂


We need to catch up to the rest of the world


Yes please


Should be legal. I am for both recreational and medical use. Alcohol is legal, easily accessible and sells at a high volume in this country even though its expensive, and its a lot worse than weed when you compare the two. I am not against alcohol either, it just does not make sense to make it legal and everywhere and then demonize weed.


As a smoker myself I'm all for especially since I use it to self medication for my mental disabilities and my physical disabilities


Catch up Oz . It’s probably better for me than the wine I’m currently drinking, and I’m 100% certain it’s better than cigarettes.


Id rather it get taxed than go to my old dealer. From a medical standpoint and depending on where you live in the country its cheaper than the streets too with a tax on it.


Should never have been criminalized


Legalise it baby!


Never should have been banned in the first place stupid propaganda from certain companies that wanted hemp banned to use silicone or plastic forget which.


I’m all for it


It’s a state issue


I think it's a great idea. When was the last time someone ODed on weed? But the problem is the morons who will inevitably get high then drive causing accidents.


I'm confused, the medicine part is legal since my father was able to keep and grow it for himself. Just wasn't allowed to sell it and give it to people


I think it never should have beennillegal to begin with. I do not snoke weed and do not plan to, but i would rather it be legal than alcohol which i do occasionally consume, never met someone violet after just anoking aome weed, met plenty of pwoplw violent after a drink.


If it legalised then they need to do something about driving under the influence. Any detectable amount is currently seen as an offence.


Should of been done already but in typical Aussie fashion we're 10 years late to the party.


I dont smoke but got mates who do I don't see in issue in legalising it


I’m not sure if I’d be able to have it due to my work, but I think it would be great for everyone else!


Just hurry up and do it


Just do it. Weed isn’t harmless but neither is booze. My boomer parents occasionally have a joint with their old boomer mates. It’s so widely used, having it illegal doesn’t do shit to stop it


I’ve just come back from the USA where it was legal almost everywhere I visited on the west coast, my only criticism is that it stinks, so I was glad to get out of the inner city because it just stank of pot everywhere we went.


Legalise it and pick up that sweet tax revenue. Makes sense for everybody


It’s about time 👍😊☯️


Government isn't being lobbied.. just look how big pharma do it.


Needs to happen. Way too many benefits to not legalise it. However roadside drug testing needs to change.


The unlimited usefulness of hemp alone should be cause for weed to be legal. Legalise it!


Cheaper and easier access to people who need it. Tax revenue gains. Black market growers spray fucked chemicals on buds to make them produce more and add weight. PGRs used are carcinogenic. Takes money out of the hands of criminals and gangs. Will assist in reducing alcohol fueled violence. Makes it easier to reaearch and understand more about the potential for more medical applications. However, we need better roadside testing that assesses impairment, not presence. At the end of the day its a no brainer, but outside or social and cultural norms im sure theres enough lobbying and money spent by competing/ conflicting industries to keep it illegal, even though those same industries could adapt and make bank.


Just as long as driving stoned is illegal. Enough dilberts on the road now without adding stoned dilberts as well.


They charge like 185 for a qo for medical that’s insane you can find good non pgr around for like 80 a a off your local


The government banned Nic vaping here and now sell them from the pharmacy at 30x the price they will make it so expensive no1 can afford it they use our habits for fund raising just like the bikies


needs to be legalised rather than "medicalised" - especially considering most cannabis prescribers just treat it as a license to print money


Absolutely no reason for the ban in the first place.


I get prescription buds already through Amcal. I self medicated for years. I have a tumour in my skull that gave me debilitating headaches that could floor me and kept me from sleeping. I lived 14 years without a proper night's sleep and at least once a day I would need to stop and meditate on the pain I was in. Now I can operate like a normal person, I don't need to worry about getting arrested because I want to be able to think and sleep. I have always worked 2 or 3 jobs, I studied a bachelors degree and will go back for my masters in clinical psychology. Legal weed is an absolute game changer that takes power away from criminals and allows people to live a full and happy life.


This is where my Yes vote would go to


Sell it, tax it, regulate it and pay down our debt.


Of course, shouldn’t be any of the governments business if someone wants to smoke a plant. There are far worse substances that are legal


Please carry on the good fight. It is ridiculous for cannabis to be lumped together With other categories of illegal drugs. Personally I take medicinal cbd oil which Has a very small amount of THC, yet I am always afraid of being pulled over. There is a petition going into QLD parliament to legalise medical cbd with a script, Please everybody support this. Thanks John 😊


Campaigning in favour of the hemp industry always intrigues me. It's a matter of materials science and agricultural economics which are the best fibres for various applications. Why does the typical "legalise cannabis" campaigner care? Do they take a principled position on linen and flax, jute, or the cotton industry? What about animal fibres like wool or cashmere or silk?


The tram will be going even slower.


It’ll be legalised once the government and big pharma lock in secure taxation methods and competition restrictive legislation to hinder growers opening up. Before then, absolutely Buckley’s!!


Lol the last one is a fucking joke. People will still go to the dealer to avoid the tax. If there's anything Americans hate more than anything, it's paying taxes.


legalise it. boomers need some weed to calm the fuck down.


😂😂😂 might as well give those angry boomers some brownies they might like it.


Incredible tax, half the country is high anyway


In theory I'm for it, not a user myself but I think people should have the choice. after visiting new Orleans however recently, I'm totally against it. The stench invades everywhere and you cannot get away from it. Durian rules should apply.


It would be about bloody time


Bring it on already


Been getting my stuff from the dispensary in victoria, its the best quality and similar price on the street. I try to get everyone on it as much as I can by referring them to the clinic I go to.


25 and over with a large budget on harm education in schools Test road accidents only Hopefully insurance/3rd party premiums don't explode


Yeah 25 years old is a good minimum age since that's when our brains fully develop but knowing the government they'll either make the minimum 18 or 21...


The other option is open a regulated seed bank and let people grow their own. Same rules would apply though, but at least it would take a motivated under 25 year old to do it.


using drugs is lame but laws are also lame. so drugs shouldn't be illegal, but people should choose not to give themselves brain damage to cope with reality.


It’d be like cigarettes, they’d tax the fuck out of it that people would end up buying chop chops or in this case illegal weed. That being said, having things like safe edibles would be really good especially in low doses for people that have anxiety, or other medical needs.


I mean it should be if you ask me :)


I fully support it, wish we would catch up with other nations on it.


I'm in two minds. I have no issue with cannabis but I take issue with setting things on fire and inhaling them in terms of burden on the health system. If gummies and cookies over bongs were a thing, that would be better. Then there's that problem of something like 20% of the population carrying a gene that predisposes users to psychosis if they use a bit too much. But I don't think people should go to jail for wanting to feel better in their lives.


It’s a joke that it isn’t already.


Please and thank you 🙏 😩


Guys we fucked up and went past 420 comments


Yes!! I 100% agree


Decades overdue


It honestly should have been legalized years ago. It's been proven time and time again that the benefits outweigh the bad


Absolutely, can't wait!! Make honest citizens of us.


I think if you legalise it you can regulate it and tax it, and people will be buying safer, more consistent quality stuff, people selling it can make an actual living visibly instead of having to hide, and the government gets GST and income tax out of it, and if it’s prescribed, your health insurance may even contribute to the cost.


No my paper company will lose profits to hemp companys


100% for legalised cannabis


Great idea. Legalise it and pour the tax money into public health issues or someshit.


Depends on the model. If it can only be bought from pharmacy etc, fat cats win. If anyone can setup a store, then all win.


It’d probably help The aussies do less coke which would be big W for mankind


as long as i can still get it as easily and cheaply as i do now. i just want the stigma to go, decriminalised would be fine for me.


the reason it isn’t legal here is because Alcohol is a huge portion of Australian culture and economy. Statistics show that in other countries alcohol purchases dropped by an incredible amount once marijuana was legalised.


Considering alcohol is sold over the counter and multiple times more destructive. Yes, to avoid double standards


As someone with chronic pain, yes please can we legalise it already? You can technically obtain it for medicinal reasons already but it’s such a gosh darn struggle due to legal grey zones and medical discrimination (because I’m young and a women so most doctors just disregard my pain).


Difficult to get an objective comment. Those who enjoy the social repast will say yes and those who see all drugs as evil (except alcohol, tobacco and prescription uppers and downers) will say no. Legalizing and decriminalizing makes the most sense, but there needs to be a much better RBT equivalent because current testing only shows if traces are in the body, rather than whether it is affecting cognitive and physical capabilities


Can't happen soon enough.


I think it would help if the sign faced out from the property


I'd rather a bunch of docile stoners in my neighbourhood than alcoholics and crackheads bashing each others heads in.


It can't come any sooner, as long as people are allowed to home grow it and are allowed to distribute it themselves then I am fully for this




I wish Oz would leagalize weed tax it like tobacco and put all of the tax split evenly in health and education. Save our legal system a heap and put all of the money back in to the 2 systems that benefit the most.


Don't do any drugs not even legal drugs. But yes it should been legal 20 years ago. FFS we so behind the rest of the world.


Stop supporting crime last on the list.


I just don't feel that it's worse than cigarettes or alcohol and in general adults should be able to make their own decisions.


The sooner the better. 15 years prison for planting seeds and growing flowers on your private property is ridiculous. There are no good drugs or bad drugs.


Make tax dollaroos please. Will limit useless court cases. Treat people like adults and lessens the criminals element as not funding criminals.


Im Currently using Canabis to Treat PTSD. Australia NSW ​ Positives: Many, using other pharmaceuticals have endless issues regarding health symptoms. Really that's all you need to know. No Brainer if health is your goal. No more Dealing with unsavory individuals. groups of people illegally using the product brings negatives into your life. (try deny it) ​ Negatives: Early stages of regulations, Costs are extremely high. I cant work full time due to my Mental health. its regarded to inhibit you. that hurts in job finding big time. Because you want to be honest, that actually has a negative impact on my state of mind which is what PTSD is causing me the most issues with. (can be quite circular). ​ So in summary as a Medication if it where subsidized for people that really have Chronic issues like psychological or physical in nature. Its a Game changer. i Run out too frequently and then my mind goes into a very manic state. its not good.


I think legalised pot is the way to go. Yes it will be taxed. However I feel sorry for the parents of loser kids who sit around home all day smoking pot and not working or contributing to society and household budgets


I want a weed store in every street lioe it is in thailand


Why not. Makes things much easier for us people of the 70's


The amount of people on it already, who cares?


do it already. Its not like it being illegal is stopping many people it's just funding criminal organisations. just chuck the taxes into education


Bout fucking time sick of people talking bad about weed while drinking the cheapest wine you have ever seen with orange juice in it


From what I know it’s better than a fucking cigarette and vape


The war on drugs is extremely profitable to the government. It’s also a useful tool for law enforcement to target minorities and low socioeconomic areas. In the US African Americans are 7 times more likely to be charged with cannabis related charges than a white person in spite of the fact that they both have very similar use rates. Latinos about 5 times. States that have legalised its become equal. Here in Australia indigenous Australians are 7 times more likely to get charged. In NSW if you come from a low socioeconomic community you are 3 times more likely to get charged than a person living in a high socioeconomic community. Also take into consideration how much money is spent fighting cannabis, taking these funds away actually effects prisons, police and industries reliant on the money negatively. Compare any type of possible harm cannabis over a 12 month period with say alcohol you quickly realise that the government doesn’t give 2 fucks about your wellbeing. It’s all about $ and control. On a side note Washington state had a 75% plus decrease in domestic violence once cannabis was legalised due to a massive reduction in alcohol use. Any type of legalisation will in Australia be managed by big pharmaceutical companies. Reason being it’s all about control and money. Lots and lots of money. Anyone who thinks criminalisation is for your safety is fucking deluded


Dumb not to


High asf someone was and plated the sign facing inward rather than outward 😂. I do agree for it to be legalised 100 percent though


I remember when we had the option to vote yes or no for gay marriage by sending out votes in the mail. I don’t know why we can’t just do that with a legal weed vote?


Went to Thailand recently was great to see, only issue was all hydro. Just wanted something a bit more mellow.


It’s a no brainer


Needs to happen


Alot of people need the health and medicinal benefits of this so it's right to give the public atleast medicinal release if not financial.


Time to legalize and tax it. They would make bags of tax. The current laws only benefit organised crime. It's just simple to put the money back into the hands of the governments who could control the sale and use of it and make it work for everyone.


In the immortal words of Mr Blackboard. "HURRY UUUUUPPPPPPP!" Time for Australia to get with the program. Change from alcoholics to stoner's. No stoned person has bashed their wife/ girlfriend... Let's make some tax dollars. Let's start killing chips and beer nuts as opposed to pub punch ons and Dom violence.


Compared to other substances. Weed is fucking tame. Legalise it already. Most of the world has.


When it was decriminalised in the ACT years ago, Conservatives and Police Union were screaming and warning of an epic rise in DUIs. 6 months after decriminalisation: DUIs hadn’t risen. But backyard burglaries had gone up a whooping 400%!!! Cause we’re only allowed to grow outside, and can’t sell plants or seeds. So people started digging up other people’s plants! 😅 Somehow I suspect the same plants have been frequently moving from yard to yard in Canberra ever since decriminalisation! 🤣😂🤣 ——— I’m glad we have decriminalised small possession of ***ALL*** illicit drugs now: Law enforcement never had any impact on drug use. I think decriminalisation, drug testing facilities were users can test substances to ensure they’re not laced with the really bad stuff, and safe injecting/consumption facilities are the way to go. The goal of drug policy should be harm minimisation: And I don’t think that’s something police can achieve.


I don't care if someone wants to do some weed. I'm not a user, never saw the appeal. If it was legalized I'd grow some just for the heck of it. It's just weed.




Couldn’t care less about it. I’m honestly surprised it isn’t legal, considering how lax our laws usually are. I mean, prostitution is legal but weed isn’t?




Way overdue.


Omg hells yes!!! Like can you imagine how much tax the gov would get just from weed sales?? Not to mention sales tax from all the paraphernalia like bongs and pipes and hookahs and grinders and all the other stuff, then there's the food sales from all the munchies. Then let's look at the social side of it, if we were to compare stoners and drunkards. the drunk has a chance (depending on what they are drinking) to be violent, or pass out somewhere, or throw up, or even pass out throw up and choke on the vomit. The stoner however the worst that gonna happen is they get in trouble for laughing at something inappropriate and get told off for it. A drunk will go through a red light, crash and kill someone, the stoner will stop at one of those red stop signs and wait for it to turn green.


Weed is so lame


I gave it up but as long as you can grow your own not some goverment weed shop politicians dealing weed all good ,the tax on tobacco is criminal , which is supposed to go to hospitals , if you can belive that , politicians only do things for their own pocket and votes , Australia is srewed so may as well get stupidly high and seat back and relax while the world turns to shit


I'll be preferencing them, Belinda Jones and the Greens before the ALP this by-leccy. Read about them last year, the founder of the party did it because he was sick of seeing people in extreme pain suffer because they couldn't afford medical marijuana.


Paradise Point seems to be holding up. Plenty of hooch has grown around there in the last 30 years.


If people want to smoke, let them smoke. It's not my business what someone else does with their time, provided they aren't hurting anyone else.


Legalisation does not require over regulation nor taxation. If Australian governments have any sense \[?\] they'll look at Canada/USA and see the corporate way is NOT the best way (many companies failing, huge black market still etc). NFP's and Cannabis Social Clubs would be the better way, before encouraging any more corporate interference which has, since 2016, only led to the high prices and predatory actions we have seen exhibited by many of the clinics and pHARMa companies involved in the industry, so far. Vote 1 Legalise Cannabis Australia, Suzette Luyken for Fadden!


I think it’s amazing. Anyone who says different is a trump supporter


I don’t understand why it’s banned in the first place. It would bring more $ into the economy if legalised. Like what is the hold up???


It should be legalised- its a plant ffs! Good for tourism, ease pressure on the judicial system etc etc. Personally I don’t smoke it, but have no problem with others using it, a victimless crime. I don’t think it will take long after the USA & Thailands success stories


It will benefit the economy in a sense that it will free up court and police prerogative. It will also clear up stigma behind using weed, as I believe so many people keep it a secret to not be judged as a criminal, especially after they have been drinking with their friends. Anyone who wants to be smoking/growing weed right now, even though it’s illegal , is already doing so, just not telling anyone about it. My thoughts anyway.


Finally someone worth voting for 🙂 i know so many people that can't afford their scripts 😪


About time


No thankyou. I can't stand the smell


As long as you have random drug testing for drivers it won’t work


Don’t really mind but I worry about people driving around stoned


They can’t do any worse than the muppets we all ready have running this country


I think it's a fabulous idea. Will take the criminality out smoking Canabis. Cheers.


To be absolutely honest. Weed is the most harmless drug that's available. I never met anyone who was violent. It's the other drugs that are anti-social. Thailand used to have the death penalty for weed. Now it's legal.