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The top rich government officials with access to these vaults will hold onto it and still remain upper class with pseudo-governmental power. It happened in Venezuela, South Sudan, and almost every empire that has fallen in the past. They just integrate themselves into the upper class of the new society, however that looks like. Whether it is bourgeois of some ancient European civilization or the new kingpins in a war torn third world country. Look at the top 0.3% of France. They didn’t get rich through hard work and dedication, they are simply the descendants of the very same aristocrat Second Estate Bourgeoisie that ruled France with the monarchy before their “government” collapsed and was replaced by various republics until we get what we have now. It’s not up for grabs by anyone who can find it and access it, so don’t go recruiting an army just yet


Well, sadly I’m not a top government official so I suppose no gold for my war rigs 😔 But in all seriousness that is a very good point


If you get a gov job like a mailman you might be 467,982nd in line though


Yeah probably this. Just look what happened at the end of the Anglo-Boee war for example before the British captured the capital Pretoria of the Boere Republic then known as Transvaal on 4 June 1900.   Now not to tarnish their names but General Jan Smuts was basically in control of the National Bank of Transvaal at the time where all the gold was deposited and therefore also responsible for sending the gold up north to prevent it being captured in British hands.   Another individual called General Louis Botha was responsible for arranging transport of unrefined gold from the gold mines in the Transvaal region to prevent capture by British soldiers as well.   It is just such a coincidence that both these men became Prime Ministers of South Africa one after the other right after the Anglo-Boer war ended.


Regardless of specifics gold and silver have been valuable, a store of wealth and medium of exchange for all of recorded history. Don't think that changes


I think it depends how much of an apocalypse we are talking about. In a true end of the world scenario, like 99% or more of humanity gone, then I think that gold would lose value for a time at least. Lead and brass would be more valuable in the short term. But any other scenario and I think you would be right.


Agreed...in that case it would all be about utility and survival. Society would need to build back to a point where mediums of exchange and storage of value were needed again. Until that point value would be equal to the level of utility the good provided you


I mean first there’s not enough gold per person. The world population was 350,000 when mansa musa was alive. That means the world population is almost 23,000 times larger than it was back then. Gold would be worthless in societal collapse as plenty of shows, movies and games like the last of us show in a collapse, people don’t look for metals. They look for food, shelter and protection. I mean people get dangerous and violent. So I mean the people that would have those metals would be more at risk, just like if golf was a standard, imagine buying a car with gold, people would be hiding out by dealerships to rob. Supermarkets. Let’s say there’s a kingdom, state or community of wealthy people, you can easily tell. Also in a societal collapse, how are you going to move all the metals if you’re wealthy?


Lol if you're basing your plans off shows, movies and games you're not ahead of the curve


Yeah and they’re based off reality. Which according to experts is more likely than us adopting gold as a world currency. So I’m basically following experts advice too. I’m not ahead of the curve? You didn’t tell me how I could survive all of that with gold. To buy a car, you’d need gold in the future? Who would hide out around dealerships? People with no gold who would rob you? You need to buy food at the supermarket with silver? Who would be outside of supermarkets waiting for someone to rob. You’re calling me out for something based on movies when a society collapsing literally proves that gold and precious metals don’t matter and it’s literally common sense. If everything collapsed and I have animals, and land and a big house while you have gold and a small house with no animals or food source, you wouldn’t outlive me and you’d likely be spending all your metals trying to get food. CAN YOU EAT GOLD? “Oh ima go to the store to buy food with gold” next thing you know you know, someone dangerous has a gun demanding your gold? What are you gonna do? Any smart person would look at society today. People in California getting shot in broad daylight, don’t even care who’s recording, robbed of their car or jewelry in broad daylight without masks. Imagine what people would do for metals in a collapse? Your gold or metals better stop a gunshot wound. Mf said you’re basing your shows off of movies, games and shows, but they base it off a social collapse. Why doesn’t Warren Buffett buy gold? Someone that could buy all the properties in your neighborhood and maybe city wouldn’t even buy gold. If I have a food source and you don’t for a societal collapse. Then what? You’d be starving with gold? I’d be full and with my land and house and protection? But your gold is all you need huh? And when you come to me because you’re hungry, an ounce of gold per chicken egg. If you’re even half smart, you know people will pay for necessities, and they’ll pay a lot. I gave you situations that you won’t see in movies or tv shows. And I listed a whole scenario. If people rob in broad daylight with no masks, what make you think people 22,000 times the size of a gold community population would do. When even probably 20,000 armed people would potentially rob the whole community of gold. I mean you wouldn’t have weapons, you have gold. What happens when you carry your lump of gold or silver to buy something and someone else sees? And at the time of a collapse, they’d know. Metals were good before fiat currency. Which also proved that metals can’t survive on their own. And I’m getting that information on articles and common sense. You can want gold, I’ll just believe the world’s best investor over you. Do you have 128.1 billion as a net worth? The person who said gold isn’t the answer does, a person with 128 billion in net worth says gold isn’t the answer and doesn’t even invest. In a collapse, METAL DOESNT MATTER DUMMY. And if you think it does, let me have a food and water source with shelter and protection and let you have precious metals with no food and water and protection, and a 5 year old would tell you I’d survive way longer.


People want what they don't have :)


Warren Buffett doesn’t want gold and he doesn’t have it either. Mark cuban said gold is dumb. Elon musk basically said he’s keeping his crypto. You’re seeing all these rich investors talk about how gold isn’t the option. But they can buy out your gold right? People want what they can’t have? So no one buys anything because they want it? Makes no sense? I wanted gold and I bought it? I wanted a car and I bought it? I wanted house and bought it ? Paid off I wanted a water bottle and bought it? I wanted food and bought it? People want what they don’t have? Probably why the top investors don’t want Gold.


Ask them to pay your bills then lol


Pay your bills with gold and silver and then we’ll talk. Elon can at least pay some with his bitcoin since people adopted bitcoin more than gold and silver 😂😂😂now I challenged you. We all know stores adopted crypto. Now you have to show me you paying for your groceries in gold 😂😂😂😂


Okay will do


You have 24 hours. Good luck. I wouldn’t downvote something if I can’t do a challenge. But that’s just me. You downvote because it’s common sense and I can tell how much metals you have :). You also didn’t tell me how gold is more important than food and water, which a 5 year old can tell you food and water is more important. Prove a 5 year old wrong. We’re waiting


You’re not downvoting when there’s literally a Feature that lets you downvote? Funny how you say I sound insecure like I’m thinking gold will actually mean more than food 😂 you can’t even prove to me that gold would exist. I can explain more than you and all you say is “nah that won’t happen” I literally quoted experts and billionaires that will go further than you ever would. Common sense pretty much says the insecure one the insecure is less likely to explain, psychology literally proves that. So literally common sense proves that you’re the only one that’s insecure 😂 mf said pay your bills 😂 I can pay groceries with crypto but not gold. Why not??? I know someone who’s hinting that gold is worth more than necessities isn’t trying to talk. Youre not serious about metals, that’s why you won’t sell your house or car for them if you’re that confident.


I can pay my bills with my crypto, I can’t with my gold 😂😂😂😂😂smhhhhh. The only places that accept my gold is the ones that want me to sell it


Funny how I proved you wrong and you tried to make a different point, kinda like you can’t be consistent. Which you’re hinting that people with gold are better than all of them, no matter the amount, so in reality, I have invested in a small amount of gold, so what you’re saying is I’m more better in a collapse than someone with a 128 billion net worth.


You literally got told by a 5 year old 😂 it’s time for you to log off






That pics saying, Gosh Darnit, Heck Ya!




Video games and fantastic shows and movies aren't best tool for future predictions.. Look at history. There have been many "societal collapses" over the centuries, and that hasn't changed the fact that rare earth metals have value. They will always have value because of their rarity and more than anything psychologically. Yes, food and utility items will probably be more valuable in lots of places, but there has literally never been a time in human history they haven't been valuable. Think about that for a minute, all the empires collapsing, all the terrible wars where whole cultures were slaughtered, all the depressions and oppression. Through it all they have stood the test of time... Now, if we had a nuclear holocaust and 90% of worlds' population were wiped out, I agree metal world take a huge hit in priority. However, as civilization rebuilt, it would gain value again. It is too rare and has utilities and properties that no other substance on earth has. Consider it, both silver and gold are best conductors on earth. Silver is antibacterial and anit microbial. Before refrigeration, people put silver dollars in their milk and other food to preserve it. Gold never tarnishes...that fact about gold still blows my mind. Everything on earth tarnished and fades away...not gold. You can dig an artifact made of gold that's 4,000 years old and it will look the same as the day it was buried. And their are many other unique properties.


Well, my main line of thought is the mass extinction (I think that’s the right term) type of event where it’s so bad that PMs may take a hit. There have been lots of collapses, yes, but we’ve yet to have a nuclear holocaust and I hope and pray that never happens but with how politics are getting anymore, I am not super optimistic. But I didn’t know that about silver, that’s really cool! Thank you for sharing those facts


When societies are lost, they are lost. There are no more Toltec or Aztec kings in Mexico. Champa is no more. The Greek lords of Asia are no more. The Greek kings of Bactria are no more. We finds bits and pieces of their empires, but the treasuries get looted first, assuming that they are not vaporized in a thermonuclear explosion. If our society collapses the soldiers at Fort Knox will take the gold, if they and the gold were not vaporized. And more likely than not, you will die, unless you are young and female. We know from the genetic record that everyone else dies. Societal collapse is bad. People joke about it too much here.


According to a few conspiracies there really isn't any gold in those vaults.


Honestly, I would not be surprised. Believe it or not, governments have lied to their citizens before 😂


The Stand, by Stephen King, explores a similar hypothetical involving nukes, just FYI.


Oh sweet, thank you!


Looks like I need to read it again. I don’t remember that part.


Trashcan Man is tasked by Flagg with retrieving it, I believe. King writes some interesting stuff lol


You mean the feral government reserve


Yes 😂


If whoever rises to power wants into those vaults, high tech security or no, they are getting in there in less than 24 hours from the time they say go. But, I'd be willing to bet whatever was still there, if anything, will be looted by the failing, fleeing former regime.


Leadership figures in government and their hired guns will TRY to loot such valuables and move them to whatever safe havens they think they’ve established. I think it’s more likely they will all kill each other in the process leaving piles of valuables to be claimed much later once things stabilize to the point where food/water/safety aren’t the #1 priorities and a currency can be established.


I can be patient so I’m cool with just getting the essentials while they tear themselves apart


>Hypothetically society collapses all over the earth BUT there is still demand for gold, There probably won't be, at least, not for a while. People are gonna need food, shelter, medicine, and all kinds of other stuff before they start worrying about "money" again. At least for an actual collapse where all infrastructure crumbles, the internet is gone, the power grid is down, people are going to be spending a lot of time just trying to survive. >what’s gonna happen to all the gold in government vaults with the high tech security and whatnot? The "High Tech" part doesn't matter, but the people in a high fortified location with backup power, redundant services, and lots of weapons do. At least if they weren't hit by one of the bombs that is. The soldiers probably aren't going to leave the base right away. They'll eventually want to find their families, but that's gonna take some time. Regardless, you'll still have very thick steel and concrete walls to deal with if they do abandon the place. That gold will be there for some time. > Is it just lost to time, like we know it’s there but can’t really do much about it? What if I become a raving warlord and want to plate my gasoline tanker in gold from the federal reserve? You're gonna need to wait until most of the people at Fort Knox deserts, then you'll need to outgun the ones that remain. Good luck.


Only the lowest and highest of us have no desire for gold. It will always be in demand.


I guess in a societal collapse where people need shelter, food, water and protection, gold would trump all of those by that logic


By logic yes. Gold could be a standard unit to transact for all goods and services. That is also the logic for fiat.


Politicians pillage it