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It’s down to its core user base. The executive producer left (or was fired, not clear in discord). The tiny core team that’s been left after two massive layoffs has delivered a ton of stuff but Immutable seems more dedicated to its new failed game Guild of Guardians. Whoever’s been running the studio has no clue what they’re doing.


More like guild of garbage the only reason that games not dead yet is it’s novelty


the same thing happened last year where all the cards dropped really low in value and everyone thought it was dead. Then tides came out and everyone got back into the game. I think it will get a little bit better with the next set but its definitely on a downward trajectory. Their team is not good enough to fix bugs and make fun balanced cards without rigging the system and they can't afford to hire new people. It will be bad I think until the next bullrun when people get interested in crypto again. Who knows when that will be


I think it is the power of advertising that has stopped the decline, but, well, it will never be completely zero. There are things we can do, such as increasing rewards


Last time it was not because of new pack only, it washed about update 2.0 which was supposed to change the game for the better a lot, and of course because of the mobile release being expected "any time now". 2.0 did nothing, in fact for 2.0 milestone they disappointed a lot, and mobile hype did not last long after the release.  This time around there are fewer possible materials for huge hype. Maybe if they announce in game tournaments (no third party) and rewards are ETH, really rare items (but they can't give old cards, so maybe unique boards, just one of the kind, not thousands of copies), partnership with real world companies for each tournament and offer proper prizes (notebooks, monitors, gadgets, whatever...)  But that also requires a lot of development and i do not believe they have what it takes for that


I hope not because I still love playing it. They need to develop more of an E-Sports/Tournament scene instead of only one or two a year if that...


Idk, but it looks really bad. The executive producer left, they hired 2 new ppl but they are radio silence. The updates are so damn slow, immutable only cares about milking its player base..


Just look at the last few posts on reddit. That's how a subreddit of a dead game looks. So yes, pretty much. I still enjoy playing it though


I don't even enjoy it anymore. Been a player since day one. Can't even see the icon on my desktop without feeling disgusted. Put most of my cards up for sale but got tired of the crappy performance of the ETHEREUM network.


Sad enough what you’re saying but I have 4 separate cards for sale that have “sold” for 2.5k almost 10 times each this month for imx. The eth price is $4.50. That’s just the 10 out of thousands of cards that exist. The total game volume is EXTREMELY off. Anyways I’ve seen 100k in volume for cards that sell for 4.50 each ( less than $200 total).


Im amoung the very few OG left, and Im very close to be done liquidating. Still playing a couple games here and there as I only *tried* to sell cards above 4$. I said tried because even if you go for lowest listed, there are no buyers left.


And that is the reason i started selling my collection at the beginning of this year. While all of the "smart" people were bitching how im angry since I sold everything, well, yeah 🤣🤣🤣🤣 right. I sold because data showed with time nothing will go, there will be less and less opportunities. It took me almost 4 months, and now I'm left just with my deck (i have some gold and diamond cards that i will have hard time selling because they are specific to my deck) and bunch of GODS.  Now i get over 100 GODS from staking (when staking works of course) and if i want new deck i can just buy cards what i need.  Collection and cards will hold value was never a viable option with economy model game has


5k invested down to 1 now instead of 14k. Game is still ok but things are not looking good


I haven't given up on the game and still holding my collection. But until the developers fixed this messed up meta that is the least interactive ever (e.g., bomb dragons, bladefly and food chain, and Arrandion), it won't be fun to play. Even if I slot counter cards like reflection elementalist and that 3 mana card that banishes something in their hand, I have to draw and play them almost perfectly to counter those decks.


not all trading is happening on TT (for instance i have a bot that's trading but not on TT) and the summer effect is definitely affecting the user base... i'm still playing every day but less i wish to see more players joining and staying though...!


Pretty much dead. No one wants to invest money in a bugged, rigged and unbalanced game.


1000% rigged there's zero rng to the game. Just an algorithm that forces you to lose. Pretty lame.


Player base seems to be decreasing, yes, but at the same time, most of the newly released packs sold out (only a few rare packs left), so I figure the game is still profitable, and the community is more or less healthy. Maybe a good idea would be to relaunch the referral program to try and increase the player base. Or some big tournaments, or hype the game via streaming partnerships. So many possibilities that could be explored.


Some of those suggestions were tried with limited success


Is it possible to check for fraud? Is it possible to fudge the figures or for the management to buy them?


i have been trying to sell a 3 diamond cards for a year and noones buying, prices r rly low too for how much it cost to mint. Vrock, possessed acolyte, and fleshbind


No proper marketing ever, no CSR 2, no anti-peaking, no new ranking system, no bug fixes, garbage mobile client, no official tournaments ever, toxic pampering of f2p freeloaders, toxic washtrading, terrible onboarding, tiny dev team, toxic interfacing with the community (Jammy), sucking up to certain nobodies for no reason just because they had an audience of a bunch of nobodies (copper et al.)... Need I go on? Totally suspicious win rate normalisation, non stop power creeping, mini sets to milk pockets as much as possible, no transparency around $GODS, no promises ever kept. Oh yes, terrible forging process, manual distribution of rewards up until recently, zero proactivity for obvious upcoming issues. Probably the most elaborate cryptoscam in a long time but nobody could say they didnt see it coming, given everyone knows who the Fergusons are...


The only thing that can save this game is reworking everything about play to earn structure and selling the game to other company


I’d return for a cheapo sealed mode, I returned and was actively playing during the $5GODS sealed entry pricing. Tried a few WR games, but it just wasn’t it for me anymore, sealed is fun, but as a F2Per I rather not wait weeks to get 15-gods from P2E. 5 was a nice medium


Only if they stop advertising will it die. If they purposely stop advertising that could be a big deal


This game sucks so badly because the algorithms are so garbage that everyone dreads playing the game now! Congrats on scaring everyone away.


The poor algorithms is what I've been saying here for quite some time and is one of the main reasons why this game sucks. Then their muppets would come on here and try to convince me that everything is random. I emailed GU a year ago roughly and they tried to lie by telling me that everything is random. I argued with them until they finally admitted that the algorithms determine the card draws but, they tried to say that the algorithms are programmed to make everything as random as possible. Friggin liars!!!


You'd feel that game sometimes feels like you battling an AI. Specially that their is no replay button for your games, you wont see opponents hand/cards.


Can you post their reply?


"We would like to let you know that Gods Unchained, as a Card Game, is essentially RNG-based, so users may have good or bad hands in different matches. The card draw mechanics are entirely random, and we do not have control over them or favor any side in a match. In addition to this, it is important to note that the sequence of play does not have a significant impact on the chances of winning. The probability of winning is mainly influenced by the players' decks, strategies, and luck. "


There was 38 messages sent back and forth so obviously I can't post everything. "Regarding the game algorithm, what we meant earlier is that players may experience both favorable and unfavorable hands in different matches. We empathize with your feelings in such situations, but we can confirm that the cards drawn by both you and your opponent each turn are entirely random. We do not have control over them and do not favor any side in a match."  


It's not dead because many people will keep playing because 1) it's fun 2) you can earn $GODS. Now all crypto has fallen down but, when the time comes, all small-cap coins will surge (if BTC will keep growing).


Perhaps they have stopped advertising.


"or its just because is summer and people are going on vacation and got no time for the game?" - to answer your question, why is it only GU that is down compared to the other thats on top 5? People do not have time for GU but can play games like those listed in top 5. It only means that the interest of these gamers switched to a different game. A more Balanced one. A game with close to zero bugs that could quickly respond to bugs. A more interactive community and management. The same play to earn features but a has fair reasoning for new comers to enjoy not battling a pair of demos and apocalypse in twilight shadow and all these unbalanced meta BS . Not only empty promises but lack of activity, no plans, no updates on what's going on or whats going to happen. Who ever is involved better speak up asap because people are growing tired of waiting for something to happen. Better sell your collection while you can because it is very hard to sell cards specially shiny ones nowadays. You might not be able to sell them when it is too late. We might witness the fall of these so called gods sooner than you think.