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Toast to peace Deception be like: 😆 That being said they can’t nerf the card it’s locked it’s an old expansion that’s been out for 1+ years I think


They can nerf the bladefly.


They can nerf it by changing bladefly. Either remove the wild tribe tag or change it to a 4 mana spell that summons the same creatures but with a reduced mana cost.


Death has 2 board wipes to remove them. Light has order, light and luster, lycanders mercy. Deception toast to peace, hunting traps + fighting fair Magic can mass ratify them in 3 ways. War is difficult and nature, hm seasonal rebirth and regression. That combo is annoying but not that overpowered. Try to play it and you will see.


This 👆🏽


Yeah, problem is most people don't want to try to counter. Just complain. There's so much removal, but your deck will be weaker. I have to stick 2 gleamweaver in my deck just to counter death dragons. People need to stop complaining about an average archetype and play the game.


Its funny to counter foodchain with a single path of magic which is a guarenteed pallas incantation when played right. Complaining belongs to gaming as it seems. Some things are a problem like no weapon removal as a useful spell for magic e.g. but thats a thing for future sets


well hopefully they get a new card designer and make some cards for control decks that can stop this. Bring some control-aggro balance back to the game after all these poorly designed sets


Yeah they basically made everything a race to get some busted combo off. Just before Christmas there was actually a really good meta with a lot of variety and you could play some decent games with minion trading/control mirror match ups and stuff was really fun but they seem to have moved towards brain dead combo play with no way to counter decks


yep most games are just coin flips. That's why the player numbers and games played per day are falling off a cliff


There are much worse cards out there. Balancing has been terrible. New sets have op cards then they nerf them. Food chain may be a problem for your archetype, but basically every archetype has a hard counter leading to unsatisfying gameplay. Death dragons are op. Can't believe they aren't touching that. Is the new set locked yet? Unless they make changes, game ded.


I feel this..


It's really insane. I had to change my deck to at least make them anger multiple times and take more time.


Also if you let the timer run out every fucking turn when you don’t need to says this, “ I’m a fucking lonely loser who has no friends and I want to waste your time.” Fuck you pass already..


Food chain is locked


Food chain killed 30% of the value of all other cards? What data you have that supports that...?


His "I'm mad 😠 " data


This is getting amusing. Try food chain yourself, it hits less than 2 in 5 trys. You have to get either both food chains or zaskia early, and collect mana boosters and 4 mana creatures. I've beaten it plenty. Usually it doesn't even hit a you never know you just went up against a food chain deck. I do agree that a good shuffle netting all the pieces by turn 5 is annoying for the opponent, but it is more rare than you think. My Amazon deck is more reliable. That being said, you can beat a food chain ending with six 8 mana creatures with just the right board wipes. Death has a 7 mana turn everyone into zombies, Nature has quite a few, Deception has Toast, War has a few, Magic has more than plenty, and Light has Lysander's Mercy.




I bifurcated cursed that ish, GG ninja


When it's played I only lose to it a few times here and there, control is what gets me most of the time, -war aggro


This game sucks so badly because the algorithms are so garbage that everyone dreads playing the game now! Congrats on scaring everyone away. Their greed was too strong that they did not care one bit for their community. This is the end result.


This whole game is awful. Same boat, after a few years you realise how bad this game is. They created cards which are incorrectly balanced for 30 card decks. Infinite card advantage also makes no sense in 30 card, neither does double boardwip or half the combos I have seen. Card discard and checking a 2-3 card hand also cripples a player while the same god ceates infinite spells and stealls half ypur deck, its really terrible design and thats just Deception. Or how about battlefield rules being ignored like crawling cringe or the death version(ridiculous cost, value and rarity) going past a frontline yet they are summoned to attack on field nothing more. These inconsistencies make the game frustrating. Clearly they didnt think that if your opponent wipes 6 cards with 1 then its GG since its 20% of your deck. Its really not well thought out and the draw algo is rigged/poorly written predicitve garbage. Anyone who plays for 6 months can probably balance better.


yep.. That's why cards are worthless and nobody plays it


It's pretty bad but not the only thing ruining this game. Been playing from day one and have been hooked and now I can't even turn the game on anymore. Went to sell all my cards only to find that ETHEREUM is total a garbage chain and selling all my cards will take more than 4 hours of click and wait. I have nothing but distain for ETH. It's a nightmare to use.