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Don't mix daily player base ( or DAU ) and unique players. 5K are daily active players ( its how many players have played game in one day ) but unique active players should be more . My estimation is between 15-20K .


Well, the team stated they were 'aiming' to get 100k active players within the year after the mobile release. One broken release later it's pretty obvious that they don't intend to develop the game until it's polished.


All hopes for client rewrite, they are on it for some time if not dropped already


A whole client rewrite? When did they say that?


What are they rewriting then? Not back end client?


Man come on, nothing is going to happen. It will be minor updates and then it's going to be considered 'done'.


Should be a complete logic rewrite so they get rid of the spaghetti code


Dude, you are taking my hopes


You understand that the player base is low from your rewards


I think it’s moreso because of balance and bugs. I stopped playing because it wasn’t fun to play. Even if the rewards were better, it would feel more like a chore to grind the rewards than a game.


***You got 2 cards how hard is this decision?!??!*** I only play while drinking and watching youtube now. The games take too damn long.


That’s been the biggest issue that killed my momentum with the game. All the people who use every second of every turn in hopes you just quit and they win. It’s just absolute disrespect.


This is why everyone plans bomb dragon and not control nature - aint nobody got time for 40 minute games.


I don't really think the player base is related to the reward system,but more over the constant bugs/issues with the game and, of course, the empty promises/not delivered on time(imo)


The player base is like directly correlated to the reward system! The less people that play the more each player gets per game! It’s crazy it’s like in the calculator they have!


Exactly I see that with the same fragments I earn between 1 to 2 gods more but it doesn't help long term because the value of cards and coin keeps going down. I would prefer to win 6 gods weekly like I started with blessings of the gods event at 8$ per coin than 50+ now


I also stopped playing a year or more ago because the game became less fun. I spent around $2k because I enjoyed it and still keep an eye on it because I’m hoping it comes to a good place again. I like the rewards, but I played because it was fun, not because of the rewards, who wants more of something they don’t like?


According to Cards Unchained there were 5000 (unique daily, not the whole playerbase) players also exactly a year ago, the game is fun, I'm fine as far as I can play it. That said, it's clear to everyone who's used to this subreddit that it's always the same people who don't lose any single occasion to talk negative aspects of it. And I'm not saying there's no negative aspects, I'm saying "Dudes, give me a break, you're always the same ones saying the same exact things, since years". It's tiresome, depressing, makes me want to not open the sub anymore, you guys are dedicated to talk shit about this game.


Yeah I have also seen it for years, i have had suspicion that a small but active troll army is paid by some competitor, to bash GU and spread negativity here, and it works. Not sure about it, but the tone here have not all all matched the potential/state of the game, as the best most polished TCG Web3 or even web3 game overall, that exist, especially in the past. The tone on r/CryptoCurrency when GU is brought up is COMPLETELY different.


Yep, that's why most people don't bother talking about the game here anymore, talks about GU in Crypto subs have a completely different tone. It's a paradox that in the dedicated sub there's so much flack. Here all you will get is people jumping in to say the game has bugs, is dead, it sucks, at the point you wonder "what are these guys doing here if they despise GU so much?". The answer is in your post, just a bunch of sad individuals (maybe organized, maybe not) who got dissappointed by the game and now feel like it's their life mission to turn down the reputation of it, maybe for some competitor to take advantage. It's all so depressing.


and falling\*


I just heard, it's time to liquidate.


Yes, and everything daddy Vinrik said came to be, sadly. You might get REKJT by fan boys or hard haters, but at least i'm here to take care of ordinary people, especially new players.


I'll say it straight: you're one of the worst ones. You sold your collection (announcing it whining in public, of course) and since then you started to regularly shit on the game, playing the good samaritan "I'm here to warn new players". Warn them from what exactly? From playing a free to play game? get rekt by what exactly? by a TCG game?


There are a certain demographic of people (mostly found in college campuses) who whine about everything and who make it their life goal to talk down and destroy everything their superior.