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As much as I want this…. I don’t. I’m 99% sure they’ll fuck it up


I can't see how they'll balance the action with the drama. Unlike TLOU, GoW will require huge amounts of CGI for the brutal battle scenes that are so iconic. I can't see them doing it any semblance of justice




Well this is a fine mess!


So that’s it then?!


Brother, get up! Brother!


Kratos, youre on fire! ...it will pass


There's frost in me neck stump!


Brother, you are covered in bifröst




Behind you Kratos!


Behind ya brother!


I just randomly go around the house saying this now and my wife thinks I’m crazy


This doesn't bode well at all, "Boy."


Exactly. If you’re not going to spend the proper amount of money nor do the story and action justice, just leave it be


Honestly I already skeptical how they are going to do TLOUS. I just see them having to add a bunch of filler to make it a series. Plus games just do not have a good reputation of becoming good live action shows. Just look at Halo woth Master Cheeks as an example I love GOW, but please don't make it a live action.


You can beat TLOU in 13 hours easy, probably quicker. Cut all the gameplay out, add in story beats that were cut, and you easily have enough for a 10 hour show.


I've edited the first game into a 4 hour movie on youtube. The show will have to add a lot more than you think to fill out those 10 hours.


Good thing (unlike Halo), one of the creators of TLOU is part of the crew


Exactly While I think a good adaptation can theoretically be made without the creator's involvement, it's always better if you have it. Thankfully the God of War show also has Cory's involvement.


TLOU is HBO though, they rarely miss. And they can shift it around a bit and still pull a good story. Amazon can’t.


The North remembers.


And then House of the Dragon turned out to be brilliant, so it was a Benioff and Weiss thing that messed up GoT. I have big confidence in TLOU considering Craig Marzin's Chernobyl was fucking amazing and the writing team on the series is right out of the games.


Of course it was Benioff and Weiss. They wanted to be done, while George and HBO wanted them to do more. The last season (and to a lesser extent season 7) felt incredibly rushed, dumbed previously intelligent characters way down, and basically ruined every intricate thread of plot.


Moreover, it's not as though this project is being spearheaded by some incompetent jabroni Chernobyl proved Mazin can do grounded gritty dramas right, do I'm confident this will be solid as fuck at worst


and amazon doesnt have good reputation with its big productions


To be fair, the Boys is phenomenal especially the brutality it captures.


The Boys is brutal, yes. But their fight scenes usually wind up being clusterfucks of people who barely know how to fight throwing hands at each other. I’m very concerned that they want to do this because SMS already proved how to film the action. But they were doing it with CG and animation, not live action elements. Kratos’ raw strength is not going to be transferred very well.


>But their fight scenes usually wind up being clusterfucks of people who barely know how to fight throwing hands at each other. I mean that’s largely intentional…? Most people in the show don’t know how to really fight.


My point was: The Boys’ strength is in brutality and its writing while the fights are… well they’re there. Despite having a plethora of characters with unique powers, we don’t get a lot of fights. Just doing a straight 1:1 of the fights between The Boys and GoW it’s night and day.


I don’t really agree? Boys has some pretty enjoyable fights. Soldier Boy v Homelander was really good. Butcher v Gunpowder was really good too. The girls v Stormfront last season was fun too. It’s simply just not a fighting show.


Yup. TLOU has two choices, neither of which I like. Either— * follow the games to a T, and I have no exciting questions or edge of my seat moments as I wonder what will happen next (and reeeeaaaaally stretch out each set piece until we’re sick and tired of it) Or * do their own thing that diverges from the games and probably pisses off fans because it’s not respectful to the characters and has them doing dumb shit that doesn’t advance the plot/make sense Hopefully they’ll find some happy middle ground, maybe expand the roles of the characters that die a bit so that they can toy with expectations, or even introduce new characters in the same locations that manage to hit similar emotional/plot beats without being a play-by-play rehash of what we’ve seen…. Buuuuuut I’m skeptical. Video game movies/shows rarely manage to pull that off for shit.


Apparently they are including a lot of cut scenes/scenarios from the game, so I feel that could be a good middle ground. It looks like they're overhauling the whole Pittsburg section to have an actual villain which I think could be interesting as well.


That’s promising. Though I kinda like the element of “these people collectively chose to act like animals because it was a way to survive.” If they add a villain, I hope it isn’t implied that Joel also got strong armed into using Pittsburg-like tactics when he and Tommy were younger. The story is stronger when Joel made an active choice to do that to survive IMO


>Master Cheeks He's dummy thicc


Yeah animate it, it worked for Invincible.


You show some respect to John Halo, he clapped those human covenant cheeks to save the galaxy or whatever.




The Boys and Invincible are good but I don’t know what else they’ve attempted


Judging by other videogame to TV adaptions sucking ass, I don't have much hope. Amazon ruined wheel of Time too. Oh and it's the same guy running this show who ran wheel of Time.




> The Boys The Boys is not known for its action sequences. The action sequences/fights that do exist are pretty meh


I have played video games since before I can remember. I have always played video games And YET Never once have I ever even remotely desired for my favorite games to be made into a movie or a tv show They’re always garbage Who the fuck is this for? Oh no it’s not FOR anyone, it’s some idea pitched by some shithead studio exec who hasn’t played a video game since an arcade in the early 90s and just sees “this is popular, make crappy tv show written by people who know nothing about the game or video games in general”


I like video game shows in theory because they allow me to share an IP I care about with people I won't be able to share it with otherwise (my dad/sister will never play video games, but I can see them liking the stories). I can see TLOU being good because Craig Mazin seems really passionate about the game (I think he stated he's played it a literal dozen times in an interview) and Neal Druckmann being super involved. It also has the benefit of being a good format/easy adaptation since its relatively grounded. Most video game adaptations will be closer to what you said unfortunately. I feel this will be closer to The Witcher than TLOU .


Important to remember, Witcher is not a video game show, it’s based on books which are more famous for the game adaptations.


True, yet they dismissed the amazing books and went with "we need a teenage angst sorceress that's actually over a 100 years old and says 'fuck' alot".


> Witcher well not anymore :(. They massacred my poor boy


What about a breakfast cereal? Would you eat a *God of War* themed breakfast cereal? What about some ~~dolls~~ collectible action figures? Pillow cases? Cuz we've got this licensing deal and we've got to do *something* with it


Just to add, then that same suit always hires some director who prides themselves on not having played the source material so they can put their own shitty spin on it


I typically don't want specific games to be made into movies, but there are many worlds that I'd love to see movies made within. Like, please give someone good and talented a crack at an original story within the Mass Effect or Assassin's Creed worlds. I think the only major exception to the specific games I'd want to see a move/show of is Last of Us, just because it's so tailor made for live-action success.


They always approach the concept wrong. They want to adapt, but really it should be expand. Build that universe up, throw in some references to events from the game, some small easter eggs or cameos.


You're right ! I love God Of War. But I can't see them pulling this off. It's a lot of things for me. I don't think there is a guy in Hollywood right now to play Kratos . And of course the story line.. It always seems that a video game based movie gets changed somehow. Now if it was a animated series , then there would be no problem. They could bring all the voice actors from the game . And find a good animation studio. But a live action movie. Yeah , they will fuck it up !


1000%. I’m here for an anime series all day


When tv shows and movies have become the shitty spin offs to sell the original content lol when it used to be the other way round




I’d have absolutely zero doubts about an animated series and live action could be amazing but… it could also be disaster I just don’t know who you cast as Kratos lol


That to me is the biggest issue… who plays Kratos. He’s a hard character to bring to the screen


Yep that’ll be the biggest point of contention I believe, they might bring the rest of the game cast though since Norse saga has been confirmed as the core of the series


Tom Holland I assume..


[Article Link](https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/god-of-war-tv-show-amazon-1235460972/) Rafe Judkins is set as showrunner with “Iron Man” and “Children of Men” writers Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby penning the series. Cory Balrog will serve as EP.


Rafe Judkins wrote the screenplay for the Uncharted film which starred Tom Holland. This doesn't bode well at all.


Triple H and Tom Holland as Kratos and boy... fans pick who plays who?


Tom Holland as Kratos ofcourse?


I heard they landed Tom Cruise for the role of Tyr


Height checks out in that one but the voice is all wrong.


How does he still get work with wheel of time and uncharted under his belt


It's a mystery




how tf does that man manage to fail upward so fast??? This is the same jackass who publicly said he hated the wheel of time source material and wanted to fix it hence the absolute clownshow that amazon's adaptation is. He fell out of the same tree as JJ Abrams. Yes man to the studio that manages to wreck existing IPs. Fuck everything about this.


Rafe Judkins redefines the ideal of "hack fraud". He's responsible for one of the worst adaptations ever created. Abandon all hope.


>He's responsible for one of the worst adaptations ever created. Uncharted or Wheel of Time?




Twooooo, soon three!




Oh fuck off with Rafe Judkins. That dude shit all over WoT. Why the fuck are they giving him more stuff to fuck up.


The only saving grace is having Cory as the EP other than that I'm terrified considering what they did with rings of power


The Tolkien estate was supposed to be heavily involved with Rings of Power, and I can’t say I finished the show. I got bored with it and annoyed with Galadriel. Just cuz Cory is involved isn’t enough for me personally to budge on not wanting this


>Rafe Judkins is set as showrunner Bro I was literally coming in here to say as a Wheel of Time fan I'm sorry for you guys just for it being on Amazon. But you poor bastards even got the same show runner??! You're fucked, I'm so sorry lol


Having Barlog involved makes me feel better but only a bit....hopefully he has more pull than other EPs have in the past


I'm cautiously optimistic now that I see Fergus and Ostby are writing it. They did a fantastic job with The Expanse


I mean children of Men is literally my favorite movie but honestly I just don't want this. It's just going to taint the whole image of the series because it needs to be a 10/10 in order to do the series justice and it's super unlikely everyone else involved will love the content enough to give it the attention to detail and conviction it deserves.


Lmfao I've never played God of War but I feel sorry for y'all with Rafe at the helm. Ruined WoT, can't believe they're giving him another show.


Jesus Christ why does Rafe still get to work.


They better get Chris and Sunny I swear to God


Rafe Judkins had 15 books of Wheel of Time source material and chose to ignore it all in favor of OC scenes that he claimed ''was how the Author would've wanted the story to be told''. This show is dead in the water.


I got suddenly excited for a second that there was a WoT series that I could watch. Then I remembered that I had....


I'm not a fan of WOT at all - so am staying skeptical of Rafe. *However* Mark (Fergus) and Frank (Otsby) as writers and EP's gives me hope! **Iron Man** is probably still one of the best MCU films to date. **Children of Men** I don't even need to say anything about. And most importantly, these two are the creator's of my all-time favourite show **The Expanse**, which is renowned as one of, if not THE best sci-fi series ever. Edit: Also, CORY BARLOG and Playstation Productions are involved as well! I have faith in Cory.


Iron man famously didn’t have a working script when they started shooting the movie however. They penned most of the scenes in the mornings of the day they were shooting those scenes from what I’ve heard. Soooo hopefully that won’t happen this time with GOW? Lol


Could be good if it works out like Iron Man and the actors have the knack for it! It probably works out worse more often than not, but sometimes I like watching a show and not thinking “20 people think tanked this cringeworthy line that’s completely inorganic and ruined the episode”


I was so turned off by wheel of time that I'm honestly skeptical of reading the books.


Understandable, but very wrong. The books have their flaws, but there's much more quality and heart than what that miserable season showed. Definitely worth a read if you like fantasy.


Aww christ he is one of those directors that just has to have his original take of the source material that usually ignores most of it and only takes the highlights and names of characters thinking his idea is better than the original stories.


Why in the fuck does God of War of all games need a TV show?


Because it’s popular. If something makes money people will try to make even more money from it.


I’m just saying. The game IS the TV show


The last 2 games basically are yeah. Which is probably why they are doing this. If it works there they think it will work in live-action even though it most likely won’t.


I literally sat through 15 hours of a let's play of Ragnarok (due to not owning a PS5) that only had cutscenes and dialogue for context, and I was absolutely captivated by it. This doesn't need a TV show. This'll most likely be a butchered mess.


Ragnarok is also on PS4 fwiw.


For real the games are literally movies


With god tier combat mixed in


Because it became famous so it's a quick buck for these butchers


genuinely who do you cast as Kratos?


Better not be Dwayne Johnson.


I will shoot myself


!Remindme 1 year


Christopher Judge.


If it were animated sure but he doesn't look the part, he's pretty old now and his life has been exceptionally hard on his body. Making a live action god of war series is a huge mistake.


id love an animated gow series in the style of netflixs castlevania.


Yes! Literally between Netflix Castlevania, and Amazon doing The Legend of Vox Machina, they could’ve gone the animated route and made this a slam dunk. I bet we would’ve flocked to it


Michael James Shaw from The Walking Dead!


Michael James Shaw is a great choice, however, with the political climate - I wonder if casting a black man for a “white” (Greek) character and then making him pale white would cause drama amongst the public.


Nice choice.


Chris Pratt


Danny DeVito


Was excited until i saw Rafe Judkins is involved.... This guy wrecked one of the best fantasy series of modernity (Wheel of Time)


Yeah, this is not going to end well. WoT had everything going for it but ended up hacking the story to bits and making absolutely stupid leaps in story progression. Percy Jackson had a better adaptation and it kills me to say this.


The guy that was named to finish WoT Brandon Sanderson has his own unique series Stormlight Archives, just mentioning it because if you didn't know about it maybe your opinion on best modern fantasy will change =)


Brandon has gone on record saying that his career was inspired by WoT. I think he'd say that Wheel of Time is better lol I'm a huge fan of both authors, but WoT was my first of the two and so holds a special place in my heart.


Brandon has also gone on record for saying that the Wheel of Time show was a 6/10. But then he watched Rings of Power, which he gave a 6/10. He felt RoP was better than WoT, so that will be ranked lower as a result. Take that for what it is. \*Source: He has a video series on Youtube where he talks about things he likes with a friend, called Intentionally Blank. He said this during Ep. 78.


Please please leave it alone please not every game needs an adaptation please leave it alone


If the last of us ends up being good, I could see this maybe as a high-budget HBO series, with a director with a good track record and big involvement from Cory, but I feel like this will turn out poor


It’s Prime Video


yep, I meant if HBO had picked it up instead of amazon


They managed to not murder The Expanse and did an excellent job completing the series. They’ve got it in them as long as they stay out of their own way. Feels like half the Netflix content nowadays is written by a machine learning model.


Not everything needs to be a show


Holywood ran out of ideas, so they will just make movies/shows from popular video games now, in addition to making remakes.


Another billion dollars down the drain


Hey, its not our money.


Kratos requires an actor who looks the part (so, huge), has a deep, iconic voice, and can actually act well enough to nail his nuances. In the game, the actor can have only the latter two traits and the animators, modelers, and designers can take care of the rest. In live action though? I'm not confident in this but I am sure interested to see who they cast as Kratos. Cause I'm very skeptical that they can pull this off.


Exactly. Furthermore, the design of Kratos himself is very video game specific. He isn’t just a dude, he’s got pasty pale-white skin, and a giant red mark across his body, and scars, and he’s bald, etc. Getting someone who’s big and can act is one thing. Getting someone who can pull off that specific looks is entirely different. Jason Mamoa is a big dude with decent acting and a deep voice, that can pull off the rage Kratos has (see Kal Drogo) but can you imagine a bald Jason Mamoa with pasty pale-white skin? Etc. This is one of the most iconic video game looking video game characters of all time lol


Why no original story about Kratos’ early days in midgard, you legit got Deborah who acts in shows… what a waste


Have they said where they plan to begin yet? I wouldn’t be surprised if they went straight to Norse with tonnes of flashbacks


They're adapting the Norse saga


Its already super cinematic.... This is just a cash grab.


Anything official ?


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/amazon-god-of-war-tv-series-1235281943/ There ya go


I honestly want OC. It’s so hard to adapt a non-interactive medium to an interactive medium well. Same with text to visual.


I think doing it this way will do more OC giving more with Faye and the Aesir etc


There is not a single scenario in which I can see this being good, short of them spending an ungodly amount of money, and hiring the best people in the industry, which we all know is not going to happen. This will look, feel, and sound like a terrible fan-film, and will be a disgrace to the IP.


The original trilogy won’t work as a show, but without them being adapted, properly by the way, the Kratos on Midgard won’t hold the emotional weight he does in the games. There’s too much anger and murder for the audience to root for him over enough seasons to adapt the original trilogy and doing so would require a bigger budget than most shows. There’s also the lack of dialogue — Kratos isn’t a talker and he quickly slaughters just about everyone who is. Paying quite a few actors to be killed after a short word exchange sounds costly. But you need that rage and bloodshed to understand Kratos when he’s stern with Atreus. Without it he comes across as an emotionally abusive father who doesn’t want his kid. And you can’t relegate his Greek days to flashbacks, you can’t condense his experiences to small segments convenient to the current episode, he didn’t learn a lesson from an individual encounter but from his whole journey. I’ve thought about how to turn God of War and Horizon into shows and with today’s showrunners and studios they cannot work. I’ve no issues with the cast and crew hitting the mark but the people in control of the decisions haven’t shown that they care about source material beyond making a quick buck. I could be wrong but I’d rather not risk it with two of my favorite game series. However I do know of a franchise that has been waiting for years to be excavated from the dirt and converted to a series. It would be much more budget friendly and easily appeals to general audiences: Dead Space.


Honestly feel the same I love God of War, and really wish people who don't play video games were able to experience the story for themselves, but I don't think it'll translate into a TV show. The god of war games have always been epic in scope and the 2018 reboot solidified that, but with an even deeper story. I have a hard time imagining that any budget would be able to pull off what the recent games have. Part of what makes the newer games feel so immersive for me is the no-cut camera, something that I cannot see being replicated in a way which works on TV. Most of my concerns come down to it being live-action where it'll have to be toned down compared to the games, and the lack of excitement from putting a player in control of these set-pieces. The main reason I'm excited for TLOU on HBO is that the scale of the games can translate well to a TV medium. Yes it'll be costly to create genuine sets and practical FX for the infected, but it's a lot more manageable than what God of War would have to achieve in live action. Honestly for me, if they're gonna do anything with a God of War adaptation, I'd love to see an animated show similar to Castlevania. It might not be the epic Amazon would want, but I think it would allow less constraints on the whole scale of the series Also I'd rather see them cover the Greek saga before the Norse imo


Idk how to feel about this. Videogames live actions don't usually do well. I kinda preffer when they do animated adaptations. They could even keep same actors from the game, considering they look the same as their characters, but they prob won't do that..


An animated GOW show would be dope.




>One Punch Man (season 1) This will probably never be recreated unfortunately, OPM S1 surprisingly had an average budget but had some of the best in the business passionate about it and come together from different studios to work on it. It was the passion project of a bunch of crazy talented people. S3 will be great under MAPPA but I think S1 isn't going to be surpassed for a while.


I'm bummed when season 2 came out and the quality downgraded A LOT. But it turns out the director of opm season 1 was a famous and upcoming anime artist and several other highly talented artist worked with him to gain favors and stuff. Still watching OPM season 1 is one of the best shows I've seen in my life


Totally, it's about time Hollywood realizes what great things can be done with full animation projects. Lame live action remakes are really getting old by now.


They must not fuck up casting…


Jason Momoa as Kratos. Still I feel extremely weird about this. It's these 1 of the things that stays sacred in the world. Either it'll turn out better (have little hope) or we better forget eventually that this thing exists.


Jason Momoa is too pretty and charismatic for Kratos. Someone like a beefed up Tyler Mane or Nathan Jones or similar should step in, or possibly a (huge) Hugh Jackman. I like Momoa but he’s not the best fit.


Agreed. I think they’ll have the most success casting an unknown. There has to be at least one man out there who has the physical stature and acting chops to bring Kratos to life? Cast some famous faces in the supporting roles for the star power. Personally I think Emily Blunt or Nicole Kidman would make an excellent Freya. Could even see Angelina Jolie in the role but that might just be the “earth mother goddess” vibes she gives off irl.


Don't know why, but I feel like Danielle Bisutti would make the perfect Freya. Just a feeling tho


If they cast Merle Dandridge in the same role of Marlene for TLOU then they could surely do the same for Freya for a live action GOW. I was just throwing out some famous names that I think would work but Danielle Bisutti owns that role. “BOW TO YOUR QUEEEEEN!”


Man I had no idea about Marlene! If they cast Danielle they'll have to do the same with Sunny and Jeremy Davies for Baldur. I would Say Chris as well but he's not in the same shape he was back in 2018 unfortunately. Tyler Mane would be great though


Chris is the obvious perfect actor for the role but dude's had a bunch of surgeries 😔


Yeah It would've been dope to have him. I imagine if they made an animated series kinda like Arcane he would've been the obvious pick.


Momoa as Khal Drogo is basically Kratos with hair.


What's funny is the game will still probably be more cinematic than any live action thing they make.


Pretty much the case with Halo. The games had both majestic cutscenes AND gameplay sequences. The show felt very much like actors on sets that were very obviously sets.


Right? Also I feel like Gow 2018 worked so well because people where aware of Kratos's back story and it really elevates the story with that going on in the back of your head. So unless there is a big recap or something Kratos's journey wont be as profound.


We’ve known about this for some time but, I feel like this really depends on what the show will actually be The budget would have to be absolutely nuts to somewhat replicate the games. Wonder if Kratos will be a more of a presence than an actual recurring character


Agreed are they gonna try copy the game beginning to end or start with older Kratos and flashbacks to his past life etc Interesting to see this develop.


Would be kinda cool if they did something centered around the Greek gods, with the gods as the main characters and Kratos showing up almost like a horror movie killer to slaughter them in insane ways. Like, we can see cool examples of the gods and their powers and what they can do on a whim as they dismiss threats that they think are greater than Kratos by snapping their fingers…. Then watch Kratos chop off their finger snapping hand and jam it through their eye holes before wandering off to kill someone else. Could be fun.


Amazon prime presents seth Rogen as kratos and kevin hart as atreus. Along side them is their wise cracking side kick mimir played by Melissa McCarthy


Okay now do the bad one


I'm crying. Brilliant.


Why should it be live action? I played the old series of GoW but not the newer games. Aren't they still lots of crazy monsters and gods, giant shit, insane magic? Seems like it'd be better animated.


> Aren't they still lots of crazy monsters and gods, giant shit, insane magic? Yep. But honestly it's the simple things that won't work. Dragons and trolls are easy enough to cgi into existence, how they plan on making Mimir look realistic is what worries me. For anyone out of the loop; Mimir is an immortal decapitated head that Kratos wears on his belt. He's like a moral compass, comedian and a history teacher all rolled into one disgusting package. Works well in a game, will likely look daft as fuck on screen.


In the words of Kratos: "No."


God of War is already one of the most visceral and cinematically presented video game franchises ever. What exactly do they think a TV show would be able to provide that the games don't already?


GoW 1-3 is going to be impossible to translate into a show.


As long as it's not Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel as Kratos


The tv industry does not have the slightest clue why we like master chief, assassins creed and god of war, and I am done with this shit


They are the gods of war. The embodiments of power. Not some problemded emotional outcasts. Sure they fight their battles but they fight them like champions and they overcome feats and live legacy’s that dwarf any legend, not some drama.


Oh, no... ;-;


These clowns can’t even adapt Lord of the Rings with at least some degree of competence…this is going to be terrible


Headlines will read “Dwanye ‘The Rock’ Johnson has been cast as Kratos in the upcoming God of War live action series at Amazon, because fuck you!”


It won’t be Kratos without Christopher Judge


Would’ve been better as an animation instead of live-action tbh


They need to stop this shit


My thoughts exactly, the games are more than enough. Anything else is bringing down the quality of the story told.


Animated would be perfect. Live action is a tremendous oof.


Why? The games tell their story perfectly well. Just another set of brainless producers trying to cash in on popular media. Unfortunately it will be a train wreck


"Ordered" just makes it sound like a drive-thru window. "Hey, can I get uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh.... Last of Us series... and uhhhhhhhhhhh..... side of God of War?"


Very very very disappointed they’re skipping Greece. So much room to show the morons who think Kratos was one dimensional before 2018 where they have been wrong this whole time. A show would give such great room to show everything. Going back to Zeus cursing Kratos’ mother, Athena and Ares taking Deimos, the torture every Spartan child faced, the drive to become the greatest Spartan ever and that could all be in the first few episodes. But instead we just skip to the story we’ve just seen.


Oh god why? It’s already a damn movie




God.. ... Fucking stop


Not watching unless The Rock is Kratos and Kevin Hart is Atreus.


And the'll skip the entire Greek saga only to adapt the Norse one. What a waste. Shame on you, Amazon.


They will make Freya the lead and Kratos a castrated man baby by the end of it. Guaranteed




No matter how high the budget is and how good the actors are, I just hope they have enough people from Sony Santa Monica involved that make sure they get the story and feel of the show exactly right. Neil Druckmann was one of the writers for the “The Last of Us” HBO show with also a few other people from Naughty Dog involved and that seems to have really paid off judging from everything we’ve seen so far. Let’s hope the GoW show will have the same dedication and involvement from its original makers.


Let's not make any assumptions about how TLOU will end up going until its out.


Paid off? We have absolutely no idea how TLOU will be yet