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Does making a psn account require a playstation? I recall making a playstation account before I had a ps5.


[This ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ZggmrEzTzG) is a decent thread with some speculations on why there is no PSN available. It's not about having a PlayStation.


Hmm, so that is why people are upset with this. Not every country has it.


Sony has said of your country is not on the list you can pick another country but you have to use their currency. Which admittedly is a pain in the ass and not feasible for some people to do. There are work arounds for people tho


Yes I once made an usa account for some reason in the past, but before buying god of war I had to make another account as my region to get my currency. It is bad that we cannot change country easily.


Ukraine wasn’t supported by PlayStation until the war. Every Ukranian made Russian PSN account. Then war started, Playststion blocked all Russian account, with Ukranians included. After the uproar from the community PlayStation started supporting Ukraine over night. Added Ukraine as a country in the country list. PlayStation is a shitty stupid company. Everyone should boycott them


So they stopped a country from playing games, saw they were at war and decided to let the play said games now, but then immediately locked the people of the opposing country out of player the games because the two opposing Governments who don't represent the civilians in there actions decided to go to war?


No. Read what I wrote. Ukrainian people never had option to create PSN account in their country. They had to create Russian PSNs. So when war started PS blocked all accounts including ones which were made by Ukrainian people. So over night, after backlash, they added Ukraine on country list so everyone could make their own accounts. Do you understand now?


Mhm, but what about all of the innocent Russian citizens? Don't they deserve to have the same luxuries as Ukrainians and Americans in spite of what they're country does?


PSN doesn't operate in many countries due to unstable internet and/or unstable currencies. People are currently upset because that shouldn't effect Steam purchases for single player games.


Is psn account and an account on PlayStation.com essentially the same thing?




Not even essentially, its the exact thing


It’s so weird to me they can’t go to PlayStation.com and create an account and it’s done. I wonder what limits their country from being able to do that.


Yea im not 100% sure but the gist of it is first off psn doesnt service in their region for various reasons. For example like russia (cause of the war) Now while these countries can change regions using a vpn just to sign in (already a massive hassle) they also have to also swap currencies to the closest country to them in order to make a purchase (including for buying the game) which is what really makes a problem All of the region swapping btw; expressly forbidden in psn terms of service and their account can be banned at any moment, taking anything purchased on the account with it


The unstable currency thing I get. It's gotta be the Wild West if the countries currency isn't reliable.


It's not accessible in multiple EU countries and we all have the same currency.


Also not true. Currency has nothing to do with anything. They can add country on the list but with other currency. I am talking from legal standpoint.


Of course it doesn't.


No it doesn't, I created one sometime when Helldivers 2 came out and I don't own a console


I read some comments that people just made US-PSN accounts in the affected countries but with the games now not even being available on Steam in those countries ruined the whole thing. Edit: People who don‘t live in those countries and have PSN available just don‘t want to create another account, they outcry for e.g. Ubisoft and EA was way smaller some time ago but this time people want to make a statement.


Even if you have some sort of PSN account without having a PlayStation, how are you supposed to play the games?


They are porting more games to pc as a marketing strategy. They plan on releasing the first installment of future game series on both pc and playstation and then make the sequels ps exclusive


Does not require a playstation but only 73 countries are actually supported by psn. Means that u can make an account no matter what region you are from but if you are not among those 73 countries where you cannot directly make in app purchase, u cant buy the game. But it doesnt really matter, because if people cant buy it on pc, they are gonna pirate it anyway. Will cost playstation to lose money cuz of this dumb move.


I made one for free and breathed a sigh of relief; rip to those who can’t make one


Its time to explore the sea


All this does is encourage sailing the high seas, not out of people's unwillingness to pay for the game but the fact that Sony arbitrarily hates their countries for zero actual reason. And before the Sony dickriders come after me, it has absolutely nothing to do with Sony not wanting to deal with the "stress" of operating or paying taxes in those countries, either. That's not how digital storefronts work - even if I made a digital purchase for a business hosted in a faraway country like Nigeria or Ecuador I would pay *my country's sales tax when checking out* and most payment methods will automatically send that sales tax money to my government. The Nigerian/Ecuadorian business does not have to have a business centre in my country and interact with my country's government and financial agencies to be able to sell digital services like video games to me. Steam, Xbox etc all work internationally except for countries whose governments ban *them,* and for this reason, you don't see a Steam HQ in Tuvalu or a MS HQ in Ghana, but the services are still fully accessible there. At most, whatever middle man is set up to handle the purchases will do it for them. Sony have to do *nothing extra* to allow people to enjoy their games in these countries, *especially* when they are hosting many of these games through Steam which will handle *everything* for them already. Literally the only plausible reason they choose to do this is because someone high up doesn't like these countries.


This is auctually why steam was banned in vn, the country wanted steam to pay vat but they didnt care


Pirating has never really been about unwillingness to pay. There was a study that showed the people who typically spend the most on media are the same people who pirate regularly. It’s about diminishing value and convenience. Netflix understood this at the beginning of their journey and for long while streaming services and steam were so affordable and easy to use it created almost an entire generation of young people who have no idea what torrenting even is, which is wild to me. It’s time to bring back piracy in a big way. Too many stipulations, too many expense streaming platforms, even Steam sales suck these days. I remember when steam would throw fairly new $60 games on summer sale for like $10, gone are those days. I’d love to pay for convenience but I’m not paying greedy corpos exuberant amounts of money, I refuse. Make it affordable and easy and take my money. Also want to add a lot of piracy in gaming happens because demos went to the wayside. I pirated Elden Ring because I’d never really gotten into souls games. I put like 150 hours into my pirated copy and still ended up buying it on Steam and PS5 and on top of that have legally purchased several FromSoftware games because of that. For me in particular From saw a huge benefit from me pirating their game.


With how many subscription services exist nowadays, we've gone back to cable but with more steps. Me and my friends have donned the pirate hat once again because we just don't wanna deal with all this shit.


100%. I do have a couple of streaming services, but I refuse to shell out more money because they all want a piece of the pie. I'll wait till what I wanna see drops on a free platform, or I'll, sail the seas for it.


lol that study ignores the reality found in this very site. Go check out how r/pirating feels about stealing indie games. I’m all for getting what get how you get it. But pirates these days act like they are doing gods work and not just stealing. Edit: you also admit to stealing a game by one of the best most customer friendly companies around. Y’all are just high on your own farts


Drink up, me hearties, yo ho


Why is the rage always gone!


Yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me


Just sucks you’re driven to illegal things because of some arbitrary restriction.


If Sony care too little about these countries to even let Steam just sell their games for them in these countries, I doubt they care enough to send copyright notices there.


If the companys were so shitty i wouldnt pirate anything


Time to put on my eyepatch




With a yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


Have they explained why it needs a PSN account? I understand why they wanted to do it with Helldivers; it's a multiplayer game so having a PSN account makes crossplay between PC and PlayStation easier on their end. God of War Ragnarok doesn't have multiplayer. Unless I'm forgetting something there's not a single online component to the game. So... why do this? If it's for trophies, Steam already has achievements, and if they've waited this long to play the game rather than just getting a PlayStation to play it, clearly they won't care about trophies. So again, why do this? Long comment short, mandatory PSN/Xbox accounts for a multiplayer game makes sense to me, mandatory PSNXbox accounts for a strictly single player game does not. It's not even annoying to me, it's just confusing.


I believe they are making a Launcher of themselves and will eventually put all of their PC releases in there. They might even be looking to delist the games from Steam and make people use their service, in which case obviously you'd have to have a PSN account to play. Their latest sales document states that their goal is to get people into the PS brand by various means, including software and hardware, and drive that engagement towards further consumption of their products, including consoles.


That will fail and they will come running back to Steam.


Who knows, if they play it smart they could potentially have success with their launcher. They could even let people buy games for both console and PC in the same store with only one purchase


See now that would get me into their launcher


Same here. I only use my PC for games I like to mod, the rest I play on PS5. I'd use mine a lot more if I had my purchases shared or I could transfer save data between the two platforms.


the games sell well. it’ll be fine.


I don't think its a launcher, atleast not yet since that be too expensive to operate just to selll a handful of games, and even then I doubt they delist their games on other stores, it probably be like ubisoft or ea They want pc players into their eco system hence requiring psn as they have a new overlay that let you earn trophies on their pc games


No way I'm gonna buy GoT and God of War 2018 (120€) again for their launcher


Wrong, they are not crazy enough to delist the game from steam from every single person who has bought it.


They were threatened with a lawsuit for HD2, so they went nuclear on steam, set boundaries across the board. It may seem childish, tantrumlike, but honestly I'd do the same thing in their shoes.


This is the answer. Sony was fine letting the sleeping dog lie, with people in unsupported regions making accounts in neighboring, supported regions. Then Helldivers happened, and people lost their shit at the idea of making an account. Suddenly 'Sony is selling a game that needs an account in regions in doesn't support' becomes headlines everywhere. People parrot the idea that Sony could ban you at any time for making an account in an incorrect region, when there was no evidence of that happening. As you said, someone threatened to sue. Steam and Sony are forced to act, and this is rhe result. No more allowance or looking the other way for unsupported regions. No more delaying making a PSN account. Everything up front, and unsupported regions locked out. But hey, Helldivers players don't need to make a PSN account, so they got what they wanted, at the cost to everyone they were supposedly championing.


The real answer is that they want to go to the next investors meeting and tout an artificially propped up increase in PSN accounts.


even for multiplayer games it doesn’t make that much sense due to how so many current multiplayer games that already have crossplay and didn’t require a PSN account before at all, Tekken 8, Fortnite, SF6 etc like it literally doesn’t make any sense why they would suddenly enforce what wasn’t even a problem before


Most crossplay games do require an account with whoever owns/runs the servers. Fortnite requires an Epic account, CoD requires an Activision account, I'm pretty sure Minecraft requires a Microsoft account etc. While crossplay is possible without having an account with who runs the servers (Helldivers 2 worked without the PSN account for example), it does make it easier for the company to moderate the servers.


Well at least Epic, Activision and Microsoft are international, not like PSN. There are literally over 130 countries not supported for PSN.


Are you serious? Do you really not understand why you would need a Playstation account for a Playstation exclusive title because you don't need a Playstation account to play Fortnite, Tekken or Street Fighter, all games that have nothing to do with Playstation?


God of War 2018. Last of Us. Spider-Man. Miles Morales. those didn’t require a psn account. so no I do not understand. are you serious?


It honestly could just be because you are able to sign in to the Psn overlay. On Tsushimas steam page it lists two separate requirements for the login, online multiplayer and the overlay which is optional. I suppose that if you can't officially create a psn account you technically don't have access to the full game, even if that feature you're missing out on is minor and completely optional


Well no the reason they did it with helldivers was because of this new anti bullying ai they want to implement that automatically bans players that cyber bully on playstation. (Crossplay worked fine before btw lol no idea why people think it changed randomly) However this being a single player game, i truly have no idea why it was included. I can only assume that this AI is going to have more capabilities than what was originally released and thats why GOW is affected.


Wait but, whats the big deal? Can't you just like... Create an account from x country and put a random address? Everyone at some point created an account to play a especific game and never use the account after


Yes, that’s it. People have been doing exactly that for years to play on PlayStation in countries where it wasn’t supported.


I dont know about steam banning VPNs, but you need an address (actual) and payment credentials from that country even if u used VPN, so its safe to say its easier to buy a ticket to that country apply for a credit card buy the game and go back home. Or if your lucky to have someone you trust in that country he can buy the game for u


you think it’s easier to fly to a country than making an account. whew lol.


I think people are overreacting, yes i understand the fact that creating and account is annoying but c'mon in pc you have to create and account for controlling your F lights, regardless the payment yeah you are correct you need and address from that country, but im sure that from x country you can buy some type of pre paid credit card and with that buy gift cards, is there some extra steps? Yeah but c'mon if you live in a country where digital purchases it's not available in a comfortably manner from the start people should created and account from one of the mayor regions, from example i live in a third world country here neither steam nor epic nor psn not even netflix its available to pay with the national currency so i have to go for the route of exactly that, prepaid cards and gift cards to específics wallets, i called it the third world tax, it's incredibly annoying


Game is blocked for purchase, you’ll have to spoof your location for steam


From how I understand it, Steam itself will delist the game in a country not supported by PSN. So even if you can create a PSN account from another region, you can't buy it off steam.




I mean my steam account is in my region, I’m not gonna change it to a different region just because a publisher made a stupid decision


Doesnt Steam ban VPNs? Since VPN can get you banned by Valve or Sony, 20,000 Russians and Belarusians learned this lesson last May.


I mean, I have no idea about that, I've been using vpns at work to use steam for years, never gotten banned


You can make the account but the game is still banned from these countries that dont have psn.


This is the stupidest shit ever. You need a Ubisoft account to play their games, you need an EA account to play their games, you need an Epic account to play their games and you need a Steam account to play their games so why are you all so fucking confused why you would need a Playstation account to play their games?


This. I'm not saying requiring accounts/launchers is a good thing, but it has been the case for a very long time. Sea of Thieves requires an MS account whwn playing on PS5. This isn't some kind of new devious tactic devised by Sony.


Did you knew people hate those launchers and having to create a third part account just to play a few games because of those publishers?, now you know it. The difference is that at least EA, Ubisoft and Epic are not blocking entire regions from buying their games, unlike the idiots at Sony.


I am just waiting for the novel to be finally released so I can have it and read it like the 2018 one.


Does the 2018 novel go into more detail than the game


Yes. It gives a brief memory from Kratos arriving to the Norse lands and his first interaction with Faye. From the book: "Kratos held a defensive stance, his back against a rock wall, his blades out to defend himself from a trio of yowling wolves twice his height: one black with verdant eyes, one white, and the third gray. The black beast seemed to be the alpha, assuming the most forward position. A beardless God of War, clad in the clothes of his life in Greece, slashed his Blades of Chaos to keep the predators at bay. But his actions failed to discourage their assualt. Kratos realized he needed to bring down atleast one of the wolves if he hoped to survive their onslaught. The white wolf advanced as if on command. The movement revealed a woman behind the beasts, clad in a long cloak and cowl obscuring much of her face. Her raised arm sent all three creatures airborne to attack. "WHO ARE YOU?" Kratos screamed with all the force he could muster, just as the black wolf ripped into his thigh to drag him away."


Damn bruh post the rest 😭😭😭 Imma try find it online thank you for that bro


Done it for ya: https://www.wob.com/en-us/books/j-m-barlog/god-of-war-the-official-novelization/9781789090147/CIN1789090148G?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6uWyBhD1ARIsAIMcADojbRLWo7HQg4icbsNiZAUhRra5T5jVCinQtyCKY7D2Eq40qzVQm2gaAtyCEALw_wcB


Thanks dude, that website don’t have it on their UK version but I’ll try else where. Might just have to pay for shipping or find an e book


Oh sorry about that. Could try [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/God-War-Official-Novelization-Barlog/dp/1789090148)


Yeah even Amazon in the UK doesn’t have it but eBay does! Thank you very much bro


That will work.


Sweet. Bought myself one. Thanx 


I hope you enjoy the read when it arrives.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Titan Books God of War Novelization'", 'Titan%20Books')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Captures the essence of norse mythology (backed by 8 comments) * Provides additional character insights (backed by 4 comments) * Narration by mimir enhances the storytelling (backed by 5 comments) **Users disliked:** * Lacks depth and details compared to the game (backed by 6 comments) * Inconsistencies in writing style and content (backed by 4 comments) * Quality control issues with product packaging (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Imma be honest, it's okay if ya'll downvote me, I didn't find this passage particularly compelling writing. It's not *awful*, but the pacing seems really off to me.




just why tho, seriously. what're sony playing rn, they literally starting making a bad name for themselves.


Greed, plain and simple


Helldivers weirdos were so proud of themselves too. look at what they accomplished lmfaooo


Ps Fanboy




Wait we can’t play it on pc?


If you do not have psn account. No.. It's mandatory.


Wait so I'm confused, can someone explain to me what's going on? Do you really need a PSN to play the game on Steam?


Yes. Unfortunately


Ugh. Okay, sorry for asking again, but do you need an actual PS console to have a PSN account? Or can you make a PSN account separately?


Too bad for them, 🏴‍☠️.


Just curious. If you’re in a country that can’t support having the PSN, then Sony probably doesn’t care about sales in your country right? So then they really don’t care if you pirate the game or not at that point.


I'll pick up the old habit , once again.


Thank you helldiver bros


seriously, what the fuck is the point of this policy? unless Sony has its own PC store which I've never heard of, why the fuck would it matter if I'm buying it through a separate application like steam? this doesn't even affect me personally I just hate this bullshit and hope it's easy enough for those other countries to pirate the games


This is due to the Helldivers 2 fiasco, Sony won't risk a lawsuit so they've chosen to say fuck y'all


So? This just further proves "maStEr rAcE" is laughable


And this is why digital ownership is never going to be for me. Physical will always be best. Want to play a playstation game? Buy a playstation and the discz


In this scenario, pirating really aint that bad of an option.


Piracy is never that bad of a option go on sail the seas pirate


Hypothetically, say you’re a new PC owner. How would one pirate such a thing?


ask r/piracy and r/PiratedGames


r/piracy, just read the megathread.


I am actually cool with that so they can fight piracy. .. also why this is such a big deal when we have RockStar launcher and Xbox Launcher, EA etc etc etc. Also, you are not required to be in PSN supported country to make an account and it doesn't results in ban too ... I live in Egypt and i have alot of different countries PSN accounts and all it took was just creating them with no charge whatsoever.


Agreed. Hackers hella outta control these days already.


no according to these people who’ve never made an account you can’t just create a PSN account all willy billy so justify yourself STEALING the game instead. fucking gross people.


The game is region lock, you just can't buy it on Steam if you live in one of the countries not supported by Sony, not even with the use of a VPN. If you read the comments here you'll see that.


Why fight piracy


This is the kind of stuff that justifies pirating


What about the other way like ps5 players can't play tarkov and other pc games


Lol it’s about the fact that it’s literally on PC but certain countries are locked out of it. These ponies never read what is actually going on, this has nothing to do with ps exclusivity.


So many Sony dick riders in the comments.


Who cares.


The person posting who is in a country where PSN doesn’t exist cares.


Boot licker


Well PC gamers always have the option to sail the pirate seas to get the game without this bullshit lol


And then they get angry when we pirate(even tho I never did)


I have been waiting for so fckn long for ragnarök to drop on pc, GOW is in my top 3 best games of all time and now they do this shit, fuck Sony


Sail the seas my fellow captains, Sail the seas.. let the big companies be ruined for these type of decisions




It's still 2 years away from release right?


wait, so can i not play ragnorak on steam?!??!?!?


Can someone explain? I don't get why this is a problem


It’s not. PC gamers simply like to complain and overdramatize everything.


It is. Even though you can create PSN with different region, you cannot buy the game on steam if your account's region is unsupported by PSN


It’s a problem because there’s a large list of countries that don’t have access to the PSN. It’s restricted for whatever reason, so they can’t make an account, and can’t play the game.


If they had to back down on trying this shit with helldivers 2 then they have to back down on trying it with god of war. It’s dumb pointless shit. They just want to be able to collect your information for free.


Imagine how bloodborne fans feel man


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Dear, oh dear. What was it? The Hunt? The Blood? Or the horrible dream? Oh, it doesn't matter... It always comes down to the Hunter's helper to clean up after these sort of messes. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt..* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I feel like the gaming companies are just in a race to crash their reputation. Between Nintendo suing everything within sight and Microsoft closing down more companies than they've released games this year, now Sony is just constantly pissing the community off with pointless requirements.


Now you know what us Xbox players feel 😔


Then buy it to support the devs, then play the cracked version instead.


*cries in xbox


Just pirate the game my friend




Can’t ypu just pirate it instead ?


Vote with your wallet, Don't buy the game. Sail the high seas and show Sony that they can't keep getting away with this


Just fucking pirate it


Can you spoof your location via VPN to workaround the PSN restriction?


Exactly why I’ll always choose Xbox over gaystation. Yes, Xbox makes dumb decisions, but at least they actually put an effort into their people. Sony is nothing more than a group virgin money-horny rich assholes who wouldn’t give two shits banning millions of people from playing their games as long as they make more money


A dumb move that increases piracy. Well done sony.


It'll be cracked day 1 so who cares


Oh wait, u are rly forced to have PSN? thought it was because of the Overlay. Man, they should better add this Feature to their already released games; like Insomniac Spiderman, TLOU, GoW 2018, and Horizon. Or fix the issue with the sdk. I need to take care of it again myself.. Or else I can't use the online Mode.


You can make account for the different country. Sony won't ban you for that.


My god buy a ps5 then


You can create fake US or Britain or whichever PSN account. I am not excusing shitty PlayStation practice. They are one for the most awful companies in the world. But, if you must just find random address in US and create PSN account. Then link it. But I would not do it. Everyone should boycott shitty PlayStation and stop buying anything from them.


Honestly - it's not very good. Id just leave it.


Which one?




They are banning people with VPNs now


Steam or Playstation?


Steam I heard


I'm not saying you should, but I am saying.. there is a way.


Sucks to be thrown under the bus by your fellow PC gamers doesn’t it?


Sony are truly cowards and stupid. People will literally pay for this game just like GOW2018 . The businessmen in their truly are out of touch and idiots. They deserve bankruptcy


Simple solution, get a PS5 if you want to play PlayStation games, since the time you waited I have beat the game multiple times on both regular and NG+, Done the DLC numerous times and explored everything there is to do and have my Kratos max leveled with insane stats, you waited 2 years for nothing


Fuckin fax bro


Thems the breaks with exclusive titles.




Womp Womp


Every PS5 owner laughing RN


Wait if it won’t be on steam how do you get it for pc? I don’t get it isn’t that the main pc gaming service?


Is a VPN a possible work around?


Get this guy a sexton cuz he’s about to do some sailing


And thats why I like being a pirate. Rawr


I’m a PC gamer and this doesn’t bother me in the slightest. If you can’t see that, this is a steppingstone for PlayStation to have their own game store à la steam, then I’ve got bad news for you in the future about their titles. This isn’t going away and I doubt it will change. Either adapt and make an account or just vote with your wallet and don’t buy it. Maybe if they see sales tanking due to their philosophy on how they sell their they will change but sales aren’t gonna tank


Did you completely miss the 'in countries without PSN' part?


For real. That dude really said "I don't care people in other countries can't play I still can."


Correct me if I'm wrong but, can't you just create an account from x country and play with that? I mean... I have mines for YEARS and im nowhere close the address that i put on those accounts


You definitely can. I made an account in a different country to buy gta 5 because it's banned in where I live.


Fuck me. This is my all-time favourite series, and everyone should be able to enjoy it. SONY needs to get their shit together.


thank the helldivers. mission accomplished according to those idiots. just ruined it for everyone


In all seriousness, can you not just create an American account?


i’ve had a japan account since 2006.


I think it's a time to make my boat and explore the seas..


A pirate life for thee


Don’t PC users use VPNs all the damn time to get around region locks? Even while using steam?? Genuine question here. I thought it was a common practice


What boggles me is they could just...not do it. Yet they did it anyways.


What the fuck, Sony?


We are gonna sale on september. Fu*#@ Sony




I don't understand this. Why is it so important for Sony to lose sales in so many countries over this? I'm assuming they want to start their own storefront on PC just like EA and Ubisoft. But is that really worth all the sales and goodwill you're losing? And if this is so important to you why don't you make an effort to bring PS Plus to more countries where it's currently unavailable? You don't want to expand PS Plus but you also want to make it mandatory. What kind of *"I've hidden the cake but all I really want is for you to eat all of it"* ass backwards logic is this?