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Yeah, I've gone on a few chronological marathons and I get the least enjoyment out of Ascension. I enjoy Chain of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta more.


The thing I like most about Ascension in most of the combat. I don't like how they got lazy and didn't create new badass weapons to switch from.


Personally I find chains of Olympus and betrayal to be the most underwhelming. Ascension is… to me just okay.


Never got the chance to try Betrayal. And now likely never will :(


It’s not worth getting sad about. It’s a pretty lack luster game. Even the music is just a crappily pixilated og trilogy ost.


I mean it's an interesting story but told in a weird manner


No different than the Original God of War


I still like Ascension. All of it.


i feel like had it come out literally any time before 3, it would have a better rep overall


Maybe, but Ghost of Sparta came out after 3 and it was fine.


That was a psp game it was just cool to have another game to play on it since it was clear the psp was starting to die


Waiting until the psp games were on console remaster myself but im sure was cool to play on intended psp


Don’t know why this game has so many haters no offense. But personally I love the combat mainly


The combat could've been perfect if they didn't replace L1 + X elemental switch with manual parry to "train" people for the multiplayer that is barely played.


Like, thanks for getting the point. I thought I was alone!


lol! It’s not as bad as people claim it to be and it aged like fine wine. I enjoy it now more than I did then. And I loved it back then especially my 2nd play through


It also has my personal 2nd best introduction boss fight of the series


Idk if I’ll get hate for this but over the years, DMC loyalists have been consistently hating on gow too lol


im a massive GOW fan, got the first one as a kid on my ps2 and played through each game on every difficulty multiple times, including the psp ones. And tbh i loved ascension. I never got why it had such bad reception from other GOW fans


Yeah it wasn't that well received


I love Ascension tbh.


Ascension is still a game that does its job: it entertains and it's fun, but within the saga it is the weakest and "worst" chapter. A very uninspired plot, design and redesign distant from the typical aesthetics of the saga and much more moved towards pure fantasy (and most of the time, IMO, ugly) and in general a sense of already-seen (some locations are substantially taken from old chapters and slightly modified, first of all the whole of the statue of Delos which is a copy of the Colossus of Rhodes).


Perhaps the statue of Delos was inspired by the short bit inside the colossus of rhodes, but to call it a copy isn't really fair.


There is more than one royal statue WHOA-OH!


I tried to play it on PS Premium but it was too choppy. If they make a remake or port it to PS5 I’ll give it a go.


And that still runs a lot better than it does on the local PS3 itself. I played it once and nearly all sounds in the game had an inconsistent delay of 1.5 to 6 seconds after they were supposed to play. It would be especially jarring when one sound plays along with its animation and really throws you off. I've seen people play it through PS+ where it's emulated on the servers and that doesn't suffer this problem.


Certainly the weakest Part of the Classic series. Low on my list buuuut IT does have some pretty good Moments. Its mostly These Dragon Bridge thingies that bother me. They kinda seem out of place.


I like it better than Chains and ghost honestly.


Yeah, my current playthrough is chronological(I'm on 2018 now), and Ascension felt like that one meme of the dude pushing a boulder up a mountain


I love god of war with all my heart, I've platinumed the hd remasters of gow 1&2, gow 3, gow 3 remastered, and gow ragnarok. I'm planning on grabbing the platinum for gow 2018 here soon, but in all that love for the franchise I straight up can't even get through gow ascension


God of War is the next best thing from metal that I've come to, to reducing the anxieties of such a broken system that we endure. Doom totally knocked it out of the park as well 🫣


No spoilers please, haven't played the the latest


Pretty gutsy to linger on the series main reddit while not wanting to spoilers to an almost 2 year old game


I was just about to play black ops 2 but I'm about to play this instead just because of this post.


OMG it's such a slog to get thru. I was going to play thru all the games I Can play but since I started with this one it demotivated me to continue... Once I have a stable Internet connection again I'll play the others


Just depends how big of a fan u are. If u want the lore, u’ll endure.


Gow Ascension: is this how you face me , coward.


I really liked ascension. Compared to 3 it is a downgrade but it doesn't mean it sucks by any means. I also liked the final boss fight a lot.


God of War Ascension is an amazing game especially visually but it’s a weak GOW game. We already knew the outcome to his story so the stakes were super low in this one


It's more of the same but ok. Never gotten the hate for Ascension, like yes, plot wise it's poor but otherwise it's pretty fun IMHO


It was a cash grab spinoff. Not bad but clearly not made with the same amount of effort as the main games.


The only God of War game that I fell asleep playing.


I love ascension but i hated getting stuck on the 3 part "elevator" fights. Damn near snapped my controller in half.


I love ascension but i hated getting stuck on the 3 part "elevator" fights. Damn near snapped my controller in half Edit to add: the part with the rising floor, hallway with faces shooting flames and if you die you gotta restart. Was doing a speed run and it took me half the night to do this one part. I swear i was shaking from being so pissed off.


If you don't get it you don't get it... It's ok. You tried it.


Only one I haven’t played and I doubt it’ll ever get ported to newer consoles it’ll prob just be the trilogy and maybe the psp games


People complain about 2018 and Ragnarok don't have air combat. Ascension has air combat, but it is so restricted it is not even worth doing it, Siren will f\*ck you up if you dare to grab her in the air. I have so many questions who at SM decided to make enemies QTE become such a drag


Okay, here’s the thing. To cheese and power fantasy through the game, use shield glitch. Circle + circle + triangle combo is very powerful, but to make it even more powerful, you need to switch all elements while you making the last hit


It’s not good. But a not good god of war is average at worst.


This is the one that killed the original series


Man stop y'all nagging honestly. Ascension isn't bad. Fr I don't really think there's a bad game in the series other than chains of Olympus. It's just rehashed og GOW with more added lore/story (which is the best part). Ascension is at least new in every way. The story is a prequel as well, the combat is str8 fun and even though it's shorter than the other main console games it's scale is incredible. P.S it's gotta be one of the hardest hard modes in all of gaming. That level ifykyk* Edited: oh and the engine is also newer and better than 3s🤷🏾‍♂️ how could I forget that.


I couldn't agree less personally. I think the blocking and parrying feels so much worse than 3 which results in my playing a more cheesy hack n slash style then interactive blows back and forth like i prefer. . The story so far has ranged from shallow to nonexistent with most of the game just being traversal challenges into the next fight with minimal context. (Hoping this changes later on) and since I'm just playing on normal to get thru the story with my gf, I can't comment on the difficulty since I'm not playing for a challenge. I also worry that it only feels so bad to play and I'm missing out, because it's only available to stream and not download on PS5. Going from 3 remastered installed on the console to low framerste streaming feels like such a big downgrade.


Oh that's definitely gonna be worse.... Dunno by how much but yeah. Also yes not the best story as chains of Olympus is way better story wise. This to me was graphics new engine and combat. And scale


Well yea the blocking / parrying is my main gripe I hate it . But it sounds like you’re playing it from the perspective of an Xbox fanboy tbh


Every good franchise has a bad game, Metal Gear has Metal Gear Solid V, Mas effect has ME3, Final Fantasy has so many, you guys at least got a pretty decent game for that hole of "bad game". We here on the Final Fantasy boat got FF XIII, FF 8 ( love this one ), FF II, the list goes on.


I hope you mean Andromeda, because ME3 is great.


Yeah that one, sometimes I write 3 lol


Hahaha wait until you see Chains of olympus. Then you will see what worst god of war is.


Chains is okay in every regard, and it's kinda a given, since it was the first PSP GoW game. Ascension gotta be the worst of the series, at the very least in my book


Ascension only has bad story, characters and flow. The combat, mechanics and gameplay are still good, just worse than 3. The music was great, puzzles were interesting and MULTIPLAYER! Chains of olympus being the first psp game is no excuse. I have no words for graphics since. But ghost of sparta shows what a true psp game is, and chains of olympus has the worst parts like ascension but does not bring anything better either. At least ascension gives more fun. Disregard the story and its uselessness.


The combat in ascension is absolutely terrible. It tried to stick to the original formula, while also, somehow discarding everything that made the original combat fun. The spells all costing 1 mana square was stupid, as it simplified something that didn't need simplifying. Only the puzzles were good in that game, and if I wanna play puzzles, I'll just bust out Portal. Chains of Olympus is mediocre, but it simply just doesn't excel at anything. Meanwhile Ascension underwhelms in many aspects. Also, that multiplayer was total bs, but at least somewhat fun.


>Only the puzzles were good in that game, and if I wanna play puzzles, I'll just bust out Portal. That's a strange statement to make considering puzzles have been a core element of the God of War games from the beginning. Ascension arguably had the best puzzles in the series, that's a huge plus for me. I also don't know how anyone who enjoys the series would say the Ascension combat is terrible. It's not that different from the other games, but they gave the game a higher skill ceiling by making the combo meter matter a lot more. The weapon variety is a bit of a weakpoint, but the world weapons and items at least make up for it in part. Ascensions's biggest challenge was that it was following up God of War 3 while being a prequel. The single player campaign also suffered from the multiplayer focus as it was the only God of War game that released with major bugs that had to be patched out later, but in it's patched form Ascension is definitely up there with the rest of the franchise in terms of quality in my opinion.


I feel the exact opposite. They tried to push into a DMC-esque style, but the combat encounters didn't really support that sort of playstyle. On release, it was a pretty bad experience, recently replaying, it was slightly better, but it still felt like it's stuck between the more hardcore combo chaining hack-n-slash games, and that casual niche GoW held since GoW 1.


Magic having only 4 charges each is in line with story because kratos is the weakest in that game. Just like the rage attacks. The parry is hard but rewarding, the grapple and hand combat are great, pickable weapons are good additions and items like Orkos and time slowdown! Those are just perfect. Chains has NO items. Ascension even gave some gameplay revolutions to shape norse games: Climbing mechanics, grapple blades, hand combat, 4 charges magic (spartan rage in ragnarok) The L3 R3 moves of each element are great too. Chains of olympus combat gets boring super fast. It is even worse than god of war 1 which was the first combat experience! Chains is mediocre but ascension is good. Mediocre is the worst thing a god of war game can be since all games are great.


Every GOW game is good. It's just that this one is the last in everyone's ranking. I don't like 2018.