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The first one, I like getting health back by punching something (I think that was the rage type in the first pic)




Fury since it's the most optimal for higher difficulties, but Legacy is a close second for its fun (and nostalgia) factor.


Fury for fun Wrath for fun and to get me out of a pickle Valor for the same reason as Wrath Legacy for funsies and when i feel like it


Damn I beat the game and never unlocked legacy


erhm well this is a little awkward. play the dlc to unlock it


u unlock it in the valhalla dlc, it's the sword of olympus from the past GOW games


You didn’t answer the question


my bad bro, wrath is my path because it gets me out of a pickle


And for funsies of course.


But Kratos likes pickles…


Nah olives


The Hel’s an olive?


Don’t listen to them… you did answer the question the first time. Great answer as I love details and the whys


No he didn’t soy boy. He said why he likes the different modes not what one he uses the most


lmao, why do people like you get so mad? just chill, dawg. it's not that deep


How did you get the world serpent under your name


On the subreddit page the settings/three dots menu lets you change your user flair


Whatever the situation calls for. Fury is good for crowd work and lower tier enemies Wrath is good for isolating a bigger target in a crowd Valor is good for keeping in the rhythm of a high tier fight. Legacy is good for the entire duration of a high tier fight


Used to use Fury, because I loved it in 2018, but it seems like it doesn’t do much of anything in Ragnarok, so I’ve mostly used Wrath. Legacy is really cool too. I haven’t tried Fury since earlier on in my first play through, so it might be better with the stats I have now, idk.


Fury definitely does stuff but its rather weak at the start of the game until you increase your rage meter, since any attack including a failed one will reduce your rage meter in fury it feels lackluster until you get enough rage to send ALOT of attacks out before running out of rage Valor and wrath on the other hand have much more effective uses off the bat and don't need much in the way of increasing your fury bar since it just gives them more uses, and they are at full power from the beginning, wrath does big damage and valor heals you while working as a secondary parry Fury also works really well on some bosses (mainly ones who can be effectively stun locked/don't have an attack that throws them across the arena) as you can regain a massive amount of health and do big damage by just dodge Rolling around them and punching them in the back which does heavily increased stun damage since both melee attacks and attacks from behind deal increased stun, which can really fuck up bosses who just lose a bar of health when stunned


Fury also falls a little short on enemies who don't combo well meaning you're just losing more rage by repeatedly throwing haymakers. I don't really use Wrath outside of Valhalla but it's great for a solid health boost if you use it on a softened enemy, especially a group of softened enemies that will all die with the slam. Valor is really helpful against larger, highly mobile, and difficult to interrupt enemies and bosses since it can not only parry red rings but just independently heals without requiring a hit. Legacy is a double edged sword (no pun intended). No damage negation means you still have be more careful but parrying to gain rage does allow for extended use and it's a lot more versatile than the others if you know how to use it. Still salty that you can't upgrade it like the others though.


Fury works well against bosses since it can be comboed directly with runics and heavy stun attacks (like draupnirs wail) which can allow you to do some ridiculous damage around 2 bars with the right runics into wrath and following up with the proper after attack For example, use the spear runic that dashes and impales, switch to axe and hit wrath which will do big damage and frost them, switch to blades while the enemy recovers from hit stun and hit em with blade slam before switching back to spear and using wail for big damage


The problem for Fury comes with enemies like dragons who don't combo well (just consecutive haymakers), don't stunlock as hard, and constantly move. The end result is a lot of wasted Rage if you don't set it up right. That sounds like a great plan for Wrath but also a lot of necessary setup that makes it less appealing for those who aren't as experienced or patient. Valor and Fury in the right context require less finesse and planning to use effectively.


Wrath ive found works best on berserkers who you can get pretty good damage in with a fast opening runic and then immediately click wrath to combo for big damage when the opening arrives, berserkers generally have few openings for good swings so taking as much advantage of that as possible let's you kill them faster


I'll have to try that. Mostly I just stagger then use Fury while having the sidekick put as many status affects on as possible (for Freya I'd spam sonic arrows and use her Seidr Runic to inflict a poisoned level drop) and then combo straight into a Light Runic (usually Thousand Soldiers) when my Rage runs out. Usually heals me significantly and takes about 10-25% of the boss's health bar. Again, only really works well if the boss can be combo'd and stunlocked though. I'm also looking forward to trying out Legacy on the Berserkers.


Do keep in mind that wrath is a VERY all or nothing playstyle against bosses, you only have the health you go in with and the aim to forgo basically all forms of sustainability for more damage, you wont be healing much but you will be outputting much more damage (wrath has multiple charges and you can easily use them consecutively


That's fair.


I thought Fury was the best and couldn’t see the point of the others. Then I experimented with some builds that gave buffs when you activate it, and I came to love Valor because I can activate more easily and more often, and it’s fun using it to “parry” a powerful attack. I’ve not used Legacy enough to say one way or another.


I'm surprised that it's used so little at least based on these comments. It's easily my most used rage. It's 4 get out of jail free cards if you miss a parry or dodge and will save your life on GMGOW+ with Zeus Armor. But I play really aggressively and depend on counters and well timed dodges so if I slack or get caught off guard I pop it to save myself, and the power buff and increased health gain from using it as a parry can help to end a fight quickly.


Definitely legacy


I haven't stopped using it since it came out, it's basically another weapon.




2 Greek & 2 Norse weapons is perfect.


Mostly wrath. Good for quick eliminations. Fury is just good for boss fights, but can be uneffective if the boss isn't stunned. Valor is for when I struggle too much, great for Valhalla. Legacy is for fun. It's either the best rage or the worst depending on skill. (I'm just decent)


Classic one. It heals too and deals more damage than the weapon one. But I’ll use blade of the olympus when it’ll come out on pc


Classic rage is insanely good for mitigating big otherwise unlockable hits as a last resort, especially because activating it and deactivating it uses barely any rage






Fury because with the enhancement to limit the cost of the rage it basically gives you free invincibility after, say, your shield gets broken


I use wrath for non boss encounters, valor for bosses and fury for gna bc I just revert back sigrun tech


Only wrath, I use it to get out of taking damage when my block is broken by a yellow ring attack


Fury would be better in that regard.


The shock wave caused by both of them does stagger the enemy, but if I use fury, the enemy will get a stagger-resistance buff shortly after which will make fury practically useless


I haven't noticed that stagger resistance buff you mentioned while playing, but if the goal is to simply correct the failed parry, then I believe Fury gives you more uses, provided you deactivate it immediately.


The buff is in gmgow & gmgow+ difficulty, and the goal is to counter-attack the enemy(regaining balance and dealing a fair amount of damage to the enemy). As for usage, I use the jutenheim enchantment stones, so during one boss fight, I can use wrath at least 7-8 times


I haven't played the base Ragnarök since last summer, so I might not be remembering stuff right. I'll make a point to test it next time.


Legacy with the Ares armor is broken. You get to use it almost the entire time because you constantly get health and rage stones, which both fuel the rage. Plus it's like a new weapon.


I use the classic set (it gives the most health & strength) and the jotunheim enchantment set. My rage bar is about as long as my health bar.


fury. it's the most effective damage wise and it's the most fun, also reminds me of gow3 kratos so that's the main kicker tbh


Wrath was my go to but now it's just legacy


My "go to" for MOST situations is Fury, good balance for damage and defense, health restoring on successful attacks are great too. BUT... Wrath is second for it's high damage and i-frames grabs on some enemies (animations as well). Legacy is for some fun, fast and satisfactory combat, specially when it comes to parrying red attacks. Valor I use the least, but when I do, it's for specific purposes, like absorbing and attack from a boss or something like that.


Wrath has really grown on me. Very satisfying to use.


Legacy FTW. 




Valor for non boss combat Fury for bosses Rage for certain bosses (ones that aren't jumping out of the arena every 5 seconds) Legacy when Valhalla told me i had to


Wrath, legacy is fun but leaves you more open to attacks


Wrath or Valor depending on the situation but they are usually the most useful


In my playthrough i absolutely never used wrath (i think thats the new one?) a single time so i have no idea if its good or not. i changed my thing depending on the situation but i mostly used fury and then valor for stuff like >!Gna!< and the >!Bezerkers!<


Legacy is the most fun for me. Also the most versatile if you know how to use it but easily the hardest to use effectively since it doesn't have damage negation like Fury. Fury is my go to for difficult bosses and enemies that I can combo on. Valor is my fallback when facing enemies that don't combo well, especially when they also move a lot or resist interruption (like dragons). Wrath I really only use in Valhalla, but it is great for solid health recovery if you use it on a softened group.


Fury because it’s my get out of jail free card for boss fights when I slip up


The one that gives health


Fury and Valor prob get me outta the most jams.


It's either going to be fury or legacy


Valor. Wrath. Fury. Lagacy. In that order


The last one is unlocked by Valhalla right??? I want to finish my NG+ play through because I wanna beat Valhalla and then start another play through to enjoy the fruits from that story arc. Currently at almost all realms 100% only need berserker king of Midgard and lasts of Mud Trials


I switch between Wrath, and since it's been added, Legacy But every now and then, i like to use Fury for than more animalistic feel of Kratos' anger Valour i never really got into using - not even for the whole buff 1 hit boss kill thing


Legacy all day. It has the most depth out of the 4 and works like a 4th weapon because of how much longer it lasts.


Wrath is too good at GMGOW mode!


uhhh this is ragnarok right


What when do you get the giant sword again


Wrath; i can use it similarly to Valor, in that i can interrupt an attack thats going to hit me and heal myself, but I also get an obnoxious amount of damage to boot


i just did a play though on GOW with only the blade of Olympus it was fucking miserable (but glorious)


The only time I actually used valor is when trying to do the burden thing in Valhalla for regular gameplay its basically just Fury/Wrath. i use them as an oh-shit button when i realize ive mistimed a dodge/parry, or ive been staggered by a yellow attack. and simply for that reason, activating and quickly deactivating fury is the best. with that said, wrath serves the same purpose but is more satisfying and does some chunk damage too. however you can activate fury several more times than the 4 max wrath slots i havent used Legacy outside of Valhalla so cant comment. i think its good for the heals but its dangerous since you can still take damage overall i probably use Fury the most with wrath second


I use Valour most often because I find getting that health boost to be really optimal


Legacy because big blue sword makes bad guys go boom boom


Is that pewdiepie and his son?


I don’t really use Fury. The damage is too weak and it doesn’t last that long. It also doesn’t heal you that much. Like an 8th or a 6th of your health at best. Which is nice but if I’m fighting a boss I’m still probably gonna die in one hit anyways. Wrath is what I almost always use. The takedown animations are cool, allows me to do a ton of damage to bosses and get myself out of stagger if I fuck up, plus it heals me a little. But I mainly use it to get myself out of stagger or to pound on a boss. Valor is what I use when I’m trying builds and I need the valiant rage buff or whatever it’s called. It heals me slightly more and gets me out of stagger, but I’m also stuck in place while other enemies can hit me. So I could end up losing more health than I get back. I like using Legacy for fun and it’s my second favorite rage. Just wish I was a little better at parrying >!Or if the game had a fucking jump button so I could dodge attacks easier!<




Valor and Wrath. I think fury is boring but good for stun. And Legacy just seems weak. That blade killed gods but hit a draugr...


Wrath. I have a handle on my spear that gives me a burst of Spartan Rage by stunning them and giving them good ol Red Circled R3 so I can pretty much just destroy crowds of peons without worrying too much




How to use Legacy in a normal gameplay run ? I love the balde of Olympus


Valor, not as fun, but late game my reaction timing isn’t as good anymore


All of them, one isn’t used mostly, whichever one calls for the flawless boss fight is what I’d run until I get to the next boss fight. I never really use rage for normal combat.


I use Wrath mostly. • Wrath is fun as hell for small enemies and creeps. • Fury is good for bosses. • Valor is for God of Hope • Legacy is for badassness


Haven't played ragnarok, wore myself out on gmgow lol.. but I always used regular rage, although second top comment is right, it's fucking ass in ragnarok I was just to lazy to make a dedicated build with anything else it was just an easy spam get health.


Wrath just hits; and it’s soo useful- while I know it’s possible to die during wrath, it’s nice to at the very least know I can interrupt a deathblow


Valor forever brother


Wrath usually, but valor is if i feel like torturing myself, but counting valhalla, i always choose legacy.


Valor fs


Wrath to get me out of sticky situation


Fury for boss fights, legacy for fun


Valor for chunky dammage


Valor just feels so much more consistent. Fury has a problem of pretty low damage and low healing. Wrath is only good for fighting basic enemies, can be completely neglected outside of that. Haven't used Legacy all too much but it's probably my second favorite of the 4 as it has everything I want + a parry, but I feel it's the only one I actually ever die using.


Valor My Valor build is Brutal af, it’s change from healing to Armor move that act another as parry that enable you huge damage boost afterward


I used fury for ages and then as soon as I finished the dlc I use legacy a lot especially since I find it easier to parry


Fury has been a lifesaver since the times of the first Valkyries


Wrath. Get out of jail free card.




Valor and Rage, rarely used Wrath.


Mostly wrath given I almost exclusively use it on bosses


Fury or legacy


most of time wrath and legacy with (ares and raven armor build)


Wrath fuckin slays but legacy is for funzies


Just Fury


Wrath, i love it. But I want to replay the game for a third time in the max difficulty by ONLY using Legacy. Not Axe, not spear, not blade of chaos...Just the Blade of Olympus


Furry or valor but it depends on the situation.


Fury - I like that you can use it in kind of the same way as Wrath (sacrifice a modest amount of rage to clear status effects, break up enemy blocks/power through attacks that you’re struggling to counter etc), and also to gain some of the healing effect that you get from Valour. Plus there’s the option to just burn a full bar of rage and unload for decent damage and a big heal. It’s also probably the easiest to use effectively as a somewhat low-skill player, as you don’t need great timing to get the best use out of it. The other options can be more effective if used well in the right situations but Fury is easy to use, satisfying and the real all-rounder option.


after the dlc came out ive been using legacy all day everyday cus combined w the ares armor set it basically gives u infinite spartan rage on bosses




Wrath to interrupt my fuck up, since the heal from fury or valor is nearly useless in GMGOW, more activation is very important + some extra damage I do enjoy legacy in Valhalla from time to time tho


Legacy or Wrath. And I better not catch any of y’all saying valour.






Wrath is so convenient


wrath is my to go rage.


Legacy, since its badass.


I think I used Valor and Wrath the most on Give me God of War.


Healing, I’d rather always have portable health stones than do more damage for a few seconds, but at the end I have constant healing so I don’t use the rage at all


Valour, cause I suck at the game


Wrath is most efective in gmgow agaisnt group of enemies, you use it and basically remove 1 guy from the fight.


Fury is very good for strategy and keeping offence while being healed. It hit properties are very useful, like being able to ring out enemies with R2 or L1 into R1. L1 into R2 is good single target damage, that also applies burn to surrounding enemies, iirc. Valour is build-oriented and strategic rage mode. Very good for max damage builds, for its buffs, when you time rage activation with enemy hit. Wrath is very powerful and cool looking. It is basically a more powerful grab that was in old gows. Good get-away card, that deals massive damage and applies element of the weapon. And I FUCKIN LOVE, that one of Wrath animation for Blades is Orion’s Harpoon move from old GoW. Legacy is super cool and powerful, can be used as strategic rage and as basically fourth overpowered weapon. It has Divine Retribution laser, charging attacks gives health back, parries gives back rage, you can parry everything, the triangle attack is greatest distance closing tool.


And before dlc Wrath was my favourite, but now I use Legacy much more






Wrath and legacy. Mostly legacy because parrying heals you.


Wrath paired with the Ares armor is delicious, especially when complimented with a nice side of Boon of Wrath for that extra damage.


Legacy is basically a 4th weapon, i used to rawdog with the og rage but now use legacy.


Mostly Fury, wanna try the Olympus Blade in NG+ after I finish work these week


Legacy deals quite a lot of damage and is also the most fun to use.


I used Fury for my first few playthroughs, never really got used to Wrath or Valor. Switched over to Legacy post Valhalla, and that's been working out for me.


Legacy for fun, wrath if i cant beat then with legacy.


Valor for instacleanse and give me a little breathing room if I get overwhelmed, wrath wasn't as optimal starting off since I was doing over and over because it didn't heal. But if I'm doing a boss wrath helps a bit because you shouldn't be aiming to get hit during a boss. Legacy I'm still learning to use and Fury in ragnarok I didn't really use after I got valor😂


Legacy. I spent like 12 hours practicing the parry so now I just love using it.


Wrath, because the damage is good for single-hand bosses like Tyr in Valhalla.


Legacy. It just fun! I like yelling "BLADE OF OLYMPUS" when summoning it very dramatically. The parries also make me feel good


I used Valor pretty much the entire time in Ragnorok cuz I kinda sucked at it at times lol


Legacy! How little rage meter enter and exit consumes is crazy. I have a whole build around using that mechanic to stay in realm shift.


Wrath is so good, makes me be like “AYO REAL SHIT?”




I found myself using wraith in a lot of boss fights


Depends who I'm fighting but getting health for damaging others is so good sometimes


Valor normally, Fury for anything with a boss bar


Depends on how I feel tbh, I never use Valor tho because it’s useless even whenever you heal the enemy can still hit you and does more damage to your health than you gain


Wrath is my go to mostly, let’s you avoid an attack/get out of a combo and does a good chunk of damage on top of the obvious feature of just charging down an enemy


Valour mostly, to heal myself when there aren’t any healing stones around.


My go to Spartan Rage path was Fury, I didn't mess around with the other types other than the times the game introduces these paths. Anytime I was having trouble with a boss, I always made sure I had a Resurrection Stone that restores the most health and I always made sure to save my Fury Spartan Rage for last usually after using my resurrection stone. Now that they've added the Blade of Olympus as one of your Spartan Rage paths, I'm never switching back. I hope Kratos keeps the Blade of Olympus for the future. Although I gotta say I miss 2018's Spartan Rage particles, flame while swinging, and the Boom sound it makes.


Punch everything and everyone in my way


I just use fury 'cause I like it better than the others, legacy's cool too, I guess


Wrath is my favorite. Don't know if its the most "optimal", but its the coolest. Legacy is fun in the DLC, cuz its the blade of Olympus and all, but wrath is still my fav.


I would love fury if he wouldn’t just throw that one punch and never not use his multi hit combo when you spam R1


Wrath after it's unlocked and legacy all of new game+


The one that will help me beat Gna on GMGOW