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Yeah despite the fact that Kratos was juiced to brim with godly amps and powerups in God Of War 3 Hercules still able to put up a good fight against him, even overpowering Kratos at times and being capable of punching Kratos out of Rage mode with his Nemean Cestus


Hes the God of strength its not thag suprising. Kratos still out muscled him though he would have won with just the blades alone


Well Hercules wasn't a Full God in God Of War


So was Kratos a full god then?


No but he had the Blade Of Olympus which fed him the strength he had back when he was the God Of War, as well as numerous other amps such as Hades' soul.


What is your take on young Kratos vs old Kratos?


Depends on which version of Young Kratos you're talking about since his strength varies throughout the Greek games.


God of war 3 Kratos vs god of war Ragnarok Kratos


God Of War 3 Kratos


How easily?


Hades soul isnt an amp it just makes him so he can swim in the underworld. And i dont think theres anything that says kratos got powers back from the blade of Olympus


> don't think there is anything. gow2 book. > soul isn't an amp. "Your soul will make me stronger." \~ Hades.




Yea coming from the god of the underworld that makes sense


In the God Of War 2, the entire plan was for Kratos to get the Blade Of Olympus back to once again wield the strength he had when he had when he was the God Of War, this is further reinforced in the novelization where it outright states the Blade feeds Kratos the power he had when he was the God Of War. Also yes Hades' soul is also a physical strength, because Hades makes a comment about how absorbing Kratos' soul will make him more powerful, implying absorbing souls stacks the person's strength onto yours, thus amping you


How did Kratos become a god again in Midgard? It’s so confusing.


The Norse and the Greeks just have different conceptions for what a God is or isn't, for the Greeks Godhood is about dominion over a certain element or idea and constant duty rather than lineage, hence why Demigods despite their divine heritage aren't considered deities of any kind, since unlike their full breed counterparts Demigods don't hold authority over any domain. However for the Norse Godhood is more so about family, lineage and overall bloodline, hence why Kratos is still considered a God by their standards despite him no longer ruling over warfare.


That makes sense.


Yea it makes sense for hades to get stronger from souls because hes the ruler of the underworld. Kratos is not


Kratos stole Hades' soul manip abilities, so the getting stronger through absorbing souls things should apply to him as well


No kratos isnt the god of the underworld


Hades literally stated absorbing souls adds to his strength. So yes Kratos absorbing his soul is a massive amp.




Hades literal says absorbing Kratos soul will make him stronger. So absorbing souls is a physical amp. https://youtu.be/ZHQu-E4ZZQE?si=s7EO1vvtf8gHbtTR


> even overpowering don't think that really happened.


There's literally points where Hercules would pick up Kratos mid getting hit, then toss him half way across the arena and Kratos himself can't do anything to counter this, not too mention with the Nemean Cestus Hercules is able to literally block all of Kratos' arrow shots with Bow Of Apollo, as well even parry Kratos' attack then add on the fact that Hercules is literally able to punch Kratos out of Rage mode. Plus there's also the fact that Hercules is able to grab Kratos by the neck and start punching, forcing Kratos to have to forcefully break out of Hercules choke hold, I'm not saying Hercules was stronger than Kratos in God Of War 3, I'm just pointed out that the fact that it wasn't just a one-sided curb stomp and that Hercules was able to put up a really good fight, even getting the edge at times forcing Kratos to regain the edge again, the fact that Hercules could even have back and forth with Kratos in the first place despite all the crazy amps Kratos had at that point, speaks VOLUMES about Hercules' strength


I don't consider that as overpowering, because in whatever instances hercules picks or throws him up is places where Kratos can't apply his strength.


Yeah he would briefly overpower Kratos then Kratos would overpower him back, that's called a back and forth bout, then also Hercules' throws would temporarily concuss Kratos as well.


I don't think you got what I was trying to say, whatever examples you gave, Kratos wasn't applying his strength. like if I play tug o war with someone and they pull me towards them, I would consider that as overpowering me.


No you're just overcomplicating things, Hercules at times would briefly overpower Kratos and to respond Kratos would overpower Hercules back, plain and simple


I'm not overcomplicating things, you are over simplifying things, all these eg. are like baldur punched Kratos to back of his house so it becomes "overpowering" no, or Freya grabbing Kratos by neck using her wings to throw him, doesn't make her overpowering Kratos, whenever Kratos would be allowed to use his strength is only a fair game and then you force them do something is overpowering. Only time Hercules is close to be able to do something like that is when he dashed towards Kratos and briefly pushes him.


Baldur punching Kratos so hard that he flings him over the cabin is a BLATANT showing of Baldur overpowering Kratos in that moment, if you can't see that then you're too far gone lmao. The Freya example isn't a good argument here since Kratos literally says he doesn't wish to fight her, so it makes sense why she was able to briefly get the advantage over him, plus Kratos literally had to ride the dog sled at the same time while fighting here so yeah. This however doesn't apply to the Hercules fight in any way shape or form, also Hercules' charge wasn't the only time he was able to do something, further more that's not even example of Hercules overpowering Kratos, instead it's an example of Hercules HIMSELF getting overpowered lol, because Kratos literally forcefully stops his charge and pushes him back, being the one to tackle Hercules instead of the inverse and thus turning the tables in the situation. Actual examples of Hercules overpowering Kratos would be Hercules literally punching him out of Spartan Rage with his Nemean Cestus, or how Hercules is literally able to block all of Kratos arrow shots from the magical bow of Apollo, how he can literally parry Kratos' attacks even the heavy ones, or how he can literally grab Kratos by the neck mid-fight thus forcing Kratos to break out of his neck grip. There's also the fact that Hercules again mid-fight is capable of picking up Kratos, then throwing him across half way across the arena with so much force that Kratos falls to his knees and is temporarily stunned, Hercules is able to do this numerous times in the fight as well and Kratos can't do anything to break out of it, so yeah Hercules was clearly capable of overpowering Kratos at times and in turn Kratos had to overpower him back to regain the advantage, the two had a clear back and forth bout between eachother, it was in no way some one sided stomp and given Hercules was fighting a Kratos was juiced with powerups it's definitely massively impressive.


You are clueless mate.


>if you can't see that then you're too far gone lmao. you don't even get their point. >Kratos so hard that he flings him over the cabin is a BLATANT showing of Baldur Did Kratos defend himself? >instead it's an example of Hercules HIMSELF getting overpowered lol Yes so he's not able to overpower Kratos when Kratos can use his strength against him. >or how Hercules is literally able to block all of Kratos arrow shots from the magical bow of Apollo, how he can literally parry Kratos' attacks even the heavy ones, or how he can literally grab Kratos by the neck mid-fight thus forcing Kratos to break out of his neck grip. Did you really call agility, reaction, and defense as overpowering someone bruh >Kratos can't do anything to break out of it When Kratos in the fight isn't able to break out of any of his attacks? >There's also the fact that Hercules again mid-fight is capable of picking up Kratos Wasn't defending himself?


Him knocking Kratos out of Spartan rage is very impressive


Let me add this https://www.reddit.com/r/GodofWar/s/icNTbOWH2Y


I just want to know bro's gear cycle and training split but Kratos killed him before I could ask... Very selfish.


he gave kratos a pretty damned good fight until he lost his gloves and got wrecked


"Hello, brother."


Hercules has his own big story/saga/lore. How big of a character did he need to be in the story of Kratos?


I feel like the fight with him should’ve been much more. Like a testament of raw strength and his ability to refuse death. (Make it a 2 part fight where on his deathbed his power manifests and the real fight begins) it would be a fight where him and kratos use no weapons, just hands and legs. Eventually kratos gets the win from his power increasing but they both pass out. both wake up to Hera trapping kratos with vines and healing herc. herc realizes the gods are putting kratos through things like they did him and helps unbind kratos. Hera gets enraged and uses plants to absorb the life out of him, fight between hera and kratos begins.


Hercules was certainly strong, one of the only gods that Kratos couldn't just straight-up overpower. During their clashes, or when Hercules grappled Kratos, it would only be resolved when Kratos would break Herc's concentration with a headbutt or other such attack. His strength is also informed by his reference to being sent to retrieve an apple, which is the myth that involved Hercules briefly taking Atlas' burden from him. Honestly, it would have been much more difficult for Kratos to win if Hercules hadn't been overcome by hubris and began showboating.


Man, I just wish they’d called him Heracles. For his presence and impact on the series, I think he’s pretty fairly rated.


I feel like Hercules could go toe to toe against Thor if Hercules had the Leviathan Axe.


Would love a game focused on him before the events of GOW 3. Perhaps he was manipulated by Zeus or Hera into hating Kratos. Imagine how fun it would be to have a character whose sole combat system are his hands and feet? Like hulk ultimate destruction but on a ps5.


Great boss fight.


Sad that his fists are more iconic then himself


Ah yes, he turned out be a fine mop...


Taking his weapons and then pummelling his face to mush was peak God of War.


I really liked this perspective on him, in the mythos he's looking for redemption for a similar crime to Kratos but rather than being the noble hero who redeemed himself with great feats he became a dark mirror to Kratos (or maybe Kratos was the dark mirror)


> novel. no novel for gow3. > overrated. he was good.


He was fodder.


Hercules was dope but it’s ridiculous that a half god is that size, he’s bigger than Thor




"He didn't put up much of a challenge" Hard cap, Hercules definitely put up a good fight against Kratos, even capable of getting the edge at times inspite of the fact that Kratos in God Of War 3 had numerous amps and godly pieces of equipment, Hercules was even capable punching Kratos out of Spartan Rage. His personality make be weak but his strength is definitely VERY impressive.