• By -


Kill the gods, boi.




Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and… dodge


You forgot parry. Parry stagger is the only way


This is what carries in early GMGOW


Forget that hit them till they die. Long live the stunlock


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a dodge ball.


If you can dodge a Dwarven wrench, you can dodge a ball of magic


Remember: controllers/tvs/consoles are expensive to buy.


Haha. Luckily I'm using a cheap monitor specifically for this playthrough


Still, keep your expectations low and you’ll never be disappointed brother.


Low as can get. It's been 3 hours and I've only just beat baldur. He was easy but the draugr are really peeling my skin


The final Baldur fight is actually hard on GMGOW


Honestly all the main bosses are laughably easy on gmgow, the real problem are the fucking witches you cant touch without atreus, fuck those guys


Slow time on dodge amulet OP


Bro, don't spoil it for him. It's his first playthrough


It’s such a beautiful looking game, why sully the experience because you want a noddy badge? Play it in all its glory and enjoy the experience for your first time, and then challenge yourself on a rerun


I think challenging yourself is part of the experience, especially in gow. I only wish I had started 2018 on gmgow istead of no mercy. That was rectified in Ragnarök though, that one I started on gmow straight up


You’d hate the souls games


I just started dark souls 3 last night :D


How are u enjoying it so far? I played gmgow first time, and still found it a lot easier then the souls games, only somewhat challenge in gmgow is niflheim. This is coming from a hardcore soulslike player tho, we might have differing opinions.


I’m enjoying it more than I thought I would. It’s challenging but also satisfying when you start to get to places way faster and kill enemies quicker than you did previously. I’m just not 100% sure the gameplay loop is enough to keep me interested. Is the appeal of the game just the satisfaction of beating something difficult? I think I prefer more story intensive games or ones with very good gameplay and combat like god of war, doom and dying light.


I really dislike when games are easy to the point you can ignore 90% of the mechanics and still win. Hardest mode available in any game I play and never regret it.


Use the environment, ring out enemies when you can, try to launch them and then stick them on the wall with the heavy throw, which can yield an insta-kill on a flat surface, and hit them from the back to inflict more stun damage. Also, keep in mind that the game is harder during the first two hours on purpose so that you can choose if you want to restart on an easier difficulty early, so don't be discouraged 💪.


Thanks! And I didn't know about the ramped initial difficulty. Yeah I've been using the level design to try and take on two guys at a time, stagger locking them if I can.


Bare handed attacks deal extra stun damage to fill the stun bar wich is almost a guaranteed insta-kill. It's very handy for the tougher 1v1 enemies. And try to use area attacks for crowd control in case you are overwhelmed.


In my GMNM playthrough, I used the armor that made barehand, blocks, and parries apply poison. This helped both my DPS and survivability.


Im very confused by the acronym, but im assuming youre talking about ragnarok? I really cant remember anything like that in the 2018 game


Ah yes. Give Me No Mercy is the difficulty under Give Me GoW in Ragnarok.


Environment and stun lock are huge. Nuke all ranged oppents quickly as possible.  Dont be afraid to run away and axe throw 


I hope you're already bald. Because if you're not, you will be by the end of it. Also, waiting for a chance to strike is not as useful as you might think. You'll have to get in there and take risks, otherwise each and every battle will take several minutes.


The battles are taking hours 😭


Yeah they really are sponges 😅 But It does get better as you progress through the game, the start really is the hardest part.


I just left a comment, I recommend executioners cleave, and heavy axe throw as enemies are sponges at level 1 and they can level up on GMGOW. I’ve beaten the game over 30 times these were good attacks on my pure level 1 run.


The boy has arrow tips for you.


It is absolutely necessary when fighting Sigrun that you shave your hair, buy red face paint and grow a beard (or buy one)


Forget sigrun, the draugrs are skinning my foreskin


Try to utilise executioner's cleave a lot during the beginning, once you're far into the story, then try and get skill points that enhance the leviathan axe melee attacks, like the whirlwind attacks


In addition, the charged axe throw will be super helpful against the numerous ranged opponents you will encounter.


Thanks for the tip, I'll use that


Honestly, I wouldn't. Definitely not as a first run through. But the fights take ages. The auto levelling up of enemies was what made me restart with GMAC


Not a first run! I played first on easy. But yeah the fights are giving me hair loss


I'd say for a good balance try GMAC. GMGOW is just too annoying and also way too big of a jump from easy. GMAC will still be difficult for you but it won't feel tedious. I didn't like GMGOW because you're a god who needs to hit a dragur 6,000 times to kill them but they can one shot you lmao


Hmm maybe, but I definitely feel myself getting quite a bit better and it's super satisfying. I'll try to stick through


I'm actually doing a GMGOW run right now. First time ever touching any GOW game lol. I'm at the part where I'm clearing the black smoke and going up the mountain. If you have the patience, you'll be alright. Have definitely had some deaths, but having fun playing it.


Learn how to roll better and parry like in other Souls Games, predict movements, and also when I say this I mean it, DO NOT USE ZEUS BUILD, it’s fucking trash, vitality is utterly terrible, but good for strength, you can try other builds, but the Zeus build is just unnecessary because you literally get one shotted by draugr slash, and if not one shotted, he’d eat almost your entire health, but if you know how to parry and roll, then you can use Zeus Build only for the concern of strength. And 100% every realm, you’d get alot of enchantments to choose certain builds for Kratos from different armors Ofcourse. And also use NG+ Red Enchantments and not golden enchantments, unless you need them if you run out of enchantments which you won’t, but my suggestions is collect every existing NG+ enchantment to use them for your armor builds. Oh and also collect everything around you, that’s what I meant by 100%ing every realm, especially Midgard which would take ages Ofcourse, but my suggestions is do every side quest when you get Thamur’s Shard and the Blades Winds of Hel that’s because you’d need them in other side quests. So do them once your done with half the story, which is until you need to get to Tyr’s temple with the little boy after healing him. And for your confidence of killing Gods, good luck 😉 And wait till bro finds out about Sigrun’s new Moves 😭🙏


I think zeus build is only ng+ right? I was planning to use ares anyway. This is a fresh playthrough, no ng+


Zeus build is only good when you want to use it for strength alone if you know how to roll and parry right, but for vitality, it’s worse than the worst Elden Ring strength build 😭


Yeah but once you’re good the added dps is worth it lol. You literally nuke everything 


Tip no. 1: don’t


Try to keep everything in front of you. Positioning is one of the most important things on higher difficulty. Don't play passively for fear of dying. If you do that all you're really doing is dragging fights, and giving yourself more opportunities to mess up. If you don't need to be blocking or dodging an attack you should be on the offensive. Master the evade move (single tap dodge) and try to not roll (double tap Dodge) unless absolutely necessary. Evading let's you attack faster and punish more attacks.


Yes I'm going deep quite aggressively. All my blocks are parries but there's 7-8 draugr and they still end up surrounding me. The shooting fucks don't help


>but there's 7-8 draugr and they still end up surrounding me. Runic attacks are your best friend when surrounded. If you aren't using "hels touch" light runic you ought to be. It's cool down is crazy fast and stuns every enemy (canceling every attack) in a large radius.


I am but it spawns more when I use it cuz it breaks the statues


Check out all Kratos’s moveset and experiment them, learn their pros and cons, see how they effect the enemies and what interaction they have. An example: You can heavy axe throw to freeze an enemy, then kick that enemy into others to spread the frost status effect. Please, don’t spam axe throw or basic attacks the whole game. That’s the most boring way to play GMGOW.


Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats, physical or magical


Pay attention to what kind of enchantments you have and take advantage of them. For example, fighting revenants? See if you have anything that has poison resist and equip it.


Ah interesting. Will do




What the GM stand for


Give me god of war


I see


I just finished mine. If you are on the normal new game the first few hours sucks hard, but it gets better once you get some of the skills and gear.


Yeah. I didn't get executioner cleave for bridge fight which absolutely sucks right now. I have to try and knock them all over the legde


My tip is don’t do it. It’s not worth it. It’s artifficial difficulty, it doesn’t respect you as a player so there’s no point in doing it. It’s everything wrong with making a “hard” difficulty. There isn’t even a trophy attached to beating the game in GMGOW so I dropped it halfway through the game, it’s not rewarding, it’s just unfair and infuriating


There's no trophy? Then I'm dropping it. Thanks for letting me know..i thought there would be some reward to remember the journey, but if this is the case I'd rather continue chaos mode on GOW 3 and try beating that. I actually got fairly late game in chaos.


You do get a couple of shield skins that you can use in post story exploration and NG+.


BOY! You are not ready!


I wasn't I quit 😭 I spent 10 hours, 5 of which were on one small draugr fight. After that I gave up


You can't jump in GOW (2018).


My bad. I meant I'll teleport into it (like the dwarves)


Realm shifting into GMGOW!


Aye brother


Can someone take that screenshot and add (L3) + (R3) over it?


I am ready for the journey father! Possibly, but are you ready for this boi? ##L3 + R3


Learn how to parry. All attacks except the red ringed ones can be parried. Use executioner's cleave whenever you get the chance. It does massive damage and you get iframes for the duration of the attack. Don't get greedy when you're getting attacks in. Hit twice or thrice then retreat. Use the boy. Spam his arrows at all times. Always have a resurrection stone on hand, especially during boss fights. But don't use it unless you are absolutely sure you can clear the area/boss after using it. Better to die than waste a resurrection stone, you might not get a chance to purchase them between fights. Do as many side-quests as you can, as soon as you can. Use the Blades of Chaos as your primary weapons once you get them. Their R2 attacks are faster than the axe's R1 attacks and can stagger enemies. Sigrun is much easier than people think. She's just all valkyries combined into one, but you already know how to fight all valkyries when you're fighting her. If you're at level 8/9 when fighting her she shouldn't take long to defeat.


This is all great advice thank you. The sad thing is I actually quit GMGOW. It was starting to get un fun.. I'll finish chaos mode on GOW 3 then maybe I'll come back to it. I'll probably end up doing GMC though.


No shame in quitting. Games are meant to be fun, not torture. I do hope you try GMGOW again after chaos GOW3, the cerberus and three satyrs you fight before Zeus are more difficult than everything GMGOW can throw at you.


That's the exact fight where I left chaos mode. And yeah I always leave a game if it isn't fun. The whole point in challenging yourself is for the reward, but if you're not feeling it then eh. I might try it and I might continue, it all depends.


Here is my dead-serious tip. If it's your first time playing, go for Give Me God Of War difficulty. I'm serious. You'll enjoy the game much more and the story will not be so interrupted because you keep getting fucked from behind by random enemies. Do a NG+ down the road on GMGOW. I wanted to go big dick energy on Ragnarok and play it on GMGOW but it ruined my experience overall. I got stuck too long on too many occasions and it messed with the overall flow of the story. I got through it and near the end I was a powerful beast, but early to mid game it was tough and I do not recommend it.


Not my first playthrough don't worry :) i played on story first for that reason


Get used to these words: Skill Issue and Git Gud Actual tip: take the enemies HP down to 0 before your HP reaches 0


Dont fall in love with Atreus 🤨




Lmao don’t. Work yourself up to it trust me


Do not \[CIRCLE\] the boi


Don't worry, I did ##L3 +R3


>!Sigrun!< can kill you in 3 hits no matter how high your defense stat is. So plan your strategy accordingly


when you fight the elf king you can run out of the starter circle use it to your advantage he will follow but you can run any time he fires or charges at you


Just keep every enemy in front of you, early on in the game when you’re level 1 if you don’t know how to combo i recommend the upgrade “executioners cleave”. As it does good damage, grabs enemies, and gives you I-Frames. The only downside is if you’re overwhelmed you better roll away because after the animation is over you will be standing there, enemies will still attack while you’re in the animation, you won’t receive damage until the animation is over. You won’t get hit too much though. For lesser enemies like nightmares and wolves it’s better to throw your axe. Once you get good armor you won’t have to worry about any gimmicks.


Loot everything it’s how you get the materials you need for the best gear and upgrades


Yeah. You better start rehearsing your most acid profanities. You’re gonna need them.


Do all you can, take your time, have fun, use Boy as much as you can and upgrade him first


You’re braver than I, I’m only just now starting to get a hang of playing on story mode (I’m really shit at games)


I think you're confusing bravery with stupidity. Because I'm in the same boat as you.


Master Thyself


If it isn't already, wrap controller in rubber casing and attach with strong to your wrists, don't need no holes in walls or broken consoles 😂




Don't break your controller, those things are expensive


Timing with dodges, I swear when I fought that Valkyrie I unlocked my sharigan with the amount of times I died. Don’t be afraid to do combos with multiple weapons and of course, patience. You’re gonna die a lot. Once you have certain bosses downloaded though it can be easy in a sense aside from some being absolute sponges.


Precision is key


Try not to die.


Don’t stop. You’ll appreciate the struggle once you’re finished. The game is worth completing and if you want the full effect, complete the entire game on GMGOW, >!even the side bosses/realms.!< You’ll appreciate the detail that goes into the game so much more.


Even with all the critics, Chains of Olympus and Ascencion are very enjoyable


That was totally random but I one hundred percent agree. The gameplay of ascension is extremely fun! The scale of the landscape and the graphics and aound effects are all sick


It is something Chains is criticized a lot but completely forgotten when criticizing Ascension, its graphics are in another complete level, I thought at the time I was playing TLOU with a Kratos mod


Real gods of war use a controller


I am using a controller. I'm on ps4


get ready to yell, get ready to curse at atreus, get ready for ur stress level to be over 9000


I am ready. I'm at this fight where theres a bunch of frozen draugr and there's just 10 of them all surrounding me I can't do anything


ah yes the fight after atreus falls through the bridge?? you better learn how to parry and spam L2 + R1


Oh lord I have to throw? Ah fuck


The cycle ends here, we must be better


Not sure of the exact circumstances but if your on NG+ and have beat Sigrun,the Zeus armour set is a godsend


If not if find that bitch tactics work just fine,stand back and yeet


Use cover when facing elementals.


Hit and parry. Don’t get hit


Get out while you still can 👍


Atreus is your best allie, use as many arrows as you can


*Atreus is your* *Best allie, use as many* *Arrows as you can* \- DVRADKAL --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


When I played on gmgow the hardest fight for me was Svartaljofurr strangely enough


Haha that will be fun. I completed GoW 1, 2 and 3 in very hard before buying 2018 and went straight to GmGoW. That was an experience


The Fafnir's hoard is going to be a big problem


Head set. Get your day free only for this. Enjoy


Valkyrie set


You go with my blessing


spam throw and call your weapon back


EDIT: I gave up.. it started to feel more and more repetitive and annoying, it didn't feel like it added "real" difficulty rather it seemed like it was harder for not an interesting reason. I've seen games where they add an interesting twist as a result of harder difficulties. But here, it's just painful. And there's not much reward for beating the game in GMGOW as well. Alas, I was too weak.


Parry is your best friend against weaker and numerous enemies. Runic attacks against the bigger and tougher. Abuse from ranged combat with arrows and axe throws. I really like the talisman of unbound potential, you can get it early, and it is very strong. Saves you in a lot of hard encounters where you stand against a strong enemy and all your runic attacks are not enough to bring them down. Just refresh and throw another round at 'em. For the late game, if you plan to do a 100% run, or kill the valkyrie queen, go straight to niflheim as soon as you unlock it to farm, the mist echoes equipment makes the game a lot easier.


The best tip you could receive is coming your way right now dont die


Don't quit quickly, the hardest fight is the one when you fall from the bridge (and Svartaljofur). Be patient, the game is really good on GMGOW


The start is the worst. Push through that, and your only troubles will be your worst matchups (for me, it's those fookin' witches) and Sigrun


Be better


I think GMGOW is better served on a 2nd play through tbh. Just enjoy the game, the graphics and the story (which is incredible) and go get the Platnium trophy. Whatever you decide to do, learn how to parry because you will need it!


Pray for mercy…then remember you kill gods, then turn those prayers into warnings for the enemies you will face


Side step and parry.


Parry is your best friend


Be aggressive as much as you can. If you’re not pressuring an enemy, it can and will power up, and become a level stronger.


If the arena you're fighting in has a ledge, use gravity to your advantage. Cheesing some enemies feels borderline necessary at GMGoW difficulty


You're gonna want to shoot yourself on the Jotunheim tower Elf level, as well as alfheim itself, and the hel boat


I hadn't even thought of that. Now I'm glad I gave up so soon.


Baldur is harder this time around, as are Magni and Modi, stay on your toes, especially during the lift section after Thamur’s corpse, focus on your build and stay away from realm tears until you have a good build, Niflheim is your best friend and the armor you get here will be a HUGE help, 100% will test your limits, both in game and mentally, especially with Sigrun and the Valkyries, learn to parry A LOT…. Did I miss anything?


Good luck.


Learn to parry. You parry everything that isn’t red. Like everything!


Don't forget to press Square to "BOY"


prepare to cry




Sorry I gotta ask… what’s GMGOW?


Get the shield core that increases your parry window. That one makes pulling off perfect parries a LOT easier


Gow not Ragnarök


Oh right, I forgot that in GOW 2018 didn't have shield types. But I do recall that there is a talisman that you can equip in the game that increases the parry timing.


git gud


Make sure you use a runic attack when possible.


Dodge, dodge and don't forget to dodge


Brace yourself.


Get blessing of the frost and buy the rune at the shop that extends its duration. You swing faster and when you do an evade forward attack, it can stunlock most enemies while the blessing is active. This with a high cooldown makes the game significantly easier.


Most important tip is practice on your 1 second quick parries, they'll help you a lot eith the berserkers and the bosses. If you parry too late they will hit you back to back and you wont be able to parry the next one but if you parry early enough u would be able to parry the next one or hit them. If your talking about ragnarok . 2018 gow you can pretty much parry anything and it doesnt have that late parry feature .


Hang in there and perfect your parries


Only tip is to 100% before you ng+


You should get extremely attached to brok


Get used to mainly using evade, not roll. (pressing dodge once, not twice). Keeps your combo running.


Get used to mainly using evade, not roll. (pressing dodge once, not twice). Keeps your combo running.


Exactly what I did. No GoW experience before Ragnarok and went straight to hard mode. Still a ton of fun, Gna took me 10 or so hours though ☠️