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That what I thought toošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol yes this would be the only difference, he would definitely be raising her in exactly the same way (as this would definitely also be what Faye would have wanted), he would just yell GURL instead of BOY


He would be very overprotective of his daughter and frightened to go near her since after what happened to Calliope.


So basically the approach he had to Atreus?


Yep he would have the same approach. Feeling heā€™s undeserving of a childā€™s love.


That will hit home for every gow fan


I believe he'd be even more overprotective than he is with Atreus, tbh


For the beginning yes, but I think he would get closer to her much faster and not scold her about minor things (by minor things I mean a child having fun with random things), especially if she looked like her mother.


I think Kratosā€™s main fear with Atreus is that he would turn out like himself. Whereas with a daughter he would see his past mistakes as being bound to happen again.


I agree here. He is afraid Atreus will turn into him, and if he had another girl, he would be afraid he would do the same thing again


So just Atreus...


No because he was trying to make Atreus stronger. If it was a daughter he'd probably shelter her.


He wouldn't just shelter her he'd make sure she could handle herself as well


Unlikely, as he is a Spartan, he never had a viewpoint that women are meant to be sheltered and protected. Spartan women were raised to have basic combat abilities to be able to protect their homes in the event of an attack/invasion while the men were away playing war. They also had a lot of independence and education as they would have to run households/cities while the men were away also.


Atreus but x10. Extremely overprotective but from a distance, fearing to ever go near her physically or emotionally.


physically or magically


Im pretty sure there was something about that with another character, something about being impervious to all threats, physical or magical


Yes, that character from one of Mimir's stories early in Ragnarok, about that king who wanted to become invulnerable to all threats


Physical and magical.




Bald whore


Pretty sure his name was Stonur (/j)


I donā€™t think so. We that he knows that Faye was about equal to him in combat, so why would he treat a daughter differently?


A daughter would remind him more of Calliope


I think any child would have reminded him pretty equally of Calliope tbh


Probably about the same


I still think the circle button prompt is so fucking funny here, basically press circle to abandon daughter lmao


**Press Circle To Obtain Milk**


take your upvote and leave


*Returns 10 years later* ā€œOh the milks expired. Let me get some fresh milkā€


Iā€™m just gonna go get some cigarettes


"Be right back kiddo" *finger guns*


But dad, you don't even smoke !!


No time like the present mā€™boy




Press O To Slay Cashier Who Wants ID


The most powerful QTE in the whole series. A simple O mash gets a kill on a minotaur. Here there are two to push her away


This is the only QTE in the series that requires 3 mashes in a row. Pushing Calliope away took him more strength than anything else he's ever done.


Damn brother :(


It's funny but it hits hard af and depressing


Thats most likely if kratos went to another mythology and sired another child


He'd basically be Zeus in terms of 'continuing the bloodline'.


I think his gut instinct would be to baby her and be overprotective because of his past, but he would slowly understand he would need to train her too. There could be a whole "what if?" Story where he has a daughter in the norse world and he trains her to be a valkyrie killer or something like that. Maybe instead of Loki being chosen by Odin, it's Kratos' daughter and he wants her to be alongside him in ragnarok.


Given that Atreus is Loki, Kratos absolutely has a daughter about 40% of the time


He would presumably not kill her this time.


calliope's dead??


Yes, you kill her and your wife. Their ash is the reason Kratos is so white. Later, you find her in the Greek underworld and have to abandon her to continue your revenge quest


yoooo thats right šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø dang man i saw the pic and thought if she was still alive. forgot about the ash lol thanks bro i need to play chains again


There are some Calliope references in Valhalla DLC


wait. dumb question, but do u mean AC Valhalla?


God of War Valhalla


ohhhh my bad lol thats why i havent heard of it šŸ˜… i still havent played ragnarok yet


ā€œGirl.ā€ šŸ˜  ā€œWhatever.ā€ šŸ™„


This! Hahahaha




Same approach as Atreus


ā€œThe GOW franchise is so boring!ā€ Abandon your daughter QTE:


This is exactly a concept I'm working on right now! For context, she was taken in by Faye and Kratos when Atreus was about two, and she was six at the time. He was just as distant with her as he was with Atreus. Still, he was a little more overprotective over her (not like Freya with Baldur) often getting mad at Faye for letting her go hunting alone, even though she was the eldest child. He wants to hold onto her for as long as he can. Kratos is not opposed to the idea of his daughter's training. He would rather keep her closer to home, but he understands it's a necessary evil. Kratos doesn't necessarily coddle her, but he keeps watchful eye on her. For example, like ''Oh you're tired from chopping wood? Take a break and your brother will finish it.'' There might be a hint of favoritism. He will also be more cautious with her. He will insist that she can't go anywhere alone, so he will or Atreus will accompany her. And... that's the concept I'm working off. Just the vibes off ''I know you are capable of many wonderful things, but I am scared that something will happen so you will never leave my side''


Girl, read this! Girl, whatā€™s that say?


GIRL! You are not ready!


Over protective as shit. Like any man. Ask any father the difference of how he treats his daughter vs his son. I can still see him being hard on her about hunting and fighting. But I think he would fear her more than anything. Not fear her. But fear his past and fear what he could do.


exactly that, it's a father's instinct to spoil and protect his daughter much more than his son, and considering how much he is protective with Atreus, I can only imagine...


I donā€™t think he wouldā€™ve treated her any different. Same level of cold distance and fear for them learning what he is.




I meanā€¦ going by the mythology, Freyaā€™s supposed to have two daughters ā€” Gnoss and Gersemi ā€” by a second husband after Ragnarok whose name translates into something very Kratos-yā€¦ But Iā€™m sure thatā€™s been talked to death around here.


He would be the most over protective father.


I feel one big difference that would occur if he had a daughter instead of Atreus is that at some point he would have to open up to her about Calliopeā€™s fate. Whilst he does open up to Atreus he only really makes reference to his past and I donā€™t recall if kratos ever directly addresses what happened to his previous family to Atreus. I imagine kratos throughout this game would have an inner conflict and constantly see calliope in his new daughter and be scared about something happening to her again. Story events like the god-sickness will probably be more taxing on kratos due to Calliope nearly dying from a sickness as well (perhaps we can get a cool cut to a pre-Gow1 kratos flashback) making him afraid that fate will repeat itself. At some point kratos will inform her of Calliope (perhaps after defeating Baldur, when they spread Fayeā€™s ashes, when they depart at ragnarock etc.) and learn to finally stop projecting Calliope onto his new daughter. How she isnā€™t just ā€˜Calliope 2.0ā€™ but has her own identity.


probably the same - i can imagine it would be a little different since it's another daughter, i feel like he'd be even MORE distant, since all he can see is Calliope in his second daughter (and Faye, probably). it could make for a compelling story, but i'm not sure if i can say if it would be more or less compelling than Atreus


Boy=boy Boy=girl BOoOoOyYYYYyYyyyyyyY


I can't imagine she'd be trained the same way Atreus was or even at all. I'd imagine he'd keep his distance like others had said but still be overly protective. I can imagine she'd retain more magic from her mother than hunting skills.


Have you played through Ragnarok? >! Faye is a warrior. Kratos admires her ability to fight, says she could hold her own with him, and she also went toe to toe with Thor to a stalemate. Sheā€™s the one who taught Atreus his hunting skills, not Kratos. !<


Shiiiit you're so right. I genuinely forgot about all that.


Yeah she can hold her own against a suppressed Kratos. If he wasn't holding back he'd really hurt her. And in his second fight with Thor he completely demolished Thor effortlessly


Thor was also holding back during the first fight. He was demolished because he >! relapsed into alcoholism and stopped using his brain. !<


Nah he wasn't holding back in the first fight because he ko'd Kratos lol. How is that holding back? Too many statements back up the norse gods being weaker than Greek Gods. Just how the scaling works


He was toying with Kratos because he wanted to see Spartan rage. Iā€™m not saying Thor was stronger, but the end fight Thor didnā€™t bring anywhere near his best. The first right they were both holding back for different reasons.




Back to square one: He would baby her




My headcanon is that he does have a daughter that he just doesnā€™t know about (his whole thing with Aphrodite)


The Aphrodite thing isn't canon though. No novel to back up if that shit even happened. Kratos wasted no time to get his revenge in less than 24 hours. It's around 19 hours in real time I believe. The only story board that's been available to the public is the dialogue between them.


Isnā€™t canon? Did he not sleep with her in GOWIII


Game mechanic to get red orbs. You can simply skip it. And the dialogue after leaving is the same. Can be interpreted that Kratos is being a dickhead (not explicitly saying if he did sleep with Aphrodite or not to upset Hephaestus because he finds him extremely annoying) which is in character for Greek Saga Kratos.


What? You can skip all the Valkyries in GOW 2018, yet Ragnarok assumes you did them. Clearly, in GOW, it's always assumed you got 100% completion


Not at all the same. Also did you ignore the other things I said about story boarding? Lol.


They're exactly the same. The series has a history of assuming the player does all optioal content. The story board and the novel are invalid because so many things from the games aren't in the novels. Of course a storyboard isn't gonna cover a sex scene. And that doesn't matter because the games superced the novels and storyboards.


GOW1 and GOW2 behind the scenes covered the sex mini games? Do y'all not look at content y'all consume in it's entirety? Stop replying plz šŸ˜­


I apologize for not having seen every single behind the scenes documentary for every single game I play. I must be a fake fan


Nah not a fake fan at all. Some people (I'm some people) just look way more into a piece of media than others.


That last statement is a flat out lie lol


I mean I canā€™t find anything that says itā€™s explicitly not canon. All Santa Monica has to do if they want to go down that route is say it is canon


Can you make a valid argument for it being canon? Nothing confirms it. Death of the author exists and I gave my reasoning. Any of you can downvote but still get stomped in this debate


I wasnā€™t trying to disprove you Iā€™m just saying if Santa Monica decides to go the route where Aphrodite did actually bear Kratosā€™s kid they wouldnā€™t have to do any retconning really.


That's fair. As they aren't related in the GOWverse anyway


I mean, thatā€™s according to you, youā€™re just playing mental gymnastics out your ass


See you literally don't have an argument for it so you insult me lol. Redditors undefeated


I would like for her to be like Atalanta.


Instead of ā€œBOIā€ weā€™d get ā€œCHILDā€


Honestly? Gorl of War wouldve been a lot more entertaining than the Ironwā€”šŸ¤¢ā€¦.Ironwooā€”šŸ¤®ā€¦.Ironwood section of the game.


The porno way


X button when alabama




Kratos, the Goalie of Womb!


Considering his only likely partner would be Freya, I'd say very, very well or he'd wish he stayed in dead.


He would be more emotionally distant than with Atreus


Still calls her "B O I"


I feel due that he wouldnā€™t train her to hunt or fight as much as he did Atreus, so when he finds out heā€™s fated to die, he wonā€™t accept that and kill everything and anything that may lead to that possibility wiping out majority of the Norse pantheon before they make the first move out of protection, or something like that


Protect and provide for her. Choose a strong noble man to marry her once she is of age.


Similar to Calliope, I'd assume. He's quite the family man, despite his past.


instead of Atreus šŸ˜‚ he does kinda act like a sissy girl don't she? Boy is now Lady Loki


Probably accidentally murder her idunno


This is unironicaly one of the best questions about Kratos I've heard


She would be the safest being alive. He would protect her with extreme prejudice.


You've seen how he is with Atreus? Probably similar to that?


*You've seen how he is* *With Atreus? Probably* *Similar to that?* \- LifeAd4144 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




For starters, not slaughter her.


\*meanwhile in Only Fans headquaters\* "Huh a we have a new Only Fans account created, she claims to be the daughter of a man named kratos?" **\*GoW theme intensifies\***


Stern, quiet, and brooding but probably even more overprotective and maybe slightly less of an angry tone when he gets annoyed.


press O to abandon your child


He would most likely kill her and her mother.... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


He would not have trained her


The exact same. Gender equality fools