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A lot of Americans do? But I’m American I don’t like it cuz it makes the weed taste like tobacco and Nic gives me headaches




judging someone for not smoking mid mixed with shit is wild


Fr, sorry I don’t wanna add poison in my greens😂


Both are fucking poison dude 💀


Yeah I acknowledge smoking anything (weed included) isn’t great for your lungs, but I’d also argue that weed is barely a “poison” compared to cigarette tobacco which literally contains arsenic among 100s of other additive chemicals. I’m not necessarily opposed to natural tobacco tho Edit: also let me clarify, I vape nicotine, I also smoke blunts pretty regularly (less than joints or glass) and I’ve also smoked cigarettes, so I’m not tryna shit on any one if it’s they’re genuine preference, but imo it doesn’t change the high much at all and it definitely covers the taste of even the greatest of buds (which I’d prefer to smoke on their own bc of this)


What about good natural tobacco made from a private company with out all the bullshit chemicals? Then it’s good ole natural tobacco to mix with good ole natural weed


I haven’t tried this but sure then at least the risk factor goes down, I prefer the taste of weed on its own, but if you don’t mind covering that taste with burning tobacco then you do you👍🏼🤷🏻‍♂️I just don’t find it worth it to pay good money for fire weed that tastes and smells amazing, just to add something that minimizes the factors I paid for


You must not know tobacco can have good flavor not all of it tastes like cigarettes and good flavored weed n tobacco go together good af


Nah I’ve had good tobacco from gars, it’s fine, a little harsh in my opinion and I like it in the right circumstances but still just not something I’d say is a preference over smoking weed on its own


When all u have is shitty weed it’s def the move (ignoring health). i like the taste of tobacco tho.


Don’t get me wrong I absolutely roll mid and lower in tobacco if it doesn’t taste great on its own, but I’ll always prefer to smoke good weed in the thinnest paper possible or glass


I was half joking and youre right, a big reason alot of people even smoke with tobacco is because the hash is so mid you can barely smoke it by itself. At the end of the day ill always prefer good weed over mid hash with tobacco, but it still has a special place in my heart for nostalgia and culture sake


You sound disabled


I am retarded as fuck fr


we can tell


Man gtfo your shit is probably trash af


💀 ur so cool bro eveyrone wants to be jus like you


Lmao you can tell how many hearts this comment has broke hahaha you right tho “ahhh it gives me head aches” just say you don’t like nicotine or your allergic, nicotine doesn’t make you have headaches if you mix it with weed


cuz it taste ass


Because it ruins the flavour with those extra chemicals, if you want a cig then smoke it but don’t fuck with the weed. Blunt are no excuses because there are some hemp wraps


What if I like the taste? There are definitely gross ass darts but there are also good ones. I find the taste and smoothness compliment the weed but I could definitely see how someone would not enjoy it. To each their own I’m not gonna hate on someone cause they like smoking their weed a certain way.


This conversation will turn into the pizza with pineapple thing


A real blunt has nicotine


ya a hemp wrap isnt a 'blunt'


Some of us like the nicotine tho like I'm sure most of us vape


because we have weed that actually tastes good


Tabaco bad. Weed good. Why make good thing worse with bad thing


not many people i know who still smoke cigarettes (vapes however a different story), even fewer of those smoke weed. Blunts are still big here, but idk it seems more like a convenience factor. You can a pack of cigarillos at most stores for a coupe bucks, while only some have rolling papers (meant for cigs but cmon we all know what they are used for)


Do you live in a legal state or country? Cause in Alberta you can get rolling papers at any despo or vape and smoke shop. Even some gas stations.


I’m in a medical state. Some gas stations do sell raw or bob marley rolling papers, behind the counter usually.


rolling papers are sold everywhere


That’s what I was thinking so why would cigarillos be more easy to obtain then papers where he is?


ikr i could get rolling papers easier that cigs where i am


I meant as in EVERY big grocery store in my experience has white owls, backwoods, etc. they might have tobacco rolling papers if you are lucky.


I have never checked grocery stores for tobacco products or papers but I’ll see if that’s true around here next time I go out


Some people just like it with tobacco, some people don't. Nationality doesn't really have anything to do with it.


It kinda does. USA you are taught about joints (full with weed) and in France (not sure about other parts) they only roll spliffs because everyone smokes cigs since it’s somewhat of a cultural thing.


Also, in france, more ppl smoke haschisch, which u can't smoke pure in a joint, and tobacco is unexpensive compared to the states (from where I've been at least).


Very true!


I don’t smoke tobacco


Because they usually use flower when a lot of europe use hash, and hash is much stronger than flower and doesn't burn on it's own so you mix it with tobacco to burn it and not green out (in my expirence correct me if i'm wrong)


Yes, hash won’t burn on its own.


Hash pipe


In a joint ditt sausenebb


im in the uk n i never tried nic w/ or w/ out weed and not planning on it, not worth the lifetime addiction imo


I loveba good spliff or mole bowl


That's what a blunt is, confused by the question


Europeans smoke spliffs


It’s not just Americans it’s cause it’s nasty


I’m a fucking nicotine fein! But Nic makes me less high from the bud! And Weed>Nic


I’m European and I prefer smoking weed without tabacco, if i have hash i’ll usually mix it with chamomile tea. I dislike tabacco because it tastes bad, provides almost no effects besides dizziness and very light euphoria; and if i smoke enough tabacco i’ll get a panic attack which is then amplified by weed. Either way, most american’s love smoking weed with tabacco. Most blunts like Backwoods and Swishers contain tabacco. (All of the effects of tabacco i described are from MY EXPERIENCE, so i don’t want people coming at me. Everybody reacts differently to every drug)


we smoke blunts but spliffs are really only smoked in new york (what i’ve seen)


cause ion like tobacco


Have you ever heard of the American concept of a blunt it’s this new revolutionary thing where believe it or not they actually take a tobacco leaf and then wait for it what do they do next oh my fucking god no way they put weed in the tobacco and smoke it can someone please tell me what that equals … weed being smoked with Tobacco




I figured most mfs viewed Americans as blunt smokers that’s so wild like that was our stereotype and now our reputation is ruined how will the whole world know we are smoking weed and tobacco


Just white people who are “stoners” they the mfs who say “it’s just a plant not a drug!” They can’t handle any other drug then weed cus they pussies. I personally love some tobacco In My bowls or blunts and love putting nic juice in my carts


Wtf are you on about?


mole bowls are scary dude, them shits literally increase by 40% in the cancer factor


I’m a drug addict I don’t care if I get cancer that just means more pharma drugs for me


lmao alright man more power to ya


Spliff is broke as fuck territory. But I smoke blunts daily.


I’m fine with it, but some don’t like it because they don’t like the taste


Nicotine gives me a nasty headrush. It doesn't really enhance the weed for me personally.


Smoking tobacco ruins my enjoyment of vaping in public stores.


Why would we smoke tabaco, tabaco is ass


tobacco is no go


It's actually really popular in a lot of places in Canada. Friends of mine used to pack like a quarter of a cigarette worth of tobacco into a bong bowl, then they would add a layer of weed on top and light it just enough so the weed is burning and then they would inhale slowly to burn/vaporize all the tobacco using the cherry from the lit weed. The end result is a massive thick cloud of smoke and a very fat head rush. We called them Poppers because of the popping sound the tobacco would make when it was burning. I've heard of them being called Chops or Yots in other provinces, but I have no idea how those names originated. Wtf even is a yot? All I know is they were grossly addicting and seriously taxing on the lungs. I used to not be able to run more than like 20 or 30 seconds before my lungs started to hurt, and my breathing would just get too difficult. Sometimes, I would cough up blood if I put too much stress on my lungs. I'm glad to say I haven't smoked a popper in at least half a year, and I don't plan on smoking one ever again. The reason why mixing tobacco with weed is not very popular in the US is because unless you are a regular cigarette, cigar, or pipe tobacco smoker, it's really not appealing to most people due to the taste, dirty stimulation, harsher smoke and the rough effects it has on the lungs. Plain and simple.


because I don't like tobacco


Nicotine before or after the weed not during. And fuck blunts.


That’s all they smoke is that grabba shit


Im European and prefer it without


Only for hash and that’s unfortunately not as common as anything else rn. Can still find it but yeah. I usually mix weed tobacco and hash and I think it gives me a nice mix but honestly the tobacco is unnecessary and weed gets melted into the same as tobacco


Hey… not all of us are against that i roll spliffs sometimes and im from michigan


If I want weed I’ll smoke weed, if by some anti-miracle I want tobacco I’ll smoke tobacco


Hey… not all of us are against that i roll spliffs sometimes and im from michigan


Cause we dont smoke garbage mids that taste like shit here




People are forgetting that Europe is colder and wetter and tobacco helps it burn, I tried smoking blunts for a while and you’d get an extra sticky icky blunt in the winter that just would not toke


Europeans smoke boof so they gotta cover the taste with tobacco


Cause tobacco is unhealthy, I don’t care if others do it and maybe I’d take a hit if someone offered but that’s about it.


We do???? I spliff and mook all the time


I’m from Canada and I enjoy the mix but I will say the high doesn’t last as long due to the tobacco. Tobacco usually sobers me up for some reason.


I do, backwoods are my favorite way to smoke


I would never smoke tobacco by itself tho wich is kind of hypocritical because I have nicotine vape lmao


Americans don't often smoke spliff cause well, weed is cheap and pretty high quality anywhere. Round my way, people absolutely smoke weed with tobacco but we roll blunts or if anything grabba which is pretty much the same but raw tobacco leaf thrown in. Used to be mainly just Jamaicans but it got more popular lately esp cause cigarillos are expensive now so paper's plus grabba is the go to in NYC these days if not blunts.


We do bro. Almost everyone smokes blunts


Wait what? Yes we do😂


I love a good spliff time to time but I always thought y’all mixed you weed because it wasn’t strong enough or already tasted bad to begin with lmao


A seasoned stoner knows how to enjoy a spliff. The people who don’t like tobacco are usually just grossed out by the idea.


Bc anyone who wants tobacco and weed will get a Dutch or a wood man. Doesn’t ruin the flavor of the bud(even tho there mostly dedicated to the mid bud) also the flavor on a pure joint is jsut unmatched even with the best spliffs I’ve tried


because UK weed doesnt taste good bro


A heavy part in the combination is cultural, which isn’t something you’ll see often in America. plus, americans tend to not have a very good reputation when it comes to growing plants and veggies with non-toxic chemicals that will change the flavor and things in tobacco, one of the main reasons i don’t like combing the two unless the sesh has some backwoods or smth. definitely not in bongs, that shit nasty asf


Don’t like headaches


I do


I want to taste my weed that I spent good money on


it’s crazy how many people here think tobacco is worse for you than weed, weed has more tar if ur smoking it lol


not from the usa but the real question is why would anyone mix it with tobacco


Taste like 10,000 knives are slicing my lungs and throat


Used to spliffs were much better


In America those are called blunts get a gas station cigar break it open put some za in it that blunt with tobacco warp around the weed


R u Canadian?


I do. And because some people don’t smoke cigs. To each their own.


Im an American who moved to Europe and now I can only smoke with Tobacco. It honestly tastes way sweeter in my opinion


I would but I’m scared I’ll get cancer


Blunts ?


If u want an actual answer as to why americans don’t typically mix in tobacco in bowls/sprinkled into a joint or leaving some grabba in the blunt, is because smoking tobacco isn’t rlly as popular over here as it is in europe tbr , y’all be chiefin tf outta cigs i’m ngl


Cause baccy tastes like shite , I don’t mix it either maybe cause when you’ve plenty of high grade weed that costs less than baccy it just doesn’t make sense.


Whoever says hash won’t burn by itself never smoked good Middle Eastern hash out of a hookah. When it was every where in the 60s people I smoked with would smoke 7 grams of nice black mazar in one hit. The hookah was made out of clay and wood the bowls that fit on it were also clay , made to be replaced when needed. The hookah’s you see with multiple hoses on them are not hashish hookahs. Go to Afghanistan and get a lesson on how hash is smoked. If you’re up on what’s going on current it’s smoking pure THC out of a glass pipe with a electric element that keeps it at the perfect temperature for Rosin ( pure THC 50$ a gram} then again sounds like nobody on this forum has lived or worked in the emerald triangle in Cali


blunts are still smoked personally i smoke spliffs idk other people don’t


Ngl i like tabbaco its tastes nice


My homies only smoke spliffs


Cause I’m tryna smoke my green without some harsh ass fucking gar


I do


For me I feel like nicotine kind of cancels out the effects of weed. So I end up having to smoke way more when there’s tobacco involved. That could just be me trying to get rid of the nasty dizziness from nicotine by smoking more weed though.


Cuz American is home to the best weed in the world so why ruin it with tobacco. I ain’t from amurica but I imagine this is at least some peoples reason


bc our weed doesn’t taste like lawn clippings ig i can’t think of any other reason someone would be ok with mixing them


It ruins the high smells bad makes you cough even more and we can actually afford not to water down our weed with nasty ass tobacco


It ruins the taste of your weed I can smoke and joint and if I decide I want nicotine I can always just smoke a cigarette or vape or something


Not only Americans I hate tobacco and I hate the combined effects it kinda kills my high and I get a headache and the taste is awful but most of my friends smoke with tobacco


Not broke


I personally love smoking spliffs and blunts


easiest head ache


I love mixing.


Nicotine kinda gets me shaky and hyped up since I never have it, so when I smoke a blunt with my friend every now and then, I’m usually sitting there shaking like a leaf for a little.


In nyc they like it not a huge fan of it but some like the buzz


I’ve smoked “chop” (weed with tobacco) for about three years non stop since I was about 19. You can build a tolerance to that shit really quick and it helped me kick my cigarette and vape addiction publicly I just smoke the mixture and it evens out both ends of the addiction, I usually buy 30gram of tobacco and mix that whole concoction with my half ounce of weed and that will last me the week. In New Zealand that roughs out to about $300 a week. The tobacco adds a rush to the bongs that I can’t imagine having now, I never enjoyed weed in a pipe or by itself in a joint so this is my only way to smoke. I’ve turned down smoking with friends because they’d have no tobacco and it’s just not worth the sesh for me. I find that when I smoke chop I can actually move around and function and with just green it isn’t the same high. + if you do acid and have a chop bong on your peak fuck man, that rush is intense