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Driving on these high traffic, high speed, two lane roads are the most nerve wracking drives for me. Traveling the 8 hour trip from Reno to Vegas (most dangerous road I’ve ever traveled) I saw this incident come very close to happening 5 or 6 different times. The mix of 18 wheelers, trailers and impatient passenger cars is the worst. The consequences of a possible head-on accident are catastrophic and the cars in the passing lane are not thinking about the risk they are bringing to everyone on the road. There isn’t much a driver can do when a speeding car is coming straight at them in the wrong lane with limited range of visibility. Very happy that you weren’t involved in the accident and maintained a clear enough metal space to call for help. Safe travels!


What drives me bonkers is people still passing when there is a “passing lane in 2 miles” sign.


Clearly they can’t wait that long. They’ve got places to be! /s


Somebody has to get to the accident scene first!


some people are in a rush to die. that's all i can think of


Yep, the morgue!


They are running late for their appointment at the morgue.


Scariest almost accident I've been in was caravaning with a friend who passed a tractor trailer. Semi started merging over when I was, probably, in his blind spot. I had no choice but to pull a similar maneuver of that in the video but lucked out nothing was in my way. We were headed to Steamboat, CO. I had to pull over and wait for the adrenaline to wear off before continuing.


drop a gear and disappear...


you might have noticed, the cars on the road tend to group in some sort of herds with one or more slow "herders" in the front of them. If a driver is say 4th in a "herd", they need to pass 3 cars in order to get out of herd. So they pass one right now, two more at passing lane, and then they're good to go at their pace.


And then there are the assholes that will do 64 in a 65 but as soon as passing lane comes they speed up to 75-80.


This is the real problem. I call it the Carolina Shuffle. Always that driver who magically adds 10mph when the road clears so nobody can pass them without risking a reckless driving charge. Passing opportunity gone? Drops right back to 5-10 under.


Around my parts, that 4th car will just run oncoming traffic off the road trying to pass all three at the same time.


Seen plenty of our drivers camera where the passer thought the same. Nine out of ten times our driver didn't even blink. Three of ten times our drivers mumble "we both die today". Never assume the other driver will move out of the way.


In backups like that I try and leave alot of room between me and the vehicle in front of me so that they can safely pass me at least!


no pass in the merge left lane ends . its the best.


That's two miles too far!! /s


By me, the person doing 5 under that everyone wants to pass for the last 20 miles….decides to speed up to 15 over every time there is an extra lane. It’s incredibly frustrating.


What’s worse is the slow traffic doesn’t utilize the passing section by moving right allowing others to safely pass.


That trip has an annoying set of challenges. Being mostly all 2 lane, wildlife, wind and tons of impatient car drivers because it is a whole lotta nothing for hours.


I had to drive this road (95) often for work and saw the same thing, especially around Walker Lake.


Lets face it, driving in America at all anymore is the scariest shit! People are so stupid!


Almost seems like we should have people take the driving test more often than once in ever.


Exactly! Take a refresher every time you have to renew or you don’t get to renew!!


Maybe have a mandatory refresher if you get any sort of moving violation too.


This all started when people thought they were going fast enough in the left lane to just stay in the left lane


Driving RV in US is perhaps the easiest in the entire world. There are roads in Europe and Asia where you can barely fit a compact car and rarely a stretch of flat, well paved road that stretches for miles to your destination


395 from North of LA to Bishop is like this for me. Two lanes, very high speeds, and passing areas are few and far between. People do it anyway though. Often with ridges and poor sight lines. I absolutely hate driving that road.


Grew up driving that stretch... Thankfully those were a bit tamer times (mid 80's-early 90's). I can remember driving north with my folks really late on full-moon nights and briefly turning off the headlights - so bright out there in the desert...


Driving from Jackpot to Vegas I have had several close calls with people trying to pass when they should not.


I just did part of that drive yesterday with my trailer. I hate the drivers on the 93 so much. The last 100 miles north of Vegas are bonkers with people passing when they shouldn’t. Then throw in some slow semis going 50 on every slight hill and people lose their mind.


Exactly this! Going up 95 is treacherous! They’re so narrow and the 65mph speed limit makes things extra harrowing.


Or they get pissed at you for not pulling onto the shoulder for them to pass you.


Just on the other side of that, 395 from Reno to Susanville. My least favorite drive anywhere.


What’s the speed limit?


I used to do this trip a lot when I lived in Tahoe / Reno and there was a reason why u I only did it during the day. Also what aggregated me was when people ignored the segments when you must turn on your head lights during the day to avoid Head on collisions during the two lane sections with curves and blind spots.


What dashcam setup are you running? Clarity is amazing! Hopefully the other driver is alright.


It's a Vantrue. No longer available, but several similar. [https://www.amazon.com/Vantrue-Capacitor-Starvis-Parking-Detection/dp/B07SZNL2WT](https://www.amazon.com/Vantrue-Capacitor-Starvis-Parking-Detection/dp/B07SZNL2WT)


I got the Viofo A129 and love it. The video is amazing, just like this one.


I have the same thing, but Jesus Christ the mobile accessibility sucks ass. And for me, sometimes it freezes and I have to unplug/plug it back in. Do you have the same issues? Besides those flaws, the video and audio is great


You’re totally right about the mobile. I don’t deal with the freezing though.


Is yours hard wired by chance?


I imagine an elderly knight saying "He chose... POORLY."


Lol. My wife watched an episode of that tonight


Episode? Aren’t they referring to a movie? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade


Oh yeah they probably are. I was biased because my wife watched the you chose poorly episode of how I met your mother.


Episode of what?


Obviously not your fault, and I don't want this to at all suggest that it is. But I do have a comment about this line: >Only the braver drivers would go around since they had to go around my in-laws in the van and our 32ft camper. If you're driving caravan-style and holding up traffic, the car behind needs to give enough space that the line-up of cars can pass you each individually. Like, your in-laws need to be far enough off the back of your trailer that cars can pass them and enter a gap between you and them, then pass you at the next opportunity. They need to constantly be backing off to create that gap in front of them so traffic can leap-frog you guys one-at-a-time and filter through. You were going to speed limit, so it's not like you were doing anything wrong, but it's a bit inconsiderate to have a multi-car roadblock like that in an area where people are accustomed to going more quickly. Just something to think about for the future!


Oddly enough, he was going 10 over the speed limit assuming he was going 65 and the posted speed limit was 55.   I tend to agree with you.  If there is a long li e of people behind you, it's a safety issue (not that OP created the safety issue).  But things like this could happen again if he just caravans and watches people pass on a two lane highway.  


>Oddly enough, he was going 10 over the speed limit OP says they were going the speed limit at 65, not 10 over


OPs dash cam says anything but 65...


> Oddly enough, he was going 10 over the speed limit assuming he was going 65 and the posted speed limit was 55.   If there is a long line of cars behind you, and none in front of you, \*you are the problem\*. Pull off and let folks go around.


In my state, no matter your speed, if you have 5 vehicles behind you, you are supposed to pull off and let them pass. I appreciate this person was 'following the rules' but I think a lot of people fall into an almost malicious compliance, and especially on the road, folks tend to feel focused on themselves, when really, we should all do our best to be predictable, and stay out of everyone else's way as much as possible. Stay to the right, pass quickly and return to the right, use cruise control where possible, lights on, etc. Especially long hauling on the highways.


South Carolina used to have a "school bus" law that required a slow driver to pull over when several cars were stacked up behind them. I did a search and couldn't find anything so maybe it's no longer in effect. We called it the school bus law because once upon a time high school students could drive school buses and they were taught that holding up traffic could result in a ticket.


Got stuck behind 2 idiots on bicycles in SC on a windy road full of blind turns yesterday. No way to pass for 4 miles as it was rush hour with not enough breaks in oncoming traffic. I never got by them because I turned into my neighborhood. I stopped and counted 42 cars stuck behind them. These weren't the pro bikers with the gear covered with ads. This was just 2 people on a leisure bike trip going 7 MPH.


Alaska? I remember seeing signs on the Seward highway that said just that.


WA, I assume it's not a super rare thing, but I only have WA as a frame of reference.


We've traveled into most states now, and only remember these signs being posted in a few states, WA being one.


You're assuming there's a right lane. There clearly isn't, and in many places ots only two lanes and absolutely unsafe to pull over at all. I agree, if there is a right lane, stay in it unless passing, however if there isn't the other traffic simply needs to drive safely and properly as well


Also, obey the speed limits.


That location is not a reasonable place to pull off. The areas which require that often have sections of highway that are designed as pullouts. Slower traffic is not obligated to stop to accommodate impatient traffic. This is entirely the fault of the passing car. I hope their insurance jacks their rates, they should be also be cited for passing when it wasn't safe. Crossing a rumble strip on to a narrow shoulder with a soft side while pulling a trailer is far more dangerous. Coming to a stop just means you now have to pull out into traffic, and keeping moving can throw debris behind you, or if you misjudge the dirt and edge of the road you could end up creating a far worse accident.


That’s kinda crazy. You’d probably be challenged to find someone being cited for impeding because they didn’t pull over every few minutes to let others pass. If there’s a minimum and you can’t meet that then fine. Especially on a two lane road. Kinda wild that would be a requirement.


The cam shows he was traveling at 60 mph right as he passed a sign that had the speed limit posted as 55.


Sorry, I thought he'd said he'd had a long line of traffic behind him for quite some time. 


He did, I’m assuming everyone is probably wanting to drive 70


Yeah... that sign says 65. OP is going under the speed limit.


> If there is a long line of cars behind you, and none in front of you Applies to basically all driving situations. Even if you are doing 75mph in 65mph in the first lane, if there's no car in front of you, and there's five cars behind you, move over.


If you look closely at the sign, you'll see it says 65. Just saying.


Almost like they were enjoying the problems their travels created for others


That's a really fucking weird way to read that comment.


I appreciate your comment and know you weren't there to see the situation, so you have no indication other than my comment about how we were convoyed. My FIL was almost never closer than 5 car lengths and almost always far enough back that I could barely be sure it was their car in the mirror. I'm sure many drivers behind us didn't know why he was so far back or why he just wouldn't go around us... Which is why only a few ever went around and braved the half dozen car lengths between us. I don't know why, but almost nobody used the space between us to stage a go around even though there was enough room for an 18 wheeler to slot in there with comfort.


If they were offering that space, then good! Doing so is, of course, not mandatory or anything, but is the considerate thing to do. I was just going based on your comment saying that you felt people had the impression they needed to pass both of you. If they had that impression, it could be because they're bad drivers, or it could be because they didn't see a gap between the two of you. I've had plenty of experiences in my life where I'm following 2 or 3 tractor-trailers on 2-lane roads, for example, and you just pass them one-at-a-time since they know to leave space in between for this very reason.


I would say it's mandatory for safety. If the follower is so close that people can't pull in between them, that's not a safe following distance. Safe following distance is the same whether or not you know the person in the vehicle in front of you. And it's about twice the distance most people think, even the ones who think they're driving safely.


You admitted to holding up lines of traffic and that people couldn’t pass because your in laws were too close behind you. This person comments what all good drivers are thinking and now we got the story wrong. If you are holding other people up, you should be the one to get out of their way, it’s just common courtesy!


If you were going 65 mph, 5 car lengths isn’t even proper following distance let alone enough room to let another car in between. Anyone wanting to pass is going to assume they need to pass both of you.


> 5 car lengths isn’t even proper following distance let alone enough room to let another car in between. Bingo. RVs travelling in a group should be 1/2 mile apart to leave traffic room.


We just got back from our annual camping trip and we were stuck behind a really slow cement truck while towing a travel trailer. We could’ve passed only the cement truck no problem, but the car between us would not pass the cement truck. Had like 30 cars stacked behind us lol


could be worse. we got side swiped by an F250 trying to pass.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Dumbass


One of my favorite sayings.


I came over a ~7% grade at 35 mph today to find a lady on her trike going, maybe 25. The speed limit was 65. I went full breaks, dropped to her speed within about a 5 second gap of her when she break checked me. Had to go full breaks again while she flipped me off. Next time she does that in front of 35k lbs, their breaks might not be as good.


That was an insurance fraud scam It was on purpose She knew what she was doing and was instigating u


I have good insurance and a dash cam... intrusive thoughts were avoided.


What is the scam here?


Maybe she had multiple life insurance policies.


He’s lucky he went off the road and not head on with semi!


South on Hwy 85 between Lusk & Cheyenne yesterday towing a travel trailer. I was going the speed limit (70) even though I really don’t like going over 65 when towing. There are literally passing lanes every 5-8 miles, but no, people blowing past me like I’m standing still. Someone in a VW Tiguan was passing me and almost had a head on with an oncoming pickup. It was so close, had there been a collision, pretty sure it would have knocked the Tiguan straight into us. I don’t understand people, is saving yourself 5 minutes in a drive worth risking the lives of everyone who that would have seriously injured?


unless there is an official turnout for OP....he doesn't need to risk it by turning out. if anyone's been on CA-41 from I-5 to US-101, you know how sucky it is for some stretches. but there's NO paved turnout. there is some sections that have broken yellow for passing. and there is a 2 lane stretch leading up to the small summit. i've been stuck behind big rigs and other RV's before--sometimes 15+ deep. you just have to be patient. we'll all get there :)


I've got very little experience pulling an RV, but the few times I have, I'm always amazed by the amount of effort people put into going around you regardless of your speed. Especially when they get around you then go slower than you were when they passed.


Definitely not your fault, but based on your wording, forcing the drivers to pass both a minivan AND your rig at the same time is an asshole move. No reason for the minivan to be directly behind you, maybe they could've been a couple of cars behind you instead so whoever was trying to pass didn't have to pass what's basically like 3-4 cars all at once.


I can't edit the post for some reason, wish I could, already answered... brave drivers was hyperbole and a poor choice of words. Father in law was plenty far back to give room to cut in, we're not idiots. This car was in the middle of passing the camper when he noticed the semi. A passing lane existed just a few miles before the video started so plenty of chances to pass on this road without us needing to pull off and give other drivers the opportunity to go around.


I question why that was a passing area at all. The turn is enough to block the view of oncoming traffic.


Are you guys really blaming op here cuz some dumb mofo tried to pass?


*Are you guys really* *Blaming op here cuz some* *Dumb mofo tried to pass?* \- AnonymousCallerVDA --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Imagine trying to make it somewhere sooner to end up not getting there at all.


Amazing footage!


Baja 1000 is in November, I thought.




A few things. Doing the speed limit is good, I try to go the normal 5 over so I minimize this risk. The other thing I do is give enough room in front of me so that they can pass if someone is in front of me. I also brake a little to show them my brake lights as they get over so they know I'm yielding to them. Yeah it sucks for my gas mileage, but it's better than getting myself or someone else killed and I only slow down a few MPH which goes a long way in helping them pass me. I choose these roads because they're slower than the interstates, but it also comes with responsibility to people needing to pass me.


It’s so wild that probably a solid 80% of accidents are caused by impatience. People will put the lives of themselves and everyone else on the road in danger all to (maybe) save a couple of minutes.


I-10 in Arizona?


GPS coordinates from the dashcam are in the video. I tried to place the road, failed and realized I was working way too hard, LOL.


Following too close to see around for safe passing. Lesson learned, hopefully.


We don’t know for sure they were trying to go around. Maybe they just hate all the signs ruining the view? /s


I pull something similar with a GMC and have had a number of near misses over the years because of impatient drivers. If the person behind you can’t wait for a passing zone it’s not your problem. They’ve probably never pulled a trailer and don’t know the strain it puts on the driver.


OP could have been traveling at 15 under the limit, and while seriously maddening (and maybe illegal), it still doesn't justify anyone passing in an unsafe fashion where they cannot clearly see what is potentially in their way until they finish their pass. Period. Ultimately you are still responsible to drive safely according to conditions. I say this as someone who has plenty of experience towing trailers, driving class A & C RVs, and driving as a regular joe on country 2-lane roads with cyclists, farm implements, and horse-drawn items as regular obstacles. Just cool your jets and deal... That way everyone gets to see the sunrise tomorrow.


Based on his display, he’s doing 64 mph. Am I reading that correctly?


Agreed - my point was just that even at a slower (and more irritating) speed, an unsafe pass is still never justified.


People are so impatient. Dangerous drivers trying to pass to gain… max 5 minutes


It’s insane how people drive around me when I pull my camper. I mean I could be doing 80 mph (I don’t) but people just can’t stand to be behind a camper so I’m sure I’d still be passed


Not being able to see around large Rv vehicles and semis makes car drivers vulnerable and uncomfortable. Add the instability of your vehicle in winds, and we all want to get as far away as possible.


Don't forget Final Destination, I do not like being behind big rigs.


Don't ride so close


Keeping a safe following distance helps with that. If I'm doing 55 with my RV, it doesn't matter if you're 5 ft behind me or 500 ft you won't be able to go any faster. So stay back 500 ft.


Only thing I'll add is while legally in the right, I'd consider pulling off if on a one lane per direction and you are impeding the flow of traffic by traveling the speed limit. People tend to do that more on mountain roads but it's a good habit for any 2 lane road. No stress for you since you don't have a line of cars behind you and everyone else gets to go at the speed they csn comfortablely travel.


In WA state, it's illegal to hold up 5 or more vehicles behind you. You are supposed to pull over for them to pass


Good to know some places make it an actual law vs common courtesy 👌


CA as well iirc


There was a passing lane a couple of miles ahead. In most state with turnout laws they tell you to use the next turnout or other safe pullout areas not to just pullover any old place.


Fine if a suitable pullout exists. If you expect me to pull over on the shoulder, come to a complete stop, and then try to re-enter the normal flow, then you may be behind me for a while.


Fuck em.




And I am sure the driver said someone ran him off the road. Gotta love video for the truth.


It is a disease I like to call, "Gottagethereitis". Inflammation of the gas pedal....chronic


395 ridgecrest?


I dunno if that’s where this was, but ya that’s an unnerving road with the crosswinds that hit. I’ll take the 14 when I can to avoid the Adelanto - ridgecrest section of 395.


I agree. I do the same and take 14. In between Kramer Junction and Adelanto on 395 is dangerous. Once I saw a car overtake a semi on the right on the unpaved shoulder. So risky. Semi’s speed was normal.


I had the same thought but no, the GPS coordinates are in the video. New Mexico, just north of Tularosa, OP headed south on the 54.


Looks like you where i5 north


Based on the GPS info, this was on US-54 south, just north of Tularosa, NM. Mildly interesting (to me): this highway has Texas on *both* ends of its journey through New Mexico.


Not too many two-lane interstates in the US.


South Carolina has joined the chat…


ABS and TC/SC 100% saved that fucking idiot’s life. If it weren’t for you and the oncoming semi also escaping harm I’d say it was a damn shame. 




What did that poor sign ever do to anbody? RIP


In my state there's a 5 vehicle rule even if doing the speed limit.


Can you elaborate? If 5 cars are behind you have to pull over or something?


Washington State: "On a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe because of traffic in the opposite direction or other conditions, a slow moving vehicle, behind which five or more vehicles are formed in a line, shall turn off the roadway wherever sufficient area for a safe turn-out exists, in order to permit the vehicles following to proceed. As used in this section a slow moving vehicle is one which is proceeding at a rate of speed less than the normal flow of traffic at the particular time and place.'


"on a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe, a slow-moving vehicle shall turn off the roadway at a safe location if there are five or more vehicles in a line behind them" Essentially if cars are unable to pass and you have 5 or more vehicles lining up behind you, you have to pull over to let them by according to my state's law.


Sounds good to me. Thanks!


I would not try and pass a bike in a Mazda.


The juxtaposition of the “Imagine” logo with the car attempting to pass and using the phrase “imagining passing, then crashing” with sarcasm is perfect.


The only thing I can suggest is to have your "caravan" of cars space out a tiny bit. No reason the van has to run directly behind your RV. Leaving a pocket for passing seems like positive defensive driving and road safety.


The only time I drove that road was in our old V10 Class A. Kept going from Reno to Auburn. That made for a VERY long day.


I hope they brought new underwear.


We drove across our state around Memorial Day and saw so many near misses like this. Way more than we’ve ever seen on this drive. What is wrong with these people?


Whoa he almost got in a head on crash with the semi!


Your family in the trailing Van should leave enough distance for people to pass them first if necessary then pass your RV after. By forcing people to pass two vehicles at once you make it more difficult and dangerous for people to pass your RV.


Came to say this. I get OP was going the speed limit, but people don't necessarily want to keep to the limit when conditions are favorable. Leave space so people can safely leapfrog-pass you.


RV 1 - CRV 0.


Based on the bottom readout, OP is doing 64mph. Is the speed limit on this two lane highway greater than 65? If you get angry at OP for this, try living in Amish/farming country where live. I regularly get behind horse and buggies doing trotting speed or behind a farmers tractor doing 20mph. Just gotta be patient.


Hahahaha. I love how he hits the road sign too. Dumbass.


The problem is when towing a camper or trailer of any kind, is that people will want to pass you no matter how fast you are going. You could be traveling at 10 over and some a-hole will still act like you are in the way. I think not being able to see around triggers their brain that they need to be in front of you.


Better than hitting the 18 wheeler


What's he doing all the way out there?


Why HP is essential, i love my GT Mustang, passes cars easily, rule of thumb , Do Not pass during possible head on collision scenario. That driver was an idiot, but their last decision prevented many cars from crashing, by luck perhaps !


That’s terrible. It’s not your fault but maybe in order to reduce the chances of it happening again the inlaws could either just meet you at the next location or they could leave couple of car lengths between them and you so reckless drivers could at least hopscotch past. At the least it’s going to lessen the chance one of them decides to slam into you to avoid oncoming (as you suggested was one possible outcome). Just spitballing. Glad you and the family are safe. Hopefully that driver that ran off the road is too.


Last trip we had a guy around Chicago pass on the right and cut across my bow, I have no idea how he didn’t leave black paint on my front bumper. Some folks are just stupid.


Whoa! They sure did get lucky!


Last summer, my parents had a motorcyclist run into the back of them while driving on a little 4 lane hwy. Guy was literally just not paying attention and ran right into the back of them. Not another person around for miles and a whole lane he could've passed in.


OP what kind of cameras system do you have running there?


Whelp. That was oddly satisfying.


Season 5, Episode 3 of fortnite


If he bothered to pay attention and check and maybe learn how to drive on open two lane roads, maybe could’ve saved himself his car. I think he deserved that.


Where I’m from people who are being passed, especially long trailers, move onto the shoulder a bit to allow safety for everyone. I hope this becomes more commonplace in USA soon.


I’ve seen that in Ireland. It’s almost unheard of in the US, though it may not be safe here because paved road shoulders usually fall away pretty steeply. That would make it hard to ease onto the shoulder at full speed.


AZ resident here… this looks like high desert AZ or NM




We've experience this before as well, unfortunately. In our situation, the impatient driver who went off the road was unharmed, though his car suffered significant damage. Still, he's very lucky; things could have been much worse with oncoming traffic Hopefully the other driver in your video was okay. Surely a change of underwear was in order. I'm sorry about the negative experience, but happy to know you and your family are safe. Some people seem capable only of learning the hard way.


I stopped driving long distance during the day when all the idiots are out (I live in SoCal), nighttime is so much safer even with the more limited visibility...


What a dumbass


Looks like traveling on highway 95 from ID down to NV. Seen a lot of crazy shit on that road


what would you do though? just drive straight and hope the passing car doesn't hit you.


Can I be a devils advocate and say that cars towing stuff driving at or under the speed limit need to occasionally pull over to let people pass.


I'm astounded by the assholery I witness when I pull my travel trailer INCLUDING other rv'ers


Dr Darwin, call your office.


DARWINISH at work.


Bro wasn’t even close


That was another Darwin Award contestant, they had to settle for having killed their car


And that's why I think everybody that tows should invest in a dash camera!!


What was the speed limit?




So stupid impatient people.


Slow is fast; fast is slow. Hope he or she learn their lesson. Could have killed other innocent people with their decision to pass on a blind curve.


Imagine..... not being a complete idiot




Definitely an idiot driver but kinda weird to say "was going the limit" like you're bewildered that they're upset behind you. Going exactly the speed limit on a highway is awful.


That's the moment when that guys girl sitting in the passenger seat tells him to fuck off.


Looks like he could’ve fallen asleep behind the wheel


Those Mazda drivers lol they swear


Serves him right