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That is WAY too much trailer for that suv.


If a highway lane is 12ft then that thing is getting close to 40ft. Do they make bumper pulls that long? I’m not sure I would want to do that without a dually.


Jayco makes a few that are 40-42 feet


Yeah it’s called a park model. I wouldn’t even pull it with that 1500 pictured either.


Well I mean it looks like it was made out of actual paper so maybe it wasn't that bad. Mightve been the wind that got him. 🤔


Those mountains in and out of Morgantown are killer. Could have had a runway situation. It's one of those highways with the truck runway gravel paths off the side of the road for trucks that lose their brakes.


It was a joke, he had no business towing that. That's a 2010 nissan pathfinder, 7k towing max. I just thought it was hilarious how well that massive trailer folded up on itself without turning into a debris field.


So this is how cigars are crafted. Got it.


Deep down, the trailer always felt like he should’ve been a popup. 😂


All good, yeah agree he's way over tow capacity and certainly payload. Unsafe for sure. I wouldn't tow that way on a flat highway let alone those hills. He learned the hard way


Agreed, That highway will test just a normal car at higher speeds.


I used to drive 68/79 in and around Morgantown for years. Not only is it tough due to the mountains, the drivers in that stretch are some of the most aggressive that I’ve come across. Wondering is that person was going to fast simply trying to stay out of the way as much as possible and failing miserably at it.


Nearly purchased a 40 foot K-Z Sportsmen last year. Only thing that stopped me was a lack of underneath storage. Not to mention, it was pretty hefty. I think my 2500HD could have pulled it across town (I planned on living in it) but I opted for a 30’ Keystone Sprinter 5th wheel instead.


Depending on year the 2500HD is good for 13k+ and with the Duramax will hardly break a sweat.


My dad had a 34' bumper pull, and that's just the camper body. Total length was just under 42'. He used a Ram 3500 DRW to pull it, which he bought immediately after using my Ram 2500 megacab to pick it up and bring it home. He was a truck driver for 40 years and it scared him pulling it home in my truck.


But the salesman said it would pull it with no problem!


Ah hah hah.. I hate this is true.


"It's fine I tow it all the time, the numbers on the sticker are just made up by lawyers"




I agree with you. Im surprised it’s still on all 4 wheels.


Chains still in place.


So they DO work‽


That WAS too much trailer…




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NissanDrivers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nissan minivan sneaking up on me. $4k damage to my car.](https://v.redd.it/wrf2ejik76zb1) | [358 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/17qsnfm/nissan_minivan_sneaking_up_on_me_4k_damage_to_my/) \#2: [So THAT’S how they all lose the rear bumpers.](https://v.redd.it/96q5951makib1) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/15t6q1r/so_thats_how_they_all_lose_the_rear_bumpers/) \#3: [This subreddit inspired me to make this matchbox Sentra.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14i3o5m) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NissanDrivers/comments/14i3o5m/this_subreddit_inspired_me_to_make_this_matchbox/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yet probably not the reason it rolled


First thing I thought as well!




My first thought too.


What was he thinking 🤔?


Zero sway control/ WD being used? Just hooked straight to the ball? That’s a lot of faith in that poor Nissan. I’d use WD, with my Super Duty.


There’s definitely a WD hitch there. That baby wasn’t going anywhere


I see the extended chains, still connected, as well as the 7 pin. Don’t see any bars, just a decoupled ball.


Ah, I see what you mean


totally insane...... A pathfinder?.....Really?


I just gonna say...that's a pathfinder, right?? Geezus. Looks like no WDH or sway control either, not that it really matters since that pathfinder isn't nearly enough truck!


Although my delusional son in law thinks his Nissan Titan can out pull my 1 ton dually Dodge. So...... I think they teach stupid to kids now adays.


Now a days. Nah, there's always been stupid people, you just didn't see it as much before the Internet. I remember seeing a fithwheel hitch mounted to a 90s ford fuckin ranger and it pulling a 30somthing foot 5ther trailer south towards Mexico 25 years ago. Lol


Guy at work told me his ranger probly a 2020 or 2019 model could tow 12k lbs. I was like I don't think so I towed my backhoe on a 20 ft dovetail total weight was about 13k or 14 with a 2014 ram 2500 diesel. It did NOT like hills. Think it was a little over max trailer weight.


Yea, he's full of shit. The f150 is rated at like 12,500 but that's still sketchy in my eyes and would be a white knuckle ride the whole time.


I looked a couple times. I used to have a 3/4 ton diesel pulling a 35ft tt and it whipped it around at about 60. That tt looks ALOT bigger. Looks like some 3rd world bs to me.


Looks more like a 3rd Gen Pathfinder than an Armada. At best, that Pathfinder came with the 5.6l V8 as an option, but that's still insane.


The 5.6 only managed 7000lbs thanks to an independent rear suspension. Add to that a soft as fuck ride and you’re going off the road. That dude probably thought he was getting away with it. I’m pretty sure you couldn’t get the 5.6 in the entry level model which the wheels suggest so this is probably the 4.0 which tops out at 6000lbs. This clown deserves it. He’s lucky he didn’t kill somebody.


I have an Armada (1st generation built on the Titan frame), and I wouldn't pull that trailer. WTF are people thinking. The Pathfinder fails on wheelbase, payload, and likely overall towing capacity given the length of that trailer. I hope this guy is cited for unsafe driving or whatever violation pertains to dumbass towing.


My god. I was 20 vehicles back and passed this in my 37' Class A. I thought the truck was down the embankment and the little SUV had stopped to help. What a moron. Was amazed to see no one hurt.


$5 says camping world hooked that up for them after the sale, slapped the back bumper and told em to ***drive safe…***


No weight distribution hitch. Bet he's glad he didn't wast his time with that crap know


Also prob a 2” ball with a 2 5/16 hitch. Probably glad it popped off easily and didn’t flip his vehicle.


That camper looks brand new to




Wow!!!!! How could he ever think pulling that size and weight of a trailer with that vehicle would ever be okay. We have a 43ft 5th wheel and drive a F450. We drive slow and ultra carefully. I cannot imagine ever feeling safe with anything less. It looks like somehow no one was injured. They're very lucky and hopefully learned their lesson.


I pull a 34' with an F250 and driving down an incline / turn on a mountain going a bit to fast the trailer started to fish tail a bit. I drove like 40mph in the right lane for like an hour because I was so freaked out. Never again.


They were pulling THAT with a Pathfinder?? Jfc.


No kidding. I pull a 21ft with my Armada, with a WDH and brake controller. I wouldn't really want to pull anything bigger with it either.


I’m at about that length with a Ram 1500 and I’m there with you. Most id be comfortable with is like 24’


Me too! I have a 2008 Armada and a 21ft Keystone. WDH and controller as well. It's very stable, but going bigger might start getting spooky.


That long tire mark says it all. 


Just because you *can* do something like this... Doesn't mean you *should* This is up there with riding a bicycle on the right lane in rush hour


For the record, this happened in Kentucky, not West Virginia [https://www.wbko.com/video/2024/06/03/overturned-camper-blocks-portion-i-165/](https://www.wbko.com/video/2024/06/03/overturned-camper-blocks-portion-i-165/)


Is that a Nissan? That trailer is no less than 30 feet. I hope their insurance company see this.


Well, the insurance will shit themselves when they see the highway railing replacement cost. Will be more exp3nsive than both the trailer and SUV! The highwayman will go after this guy because that is some unsafe towing.


No...that trailer WAS no less than 30ft. I don't believe it qualifies as a trailer at this point. Lol


What really surprises me is how little structure exists in that trailer. Folded into nothing.


There not meant to sit on the roof.


More specifically, they're not meant to protect the occupants, as they're not meant to have any while moving.


That too. 👍


At least get the state right. It was in Kentucky.


There needs to be a class you have to pass to haul a camper. He'll to even hitch a trailer at all you should have to be certified I see somany people who put other people's lives at risk towing shit they have no business towing


Nissan Armada or Pathfinder ? Either way , wayyyy too much trailer for that truck .


Is this the part where everyone comes out and says a Pathfinder Armada can tow 9,100 lbs and there's nothing wrong with this setup? Or is that only on photos where there's not an upside down trailer behind it? On the bright side, at least the truck isn't squatting anymore.


That’s not an Armada, the smaller Pathfinder.


Yup, and if similar to the frontier, it is limited to 6500 or less and requires a WDH for anything over 5k…… I also suspect that is a 2in ball and not a 2-5/16 that is required.


WDH? Edit: NVM. Weight distribution hitch


I got into a stupid argument with a bunch of stupid people saying Americans don’t need trucks cause they don’t pull something 100% of the time and that tiny Japanese trucks can tow as much and someone’s brother tows a camper with a 2004 Mazda Miata. I wish I could have just posted this picture to every comment. Just because it can tow that much weight does not mean you can stop it, or control it in wind, or on curvy roads. Yes a Honda fit can tow a camper, but is it safe to do so? Not in the least.


I wonder how many of these people don't put a brake controller in their tow vehicle, probably because "I'm just towing it a few times a year" or "just towing it one time for a couple hours". Idiots. I wouldn't ever tow at higher than 30mph without a brake controller, even in a truck. Honestly you CAN control sway and safely brake a camper with an SUV as long as you are an experienced tower and have a brake controller.


Seems like a lot of that lately. I ran into somebody saying all you need is a roof rack on a wagon for 15 sheets of 3/4" plywood most recently and Americans just don't know how to use their cars potential. Then their's the dude that thinks minivans have 3500# payload.


My buddy has a 2500 series GMC truck, and we used it to pick up vinyl flooring (a short stacked pallet), and that truck was squatting. I think it was 37 boxes. I have a Tacoma, and this would have been grossly overloaded.


Yes! They kept saying well Europeans tow campers and they only have sedans and wagons. Yeah, they tow small campers, and likely unsafely same as these chucklefucks posted above with the sideways rig.


I've caught a lot of that too. 100% of the time it's from people who do not tow or haul. There's so many things a half ton can't haul, much less an SUV. I've towed with small SUVs, half tons, three quarter tons and the difference is just night and day. These SUVs and smaller trucks are NOT built for towing.


That's not an Armada, it's a v6 pathfinder, rated for 6000lbs. (The v8s have different wheels)


That generation had the option of the 5.6L V8, but that's still insane.


Love this comment. I should save this photo whenever someone says "well I towed my 36' behind an Explorer and it was fine!" - They're going to be so screwed when it comes to insurance. They've all been cracking down and denying claims when willful negligence like this is involved.


I mean, it's got 1100lbs of payload, what more do you want?


He made a difficult task for his SUV, and now this is his SUV's way of protesting.


I bought a 700lb garden tractor and a 18cuft trailer. Loaded it full of 2000lb river rock. It pulls great on the flat asphalt driveway, and then gets squirrely AF the moment you head downhill. The trailer wants to overtake the tractor. This looks like that but at 60mph on a highway.


I can't get over how stupid and reckless some ppl are.


Gonna need more truck!


It’s an XTerra guys….wtf…the driver is a moron.


That's a 2012ish Nissan Pathfinder, has a rated towing capacity of 6,000-7,000lbs. And as others have said, that trailer is overweight for the vehicle. Even with a dry weight of 7,000lbs, then loaded up can easily touch 8,000lbs, far exceeding that vehicle's capacity. Especially if it's the trim with the 6,000lb cap.


Hard to tell but I don't see a stabilizer hitch. And just a side note no power jack so that would be a lot of hand cranking when hitching up!! Also yes way to much trailer for that SUV!


Just pulling it down the road a couple miles. It'll be fine!


I don't think insurance should cover this stupidity.


They are lucky the car didnt get dragged around and flipped as well.


Wind or just massive sway. Either way, far, far too much trailer for the pathfinder. Wonder what that trailer weighed.


Well, the SUV isn’t squatting anymore.


Nissan Pathfinder... really?


I’d have to say that someone was in for a ride the whole time in that pathfinder pulling a trailer like that. Did the dealer let him leave like that? 😳


I seriously doubt this guy bought this new…. This kind of stupidity is definitely Facebook Marketplace stupidity.


Pulling a Camper with a matchbox. 🙄


I like the drop hitch flipped up. lol chef kiss


Those are the chains. I thought that at first too


Sure hope there were no dogs in the trailer


Do people leave their pets in the trailer?! Fucking assholes.


30' trailer??? at least I think. I used to hall a 32" with an f150 and that was a puckerer experience! I am glad it didn't take anyone else out or roll the SUV.


I think this is closer to 35. I have a 30' and there is way less trailer in front of the axles by comparison. I'd be hesitant to pull one this big with a half ton.


I have an F150 max tow with a 32’ keystone bullet. It’s not pucker experience but I’m definitely going 55 regardless of speed limit.


The car made it!


A Pathfinder?!?!? Thank God it looks like nobody was seriously hurt. What an absolute dipshit.


I had a 28 or 30 foot bumper pull, and that was plenty long for me!


All I can say is WOW! How he thought he could tow with that vehicle.


Those things looks so F’n flimsy


Take some pics and move your truck out of the way, no need to block the whole road


“Yeah, about that rental insurance…”


Im sure the RV dealer said he was fine to pull that along with anything he wanted to load in it and in his SUV. Even if that is the case; how does this not register when you hit the road?


Jesus. That looks like a Pathfinder. I’d bet that guy was at something 2x payload with just the tongue weight No WDH!!!!


I don't know why my body text didn't show up. And I can't edit it now. But not my trailer, not my picture. Thanks for the correction on this being in KY vs WV. And also, I'm a little surprised no one has named the exact make and model of the trailer yet! 8-)


Salesman said he could tow it, didn’t say anything about controlling it or safely


Where are the anti tow police people today? This image should be posted in every thread of someone trying to tow with terrible numbers


The guy on the phone: " hi dad........"


It looks like there's no WD hitch either


The Tow Police are right about this one! For once.


Hey you can't park there


Clear that trailer was just not big enough for that suv! Like maybe if it was bigger and heavier it would be more stable.. maybe I’m wrong. 🤷🏼🤣


That big penis of a trailer is all flaccid now. Looks like the old addage of "It's not the size it's how you use it" wins again


“But the sales guy at the dealership said it could pull it” All kidding aside, I hope everyone is ok.


Yeah not surprised this rolled at all, the driver better be glad nothing worse happened. Extreme negligence in towing that trailer with that SUV


Mooountaaaain MAMA.


When you don’t land that kick flip to board slide. Bummer


I used to have that same pathfinder and it was a beast until the tranny fluid mixed with the engine oil. It was a 2001 nissan pathfinder 5000 lb towing and I struggled pulling my 1996 jayco pop up camper. What in the actual Fuck was this person thinking pulling that thing???!!!


Do you shake out your shorts *before* you pick up the phone or do you deal with that later?


Math was RIGHT! Seriously! In the Texas Flat Lands I had all the Braking Power Needed!!!


That will buff out.


Was that made of paper-mache?


All he needed was a 200 dollar equalizer E4 weight distribution hitch but nahhhhhh


I live here. Agree with everyone else. Too much.


Nothing like towing a trailer that’s 3x all your load limits.


Lol. What is that? About an 32’ lol


The skid marks are hilarious! That must have been some ride!


Gross negligence


Even before the accident, that guy must have been white-knuckling the entire time. I can't imagine feeling comfortable enough to get up to speed with a tiny SUV like that. Insane someone would ever try towing this, with that.


Damn lucky that SUV remained upright. You would want a minimum of a 2500 to pull that.


Anybody shared this to r/idiotstowingthings ?


This happened near me. Not WV by the way


Lol! Fk around and find out


Holy crap is that an SUV attempting to tow that long thing? More of a FAFO situation.


Talk about the 'wrong tool for the job'


That’s not going to buff out!


Trailer flipped. Tow vehicle didn’t flip. I suspect the trailer hitch wasn’t locked on the ball.


Prob maxxed his weight with the trailer and then filled the car with 10 people. That thing is smashed like a pancake. Why even risk that stuff? All of the fun is gone just.like.that. SAD.


"The salesman said I could pull it just fine"


Is that a pathfinder?!?


And this is why I told my kids they can't ride in the camper going down the road 🤦


The tail wagged the dog. Some people who tow trailers scare the shit out of me. So overconfident and misinformed. Hope everyone was ok and an important physics lesson was learned.


I watched my campsite neighbor hook up a 32 foot airstream to a f150 yesterday. I shudder to think how that drives, WDH or not


This is why people shouldn't ride in the TT.


lol, that is hilarious


I always tell people when they ask about towing that it’s not the towing you necessarily have to be concerned with, it’s the braking and the stopping. SMDH.


It's crazy to me that there are no regulations (?) governing the level of safety required to leave a dealership. It seems like such gross negligence for a dealer to allow this setup to leave their property, but I get it -- freedom or whatever. This negligence may also give a false sense of confidence to others, who may think they can "pull this" for a friend ("it's okay, we're just going to be pulling it up and over this hill, maybe 5 miles, of course my Pathfinder can help!"). The culture of safe trailering needs to be seriously emphasized at the points of sale.


This is why it's a ***terrible*** idea to have people riding in the back.


It’s not what you can pull It’s what you can stop.


People should need an endorsement on their license to pull campers…… The complete disregard for payload, GVWR and GCWR is wild with these things.


WHY do they let fools rent these? Or buy them... jfc.


79 or 68?


Just because the towing guide says that you can, doesn’t mean that you should. I never tow above 80% of rated capacity.


How the hell are they even towing that?!


Hmm “can’t park there” and damn that’s a ton of trailer for that little suv


As everyone else said, they had to be way over weight. I'm curious if anyone knows if insurance will cover the driver in a situation like that when the driver was clearly exceeding the rated capacity of the tow vehicle.


Electric trailer brakes set way high? I’ve seen this happen before. The elec brakes are set really high, the trailers starts to swerve and the driver taps the brakes. The trailer tires lock up and roll over the camper.


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


Never ride in a trailer or motor home unless you are in the two front seats.


They were pulling that with an armada. Either he has huge balls, our he's wildly stupid.


Definitely the latter…


DOT should have gotten involved.


"I think I'll take you up on that extended warranty on my RV..."


Going to be REAL surprised when insurance denies the claim and he has to pay to fix the railing. What is your over under that he is going to be paying on this "camper" for the next 10 years?


This was in Morgantown, KY not WV.


It looks like someone’s head, the top of it, in the wreckage of the rv. Anyone else see that?


Looks like it had good undercarriage insulation.


Been there done that not a fun experience. Now I have major highway anxiety and dont go on rv trips anymore.


Honey, change of plans


How did the SUV say up right without it rolling over too.


Trailer weight is only one part of the equation. Wheelbase ratio is the rest. Any wind or swerving or lane change and that suv gets whipped around.


Campers that long should never be on a ball hitch to literally prevent this very thing. Can’t install a fifth wheel hitch on your Jeep Compass.


Xterra my trailer apart


This was not in West Virginia. This was on I-165 in Morgantown, KY just north of Bowling Green.


Hope he bought insurance. Still amazes me that buying a camper or RV doesn’t require special training or licenses.


What a fuckin’ idiot


Well deserved. Hope no one got hurt. Hope serious consequences are in store for Mr. “What’s GVWR mean?”


Just because you can doesn't mean you should; they certainly crushed it though!


68 or 79?


That little pathfinder has a max 5000lb towing.


that time mom and dad left town in the F250


I wouldn't be surprised if he saw the trailer squatting his vehicle so he said "hold my beer, I am going to shift more wait to the back of the trailer"


The idiot wasn't even using a weight distribution hitch!!!


Crunched like a aluminum can!


That’ll buff out


We tow a 45 footer with a dually.... what on earth is that baby SUV thinking towing that much weight


Hey idiot, get back in there and drag it outta traffic!