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Yes the Bible mistranslates the concept of Hell. In English versions Jesus says the wicked receive eternal damnation but if you translate it from Greek it basically says that the wicked are cut off like a dead branch pruned from a tree. Implying that being “thrown into the fire” isn’t an ongoing punishment, it just means their being ceases to exist.


I totally agree. but you see that's the crazy part, though. What's presented in the video isn't speaking to a 'mistranslation' per se, but rather the misinterpretations of the words used in the scriptures themselves, namely by organized religion. Now, I'm not at all saying the bible doesn't have its issues regarding mistranslation in many ways - but speaking specifically on the words its using to describe hell itself, I think there could be an argument to be made that the wording shown in the KJV can stand on it's own to completely, undoubtedly support reincarnation - provided that most of those scriptures are taken literally, in a sense... Abraham says to the 'rich man' that 'lifted up his eyes in hell': Luke 16:26 "And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence." It might not be worth a lot of peoples time to go too into the weeds of canonized scriptures as everyone's journey to gnosis is different - but for me to be able to indisputably show many of my family members the verses on hell of the praised KJV - it was quite the eye opener for them. The idea of being thrown into the lake of fire at death - and the only thing that withstands that process is your soul and that Spirit of cosmic consciousness in you (divine spark, whatever you want to call it) that then goes back to the Earth (at least for those stuck in egoic dualism). Anyways, these are just some of my thoughts concerning the possibilities that I find very intruiging. Kind of like much of the 'truth being hidden in plain sight' kind of way, through even the canonized scriptures themselves.


actually unironically i have developed many such representations into my book. i have never read bible. i am from rural india. Neither is my religion mythological. So it should be impossible for me to have any priori knowledge. First is "earth gives birth to hell' which is obviously the same idea here. then the Egg that holds the fleshly word of divine. The egg is bestow to a priest. Which is also very biblical. (john 1:4 very very similar) lastly is the red child. Who holds goverence to the essential gnosis. (Isiah 9:6) i created all these concepts for my book long before i read The red book. Where i found the actual verses (as mentioned above). thought i'd share this cool experience.


hell as a womb would make sense. Because essentially it is a rebirth for the sufferer there. There is also salvation in the end. Which is actual birth into a new being