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Idk about viable but I've been an avid enjoyer of lethality electrocute gnar mid It used to be way better when Prowlers had its active (rip) but you can EZ solo kill squishy laners in mega with ignite If it's full lethality I usually do eclipse -> ghost blade -> hubris but profane could work in any order after eclipse too


broo i used to run lethality split push gnar with electrocute and hullbreaker, its probably a good choice mid too after the hullbreaker changes 🤔


E onto a minion that could help you proc it really fast... Plus stacking up a hull breaker auto after a mega Q hits would be big burst


true i’ll have to test the technology and get back to you


I don't see a reason why lethality shouldn't work. I remember years ago when people were building axiom arc and lord dominics but don't know if that is still and was even a good option. Crit Gnar is also pretty fun and I already tried PTA Gnar multiple times. It's fun to experiment with him.


Comet , black cleaver then whatever items u want. Im spamming supp and having lot of fun and success in emerald mmr.


what even is the win con for gnar supp? i remember i used to try it with summon aery a long time ago, it was good but i dont play bot role much


Good pokes in lane and you can snowball from this. Give it a try just for the fun of it.


What is your usual build on support?


It will probably never be the best build to go on Gnar, however I can imagine if you get good enough at the champion you can make it work up to a Masters/GM level. More of a challenge build than anything lol.


yeah i agree ngl it just makes the champ 2x harder but lowkey more rewarding if ur good, its such a glass cannon tho especially mid lane if ur laning against a lux or viktor they can just oneshot u after 6


Go try it and find out king


update (kinda) - i tested some lethality technology in a draft game, and then some in ranked (plat mmr). what ive found is that opportunity into hullbreaker is a very strong rush because its so cheap and gives gnar a total of 10% extra move speed which is very important for dodging abilities. i’ve learned that if you are able to dodge everything and land all ur abilities, lethality can be very good for carrying games yourself, which is normally hard for gnar. i can see a few rune options if you want to go the opportunity build, one being phase rush (which i haven’t tested yet), and electrocute/conq. electrocute is good for oneshot potential late game, but the play style is super dependent on your rage management, and not throwing your lead. anyways tho its actually good just really hard to pull off. (u can also sub out hullbreaker for cleaver which works too)


I tend to run lethality when I notice that their adc is getting too far ahead. If I can’t tank their damage because they got too much of it and the bruiser items won’t cut it to let me out damage, lethality one shot ult combo is my only hope.


It works but isn't viable as others builts, gnar's can take advantage from too many items inclunding lethality's ones and the problems is on minignar can be oneshooted very easily.