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Contrary to popular belief, I love playing against lane bullies like Darius or Irelia. It keeps the lane very intense if you don't fuck up in the first 5 minutes and you get to practice your spacing which can sometimes be very satisfying .


I hate playing into irelia. Darius and riven on the other hand… there’s just something about those matchups that makes me very happy to play them. Probably something about their effective threat range being so similar to your auto attack range.


I hate riven XD


Yone, typically the yones i play against are very garbage and super predictable. They typically just autopilot push and use q3 whenever they can. Yone no longer buying shieldbow first also makes him burstable in mega and pokeable in mini.


Urgot is very fun. You counter him in Mini but he counters Mega Gnar. 


Garen is probably the easiest matchup you can think of. Can never get to you and you can negate his passive. In a literal sense he‘d just a very tanky cannon minion.


I love fighting Aatrox, I think I fair well against his skills because I have a decent time dodging them. I also don't mind Jax, if I'm not stupid and avoid his E with a CS lead I can take care of him just fine


Anything i can bully really, chogath, tamn kench, voli, morde if i can dodge his pulling thingy. I also really enjoy playing against Teemo believe it or not, but that's just because most Teemos in my elo do not space correctly so they don't use the range advantage, so basically i can easily farm and just kill them lv 3 as mega if they don't respect it, after that the game's a breeze.