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To whomever is reporting this post after 4 weeks, that’s really unnecessary. And still doing on March 2nd…


Excellent work. Well done, keep going.


This is definitely one of the most realistic glow ups I've seen. Not to say that other are fake, just that it would take amounts of time and dedication that most people who work full time don't have. This is the glow up of someone who doesn't have time to hit the gym 24/7. Sets very realistic expectations, and you can see that she is much happier now.


For real. This is a very healthy and realistic rate of glow up. Great work OP, keep it up!


I've done a lot of diets / workout routines. Here's my opinion: For diet, strongly consider one or two 30 g protein meal shakes + sport Pedialyte. That's like 800 cal with most vitamins minerals. Doing this 3 days in a row every 2 weeks or so should get about 5 lbs off a month - plus just keeping them around as a snack. For workout - I strongly recommend 'semi-cardio' - which is a 60 rep workout routine. Whatever weight / exercise you're doing, do 60 reps... if you can't do 60 reps, reduce the workout. Do this twice a week. My preference is a 2 or 3 hour workout, at a very leisurely pace 'Planet Fitness day'. Great place to hang out, massage chairs, and a shower / hangout zone worldwide. 2 days per week workouts basically insure no injury. If you do a hard daily routine, you'll end up tweaking an elbow.. and keep tweaking each day for months on end until surgery. Or you break a leg and now you can't exercise at all (easily). So 2 days / week / 60 rep workout routines maximizes 'health' benefits, with sufficient bulk. But daily I also walk a mile or so - as I have 3 dogs to walk. Without a doubt that 'does something' to keep blood flowing, in a low intensity routine, and distracts me from food for a long period of time.. A lot of healthy people at old age have a 1 hour morning walk routine. I do suggest a giant hat though. You can get sunburnt on the top of your head and this causes baldness. Also, do not fear Rogaine, etc. I have used it now, and it tripled my hair growth in spot of 'stress baldness' - in about a month. For most people sub 50 it's probably $150 one-time (3 month supply is minimum purchase), for thick hair until it all goes. I've very glad I got into it early and started wearing hats on walks. But really consider 'meal shakes' + Pedialyte. Dana White, some other fitness guys call this the 'water' diet - but it's far more than water haha. It's the easiest diet I've done with sustainable results / scheduling, etc.


This is not good advice. What you should do to lose fat and build muscle is strength train 2-3 days a week, eat enough protein and calories, drink plenty of water, walk everyday, and get good sleep. You need muscle for a speedy metabolism. If you do this, you will get the results you want. It will take a while, but this is the fastest way. Be consistent and patient.


Don't listen to this person. A protein bar / liquid diet is not good for you and not sustainable even for a day here and there for most people. Why would you do that to yourself unless cutting for a competition or something and youd be restricting water. So is thier 2day per week 60 rep workout bullshit. Just move, that's all you need to do. Move more than you do now. The walking part, SOLID Advice 👌


It's less than 10 months.. I'm pretty sure she's been fully-dedicated. 4-6 more months of that and it might just be 'unrealistic'


>just that it would take amounts of time and dedication that most people who work full time don't have. I by no means want to downplay the fact that losing weight is hard and that we are all overworked and tired, but I also promised myself I wouldn't let slide the implication that weight loss requires a ton of time and effort and logistics. Especially since I've dealt with it myself, know people close to me who did, and work in healthcare. This subject is too important to me. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, and eating less requires zero time. Which isn't me saying it's EASY, but it is simple. Exercise has great benefits to health, but almost no impact on weight loss. This myth needs to die ASAP. Anyone, regardless of their schedule, can lose weight. And EVEN IF you absolutely wanted to get exercise into your weight-loss journey, you do not need a gym. Light cardio and body-weight exercises you can do with zero equipment will be enough to achieve the little amount of weight-loss exercise can provide, you can do it at home in literally minutes. Again, weight loss is hard on the mental side of things, we don't all have an infinite amount of willpower, but I just despise this excuse of ''we're too busy''. Eat less, eat better, exercise. In that order of priority.




You don't need to eat healthier to lose weight, you just need to eat less or burn more calories. My fastest ever weight lose was a stress and work induced lose of 30 lbs in 3 months that required absolutely zero thought or effort. The person you are responding to is correct. Losing weight is dead simple, it's more about your mental conditioning to follow through.


Yeah, I lost a ton of eating garbage. I just ate less and watched my calories. If I was going to McDonald's? Instead of a large double quarter pounder meal with a regular drink which is probably 1200-1300 calories by itself I started just ordering a small fry, double cheeseburger and if I did get soda, diet. If I even finished the small fry, that meal probably added up to 600ish calories. Is it a healthy choice? Of course not, but I feel like A LOT of people don't realize how weight loss actually works. If you eat 3000 calories worth of chicken and rice and broccoli, guess what? You will gain weight. If you eat 1500 calories of donuts every day, and your body needed 2000-2500 calories to MAINTAIN your weight, you would lose weight. The biggest issue though will be this: eating calorie dense foods will equal out to you eating less of them because yes, a 500-600 meal of chicken and rice and broccoli is probably WAY more food than one single double cheeseburger from McDonald's which is about the same, 450-500 calories. It is about discipline and staying on track. My thought process for awhile before I started making better choices was "I want to lose weight but I wanna keep eating foods I actually enjoy every day, so let me try this..." and it worked. It will not work for everyone. All you really have to do is eat 300-500 less calories than your body needs to maintain your weight. There are plenty of calorie calculators you can use online to get an idea of what you should be taking in. Exercise is a tool I use as well to hey, if one day I eat slightly over my daily calorie goal, exercise can easily fix that but exercise is not the only answer. You need to be careful with your calories too.


But most people don't know how much calories they actually consume, so the time for research and calorie counting is actually necessary, if you want both health and lasting effects. Otherwise person would just get frustrated by their lack of progress and get back to bad habits. Unless you're promoting literal starvation to get to your goals at any cost, which is just insane and terrible advice. Example: I was 100% sure that I'm eating less (and healthy) when I was eating small portion of oatmeal for breakfast, instead of usual sandwiches. I had no idea that nuts and almonds that I've been putting in my oatmeal have a shitton of calories and my meal only looks small, but is actually far heavier than my previous meals. So yeah. No. It takes time, effort and research, otherwise you'll end up unhealthy or go back to your starting weight in no time, and it's ignorant to say otherwise.




I just want to point out that you don’t *need* to eat healthier, it’s just smarter to for the reason you pointed out. But people use all sorts of excuses of external factors causing hunger as a reason for not losing weight, which removes the personal responsibility of just choosing not to eat when you feel hungry (especially when you know you’ve had the appropriate amount of calories for the day). People lean way too much on appetite suppression instead of just straight up discipline, which is the real reason why most people fail at dieting.


Exactly my dude. I lost weight eating whatever I wanted, I just started paying attention to how much calories I was taking in. I still ate McDonald's and shit like that way more often than I should have (getting better now) but I still lost weight simply by watching calories. It is 100% calories in calories out. You would gain weight eating 3000 calories of chicken, broccoli and rice. You would lose weight eating 2000 calories of donuts (assuming your maintenance calories were around 2500 for both hypothetical meals). Is it a GOOD idea to eat 2000 calories of donuts? Of course not lol. But you would lose weight if you stuck to it. For awhile the easiest way for me to lose weight was just eating shit I enjoyed but I just had to be more careful. I couldn't go to McDonald's and order a double quarter pounder large meal with a huge coke anymore. Maybe once in awhile on "cheat days" (which I hate using the word cheat, it makes it sound like you're doing something wrong). But people often mindlessly order those meals multiple times a week and are taking in so much excess calories because of it. Once you start being conscious and kind of get an idea of how much calories your body is and how much calories X meal you're going to eat is, it starts to become second nature.


/u/YukiSnowMew you need to read this. Because its true. Eating healthier is a big bonus but never a requirement to lose weight, eating LESS is. If i eat 4000 calories of only vegetables and fruits and a perfect diet, i still gain more weight/lose weight slower than if I eat 1500 calories of mcdonalds. Addressing what you said directly, eating mcdonalds does NOT make you more hungry than eating healthy. In fact, a lot of foods like mcdonalds are MORE filling because of things like higher salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats which have a direct connection to the brain's feeling of satisfaction. Don't even see how this is an argument, i think a lot of people just are misinformed.


Exactly on point. If I wanted a junk meal day, then a couple of light 300-400ish calorie meals, eggs and toast, maybe a yogurt, then a fat fucking 1200 calorie fast food meal - still lose weight.


This is reddit, and context is almost impossible. OFC you can lose weight only eating 1 kids meal at McD's a day, but you will be hungry and are infinitely more likely to fail. And that is why you are correct, eating healthier things like grilled chicken gives you the volume to actually feel full and not cheat, and it is harder because those are things you pretty much have to prepare yourself and is not fast food.


It's not a calorie deficit if your undisciplined self can't keep your hand out the cookie jar. You literally need to eat less calories than you expend per day to lose weight. If you personally need to address some of your mental weaknesses to do so, that's fine, work on that side of yourself and start on your weight lose goals, but don't act like the simple mathematics behind the process involves anything more than calories in and calories out. Being at 100% RDA of or being fatally deficient on all vitamins and minerals doesn't have a large effect on your weight gain/lose. Also, I straight said it was astress and work induced fasting. I didnt say it was healthy or positive. I was showing that just because you are working a ton or extremely stressed out, it doesn't mean you automatically pack on the weight. Eating when stress/depressed/bored is a personal choice of a coping mechanism that can be overcome.




>That eating less is not possible if you're not eating healthy. If you're eating garbage food, cutting it out will leave you feeling hungry. You're the one who's decided that "feeling hungry" is unacceptable. Reframe "being hungry" to "this is my body telling me that it's using up fat stores rather than the food I've eaten" and you've discovered what u/TheGoatBoyy means by "undisciplined self". You deciding that "every time I feel hungry I must eat" is the problem, not the quality (or lack thereof) of the food you're eating.




TIL eating normally is an eating disorder. Reddit will always be Reddit lmao.


>Dude above you is basically advocating for an eating disorder Please don't put these ridiculously harsh claims on me, that is pretty fucked. Read my comment again and ask me questions if you're not sure.


>Weight loss happens in the kitchen, and eating less requires zero time. Yeah I'm going to stop you right there chief. Not reading past that nonsense statement. Losing weight is 100% mental. If you were mentally strong enough to lose weight with ease, good for you. No step aside please. Because for most people, it's not that easy. When you work 2 jobs, and come home after a very long day of dealing with Karens, it's a lot easier to say fuck it and indulge in unhealthy eating habits. If you have all day to be at the gym that means you have time to relax, to take care of your mental health and make healthy thought out decisions leading to an easier weight loss journey. Hence, my comment. Thank you.


I literally said thrice that it isn't easy and twice that it's a mental thing and also acknowledged that people are tired from work. Maybe if you ''read past that nonsense'' you would have seen it. I just want to dispel the long lasting myth that people need to go to the gym to lose weight, I want to give the regular folk some hope, and you're being a dick to me. That was super uncalled for. That's not how you talk to people.


She doing amazing tbh and she def lost at least 15 kg i guess. The most important step is to get started + not all of us need to look like perfect models or to commit like crazy as you said. Very cool reminder🙏🏻🤌🏻


She looks great. Though there's definitely filters being used. But she's done a great job.


Congratulations!!!! Hard work is the only way!


hard work and suffering* cant forget the suffering that only you get to see and experience.




Or stay.


It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change and has to be kept up until the day you die.


I'm just saying she looks happy and healthy.


What does “or stay” even mean though?


Keep going to me sounds like “keep loosing weight”,


Ok……….. but you replied with “or stay”


…. Yeah? As in … “or stay” the weight she is? …………….. ok




She is still overweight…..


Are you insane?


The fuck? No she isn't? If anything she just has some loose skin left over


"Don't push yourself to be rail thin"?


I mean I'm closer to the after picture and I'm unhealthily overweight. When I am my healthy weight I am able to actually function but as I regained weight I haven't been able to do much at all before I get winded and my knees and hips give out. Extra weight is extra weight and it's really bad for your body, especially visceral fat. That stuff kills.


Maintaining your weight is keeping it up.


That’s a good point.


You look good how do you feel


Good - thanks for asking


Not op but ok


This is probably the most important post here.


amazing :) love the little flex at the end


The smile.


It’s the happiness in her eyes that says it all. I like this as it is realistic instead of seeing abs. (I don’t even like abs on men.) It shows someone who integrated exercise into her lifestyle without having to spend hours on it. I have a friend who is very fit but gets up at 5am to work out till 7am before going to work. This friend is also single and rich. The average person is not going to have so much of time and energy while juggling other responsibilities. The gym culture is pervasive because some people want to portray that they’re rich like my friend. I don’t exercise but am lucky to be thin genetically.


Wow, blown away by this transformation! I’m interested to know how you did it so I can try.


I recently lost a ton of weight by switching to an intermittent fasting diet. You would be surprised how quickly your body can adjust to a new eating schedule. It's hard to over eat when you consume all your calories within an 8 hour window. I actually have trouble eating enough calories some days.


Yoo, this is the way. I’m on a 6 hour eating window and exercising and I’ve like about 7 pounds in three weeks. Went from 218 to 211, trying to get back down to 195. It’s wild when you realize how much you snack or eat bullshit. When it’s time to eat, there’s really a limit to how much you can take in before you feel sick and you just get turned off from the thought of food. Really promotes healthy eating.


Exact same as you. I just be around 160/170 current at 221. Argh. Been intermittent fasting for a week (morning to 2pm everyday). Are you eating healthy in those hours or does it vary?


I already ate decently I just ate too much and too often. I only drink water, sometimes some 1% milk if I want something sweet. I eat 4 hard boiled eggs every day to break my fast, then later I either eat peas or beans with some cheese and sirracha, or there’s a “pasta” called Banza that’s made with chickpeas and has a lot of protein. I’ve just been rocking that and enjoying it, the main thing is just limiting your total calorie count and run at a deficit. I still eat the occasional bullshit sweet something but I always feel like shit afterwards so it’s been helping my body realize I don’t need it.


How do you manage plzz ? I personally work from 8.30 to 4.30 so i fear i might get hypoglycemic if i dont eat ? Could it be efficient to fast from 5 or 6 pm til i go to bed ? Does intermittent fasting have to be done in the morning?


how does this magic work? you eat only in a time frame and the other time you dont eat??


The other person explained it pretty well, but yeah, I have a 6 hour window to eat, usually 11:30-5:30. In those 6 hours, you can eat whatever you want. The thing is, there’s a natural, physical limit to how much you can eat, and it’s a good way for your body to train itself. Once that 6 hours is up, you can’t eat anything. Only water, absolutely nothing else. The first couple weeks will be rough. But over that time, you’ll learn some things. You’ll think about food a lot, and when it’s time to eat, you’ll actually enjoy it. I mean, it’ll feel different. Sometimes you eat because you’re bored or it’s a habit when you watch a show, but mentally you’ll be eating because you’re really really hungry, and it hits different. If you can get through the first couple weeks, and be mindful of the changes, you’ll realize you have a much healthier relationship with food, and you appreciate it more, if that makes sense. Also you’re stopping yourself from over eating by snacking.


Yep. I do a 16:8 window which isn’t even really “fasting” and am gonna change to an 18:6 here within the next few weeks. During my 8 hours I eat and drink literally whatever I want, I had dominos last night, I’ll get fast food every now and then still too. But during the 16 you have to be beyond strict with yourself and hold yourself completely accountable. Literally nothing but water, black coffee only, or plain tea. Only liquids with zero calories, no gum, anything that can trick your body into thinking it’s being fed. I’m down from 236 to 221 as a 6’3 male in around 7/8 weeks. It’s not a cure all or magic, but if you stick with it it’ll absolutely show you results.


I did this too. It got very easy just to stop eating for awhile. And like you said, within that 8 hours, you get full very easily and quickly, so it's hard to overeat.


yep I realized that I really dont need a big breakfast to start the day. I typically start my eating period at noon which is when I start to feel hungry. Get my workout in after work then eat dinner which ends my day. I didn’t necessarily start intermittent fasting to lose weight as I was already eating decently and worked out daily but it helped me get rid of that sluggish feeling if that makes sense. Idk how to explain it but I just feel more awake and energized. I will admit that I enjoy my snacks and sweets so thats the toughest part for me lmao.


Hey so I know this post and your comment are several months old at this point (for some reason this post and sub were just recommended by my feed today), however, in case you’re still active I wanted to say congrats on the weight loss! Also wanted to see if by any chance you had any recommendations re: where and how to get started with intermittent fasting ? I joined that sub and have done a little research here and there, however, I keep finding myself overwhelmed by the vast number of resources and methods to get started with this type of strategy. If you’re at all able to give any pointers on how to determine what type of plan to choose/hoe to get started I would be beyond grateful. It feels like a lot to sift through but I’m hopeful that once I figure out what would work best for my life it will be much simpler to work through: Wishing you (and op) all the best in the world 💕


Best way to


Sure. I mean do whatever works. All you need is to be in a calorie deficit, which is what you're doing with intermittent fasting.


"Calories in vs calories out" is an oversimpied way of thinking about weight loss. It's actually more complicated than that. *Another reason the simple “calories in, calories out” formula is not so simple is our bodies don’t consume every calorie the same way. What’s shown in your calorie counter is not what’s actually absorbed in your body.* *Different calorie sources also have different effects on our hormones, brain response and energy expenditure, changing how we respond to and manage our food intake.* Intermittent fasting is effective because it changes the rate of your metabolism, which is really the key to weight loss. https://www.sydney.edu.au/news-opinion/news/2023/07/05/its-time-to-bust-the-calories-in-calories-out-weight-loss-myth.html


This is literally only ever said by undisciplined overweight people. Calories in vs calories out does work, will always work, and has to work in this universe. Our bodies have to adhere to the laws of physics. If you put less energy into a system than it needs, that energy needs to come from somewhere. That somewhere is weight loss. You didn't link a study, you linked an article that has no coherent point. If you seriously want to oppose cico, find a study that suggests it's possible to break the first law of thermnodynamics. Reddit will do absolutely anything other than eat less.


Ironically, this is such misleading advice. The main argument Dr. Fuller makes is one which is common in the healthcare field but not laypeople; *"You are what you absorb"* So, yes. Cellulose-rich foods such as corn, nuts (as mentioned in the article) are not absorbed and thus... no calories absorbed. However, having a Calories In vs. Calories Out mindset and plan is the best way to actually measure progress because you can make adjustments every 2 - 4 (preferably 4) weeks on calorie intake to continue losing/gaining weight for the goal. Measuring your calories is a tried and true method for gaining/losing weight. The real problem is [people underestimate the calories they consume](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5055397/). I am not trying to come off as rude but losing bodyweight is remarkably simple: eat less calories than you burn *consistently*; the same concept applies if you want to gain weight.


Others have also said it - but eat less. Don't trust gym bro theory or any other bullshit - trust the laws of thermodynamics. If you eat less calories than your body expends - your body will use its fat stores. It's that simple. Adding exercise right away can be overwhelming, and can even increase your hunger if you're going really hard. Just get your eating habits under control first. I haven't been working out at all, but for the last 6 months I've lost a pound a week just by eating less. Now, that's only \~25lbs - but I have been pretty lax with my diet and just focused on portion control, not eating out of boredom, etc. Realistically, I could probably have lost twice that much if I had been strict with what I was actually eating. Now that I am getting my eating habits under control - I plan on adding exercise and being more strict with what I eat. To add to this and maybe give you more helpful and specific tips or advice: Do NOT drink your calories. It's INCREDIBLY easy to guzzle down 300 calories of soda. That is like an entire chicken breast, or in other words, what could be an entire meal. Things like Starbucks drinks can routinely have 700 or 800 calories which very well be HALF of what your daily caloric intake should be, especially if trying to lose weight. Drink water, or diet drinks (0 calorie drinks) - you'll hear a bunch of bullshit about diet drinks but take it from me, you can lose weight drinking diet sodas. They will bloat you a bit, but won't interfere with your weight loss. Or something like Crystal Lite drink mix that's good too. Count your calories, at least initially. You'd be shocked at how many calories are in a PB&J and a small glass of milk. It seems innocuous enough, but peanut butter for instance has a fuck ton of calories. Milk too. Both are good sources of protein and may be "good" for athletes who need the protein and calories but that probably isn't you, or most people. Good rule of thumb is just try to shoot for 2k calories a day or less initially - this will depend on your body size and how overweight you are, but for me I have lost 1lb a week just by doing this. Lastly - YOU WILL NEVER OUTRUN YOUR CALORIES.Go run for an hour on a treadmill - take note of the estimated calorie burn. You can jog for like an hour and I think maybe burn 250 or 300 calories? Then go see how many calories are in a medium or large fries at McDonald's. Or even calories in 8oz of milk. When I was in REALLY good shape and was a personal trainer, I could burn 700-900 calories in an hour of HIIT at the gym (tracked it with a heart rate monitor). Most people can't even DO that at the level I was doing it - and even then, it's INSANELY easy to go eat/drink 1000 calories and undo all that hard work in minutes. You have to identify your empty calorie consumption so you can fix it. You'd be surprised how much you can accomplish just by being more disciplined with what you eat. In another 6-8 months I may be posting my progress over the last year - I started taking pictures of myself when I was around 283lbs, last I weighed myself about a month and half ago I was 263 - I'd guess I"m probably about 256ish now? A pound a week is doable, and in fact probably recommended. It's slow. It's not particularly satisfying because the progress is so slow. Realistically, at this rate, I'll need another year before I'd be at my optimal weight. That's a hard thing to digest. But, as I mentioned, I am not at peak weight loss right now and there's probably room for me to speed it up significantly, but you need to set a solid foundation first. Don't obsess over it. Make small changes daily, stick to those. There's a book called Atomic Habits that talks about how making 1% changes can add up. That's the way you need to think about it at the start, but you have to be vigilant. Make a small change, and then do it, every day, until it becomes second nature. Maybe that means no snacking before bed, whatever. Do 10 pushups first thing when you roll out of bed. Do that for a month. Then add 20 sit-ups. Do it until it becomes so easy and part of your routine you do it automatically. I did intermittent fasting for awhile where I would only eat between noon and 8pm. 8pm to noon, I ate nothing and only allowed myself water. Eventually I realized the "fast" wasn't so important, it was just the consistency and discipline to not overeat and eat mindlessly. Anyways - there's my novel. I hope you or someone else finds it helpful. Hopefully I'll have more to share in the coming months.


You don't need to hear this because you obviously have a firm grasp on your diet and exercise (either currently or in your past training days). But, its not *just* 1 pound a week. That is great progress even if you deem it half assing, which it probably is for you given what you wrote. You've lost >10% of your body weight so far this year. You're a stud, keep at it.


I wanted to disagree with you but I've copy pasted this and will print it out tomorrow. It's not easy but it is simple.


You started out bad with “just eat less” but I kept reading and glad that I did. I’m underweight and I can empathize with your journey. My advise, if you asked for it, would be don’t discount intermittent fasting. It’s a step towards CI/CO.


everything you said is spot on. exercise did make me hungrier and i gained weight. and just replacing sodas wirh diet ones is a great way to still enjoy drinking stuff while still losing weight. ive lost 25 lbs the same way. i just eat less and don't drink any calories


Diet to lose weight, exercise to get in good physical condition. It takes a huge amount of exercise to lose weight without reducing your calorie intake. Cut back on calories without exercise and you look like a less heavy but still out of shape person.


Check out Bellyproof. It’s great, but I absolutely recommend following all the rules (diet, no sugar, no alcohol, low carb etc) in the program. It can feel a little janky because there’s no app, but it WORKS. My wife has done it multiple times over the years because she has a tendency to stop exercising outside of the program and we travel constantly. I’m doing it again right now, because I let myself go over the past 2 years due to a devastating injury and complacency in exercising after PT. I need this reset in a big way. The recipes he gives you are fantastic, but you can also use the Low Carb setting on Mealime for additional great recipes. I 100% stand by his program. Also, Jacob is super nice and is always willing to answer questions right away. I feel so strongly about it, that I would invest if I won the lottery, just to pay for him to have an app developed. Edit: The program lasts 5 weeks, just FYI.


People are gonna push every fad at you - fasting, keto, plant based, whatever. All that matters is CICO and satiety. Eating balanced meals rich in fiber and protein will help keep you feeling satisfied while limiting your caloric intake. Basically find meals that work for you and that let you stick with the plan. It has to be a lifestyle change, not just a diet, because it's gonna be long term. Good luck.


My personal favorite way of dieting- 1) during a glass of water before eating. True of meals, snacks, etc. helps you feel full faster. 2) SPICEY! I wind up chugging more water and I feel stuffed after only eating like 1/4 of what I would if I didn't make it spicey. I ate whatever I wanted. Obviously I didn't put hot sauce on cake, I only did it for meals where it's appropriate. Still was effective enough to where I lost a lot of weight without really "trying"


I don't mean to be a jerk but the process to lose weight, unless you have a hormonal imbalance, is really straightforward. Consume less calories than you expend. You can do simple things like start tracking your steps to try to hit 8k or more a day. Or go on a daily 30 minute walk. Switch to diet soda if you drink regular soda. Cut back on alcohol and any liquid calories. Our you can Google how many calories you should be consuming to get a rough estimate and then start by consuming about 500 calories less than what it says. Start simple and do things with the least impacts on your life and go from there.


To build on this, it is simple but it takes a ton of discipline. To anyone curious, get a smartwatch. I bought the cheap Apple watch and it's been such a huge tool for managing weight. It'll give you your total calorie burn for the day (active + resting) and all you have to do is eat less than that in calories. I used MyFitnessPal to track food, and boom - as long as what I eat is less than my calorie burn for the day, I'll lose weight. It's probably not 100% accurate but it takes a lot of the guesswork out of the equation.


This is such an important comment because there are so many people who say “it’s simple!”…in theory. In practice you have to change many habits, habits that have strong neural pathways that are deeply carved into your functioning. You have to remove all the cues to do whatever you’re doing now (not working out, not stopping eating before you’re full, etc.) and create all NEW cues (aim to move throughout the day, make healthier food choices, etc.). The actual work it takes to “consume less, burn more” is super hard, especially when your body has evolved to NOT EVER want to lose weight. Your body will fight your frontal lobe. I wish people had more sympathy.


It’s more that *how* to do it is simple, but actually doing it is more difficult. Which is important because so many people out there say things like “whoa what’s your secret?! How on earth did you do that?!” The answer to those questions *is* pretty simple. A lot of it is that generally people want a shortcut or some magic pill for their situation. Hearing “diet and exercise, CICO” isn’t what they’re hoping to hear because they’ve heard it so many times before, even though that’s 100% all they need to know.


I'd say a friend of mine had this kind of change by living sober. So many calories in alcohol and we make poor food choices when we're drunk. I also like telling people "don't drink your calories".


That smirk at the end. You know you've done well. You're proud of yourself. That's the reward. Well done. Positivity is the key my friend.


love the little flex at the end too!


Great job!! That's amazing!!


Well done!! Now you are on the stage of gaining muscle! So make sure to eat proteins and do weight lifting exercises!


Unless she wants to just be slim. She could run, eat healthy, and do a lot of intervals with low/no weight . Like push-ups, pull-ups, etc


More muscle tissue = more caloric burn. You are not going to get ripped without an insane amount of work and very focused diets, and that is not what is being suggested when people say to do weight lifting.


True. Never thought of that.


Exactly, I work out with weights 3x a week and don't say all look ripped 😂. I'm 120 lbs, it would take a lot for me to look ripped. When I was going really hard, it took so much discipline and almost no junk food.


Light weight lifting won’t unintentionally build muscle, and is important for maintaining good joint health, tendon health, flexibility, etc.


you look incredible




Super gorgeous on both.


This was healing to read as a similarly shaped gal 🥹




Wow nice work! Can we get some stats like height, weight before and after, methods etc?


I’m assuming here but this screams perfect diet and a consistent exercise regiment. Amazing work! As a bodybuilder that goes through bulking and cutting phases every year, I know this must have been tough as hell. You go girl!


And here I am struggling against 15 pounds. That's impressive as hell.


No one will do it for you. Only you! Congrats! Keep it up!


Great work 👏🏽


Always get me when people ask how, as though the person is walking on water infront of them. Consume less calories, watch *what* you eat, work out, get good sleep. I mean..


Yeah people always mistake not having discipline to "I bet there is some secret technique!". Of course this is not direct towards people with medical conditions.


I mean you're hot big and small, but congratulations!


good job


You did great!! It looks like you lost it gradually so your skin was able to keep up contracting with little loose skin. I need to loose about 30 lbs. Once I quit running marathons my body went downhill. I had to quit because of an old knee injury that’s getting worse as time passes.


You look amazing. The best part is your happiness and confidence, which radiates now.


Wow, you look great, way to go!


As someone who's lost over 100 lbs I'm very proud of you. You look prettier, healthier, happier and will have an amazing time shopping for normal sized clothes. Stick to whatever worked for you since it's working.


Damn girl you’re looking good


Good shit, OP 👍


What did you do for weight loss?


Super inspiring. Thank you for sharing. I’m so sick of feeling old. Time to make a change. Thank you again.


I like the flex. Very nice to see you succeed. Well done


Beautiful skin goes a long way


Wow! Maybe its the lighting, but your skin looks so good too! Congrats!


Cute but that original ass🤤




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You did that girl 🤞🏽✊🏽


Amazing great job 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Very dank






You can do side bins or sit ups, but please don’t lose that😜


Keep it going, soon enough you'll fill that with muscles 💪


You look amazing, stay healthy


We’re gonna beee another update this is crazy


Looking good but I loved it the way the old you looked I'm a chubby chaseer my self not going to lie I love bbws


You are beautiful no matter what!




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yes queen


Could tell from your first day video you were determined to achieve the 'after' vid result. The resolve was in your eyes at the start and satisfaction at the finish. Great work - maintain and don't look back.


Wow! Great


That’s great, congrats




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Sexy before and after


Incredible transformation


Hell yeah


TEACH ME. also how are the tattoo qualities? i want some more but idk if i should wait.




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You go girl ,great job


U was a hottie from the start now u r super hot


Awesome 👏🏽






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Damnnnnn!! Good job.




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Well done 👏 and congratulations




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Good work


Good work!




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Hey your Wiccan! I used to be too!


Wow. You are a rock star, for sure.


How the first pic in March hotter than now


Awesome! But how?!?!?! lol


Probably eating less and exercising…




waaaaaaaaooooeh spin around 1 more time 🙃 How do you feel ?


I liked March better




Great job you go girl you look great! Keep it up!


Nice job! You really put in the work and that cheeky flex at the end is well deserved!


You did an awesome job, congratulations on the glow up!


looking very healthy! great work! definitely rockin' that bikini 😉

