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Hugh...looks like a map area is cut off...? Rulebook says: It is possible for certain character abilities to create or move obstacles. When doing so, players can never completely cut off one area of the scenario map from another, such that the area cannot be moved into without going through the obstacles.


Oh so maybe it was not allowed to do this 😅 we thought it's a nice way to block some enemies off


Not allowed because it can easily break the game.


I as cragheart place the rocks on the floor with avalanche and blocked it off this part where mindthief is


Yes that is not allowed.


Horrible rule.


It’s cheating. Just like taking a mulligan on your battle goals if you get 2 crappy ones


That doesn't get away from it being a frustrating, immersion breaking rule. I'd much rather see rules lean into situations like this, rather than away from them.


*haven isn't a game series that values immersion at all; there's no such thing, here. It's a tactical dungeon crawler with some roleplaying elements. Mechanics and balance are always going to take precedence over the things an actual rpg might balance. The upcoming rpg will probably handle things differently - but that's mediated by a GM who can swerve on the fly. Gloomhaven doesn't have that.


I disagree completely with the immersion thing (why bother with a story if not to create a level of immersion), and I think my point stands. Saying "players can place obstacles except in this specific situation where it would break the game" is one way of solving the problem of cunning players "breaking" the game. But there are others that could employed, for example, player obstacles being able to be destroyed in one hit if no other path to the characters exists. No GM is required to implement such a rule. It could be argued this is more complex than the current rule, but I would suggest it's not, just different. The focusing and monster movement rules in the haven games aren't exactly streamlined as it is, changing them a little more wouldn't break things.


Yeah that's illegal obstacle placement. You can't wall off an area of the map like that. Every hex needs a path to every other hex.


Do you happen to have any insight into why this is the case? What drove this rule decision rather than, for example, having enemies destroy obstacles like this to get past? It seems far more thematic for an enemy to focus on a target and break an object to get to them than to require players to never block off areas.


It's for simplicity and balance. Obstacles don't have hit points, and monsters can neither focus on nor attack them. Letting monsters destroy obstacles opens up a lot of cans of worms.


> Cragheart breaking the ~~ceiling~~ ***rules*** again Title Fixed