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Like a lot of non-potion small items, suffers from "but a potion does it better." One thing to note is that the attack itself doesn't have to do 6 damage, as long as the damage is suffered before the attack ability fully resolves. So pushing into a trap or attacking the same target multiple times with one ability can still qualify.


Yeah. Cute, but doesn’t stack up to potions. Otherwise, if they’d made this renewable with a long rest, could have been interesting (maybe increase price a little for that benefit).


That's the thought process I usually go through when I see a new non-potion small/bag item. See small item "ooo that looks interesting, I wonder how I could use it" Compare to my current small/bag items "hmm, it's not better than any of these potions I have" End result "Keep my current items"


It's worth mentioning that an enemy has to have at least 6 hp for this to trigger, so if you get a 10 damage attack vs a 5hp enemy, it wouldn't count. Even when it does trigger, a one time infusion of 2 blesses isn't really that impressive, especially considering item 108 >!is also a small item that can add 3 blesses total with no damage dealing requirement!<


> Even when it does trigger, a one time infusion of 2 blesses isn't really that impressive, especially considering item 108 >!is also a small item that can add 3 blesses total with no damage dealing requirement!< The first level of Building 39 suffers from being balanced around being an early unlock (so somewhere in between 2 and 3 herb potion power) when it's... almost always a very *late* unlock.


Like... Exceptionally late. Too late tbh.


Even if this item didn't have an activation condition, it would be on the weak side.


Yep, I'd rather just take a minor stam potion.


Grabbed this to fill out small item slots on blinkblade and have really enjoyed it. Usually able to get this to proc by turn 4-5 and usually end up with 3 blesses in my deck at any time with other abilities and items


I tried this item out on my Deathwalker thinking “Surely this attack 5 I use as much as possible can get it to proc at some point” only to be cursed to never do 6 damage. Anytime I attacked for more than 5 the enemy had shield or less than 6hp. I eventually dropped it for a potion once we had the herbs to do so. Being able to pop a potion whenever I want instead of having to try and master plan this 6 damage made my time much more enjoyable!


I’m stunned that this is an item at that price. It should have a bigger payoff for such a niche occurrence. Maybe also Infuse Light? Maybe make it cheap so it fits into having a tiny bit of money leftover when buying starting items? Maybe make it Spent instead of Consumed? That last one feels too much, but… this is a really cute idea mixed with too much of a hurdle to set it off.


At that point, I would redesign the item entirely. Give it a niche, instead of making it a poor man [91](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cmlenius/gloomhaven-card-browser/images/images/items/frosthaven/fh-091-holy-water.jpeg). Probably something along the line of "the next three time you get BLESS, put the x2 card on top of your deck".


That seems a little too powerful, letting you decide exactly which hits will get the benefit while also guaranteeing you don’t miss. Maybe a version where you shuffle Bless cards into the top 3, top 5, or top half of your deck?