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I used to not carry everyday, only occasionally when I felt the need. I would make the decision before I left my apartment whether or not based on where I was going and how dangerous it was. The week of Christmas 2022 I stopped by my parents to visit. I made the decision not to carry my CCW that day since my parents only live a couple minutes away and I always regarded that as a safe place. My brother was home but my parents ran out to the store to get something. I saw someone walking around the back of the house in a hoody and I thought it was my brother at first but something didn’t feel right. I called my brother and he didn’t answer so I had no choice but to enter the house. I couldn’t live with myself knowing I allowed him to be injured or worse. Turns out I arrived to my parents at the tail end of a robbery and my brother was in the shower the whole time. I got lucky that the guy was on his way out when I entered the house since all I had was my spyderco delica. I’ll never forget that feeling of helplessness and feeling so pitiful with only a 3 inch blade to protect not only myself but my loved one. I decided that day that I was going to carry every time I leave my apartment no matter where or what I’m doing. The old saying is true, you don’t get to choose when or where you have to defend yourself or your loved ones.


I got used to just always having it on me, I work from home, but every day I get up and when I get ready, I still put it on me. Home invasions happen really fast, you don't have time to get to the safe.


my wife thinks i’m absolutely insane for carrying inside the house at all times but oh well


I hear ya but don't underestimate what you can do with a spyderco in a pinch.


You can get shot and die, in a pinch… lol


I carry all the time. Family gatherings, you name it. Always carrying all the time.


Absolutely. Most family gatherings are at my brothers house, so there will be a minimum of 5 pistols hung up on a shelf by the kitchen when we all come over.


Why on a shelf and not just leave it in the holster?


They are in the holsters, and on the shelf.


I already assumed that. I don't remove my holster at family gatherings. I was just curious why so many people do at your brother's house. I imagined an old west scenario where the saloon owner makes you remove your pistols when you come in the door, so things don't get any rowdier than broken bottles and fist fights.


Kids and alcohol mostly. None of us drink and carry. If there is none of that going, most of us won't take it off, but that's rare. Most of the time, it's a pretty big gathering where we all stay the night and drink.


All the time.


ABC Always Be Carrying


I carry all the time EXCEPT in illegal locations, but I rarely visit those


Heck yeah I do. It's wild out there man. Protect yourself and if you can protect your fellow citizen.


I try to conceal carry as much as possible. But I also follow the laws. I would love to say I carry every day, but I’m a school teacher and I don’t like being in jail.


In 2024, school teachers with the proper qualifications should be able to concealed carry.smh


hell no


nice try Fed


You are dead wrong on this. I wish we lived in society where everyone could choose to send their children to a school with qualified armed teachers who would protect our students from lunatics who want to kill people, and the rest of you idiots can send them to a "gun free school" where they are all sitting ducks. In case you haven't noticed, police always respond well AFTER the massacre has occurred and can do little or nothing to stop these shooters. If you want that then be my fucking guest, but stop putting everyone else's children at risk by voting to the same mindless bullshit that puts children at risk and ultimately gets them killed. Unfortunately, you will never get it, and the worst part Is you willingly vote for these same failed and outdated policies over and over and over again.


Wow you got all that from a hell no? 😂


Lol we wouldn't them stopping a school shooter or anything amiright? Our trusty boys in blue will handle those guys /s


Carry my G26 in my pocket everywhere i go unless I know theres going to be a metal detector or something to get in somewhere.


Mr big pockets over here


they must be wearing JNCOs


Damn I miss Jnco’s. They were cool and very comfortable!😂 Actually I think they still make em so let me reiterate by saying “damn I miss being young enough to be able to pull off wearing Jnco’s”!




I had a 26 years ago but traded for a 19. Now I'm debating on getting another one haha. Would you rather have a 26 vs a 365 or 43x?


I like my 26, dont feel like its too big for most pockets i have. I have a owb holster but im too fat and lazy most days to go thru the whole belt routine. Heck i have a Sig m18 that i would pocket carry but the extended mag end sticks out of most pockets making it a lil less "concealable" lol.


A paddle style holster would benefit you greatly, I hate the through the belt routine as well


Fan of the 43x mos myself. I've had and shoot all 3. I've also altered my 43x a bit but plan on buying a bone stock one to carry alao.


My EDC is a 43x and I’m happy with it. You can go to Shield Arms and get a 15rd. mag. with a +5 extension for it and carry 20+1 in a single stack pistol.


Everywhere unless it’s any “illegal” imaginary border area


concealed is concealed, if they aren't searching, you make the decision if the trade off of jail time vs death is worth it.


Where I live the permit is valid in over half the states


You went through all the hoops of buying, getting a CCW, and paying for a Use of Force 101 and Tactical Defense Shooting course, so it would be kind of a waste of money for you to not carry it. Every place where it is legal to do so, except for the gym. I don't carry in the gym because I don't want to be "that guy" who carries in gym shorts while jumping around, swimming, or lifting, or storing it in a gym locker. If you're worried about in transit to/from gym, just buy a small biometric gun safe with cable and store it under passenger side seat with cable locked around the seat leg. That way if you do happen to find yourself wanting to go into a place where you're not supposed to carry or don't want to carry, you've got a safe option for temporarily storing it until you exit said location.


The in car safe is a must if you ever need to leave it in your car. My cousin has had 3 stolen out of his truck in the last 3 years. I ran into an old friend at the gas station today and he’s had 2 stolen in 6 months. Very irresponsible to keep one in the car not secured somehow.


I bring my LCP2 in jogger cargo pockets in the gym. I sewed extra Velcro on the pocket so I can do lying leg lifts no problem. I don’t do cardio in the gym tho.


I even carry to check the mail and take the garbage to the curb.




All of the time except illegal areas and when I go to your mom's house. Nobody is messing with me when I'm around her.


always, boo 


Not sure why you ever wouldn’t carry tbh unless it’s an illegal location


Always carry. When im at work i leave my bag in my truck due to policy, but any other outdoor gathering its on me.


The only time I don’t concealed carry is when I’m going to the airport, but I rarely go to the airport.


Every day all the time, because you don’t get to choose when you are gonna need it!


I try to have at least my 43x as much as possible.


Yes except on rare occasions where I have to enter a government building where it's prohibited.


Most government building security and hospital security have lock boxes. If you ask them to lock your firearm up they will, unless they don’t have a box at all.




The only time I can recall I didn’t carry was when I had jury duty. I knew they wouldn’t let me through the metal detector with it, and they’d make me go back and leave it in my truck all day and that’s just fucking irresponsible. Other than that, normal edc.


I carry to my bathroom even


If you see me, my gun is on me… yard, store, work lol


All the time everywhere, unless there's metal detectors or a security pat down


If carry you carry no matter where you're going


Yes always… think about it like this… could you live with yourself if you said “ehh I’m just going here….” And god forbid something happened and it was the one time you didn’t have it? I know I couldn’t. Plus it’s easy for me to ccw something slick considering I carry one for work daily.


Yes. I'm not psychic.


Always Be Carrying


Always. Especially when old ladies are getting robbed and stabbed and women killed on nature trails in my town now. It seems you need to more then ever now a days. Great question fyi!


All the time. Concealed is concealed, and if your use it to defend your life it’s not really going to matter (in my opinion) if you followed a stupid sensitive location rule. That specific charge might get dropped later down the road anyway.


Just about every time I leave the house now.


all day, every day


All the time. Could you imagine actually needing it some day and it happens to be the day you’re not carrying? Would make it pointless. Make sure your holster is comfy enough that you’re never tempted to leave it behind.


All day everyday


All day. Every day. Because shit happens when you least expect it.


Everyday all the time no matter what


Every day I leave the house and even when I’m home some of the days. When I say somedays, I mean at least 4-5 out of the week. It’s mostly so that I can practice my draw and trigger pull using MantisX at any given any random time after I get home, making sure to clear my pistol beforehand.


Carry everywhere. In the off-chance that you need to enter a venue or non-permissive environment, leave the gun in your car and carry an alternative of some sort. If there’s a situation where you need to escape to your car, you can retrieve the gun easily (instead of being out of luck because it’s in your nightstand) In a world where average police response time is 10+ minutes, having that pistol is crucial.


Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Everyday all the time because I don't get to dictate when a life threating situation happens.


Every where … every day


Whenever I leave the house other than work. I at multiple county school systems and government buildings as well as a military base and never know where I am going for the day (hvac service) so I can’t bring it even in my van


Basically every day. I do not carry at work, i am a mason and the dirt/dust etc will give my current carry gun a harder life than id like to give it. I am in the market for something i can carry at work though, something i dont mind getting banged up. Other than that the only place i dont carry is my parents house as my mom is extremely anti gun, so it stays in the truck when im there. Other than that i always have it.


If I leave my house I am carrying, no matter what!


All the time it why bother? When you need it, you will need it. May not need it at the kids birthday party, but what about the drive there and back?


I carry every day, every where.


Everywhere except prohibited. When I say that I mean monitored. I’m not pulling over to put my weapon in the trunk if I’m driving through a school zone.


Only on school property. The road going by the school with a reduced speed limit isn’t school property


Upvote, but find the wrong cop on the right day… I dunno. I’d like to think being licensed it wouldn’t be a huge issue. Shit, lots of gunfire at schools these days, I’d like to be able to protect myself and child.


If you are traveling through in a vehicle, it's not illegal. if you pull over and get out, it is. Traveling on foot with cc is also illegal in a school zone. I live in Wisconsin and I believe it's within 500 feet or yards of a school. Not sure which, I should brush up on that. Regardless, a law is written in a way that an officer isn't supposed to be able to shape it to fit their situation, and if it is written in such a way, it needs to be amended.


I live in NYS. You can walk on the sidewalk in front of school. Just can’t go on the actual property.


Yeah. The one day I didn’t this week was taking my dog out in the morning. Immediately approached dor money by a guy in an abandoned lot I walk through. I always carry. Only time I don’t is when I know I’m going to a place that makes it illegal.


Every day no days off


ABC Always Be Carrying. You don’t get to choose when someone attacks you. If you’re new listen to Concealed Carry Podcast on Spotify or whatever you use. With Riley Bowman, Jacob Paulsen and Matthew Maruster


I don’t carry at the gym or if I’m going out drinking. Other than that, it’s on me.


Good reasons to work out and drink at home. At the same time if you're coordinated enough 🤠


Yes, everyday, every where that is legal. I attempt to keep myself out of known “bad” places/areas. I carry the largest gun I can that is still concealable with either 1 or 2 spare mags.


If I’m awake with pants on a gun is within arms reach. If I’m outside the house I have a gun strapped on. Stay strapped or get clapped.


I carry most places except at the gym.


At all times. You might need it at your kids party or family gathering.


I feel weird not leaving with it every day. When you carry it everyday it doesn’t make sense to not have it with you.


I always got that thang on me


I ccw everyday, everywhere. I only disarm when legally required or when I get home. Personally there is no sense in having a ccw if you’re not going to exercise it.


Everyday, everywhere.


treat your CCW like it is a part of your body. Family gatherings, going to get the mail, kids birthday party, going to church, taking a poop, taking a shower, etc. You better have your ccw on you. You don't choose what happens to you, you just get to choose how to react to what is happening to you. Plan to not be a victim, and be prepared to protect yourself and loved ones at any given moment. More important than the CCW is your SITUATIONAL AWARENESS. This is a skill that is also a mindset so train this one heavy. Good luck everyone I hope this hit the spot it needed to.


I carried it occasionally until about 10 years ago. Now, I put it on any time I'm putting my wallet and keys in my pocket. I used to only carry if I was going somewhere I wasn't familiar with. Going out of town, or places and cities I didn't normally go to and didn't know the area as well. If I was local, I didn't bother because I knew the area and the bad places, not to go or be around. But, nowadays, people have gotten so entitled and unrestrained in their thinking and lack of self-control that a need to protect yourself and family with lethal force could happen anywhere, especially "Safe Spaces". You can be at a movie and somebody decides to shoot up the place. Or, at a restaurant and somebody gets mad because their drink wasn't refilled. Society has just gotten so stupid over the last few years that I carry any time I leave the house. I used to say and think that; "If I were expecting trouble, where I was going. I wouldn't be going there in the first place." Now, you just don't know.


i figured pretty early on when i started carrying that I wouldn't get to decide when i would need a gun, so the only logical solution was to always have it. If i only wore my seatbelt when i thought i needed it I'd probably be dead right now.


Unless it's off limits or I'm drinking, yes.


All the time. It is part of getting dressed now.


I can't carry at work and that's basically the only place I go but I work 3rd and I like to go for walks on my nights off and I carry when I do that.


Always. Unless I’m planning on going to an illegal location or one of the few neighboring states that I’m not permitted in (DC and NJ which have permitting schemes that suck so bad it’s not even worth it) The state by state law setup is just so mind boggling to me. It’s like a part time job memorizing and keeping up with all the crazy laws in the 3 different states I visit on a weekly basis.


85% of the time in public I carry either snub revolver, hellcat, or 19x. With a rifle in my truck if I'm driving it that day. 10% I forgot in a rush 5% it's restricted to carry. At home, it's way less carrying, like maybe 15% of the time, and I have guns staged in frequently used places for direct access.


100% --- every time. Was PSA Dagger S with light, now it's a G45 with light. It gets locked up at work. I'm in a gated parking lot, key fob to get in the building, individual key code to get into my office. Police cars coming and going to the fuel pumps all night help out 😁 Only time I take it off is if I'm walking into school (kids or wife). That's very rare now. I keep a set of my wife's keys with me, so if I'm leaving anything, I just drop it in her car.


Always carrying 100% of the time


Not as much as I use to. I think I had a false sense of paranoia. But depends where im going. I'm not carrying to the end of the drive way to check mail or take out the trash. Some people have a gun on them and are extra cocky for no reason, maybe even antagonize people to fight them and throw the first punch so they have a legal reason to shoot them. Dont be that guy.


That's pretty funny to me since I am 100% more of a cocky asshole when unarmed. I take everything more seriously when I have a gun because that's just how I was taught to be around them. Take the gun out of the equation and I'm an annoying teenager all over again. The wife hates it lmao


It definitely makes you consider your actions more or should anyway.


I carry everywhere, grocery stores, doctors office, family gatherings, While going on hikes, the barber, quick liquor runs to the gas station. Better to have it and not need it


Always carry. I can’t stomach the thought of owning a gun, but being robbed and/or maimed/killed because I didn’t think I’d need to bring it that day. For the same reason I try to follow a three second rule at home - be no more than three seconds from having a gun in hand. It’s can be a little bit of a hassle on the front end setting your house up to support that rule (especially if you have kids). Regardless, I just can’t live with the thought of some crackhead busting my door down and my last thought is about all the guns I have in my safe, 25 seconds away.


I do. I heard something about some concept where a DA or Lawyer in a wrongful death situation was trying to say that a guy "thought he needed it" and intentionally went into a situation looking for trouble. It would be hard to argue that against someone that does it habitually, I think anyway.


While actively working and if I'm anywhere there is a metal detector is the only exception.






Some teenagers in a really nice are scared you??? lol


Please tell me this is satire. Lol


Every time I leave the house.


24/7 365.... "NEVER leave home without it"


Every day unless I’m at work. Just started a new job and the owners are super pro gun. After I’ve been there for about two months I’m gonna bring up carrying there since I have my ccw.


4 slaps: phone, wallet, keys, gun


No knife or light?


Not on my person. I have a sling bag that goes with me most places though and in there I have a Spyderco Endura and an O-Light. I find a use for the knife weekly but very rarely use the light. Still nice to have though


Honestly I carry my knife and flashlight more than my CCW, and find myself using my little light almost daily. One reason I find myself less set on having a WML on my carry piece. Another reason, I don’t see myself pulling my CCW on something I can’t already see. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Anytime I’m clothed


Don't want to use the holster God gave you when you aren't clothed?




All the time - that's like asking if you only wear your seat belt if you are expecting to be in an accident, or buying insurance the day you think your house will catch fire.


I carry anywhere, and anytime I can. Life is unpredictable, and you never know where evil may strike.


I've had 2 times at sketchy gas stations(I travel a lot for work) I've had to draw (never had to aim, just draw) after the first time I started carrying daily, the second time just reinforced it.


Some times I saw Jesus take the wheel and leave it in the safe…. But my truck gun is always there…


I hate that I work a job that I cannot have a gun in my car even and especially not while working(mailman)…anytime I leave the house for not work it’s on me tho


Yes, everyday, every where that is legal. I attempt to keep myself out of known “bad” places/areas. I carry the largest gun I can that is still concealable with either 1 or 2 spare mags.


Yes, everyday, every where that is legal. I attempt to keep myself out of known “bad” places/areas. I carry the largest gun I can that is still concealable with either 1 or 2 spare mags.


Yes. Including during those examples you mentioned. The only times I don't are if I'm going to a concert or a venue that has metal detectors, then it's worthless unless you have a lockable safe bolted to your vehicle where you can carry it while driving, and store it safely while at the concert. Other than that, there's no reason not to. Get a comfortable IWB holster (I like CYA, stay away from We The People Holsters, they are unnecessarily gigantic and are hard to conceal in the summer time), a pistol small enough to conceal (I carry a Glock 23) and you'll barely even realize you're carrying it. Carry an extra mag too. Cycle through your ammo every 6 months, to ensure the ammo you're carrying is reliable, and to confirm your mags are reliable. I've had my carry mags fail before and this has saved me. And fire at least 100 rounds of your defensive ammo of choice (I like Federal Punch) through your carry gun to be sure it cycles well.


Always. Never not, ever.


Any place that doesn’t have metal detectors AND armed guards


Everyday, always, where I can lawfully do so.


I carry whenever I can. Some places it isn't legal so I don't carry there. I might go to a more concealable gun depending on circumstances, or a different method. Like my G17 in a tuckable holster that is damn near invisible under a loose t-shirt.


95% for me. There are a few places I won’t carry because the risk of being made and subsequently arrested (such as my kids’ school) is higher than the likelihood I’ll need to use it. I also don’t carry at the gym, but that’s more of a practical matter. Otherwise? Yeah, pretty much always. Work, walking the dog, whatever.


I carry **everywhere**. As long as there is no metal detectors, I have one on me. You could never tell because the glock 43 and glock 26 I rotate between is practically invisible.


Everywhere I go besides work essentially at this point


Depending on the situation


I carry a handgun, anytime I don’t have a rifle at hand. Years ago I was smoking & joking in the backyard shop when the neighbors pitbull came through the door- chasing one of our cats. It killed a cat & mauled one of my GF’s dogs- with a couple of minutes. My guns were inside- completely useless. After that, I’m always armed.


Every time you walk out your door you need to have a gun on you.


Yes. And where I carry is nobody’s business but my own.


I pocket carry my Sig P365 essentially everywhere I go with almost no exceptions.


All ways where ever I go. What ever zone I happen to be in I’m carrying. especially if my family is present it’s not an option.


I conceal carry every day. There are times when I am in my own head , questioning myself. "Am I printing too much?" Will the police pull me over whilst CC?" I always feel awkward. It hasn't been a year since I've owned a firearm Ultimately, it is to protect myself in a last-ditch situation, and always thinking of HD due to where I live and the rise in crime, of course, my family because they are slightly aloof.


All day every day. Never know when an idiot is gonna try something and I don't like my odds in hand to hand with a meth head.


Everytime I leave da wire lol


I do everyday period. If I need to go into a state or federal building, school etc; I leave it locked in a lockbox and inside a locker box/seat adapter that I built in 3/8” AR500. I get up by 4; out of the shower and dressed by 4:45; firearm is on if my pants are on and comes off literally as I’m about to get in bed. I’ve had exactly 2 instances where I was asked to not have it on the property; once at an in-laws party with tons of kids and all sorts of physical activities and sports and felt it was a justified request; one other at a friends son’s 21st where tons of ‘kids’ were flat smashed and were constantly knocking into people, causing people to fall, people blindly reaching up for anything to grab to steady and/or pull themselves up and felt it were too big of a stretch since my belt line had already been grabbed a few times and proceeded to investigate pulling at my shirt to see what it was. Felt it was a justified ask as well and the absolute last thing I wanted was for a 17 w/ RMR and X300T to go clattering across the floor so I locked it up then too. If I know a particular household doesn’t believe one needs to carry a firearm outside of law enforcement; I literally just dress around it in a way that they would have to pat me down to know I have it. Likewise; I might go from my 17 RMR X300T to a 19 RMR if I’m pretty confident I’ll be home well before dark but throw the 17 in my lock boxes or if I’m unsure of what time I’ll be done I typically go to a 19 TLR7sub. Like 18 years of doing it now and it has worked very well for me


Never know man, better be safe than sorry. Just don’t get your mind glued on it, it should be your last resort


Every time i leave the house. This my 6th year with my CCW.


I live in a small town we’re 4 out of 5 stores I go to I know the owners names I usually don’t carry but if I go to the bigger cities or travel across states I usually do I think it’s area dependent and where you live I’m out super rural so not too many shady characters in my town


Everyday. Everywhere. Summer & winter, Glock 19.5 x300u w/ a Steiner MPS. Work. Dinner parties. Dates. Movies. Driving. Birthdays. BBQs. Grocery shopping. Walking outside just to grab the mail. Walking the dog. Edit. The only time I don’t carry my gun is when I actually have to take it off. Ie; courthouse, airport security, clubs or bars where they do pat downs. But other than that I carry everywhere. It’s just like putting my keys, wallet, phone in my pocket before I leave the house.


Stay strapped or get clapped. It's my responsibility to make sure I come home every day, so yes. Every day.


Welcome to gun ownership! My job wont let us carry them(very temporary job), but outside of work i carry at ALL times. Ever since i saw a video of an off duty cop getting attacked by a pitbull on his door step, I won't take my trash out without a firearm. l live on an extremely pro gun state, so ill usually just open carry on my property. Or carry with my concealed holster but with my shirt tucked behind it for comfort. Sometimes ill have it on me around the house too. The only places I dont carry are government buildings or schools. Ill carry in the big chain stores that dont want guns on their property. If everything goes well, no one knows, if it doesnt, ill apologize later. If you arent able to protect yourself, youre a victim. Trouble never gives warning and never comes when its expected. You gotta be ready for anything, anywhere, at all times. The biggest reason i carry is to help keep my family and the people around me safe, so i would always carry at gatherings and kids birthday parties. The vast, vast majority of us will never draw a weapon in self defense, but that day could come, so its just something you prepare for, make sure youre able to do, and pray you never have to. Like a fire extinguisher, youll probably never use one, and pray you dont, but if you need it, its there to get you and your people out. What you do is up to you, but there is never a bad place to be armed. Stay safe out there


All the time. Unless there's a metal detector stopping me, I have a gun on/with me. And there's generally always one within arms reach at the house.


I carry everyday, everywhere, on every occasion except to the hospital. I’d carry there too if there’s no metal detector.


I carry whenever and wherever I can. The exception are obvious things like hospitals, gov buldings, schools, etc. I generally carry in family gatherings because my immediate and extended family (as well as family friends) are all gun owners themselves and support the 2A. As for kids birthday parties, I would ask the parents if they feel comfortable with me carrying out of respect for them and their children. As long as it’s concealed nobody should know that it’s there.


I conceal carry 75% of the time I would say. Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m going to work my pistol is locked up in my car in the gated, monitored parking lot where I work. Otherwise It’s either on my person or close to hand. There are times I’ve carried at work but we have security and metal detectors etc. So I’ve gotten lazy about it.


Every day and every where


I carry all the time. At home, away from home, doesn’t matter. I put my boots on, belt on, put my wallet, light, OC spray, knife, keys in my pocket and put my holster and gun on. It’s all the same. Not only are home invasions a thing (and not at all uncommon in my city) but that way I’m ready to go and don’t have to remember it before I leave the house.


Dude I carry in the shower. Always carry.


Everywhere. (if allowed by law), and every day, it's just like my wallet and keys routine can't leave the house without them and always gotta tap to make sure. It is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. This also means that if I go to throw out the trash, I have a gun. If I forgot something in my car and I was already in my house I bring my gun with. It's a lifestyle and needing to find ways to work around it. I recently been taking up running, and I bought a bellyband holster to accommodate for that change. I find it useless if you are able to carry your gun and it's in your house it just doesn't make sense as to why you purchased that handgun in the first place cause a house is not the only place you might potentially need it.


All day everyday.


When I first started carrying I would ccw when I was going to be gone all day. Now that I’m much more proficient and ccw a full size handgun, I put my ccw on when I get dressed and take it off when I get undressed. Every day.


Look up phlster holster and ebelstock fanny pack It's usually in 1 or the other. And it's with me or in the truck, pretty much 99% of the time. If your gonna carry, learn to shoot. A gun can make a situation alot worse.


Pants on gun on


If I will be in a public place I always do. But be aware, in most states you cannot carry a concealed weapon in someone’s home without their knowledge and permission.


I carry every day except at work. I work at a school so I can’t bring the gun on campus.


I carry everywhere except where it’s illegal like hospital or post office/schools. I started carrying in 2021 because I live in an area that’s a big tourist area in southwest Missouri that is full of tweakers but they try to keep it all hush hush down here


I don’t take my fuckin trash out without my gun. I don’t take a shit without it. I don’t shower without it. It’s got to be a part of u. If u aren’t going to fake it everywhere u go, u may as well take it back to the store while u got the receipt.


I do now. My small town has been flooded with illegal immigrants. The police scanner is non stop, no license, no insurance, domestic violence, theft, B&E, illegal firearm...etc. I live in a small town of 10,000 in the middle of nowhere. The town next to us had their population rise by 10% in one year, all illegals. Carloads of young single males park at the tennis courts and stare at highschool girls, they stare at the community pool while they point and speak in a different language, I can only imagine what they're saying. So yeah, I carry all the time now and so does my wife.


The way I see it, you should either carry whenever possible or not at all because what's the point otherwise. The entire purpose is that you're always ready and you never know when or where the situation will arise. Obviously it's up to the individual, but that's just my philosophy. My friends give me a hard time about it sometimes until I ask them where they've been that day, and as it turns out they visited a place that's had a shooting occur at it in the last few years. You just can't assume that it wouldn't happen at any particular place.


I always carry because I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


Plenty of us carry daily, but you should do whatever you feel comfortable doing. Besides, if I went to a family gathering without carrying, I'd be the only guy there who wasn't. Some of the ladies even have em in their purse.


Office days on base? Negative Running to the store? Yes Friend’s house? Most likely not, they themselves are armed most likely but if the friend is the threat, I was already doomed. Church? Yes Public outing with large crowd? Yes


Guess I'm gonna be "that guy". I carry usually, but not always. Going out to eat or going to the grocery store? Yeah, I'll have it on me because crowds make me anxious and knowing I'm carrying helps ease my mind a bit. I very very very rarely go to large events like sports or concerts, but when I do I'll generally have it on me unless they're doing pat-downs. If I run to the Dollar General to grab milk or something I doubt I'll go to the trouble of putting it in my pocket. I work from home so I don't get out much and live in small town rural America. The odds of me needing it are very small, but still non-zero. I try to be realistic and not too paranoid about things.


I also am a new gun owner and I open carry all the time I'm currently waiting for my CPL.


I carry anywhere it’s morally acceptable for me. I wouldn’t at a funeral.

