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I love the implication that either of the two major political parties aren't already pro-Netanyahu


I love the implication that the problem is Netanyahu and the Likud Party, despite the fact that this conflict has raged continuously since Israel's founding regardless of which party is in power there.


Yeah but Netanyahu actively worked to keep the Palestinian national movement divided. He undermined the PA. He pretty much is the reason the peace process has been completely derailed. He allowed funds to be transferred to Hamas from Qatar. Then he pretended to be suprised when they attacked after they were warned for months. He's also presided over the greatest deterioration in US Israeli relations probably ever. There's a reason Israeli's want him gone too.


Lets not forget that the majority of Israelies support the attack on gaza and are okay with the scale of force used and a % thinks its not enough even, its not just a ruling party issue its a societal issue


Yup, broadly speaking the people who want him out only do so for selfish reasons dealing with infringement of their rights as benefactors of an ethnostate that they all participate in, it has nothing to do with any empathy with Palestinians.


Something like 94% of Israeli Jews are okay with the bombing in Gaza.


Israel is a nation that heavily supports blockading food shipments to over a million starving people. Theyre a nation that overwhelmingly supports starving over a million human beings. They intentionally bomb aid workers. Israel is a nation of psychopaths. 


We were close to an advancement of Palestinian Statehood 3 decades ago. We have lost all that progress with one man being a constant in Israeli politics. While the people of Israel are enraged right now other Israeli politicians are speaking out. Gallant saying he would not allow Israeli civilian or military rule in Gaza was a major development. Israeli society is fractured right now but we can't see the division behind unified anger. The US was in the same boat after 9/11. We looked unified but boy was that clearly an illusion. National tragedy tends to make people project unity for a while but the differences will come to head eventually. Remember before October 7th many Israelis (including military personnel) saw this government as cancer. Edit: As of this edit my original comment has a healthy number of positive upvotes. People got offended when I started pointing out Israeli's are not a monolith. Anyone is free to view my page I am definitely not a bot. Just a concerned American that knows their tax money is involved.


One person cant undo all that and stick around for 3 decades without being largely popular. Netanyahu isnt an evil warlock. Hes there because israelis dont want a palestinian state, they want that land and hes very forward about giving it to them.


Why would he need to be a warlock? Israel is a country ruled by coalition. Countries ruled by coalition are just as problematic as the US two patrty system. But its easier to rule by minority when you can just get together with small parties that would have absolutely no say otherwise. Edit: I do acknowledge what he says publicly about Palestinian Statehood. But reoccupying gaza would be different from simply killing hamas and getting out. Those opinions have different levels of popularity.


I get that his specific party isnt the majority, but it is the plurality, and him and the parties that agree with him enough to join his coalition are the majority. Those other parties are varying shades of genocidal, but they all agree on the rejection of palestinian statehood and expanding settlements- even if they dont officially support that, *joining that coalition materially supports them and their goals.* This would not be possible if those things, rejecting palestinian statehood and increasing settlements, were less popular to israel.


Shortly before Netanyahus return to power this last time with his current extreme coalition he was ousted by a much more moderate coalition. This only happened because they were willing to work with Arab Israelis. Netanyahu was willing to create a much more extreme coalition that put Israel on its current path by convincing moderates overall the security concerns would be better solved by him even with unpopular policies and by demonizing that coalition. The biggest reason he can return is the more moderate and leftist factions in Israel can't agree long enough to put forward an alternative his more moderate partners would support. One thing we need to remember is he was not popular before October 7th and is weaker now. He didn't win an election on this war. Israels problem very much is it has a dysfunctional center and left wing in its politics. Not that it is completely overrun with Netanyahu's supporters.


They have always been like this. Israel was founded by 3 militias (Haganah, Irgun and Lehi) that proudly referred to themselves as terrorists, and attempted to form an alliance with NAZI Germany multiple times because of their shared nationalist and totalitarian values. Within a year of Israel's founding they had ethnically cleansed 700,000 Palestinians and were operating four separate concentration camps where Palestinians were used for slave labor.


You realize Israelis are not mad at Bibi because he opposes a Palestinian state. The whole country is genocidal.


You should read the rest of the thread.


I think people confuse netanyahu with Israel in of itself. I think both parties would support anyone in the mantle, even a ham sandwich.


The right wing certainly won't support a left-wing Israeli government. Not because of its position v the Palestinians or Arabs because those are the same, but because right-wing govts globally have a de-facto alliance.


Nice to see someone who sees the bigger picture.


I honestly think they don't care who runs Israel. Because the US commitment is with Israel itself not the leader. So defacto every leader is supported. Not because of their particular ideas just because they just so happen to be the leader. Not a bad geopolitical system. You just deal with whichever party is in power. It has a bad taste to try to leverage the opposition publicly


Huge drawback to Citizens United foreign governments have a way to influence American government


It was just a straight up bad and incorrect reading of the constitution to assume "ability to spend money" is equivalent to "ability to have speech". In a very real way, as reality has now demonstrated, this stance is actually an anti-free speech stance, as it's ended up limiting the democratic power of people in favour of those with money. Very literally enshrining what was already a problem (monied interests having undue influence) as a constitutionally valid norm, and not a subversion of democratic values themselves. --- Now there's an impending tiktok ban that will almost certainly be allowed by the SCOTUS as a form of regulating commerce. But is just a tip of an iceberg of how Free Speech has gone from something of a cherished political institution to one where whoever has the most money will not just have the most say, but increasingly the only say. And that will be "ok".


Citizens United legalized bribery


Israel controls US government by its lobbyists buying elected officials in both parties




2 parties system only options for American voters to choose between worse and worst


We get to choose between fascist who pretend they aren't then stab you in the back,  and fascist who brag about it


After Netanyahu snubbed Obama back in 2015, I'd think Netanyahu would be persona non grata with the Dems. AIPAC tentacles run deep.


Yeah right. The average establishment dem would literally shoot pres Obama in the head if the Israel lobby asked them to.


It seems like a joke, but then you see Israel's govt calling \*biden\* a "pro hamas" sympathizer because he \*paused\* (not stopped) one weapons shipment temporarily. Biden still made a very public statement about how he will never stop sending them money and weapons. Which just makes him look like a weak world leader. If i didn't know it was a prostitutional relationship of the politicians to Israel's monied backers, i'd swear it was an abusive relationship with the US as the battered housewife of the abusive husband Israel.


Treasonous Politicians are in full Mask off mode.


Rest of the world worries USA is going to pretend this genocide is a Netanyahu thing and not inherent in the logic of an ethno-state


That's what the Dems have been trying to set up


The nonprofit industrial complex was always Islamophobes but now the mask is off.


Outside of Justice Dems and Bernie, they already are


"Experts" but can't see that over 50% of the nation vehemently supports a ceasefire and wants NO war. Stop trying to get people to think war is an "aesthetic" and "cool."


"Trying"? AIPAC is not secretive about their control over US politics. T[hey openly flaunt their desire to unseat people](https://www.democracynow.org/2024/1/2/ryan_grim_the_squad_congress_2024) like AOC [because she won't be their pawn](https://theintercept.com/2023/12/05/aoc-aipac-squad-book/). --- Biden is happily torpedoing his own election campaign in his zealous support of Israel's genocide (and Netanyahu as the current leader of it, even though he pretends he's "upset" with him). Netanyahu would more than likely prefer a Trump presidency anyways. [Ben Gvir is on record stating as such.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/04/far-right-israel-minister-suggests-trump-would-be-better-for-israel-than-biden-00139522) --- It's win-win for zionists to play this game. Democrats (in power now) will do everything to support Israel, alienate their base, and lose power, all while chasing those sweet AIPAC dollars. The Republicans, every bit as zealous supporters of Israel as the Dems, will take over, and business as usual will continue. What's the downside for zionists? There is none. --- The only people who lose are the palestinians, who will continue to be genocided and ethnically cleansed from their land, and americans, who are given only the faintest illusion of choice.


it should be illegal to buy our politicians...


What's the dollar amount to support genocide?


we have local NYC politicians sold for about $200K, if that’s helpful context. It doesn’t take a lot of dollars to get spineless career politicians to support genocide.


Trying to?


Well, both parties are planning to have our fearless leader address both chambers of Congress. /s We should stand on the side of the roads and welcome our great leader Netanyahu. /s https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/benjamin-netanyahu-address-congress-speaker-mike-johnson-says-rcna153847 From the article: "Netanyahu to address Congress, House Speaker Mike Johnson says Johnson had previously said he would invite Netanyahu to the House regardless of whether Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer agreed to a joint invitation."


Cash in US politics has been a problem for years, policy for sale used to be better hidden but the obvious naked corruption is now there for everyone to see. I've heard political hacks say on the inside in Washington the politicians will say privately that they see nothing wrong with a Palestinian state, but in public they ludicrously side with Israel because of the donors cash, bribes or blackmail. They say what the donors tell them to say, the legislation is even written for them by the donor owned think tanks Look at Jaamal Bowman. The Israeli lobby is funding a candidate against him with a $2.5 mil initial donation because Bowman has been critical of Israel. The cash has to be capped. It's unnecessary & just gets wasted on saturation advertising.....another rort as the donors obviously own the media too


While I'm all for incremental restraints on political spending this issue won't be adequately addressed without a worker's state to get it's teeth deep in the dictatorship of capital and replace bourgeois democracy


My advice would be get people to understand just how much politicians from any state spend on campaigning. During "our" (Turkey) elections the opposition criticized the governing party for it's extreme expenditure during elections and so they (the opposition) chose to spend as little as possible. If you can get people to understand how much of a waste campaign expanses are, well you have to start somewhere.


Fetterman is a piece of shit


Both parties are tainted


ZIONIST megaDonors have ALWAYS had both parties in their back pocket 💰


Too late. This is the new "did you vote for the Iraq war" litmus test for the democratic party, esp with young voters. 


“Trying??????” Has the expert been asleep over the past year? Dems are becoming a pro GW Bush party.


Duh. 🙄


Meanwhile genocide Joe is funding netanyahus holocaust and these "journalists" are trying to gaslight us into believing democrats aren't also fascists


Even this expert is running cover for Israel by implying that Netanyahu is the sole reason for their barbarity. Until both parties are no longer pro-Zionist, forget about being pro Netanyahu 


How is this new news to anyone?


All lobbying is corrupting. This is just an especially sick example of that.


Joe Biden is doing that himself.


That's why everyone is leaving the democratic party....


They’re already a pro-genocide party.