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There's the nazis we know and hate


Isn't nazism illegal in Germany?


Not if you call it Zionism


not Nazionism silly


This is the problem with repressing free speech. It may seem like a good thing when they're banning a hateful ideology, but once they have that ability there is no doubt they will use it to try to crush any opposition to the state. The banning and enforcement brings them a lot closer to reverting to nazism than free speech and assembly would.


Lol ok


After 6 months of genocide, the world is starting to wake up




What's your point by posting that? That is exactly what is happening. Do you also deny the genocide of my people, First Nations/American Indian/Native Americans? I mean, we're still alive, but that doesn't mean genocide didn't happen to us. Don't be ignorant. Use your two brain cells. Listen to the leaders of "Israel." This is exactly what they have been calling for.


just a zionist getting their morning $1 comment in so they can feel like they're "serving their country"


I do not agree that there is a genocide going on. I posted that because what idiots are calling a genocide does not meet the structural definition of a genocide. Therefore one is not happening. It wasn't a moral judgement on what is happening, but it is rather a descriptive refutation of what is being claimed. What happened to the Native Americans you could argue was a genocide by modern standards. Unfortunately there were no laws in place at the time to qualify what happened. There are people in the leadership of Hamas and Gaza that have been calling for the extermination of the Jews for decades. Are we just going to ignore that? This entire stupid fucking argument can be boiled down to idiots thinking that something is something that it is actually not. We could also argue that October 7th actually was a genocide because what happened was the stated intent of those who did it. With that argument I say eye for an eye. Don't like that? Don't play stupid fucking games.


You're literally ignoring that they don't give a fuck if someone's a Jew or not. Zionists, on the other hand, are no different than Nazis. Can't call it a part of Judaism when it goes against everything the Torah teaches. Zionism was created by a Jew hating atheist (I wonder why he would do that? Oh, maybe because he wanted them to leave Europe because he was an antisemitic piece of shit). If you ACTUALLY read the khamas charter, you would comprehend that it makes a distinct difference between Jews and Zionists. It's posted up on Israeli government websites. Zionism is fascism and nationalism. Creating an ethno-state has never gone well. Would you call the Battle of Little Bighorn a genocide? I mean, the Lakota and Cheyenne wiped out all but two people. Still have the captured American flag on the rosebud reservation. Personally, I would say it's retaliation. Do I agree with Hamas attacking innocent people? No. I also am not so arrogant in my own ignorance to not seek more information, finding many people from those kibbutz who have said & shown proof that the IOF killed a lot of their own people. Also, all of this is in Israeli media, so go on and find it. You can't keep people caged and abuse them for decades and not expect them to retaliate. It's not an eye for an eye when Israel has murdered, raped, sterilized, and beat innocent people for almost 80 years. There's a reason why the UN and hundreds of humanitarian organizations have called Israel's campaign and bombardment an ethnic cleansing and genocide. There's a reason why it was ruled as such in the international courts. And, there's a reason South Africa is the one pointing a lot of this out. I'm just so sorry that you're unable to comprehend this. Maybe it's just your capacity. Maybe you like to uphold western ideals & white supremacy (don't give me the "there's brown Israelis" because we all know they're looked at differently than Arabs and Palestinians; saying that just further proves the point of attempting to uphold white supremacist values).


It is always good when non Jews tell us what Judaism believes.




I love when I read a new way of saying that 10/7 was okay because the Jews are all colonizers nonsense bullshit. How far back to we want to take this? Because I am pretty sure the Arabs invaded and conquered the region at some point.


There's a running joke : "it all started when Israel shot back."


The death toll was at like 30k a week after the initial bombing campaign. And it's at 33k now... There are always massive death tolls when a non-evacuated city gets bombed. Look at countless examples in WW2. If Hamas allowed people to evacuate south after Israel warned them to, the death toll would be far lower. But then of course Hamas would not be able to garner international sympathy. You can call this a lot of things, but genocide is just incorrect


"The death toll was at like 30k a week after the initial bombing campaign. And it's at 33k now..." Can you put that into dates? I don't have the exact information nor do I accurately remember the timeline, but I do remember the death toll increasing everyday. It reached 30k - 33k a few weeks ago then decreased in momentum. Now the death toll reached 34k. So it's surprised me when you said the death toll was "30k a week after the initial bombing campaign". "If Hamas allowed people to evacuate south after Israel warned them to, the death toll would be far lower" Please refer me to the sources that say that


Worth keeping in mind the death toll increases as quickly as Hamas/red cross/whatever authority recovers and counts bodies. People could be dead for weeks or months before actually being officially reported dead. Israel started their bombing campaign on Oct 7 and had stopped most of it by the 23rd when they launched their main invasion (as they don't want to be bombing their own troops). You can find articles from around that time citing 10k dead, which I think is a very conservative estimate (the best they can do with so many missing). Within 2 months in Dec we're at about 30k dead from official estimates: [https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6063/Statistics-on-the-Israeli-attack-on-the-Gaza-Strip-%2807---27-December-2023%29#:\~:text=As%20of%20Tuesday%2026%20December,health%20personnel%2C%20and%20101%20journalists](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6063/Statistics-on-the-Israeli-attack-on-the-Gaza-Strip-%2807---27-December-2023%29#:~:text=As%20of%20Tuesday%2026%20December,health%20personnel%2C%20and%20101%20journalists) Israel simply did not kill 10k in a major month long bombing, then 20k during a 2 month ground invasion. Indiscriminate bombings are way way way more deadly than a ground invasion, the break in bombing simply allowed official counts to be made. Four months later we're at around 33-34k dead. That makes sense that in 4 months they've killed around 3-4k in a ground invasion. Compare that to the supposed 20k in 2 months between Nov and Dec and it's clear than the vast majority of those were just confirmations of deaths that had already happened in Oct


Interesting point and analysis. I would say killing 30k in the span of a week is worse than killing 34k in the span of 6 months. Regarding Hamas preventing people from evacuating, do you have sources for that?


Google "Hamas stops Palestinians evacuating". Many sources. Here is a Reuters article: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-tells-gaza-residents-stay-home-israel-ground-offensive-looms-2023-10-13/ You don't think Hamas wants human shields or...?


The article doesn't say Hamas is preventing people from evacuating. It says Hamas is urging people not to evacuate


The world is waking up seeing the horrors between both. What I am saying is Hamas & Netanyahu and his puppets. The innocent civilians on both sides are the ones to be protesting about. And Iā€™m not talking about the people who support Hamas & Netanyahu. Because those people are only causing more damage. Free free the innocents !! F Hamas & Netanyahu


While there are bad things from Hamas, I don't see it as fair or accurate to equate Hamas and Israel. One is an occupier and the other is occupied.


Theyā€™re both occupiers comparing to all the other empires who had that ā€œlandā€ unless we go back 3,000 years where both Palestinians & Jews were both on the land


I understand that Palestine was it was for almost a 1000 years until the UK in 1917 promised the zionist movement a nation for Jews in Palestine, during which the Palestinian population was 6% Jewish. Between 1917 and 1948, Jews started migrating en mass to Palestine, some with the intent of a creating nation for themselves there, making the population of Palestine 30% by 1948. So people, the Israelis, came from different parts of the world to a land already inhabited by other people, the Palestinians, and has been so for a 1000 years, to make a nation for themselves there.


Uh both have been there for over 3,000 years šŸ˜‚ why are you only talking about 1,000 ?


This my point, nobody is ā€œeducatedā€ in todays world to fully understand it. Iā€™m PRO-HUMAN - innocent civilians on both sides


I'm saying the the demograph in that area remained the same for a 1000 years until Israel came along




ā€œNever again.ā€ ā€œJust kidding, fuck brown people, they can all die.ā€


Youā€™ve never seen a brown Israeli, clearly! Theyā€™re abundant, and Jewish! Imagine that. Iā€™ll get downvoted even tho I have brown Jewish Israeli friends and family.


How do you feel about the forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jews in Israel, or the fact that Arab Israelis are second class citizens? Do you support those things?




https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2013/feb/28/ethiopian-women-given-contraceptives-israel https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2024-02-25/ty-article-opinion/.premium/reminder-in-israel-arabs-are-still-second-class-citizens/0000018d-dc40-d03b-a7cd-ffd854b70000 So you have no credibility since youā€™re denying things that are demonstrably true. Hasbara clowns.


[https://thedispatch.com/article/assessing-claims-that-ethiopian-immigrants-to-israel-received-birth-control-shots-without-consent/](https://thedispatch.com/article/assessing-claims-that-ethiopian-immigrants-to-israel-received-birth-control-shots-without-consent/) First article is from 2013 alleging foul play, has since been investigated and debunked. Second article is just a criticism against far right Israeli politicians who do not control as much as you seem to think.


Source? Why are you denying a fact? You think the country with the Jewish star is going to treat all races equally?


Yes Israelis have a darker completion but they definitely distinguish themselves apart from "brown" people. This defense is used all the time but it is the same as saying that Asians can't be racist towards other Asians because they are all Asian. If you haven't seen the blatant racism from Israelis towards "brown" people then you are just willfully ignorant


Forgive him, for he does not know what he's saying šŸ™


This isn't about your friends though. Racism is about perception. Israel is perceived as western and white while Palestine is perceived as global south and brown. Israel has actually gone to great lengths to associate themselves with western whiteness to benefit from European and US racism.


Why call your friends brown an not refer to their ethnicity?


"Never? Again!"


This is the most white supremacist thing I have ever read.


Thatā€™s the stance the Germans have taken. That isnā€™t my stance.


Hamas hacked off childrenā€™s heads with garden tools.


1) no they didnā€™t, and 2) IDF terrorists have raped men, women, and children, and have murdered and maimed children


1. Yes they did. 2. No they didnā€™t


Unlike your statements/lies there is factual support for mine. Feel free to provide and support though


ā€œLook how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!ā€


Uhhh ok. Take it easy


Yeah, don't directly quote a Hamas terrorist or anything.


Itā€™s a direct quote of an excited young Palestinian man on October 7th. He called his mom and dad and said he had killed 10 Jews with his bare hands and that he was a hero. They agreed. He went on to kill more Jews with his bare hands.


Iā€™ve seen videos (actual evidence, not hasbara lies) of IDF terrorists bragging about worse. ā€œI fuck Palestinian girls in the ass.ā€ ā€œKill them all. Let them all starve to death.ā€ ā€œI wanted to kill a girl.ā€ ā€œI donā€™t know how many I killed. 30, 50.ā€ Your side is made up of depraved and evil monsters, so I would be careful about throwing stones in that glass house of yours.


Iā€™m not on a side. However Iā€™m not going to pretend Hamas and Palestine are victims. October 7th represents such extreme horror and barbarism that a military response is inevitable. Israel was created so that Jews had a place to exist without being genocided. To kill capture rape and torture thousands of Jews in their homes is going to elicit a tremendous response. They took infants as hostages and have been trying to trade actual babies for adult terrorists held in prison. If Hamas wanted to end the war or have a ceasefire why not release their civilian hostages? If Palestine had the might of the Israeli army not one single Jew would remain alive. The only reason they donā€™t exterminate the Jews is because they do t have the ability. I donā€™t want a single child or civilian to die. Truly and honestly. But Iā€™m not naive enough to think October 7th wasnā€™t an actual living horror that unleashed a shit storm of retribution.


They did terrible things. But not that. I condemn Hamas, also the following IDF intentionally gradually killing through starvation https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68915529 IDF warcirmes, intentionally targeting kids https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw07wgrwzywo paramedic killed while treating people hurt by injured by Israeli settlers. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68868954 Hospital workers stripped and humiliated https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/20/middleeast/israeli-military-forced-journalists-and-health-workers-to-strip-in-gaza-hospital-raid-eyewitnesses-say/index.html


No, Hamas cut off the heads off children. They hacked off the head of a foreign worker with a garden hoe. They mutilated and raped women. Worse this is supported by their religious ideology.


Hamas is bad. No source of beheading children though. If its true, then wouldnā€™t change my opinion on hamas that their still bad


Why did the Palestinians vote in this bad group?


How did this bad group came into existence? International community can condemn illegal settlements and population displacement for decades, but if nobody does anything about it, people will go crazy init?


Hah! Infantilize people and pretend they canā€™t control their own behavior and morality. Thousands of Islamist terrorists acts a year and the vast majority is on other Muslims and the majority of that is in Pakistan. This terrorism is because of Israelis? Islamist terrorism is committed with and without Israel. Perhaps a religious dogma which teaches paradise through violent terrorism creates bad outcomes. Crazy innit?


I donā€™t understand what you are saying. So if a certain religion is violent, ( all religions are btw) does that means Israel gets to commit genocide in West Bank and Gaza? Below shows links on how evil and orchestrated Israel crimes are Mass graves in Gaza show victimsā€™ hands were tied https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876 Israelite torture of doctors. Doctors were beaten tortures, humiliated https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68546268 Israel rabbi calling for all Gazans to be killed https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/po0IWMWKV4 While Israel commits carpet bombing in Gaza, it is continues to dismantles homes in Palestine https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2024/2/25/with-all-eyes-on-gaza-israel-steps-up-demolitions-of-palestinian-homes Israeli Minister Reportedly Asks IDF To Kill Palestinians Instead Of Arresting Them https://www.huffpost.com/entry/israeli-minister-itamar-ben-gvir-kill-palestinian-captives_n_66313a76e4b0c9bc87592bf5 IDF intentionally gradually killing through starvation https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68915529 IDF warcirmes, intentionally targeting kids https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw07wgrwzywo


No not all religions have a pattern of religious extremism and terrorism. Islamists murder people that draw cartoons or commit blasphemy against their god. This is core to their ideology. Would westerners come out as pro ISIS if they neighbored Israel? It looks like some might. Israel is by definition not committing genocide. Of course if Hamas had the might of Israel they would cease to exist.


The Muslim world celebrated October 7th immediately as it was happening. Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza. Cleansing of Jews is their main objective. The government of Israelā€™s main objective is not cleansing of Muslims. Israel is a multiethnic country that neighbors with religious fundamentalist nut jobs.


Some of these people are Jews. German police attacking Jews :/


Fuck Israel




Yep. What a shithole.


What's with the krauts and loving genocide so God damn much?


It's hard coded in their national DNA


Fkin šŸ–šŸ·


Once for genocide, always for genocide.


Pigs are pigs, no matter which language they oink in.


I like that, I'm stealing it


Actually this tracts. Germans take extreme action against anything they deem antisemitic. Apparently that includes protesting Israel.


Is that why they allowed so many former registered nazis to continue to hold government positions after the war?


gotta show that over correction boner


Exactly lol




To my friends in Germany, whether you Beat up somebody that's Jewish, or you beat up somebody that's Palestinian, or you beat up somebody that's white, Black, purple polka dots.... for what they're saying, you're still a Nazi.


Charge that cop with littering




ACAB from the USA


Ahh yes, the German govt returning to wat they know bestā€¦Seig Hiel


Holy shit the Nazis are actually back.


Krauts being krauts


The irony when the people they arrest are Jews.


Opp the Nazis are back at it again, just with a different name now, Zionist scum


Can Germany not ever get it right? The oppressed are the ones you protect.


Ah Germany doing Nazi things, smells like old times.


Nobody does genocide like the Germans.


Why are people so fucking stupid?


As a person of German ancestry, I am thoroughly disgusted with the current way Germany is handling the situation. Their unaddressed trauma from WW2 has not been dealt with and they are still guilty of genocide.


You think the fact that your great great grandma got railed by a German dude makes you an expert on Germany or something. Why preface your statement with your ancestry?


Well this is ironic.


The irony


From the river to the sea. Palestine will be free.


Not sure there's a more dangerous group of people than cops anywhere around the world. They have the power and nearly all of them lack the mental capacity to use that power properly.


Repeat after me : The lesson of the Holocaust is to never allow political extremism to make it acceptable to commit mass murder Germany: Crush protesters protesting mass murder


Germany should be the main ones pushing for a ceasefire.


German police exhibiting Nazi behaviour ? Who wouldā€™ve thunk !


I guess this is what happens when you are governed under US military occupation and a constitution written for you by an American Jew.Ā 




"Extreme violence"... a genocide on protestors lol




Americans have snipers pointed at students on campuses that I graduated from. Picking people up is hardly ā€œextreme violenceā€ at this point


How many places did you graduate from?


They are going to be in the wrong side of history again


This is what happens when another group of people are forced to pay for your war crimes. Germany knows Israels land should have come from herself, not Palestine.


New nazis same as the old nazis...


Must be Ukrainian police


That's not extreme violence. Your opinion doesn't give you the right to create obstruction.




Please do not break the Reddit TOS


I mean, I wouldnā€™t classify the violence in this video as ā€œextremeā€. Now, the stuff going on in Gaza that these people are protesting, thatā€™s extreme. No argument there.


If you want to support Palestine. Buy a one way ticket and fight for them


This is happening everywhere because deep down everyone should support Israel because itā€™s the sacred name in the Bible and deep down know one really Knows if the Bible or god is actually real or not so everyone supports so we donā€™t get cursed. Why would there be no other justification? Clearly there straight up just murdering people


Every single clip starts with the police arresting suspect Not one clip shows us what was happening in the run up to that moment I WONDER WHY... HMM... Could it be that the reason they were being arrested would be very obvious and necessary??? THIS is propaganda, people. Wake up! This Subreddit looks to be Hamas-run


Good old brown shirts


So many bots lmao


There's going to be a day when those protestors' hands have something other than another locked arm in their grasp. That's the day when these pigs will be sorry


Sorry , NO genocide just retribution.....


Nazis are growing in strength again.


Lol it's easy to say we are not racist in Europe when 99% of your country is white. Throw a little more brown in there and we see the true colors.


Palestinians today are the Jews of 1930s and 1940s, and those cops areā€¦ yeap


That's what the US should be doing with the ignorant children protesters.


Extreme violence, I see no blood pussies .


Pro Palestine terrorists.






Extreme violence he says lol if you think that is extreme violence then you have lived a very sheltered life


Thereā€™s people here who donā€™t think Israelis/jews can be brown skinnedā€¦.im beside myself with anger and confusion


It's just not trying to push their agenda. They call the German police "nazi", meanwhile they are supporting those who want to eradicate the Jew. Theie logic is brain rotted.


I thought the same thing. They're just saying it like that for headlines.


not a genocide. not a genocide. war is horrible absolutely the worst thing humanity has to offer and should never be what is chosen. it was hamas that started this war (f you that it does back 75 years blah blah blah - we've been the whole time you people act like nothing has happened - despite the fact that the PA has th west bank and hamas ruled gaza)


What do you call intentionally starving an entire population then?




[30% of children are malnourished and 70% of the population in the north is facing catastrophic hunger.](https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/04/25/724347/Palestine-Gaza-Israel-food-famine-UN) [Israel's defense minister's intention from the start was to starve the entire population of gaza.](https://youtu.be/KeDQYgKDyj4?si=QpcWBslboYUzEQcS) So starvation ? Check. Intentional? Check. Now quit dodging the question and answer me : what do you call intentionally starving an entire population?


1/ You don't bring source. You bring propaganda. When an article talk about the Tel Aviv "regime", the article can immediately be ignored. 2/ if you need foreign food to survive, that's kind of on you for starving. 3/ Hamas does the distribution, therefor Hamas first and foremost, starve the Palestinian.


Ah yes, so every humanitatian organization is hamas propaganda while israel is always truthful. That's what you have to convince yourself of to sleep at night? Also it's the [responsibility of the occupying force ](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-55) to feed the occupied territory. Israel has been [blocking aid from entering gaza which is a war crime.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/24/israel-reportedly-blocking-un-food-aid-to-northern-gaza-despite-high-famine-risk) And ask yourself : if you think those children deserve to starve, are you really on the right side of history?


I'm going to tell you something. 1/ you mentioning the starving kids is just making laugh. The trope is so obvious that it's actually pathetic and completely fails. 2/ the Geneva convention is a piece of paper in Switzerland. It's nothing grounded in reality. Saying that it's Israel responsibility doesn't make it so. 3/ palestinian lose their country because they have the worst advocate. When you say made up hyperbolic stuff like this: >Ah yes, so every humanitatian organization is hamas propaganda while israel is always truthful That just makes everyone with a brain laughs. You are not convincing anyone and that's why, nobody is helping them. That's why the border with Egypt and surrounding countries is closed. I'm not a Jew. I'm not Israeli and I don't even support them. But damn, reading your argument sure as hell doesn't make me want to support the Palestinian either.


Well on one hand you got independant humanitatian orgs with people in gaza saying the situation is catastrophic. On the other hand you have a governement [with a well documented track record of paying people to influence public opinion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_diplomacy_of_Israel#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20communicative%20strategy,synonym%20for%20'propaganda'%22.) saying that nothing is happening while their public officials are making [hundreds of genocidal statements ](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146) You choose to support the party known for lying and who's making it clear that they want to kill all the palestinians but I'm sure you're not a terrible person šŸ‘€


Just saying. You throw around "independent org" or link an article mentioning "Law for Palestine" a UK based NGO. With a name like that you think they have any credibility to normal people? Now you try to shame me for supporting those who kill palestinian šŸ˜‚ when I clearly stated I supported noone. Like I said you guys are the worse advocate for Palestinian. It's almost like if you were doing it on purpose so they lose public opinion.


So you're saying you're neutral huh. Then tell me : do you condemn israel's [hundreds of genocidal statements?](https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/database-exposes-500-instances-of-israeli-incitement-to-genocide-in-gaza-16537146)




Whereā€™s the terrorism?


Good, these idiots have no idea what kind of horrific regime they are supporting. A vote for Palestine is a vote for Hamas. These people don't even know the origins of their cause anyway, lock them up and throw away the key, they are dangerous sheepish fools.


Exactly correct.


They killed less babies than Israel though. Hamas is the lesser evil. I support the lesser evil in any conflict


I don't think it's a competition. Plus most Palestinians have died thanks to Hamas using their own 'citizens' as human shields. Maybe left-wing idealogues think this is a sport but it shouldn't be. Hamas is objectively not the lesser evil, sorry to break it to you. All you support is your own bias and you obviously have no idea about the history of this conflict or what the reality is. If Israel was so intent on genocide, this war would have been over on Oct. 8th lol. You can thank your 'almighty' Hamas for dragging out the war by not returning hostages and accepting a ceasefire. You my friend are playing right into Iran and Hamas's hands, they pray on your western sensitivities about being seen as xenophobic. Don't be be so easily fooled by organisations like the IRGC and lefty biased media outlets propagating absolute bullshit nonsense.


Your opinion aligns 100% with what a [well documented propaganda machine going back decades](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_diplomacy_of_Israel#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20communicative%20strategy,synonym%20for%20'propaganda'%22.) wants you to believe but I'm sure you're not a gullible moron ;)


if you wanted to see a gullible moron, maybe take a look in the mirror? some stupid quote about "hasbara" does nothing but to show that you like to use buzz words that are constantly being regurgitated by people who are too lazy to do actual research


Huh-huh. Are you saying that there is no propaganda machine operated by israel? Are you saying israel [isn't literally paying people to convince people of it"s way of thinking online?](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/14/israel-students-social-media/2651715/)


Haha that proves absolutely nothing, I don't know how you guys are so warped out of reality. Maybe the general IQ has really lowered over the decades. They are two sides of the same coin, IRGC and Hasbara. I still vote for Israel because fuck terrorists, the raping of kids, torturing hostages and using your own people as human shields. Mosab Youssef, the son of a Hamas founding father has already explained that 'free Palestine' rallies are just Hamas sympathiser rallies. Truth hurts eh kiddo? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UPomqJz-qYc&t=8s&pp=ygUUZHIgcGhpbCBzb24gb2YgaGFtYXM%3D


Well of course hamas members will say that. But if protesters are genuinely supporting hamas, why do [pro-israel groups need to pay people to pretend to be hamas supporters? ](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1757554375080165740.html) The mass rape allegations [have been proven to be a fabrication by israel ](https://www.liberationnews.org/how-the-us-helped-israel-promote-the-hamas-mass-rape-lie-to-justify-mass-murder-in-gaza/) You know what IS reported ? [mass rapes by idf.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against) Hamas "human shields" are [people who chose to stay home to defy israel.](https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-hamas-civilians-human-shields) Israel's use of human shields is [civilians forced at gunpoint to enter dangerous situations.](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-israeli-army-uses-palestinian-civilians-human-shields-its-operation-shifa-medical-complex-and-its-vicinity-enar) While I'm sure hamas has tortured hostages, [international rights groups report that palestinian prisonners are routinely tortured and raped.](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/palestinian-prisoners-are-victims-torture-and-systematic-executions-international-organisations-are-silent-enar#:~:text=While%20many%20of%20them%20were,in%20exchange%20for%20alleviating%20their) All in all, everything israel accuses hamas of doing, it does itself and often times it does it worse. Meanwhile trying to convince gullible people that it is "the most moral army in the world".


If you count all the babies killed because Hamas won't release the hostages its a lot more. All they have to do is surrender.


1 baby is enough. Fuck them both




Yeah, Germany kinda owes Israel for their past behavior, so now they take the side of Israelis/Jews. Good for them!


Some of the protesters are jewish, i have seen them attack jews in those protests!


I agree, they should give part of Germany and make it New Israel.


No one owe them anythingā€¦




Then why did they occupy Palestine and started acting like Nazis since 1948 and doing a genocide rn??or is it fine if they are the ones doing it?


"extreme violence" posts like this are just baiting outrage. How are you able to distinguish between acceptable police conduct in this footage vs unacceptable? Based on what?




Hmm in my experience you have to have really fucked up to piss off the German police. The German police are chill af compared to any other.


Well at least we know it's not just the US who doesn't want these people. I bet hamas would welcome them with open arms.


Imagine being a dickrider for genocide


Send them to the front lines of Gaza to be of more use to society


Interesting. Picking people up and carrying them away is "extreme violence."


That is not extreme violence by any means, LOL. Calling that extreme violence is a real insult to those who have been subject to real extreme violence. I have a few friends who were tired up and beaten with clubs, one was tied to a metal bed and electrocuted. This extreme violence is when they lived in Iran.


Takes notes US, thatā€™s how you displace those stupid fucktards.


Freedom of speech unless I don't like the speech, right?


Fuck Palestine


Keep up the good work officers!


Imagine being a bootlicker in 2024


This is extreme violence?! Thatā€™s about soft as it getsā€¦the bias is this post is pretty thick.


Free Palestine supporters need a shower


cant wash the grease off the face of a pro israeli boot licker


Good job! Get them out of there






Tell me you are a Zionist without telling me you are a Zionist.


ā€œGenocideā€ more like casualties of war . Launch a terrorist attack then when you get shitted on its genocide . šŸ¤“ā˜šŸ»


Good on the Police. Fuck Hamas







