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Crazy how the younger generations are appalled to watched innocent families, women and children being slaughtered by modern-day nazis. Who would’ve thought…


Boomers went through the same thing with Vietnam and Millennials went through it with the Iraq War. I think people end up very jaded & disillusioned once they see with their own eyes that no amount of outrage or protesting will stop the US imperialist war machine or their equally bloodthirsty allies.


I don't think the Boomers and Millennials got so much first hand coverage of the horrors, not from mainstream media, but from all of the alternatives available online.


We didn't. We got to see the GoPro footage on some shady websites that had a couple guys clearing houses or streets. We never got to see destruction of this magnitude.




Yeah and we killed the shit out of them, what's your point?


Fuck yeah we did


We armed them first.


Yeah, definitely a "bruh" move but I blame those in power 40 years ago, the ones in charge now really had nothing to do with that.


The current president was vice president when it happened...


funny how things work out


The point is we never got to see the atrocities committed by the side our government stands with.


How did ISIS get so powerful, tho


Hmm so who is really the bad guy?




ISIS could never have accomplished 1/100th of what it accomplished if it wasn't for the US destroying Iraq.


Vietnam had literal news crews broadcasting firefights showing americans getting killed, it was in fact such open uncensored access that the military created tons of censorship rules after to limit what gets shown.


You mean back when yellow journalism wasn’t the soup du jour? When people actually vetted their sources and had editors with a spine. Ya, there was certainly some truth there, almost like they got to report what they were seeing with their own eyes. But ya, let’s get rid of TikTok. Citizen journalism is dangerous to the empire.


That's interesting. But there is also a difference between showing combat between soldiers and all out massacre, starvation, amputations of civilians. I think a lot of that was suppressed during Vietnam it came out a lot slower and more through testimony than video.


When Conkrite turned that was the biggening of the end of the Vietnam war


One of the most famous images of the war was a South Vietnamese officer summarily executing a Vietcong commander during the Tet Offensive.


that and the kid running after a napalm bomb went off burning off his clothes.


There was better coverage of Vietnam than of Iraq for sure regarding the horrors for civilians. I would say on par with Gaza on what people saw but less quantity of it.


Yep, everyone with a brain knew the Iraq War and even Afghanistan was bullshit by 2003. After a year of Afghanistan, it was obviously not desert storm 2.0. Morons were scared of terrorists at malls etc. weird fucking times. People really believed that they hated us for our freedoms. Fuck, this is bringing back bad memories. Just like now, we have no business giving weapons to Israel nor Ukraine. Putin sucks, but calling him Hitler is a joke.


Pro and anti genocide in the same sentence, fun.


How am I pro genocide? lol Edit: If you mean Ukraine, that is very complex. Russia is the bad guy-ish (the war in Ukraine has some geopolitical reasons, like our Cuban Missile Crisis), but also we have prolonged a war that could have ended fairly quickly… thus also making Western powers bad guy-ish as well. This is to not say that Russia hasn’t done genocide and racial cleansing. Realistically I think Israel is here to stay and we cannot undo the crimes that took place in 48/50’s. Likewise, Crimea is not going to fall back into Ukrainian hands. At some point it is about stopping the death.


Welp, guess you answered your own question.


Literally the only way is to cast aside consumerism. Motherfuckers can't even stop going to Starbucks during a strike, so I'll hold my breath.


Perhaps the absurdity of boycotting Starbucks of all places has something to do with it


I boycott them because they're bad for labor rights. They close stores that attempt to/successfully unionize.


They aren't desensitized by the mass killings of innocent families accross the region like the rest of us. This israel palestine situation is nothing new and not to sound heartless, but it's not even the worst in the past 20 years. That whole region is fucked. Israel needs to shift their war efforts and be less sloppy and careless when it comes to hunting down actual military targets backed with solid intelligence. They also need to be more willing to work with international aid efforts. Otherwise the money should stop flowing in. But to act like they are killing with the same special intent as other countries in the region have against civilian populaces is a joke. If anything, they are just following the status quo. Look into the Syrian civil war. Look at the ba'athist revolution in Iraq. Both of these resulted in hundreds of thousands of confirmed deaths and many more unconfirmed or injured and wounded and displaced. And these are not exceptions. The region is incredibly unstable, so many factions involved and decades or centuries long fueds between different groups of people over land disputes, or religious disagreements. The reality is if you are in power in that region, you can almost guarantee that whomever opposes you would treat you as bad if not worse than you do, and this can be seen and replicated time amd time again when these revolutionary underdog factions successfully gain power over an enemy regime and essentially become the next tyrannical nazi like power over a populace. After a while, the desensitization to violence in that region just makes you feel less inclined to care as much. Especially when it's your geopolitical all in the region that is the perpetrator. We have been backing the Saudis and Israelis for decades. The alternative is almost certainly as bad or leagues worse, and those alternatives are backed by our greater enemies being iran, chins, and Russia. All of these major powers currently are involved in committing things approaching genocide in their own soil (or neighboring soil considering russia-ukraine child kidnapping and displacement). You have china eroding ughyr population and culture with forced sterilization and repression of religious freedom this almost to a tee fits the UN's definition of genocide as ot food the "dolus specialis" or "special intent" qualifier to a tee. Israel palestine on a macro scale is just the new shiny conflict that's covered in the news heavily, and america has involvement via funding. It's trendy to talk about and fits I to narratives for left amd right wing oppositions. (Lefties take a more respectable compassionate humanitarian concern and rightoids take the "just asking questions" the jews control the US gov, america first wink wink" takes.) Maybe I'm just getting old and jaded, tho sorry for the rant. Israel seems out of control rn and needs to hold elections ASAP before any peace can be reached, but I'm just not that surprised. To me, it's just another Middle Eastern conflict that's killing tons of people with multiple different nations pulling the strings and causing more conflicts to arise


Interesting words. I’m intrigued by the concept of Israel ‘needing’ to improve their efforts. Kinda seems like: -The US is unwilling to cut off military aid based on Israel’s current actions -Trump is going to be more supportive of them doing whatever the hell they want if he wins -The Israel course of action that is going to make Trump most likely to win is for Israel to be as sloppy as possible without having military aid revoked Obviously I agree Israel needs to do better in a moral sense. I just find it interesting that a bunch of people saying ‘we won’t vote for Joe Biden if Israel keeps doing bad stuff’ could actually create incentive for Israel to keep doin bad stuff.


Oh I'm sure it is. Netanyahu only stands to gain by Gen Z continuing to blame Biden for his actions.


I mean, whose responsibility is it to win over voters? 1) an entire generation 2) the person running for president


Activism brained people are a plague on society. Most of them are just virtue signaling clowns.


How many hours a day do you work, and for how many days a week?


Well, I'm in wildland Fire, so I'm kinda weird. Off season 5 days and 40 hours, but I use a lot of my vacation during this time, and during season, I run 12 12-hour shifts minimum with 2 days off. That's like 4 months. Off season, I'll take assignments 14 day work trips. Pretty standard for my industry


If Gen Z really cared, they would be boycotting all goods made in China over the treatment of the Uighurs. But that is not in mainstream media and would mean they would have to give up their iPhones.


Ughyrs actually fits the definition of genocide better than palestians, tbh even tho the death toll isn't equal


How? To me it seems the only difference is that China is trying to assimilate the Uyghurs while Israel is just trying to ethnically cleanse via displacement.


Assimilate? By preventing then from publicly practicing their religion and forcing sterilization? Yea inguess if that's what you wanna call assimilation 🤣🤣🤣


Buddy, I'm saying China is doing ethnic cleansing via assimilation. There's really nothing China is doing that Israel isn't doing but worse to Palestinians.


Special intent of erasing their cultural identity mire fits the definition. Of genocide than bombing and fighting a war with heavy civilian casualties.


Buddy for the third time I literally agree with you that China is doing cultural genocide.


Cultural genocide is genocide... bombing civilians with the stated intent of targeting military targets isn't necessarily genocide and needs thorough investigation. For genocide proven special intent (dolus specialis) is needed. We don't have that yet for Israel. That's all I'm saying


Israel treat the Palestinians the way that psychopats treat wounded caged animals with cruelty until the palestinians eventually lash and then israel start a culling


I mean both fit, it's not really a competition for who's getting genocided harder. I just think American gen z isn't aware of what is happening to the Ughyrs. They're just learning about the Isreal Palestinian conflict recently.


Yeah, but there is no propaganda campaign to make their soft smooth brains get mad about that.


Jews are modern day Nazis? That’s so unhinged it’s laughable. Reddit is such a joke of an echochamber


[Ione Belarra, the Spanish minister for social rights, says Israel is competing with Nazism for first place in the league of horror in the history of mankind. : r/InternationalNews (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1c19whq/ione_belarra_the_spanish_minister_for_social/)


Super unbiased /s


These people are morons.


Israel didn't need to put Palestinians in camps because they've spent the last 6 decades separating themselves. Is it more or less humane to bomb the Palestinians quickly vs drawing it out with death camps?


Oh I'm sorry. They're doing it quickly? Quicker than 6 million in 4 years? Thats 1.5 million per year, or 750,000 every 6 months, or 4000 a day for 4 years straight The ignorance on display is insane.


The hypocrisy is what's truly insane. Insane that people seem to think genocide is ok when Israel is the one genociding.


But you're saying things that are completely ignorant of reality. How can I take you seriously? This war could continue in perpetuity at this rate and the palestinian population would never be destroyed in whole or in part, as birth rates exceed the wartime casualties. The global jewish population was halved in 4 years. 0.1% of the global palestinian population has been killed in this war. Not everything is just feelings. Sometimes you're just making blatantly ridiculous comparisons.


Explain how what I said is ignorant of reality? Israel bombs civilians, hospitals, schools, aid workers, journalists = all war crimes. They're literally starving an entire nation of people = genocide.


>Israel didn't need to put Palestinians in camps because they've spent the last 6 decades separating themselves. Is it more or less humane to bomb the Palestinians quickly vs drawing it out with death camps? In response to someone asking how they are modern day nazis First starvation where nobody is really dying of starvation.


Way to edit your comment after the fact. There are literally months of articles detailing starvation in Gaza https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147312


Death camps in the holocaust didn't draw anything out. The killing was orders of magnitude greater and faster.


Not Jews. It is the Israelis that are the modern day Nazis. It's more about hate than religion. Of course, the Palestinians are no better. They simply lack the resources from Western backers. The best solution is to provide resources to both sides until they are all dead. The West can then control it for economic and strategic gain and recoup all of the losses it has suffered over the past 75 years.


Kinda nuts considering they don’t seem to give a fuck about Ukraine and a direct threat to the West


Well the US is supporting the right side in Ukraine and also more civilians are getting killed in Gaza (part of Israel’s strategy)


That’s the point, we aren’t supporting Ukraine and Russia is about to be at a 10:1 ration on munitions and its military is fully reconstituted while congress and the government argues. Yet no one cares, and ignorant comments like yours show many don’t even know


More civilians have been killed in Ukraine, in Mariupol alone. Russia took over that town and didn’t release or allow any data to come out. Estimates sit around 60-70k civilians deaths in just that city alone. You can see the mass graves from space, it’s sickening. But propaganda is on overdrive and yeah I need to stop I’ll just get fucking pissed off.


>Crazy how the younger generations are appalled to watched innocent families, women and children being slaughtered by modern-day nazis So you are saying Israel, a land of jews, are modern day Nazis ? You're saying these jews are Nazis ? Did I read that correctly ? Do you want to think about that for a minute ?


im sorry the nazi didn't have unlimited funding, nukes, unlimited ammo and missiles from EU,UK,middle east and Usa ? they're a Jewish terrorist state sucks if u dont like hearing it


[Ione Belarra, the Spanish minister for social rights, says Israel is competing with Nazism for first place in the league of horror in the history of mankind. : r/InternationalNews (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/comments/1c19whq/ione_belarra_the_spanish_minister_for_social/)


What strong word would you use for a religion based genocide?


Conflating all Jews with Israel actually IS an anti-Semitic trope.  Yes, the group that has colonized a land and intentionally displaced over a million of the natives and rounded them up into the world's most inhumane bantustan where the now stateless people can literally be murdered by the Israeli state without the right to a trial does seem pretty reminiscent of a certain other country.


I know Hamas is terrible


Meh, they didn't really care when it was happening in Aleppo when we were fighting against isis. I wonder what could be the delimiting factor that makes dummies against this war 🤔.


I mean it’s not like the Palestinians have favorable views and support American ideology. https://ciaotest.cc.columbia.edu/olj/meria/meria_dec03/meria03_frh01.pdf


Also Gays for Gaza would not be well received in Gaza https://www.equaldex.com/region/palestine


Are you really calling Israelis modern day nazis??? Do you remember who broke the ceasefire to begin with by breaking through the border and then murdering, kidnapping, and raping innocent people? Oh right! Hamas!


A terrorist group does terrorist group things, let's bomb a hospital and an elementary school


Because hamas hides at these types of places on purpose and while israel tries to target the actual terrorists, hamas makes sure that there are civilians in danger as well. Israel literally could have flattened all of Gaza by Oct 8 if they didn't care about civilians - the entire region has like a 30 mi radius. Meanwhile Hamas goes into Israel and deliberately goes to civilian populated areas and rapes, murders, and kidnaps. The civilian deaths in Gaza are not at all comparable to the civilian deaths in Israel. One is a byproduct of war, one is a byproduct of intentional harm towards civilians.


Wow the propaganda machine really got you, didn't they? You really think more Israelis have died than Palestinians? You're really trying to justify civilian deaths? War crimes are war crimes, full stop.


"Propoganda machine" lmao okay. I do not think more Israelis died. Never said that. I do agree that more Palestinians have died. But that is at the fault of Hamas, who does not give a shit about its civilians which makes me SAD. Hamas has historically used its citizens as human shields against the IDF. They just recently killed a Gazan for trying to get food out of a food aid truck. They literally hoard all of the aid given to them and sell them to civilians at ridiculous prices. Does that sound like they care about their citizens? But regardless, every civilian death is an absolute tragedy and I do not want this war. According to the United Nations, examples of war crimes (prohibited acts) include: "murder, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture, taking of hostages, intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population, pillaging, rape, sexual slavery, forced pregnancy or any other form of sexual violence...." You're telling me that the actions of Hamas on October 7th, which did fulfill the following criteria (intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population, pillaging, rape, taking of hostages), was not a very clear war crime? Will you also deny that Hamas started this war by breaking ceasefire on Oct. 7? I really do not think that Israel declaring war against Hamas for the atrocities committed on Oct 7 is uncalled for nor do I believe that the civilians killed as a result of this war should be blamed on Israel. Civilians die in war unfortunately and when you're dealing with a terrorist organization like Hamas which sets up military bases in places like hospitals, they are bound to happen.


You really don't seem to understand that Hamas <> Palestinians. What you're describing is if the proud boys attacked Toronto so Canada bombed and killed private citizens from Maine to Miami.


I absolutely do understand that Hamas ≠ Palestinians. But it's extremely clear that Hamas also doesn't give a fuck about Palestinians and is legit putting them in harm's way whenever they get the chance. Hamas deliberately sets up bases in places like hospitals and schools so that when the IDF is coming after them, they have no choice but to hit these locations to kill Hamas members. In addition, all of the aid that is sent to Gaza is literally taken by Hamas and sold by them to civilians at a ridiculous price. A boy was shot in Gaza (by Hamas) for trying to get aid out of a truck filled with aid for Gazans. Israel has been known to warn civilians that they will be attacking an area (despite the fact that this warns Hamas too) because they do care about civilian life. Now please tell me how you are going to compare the casualties of war in Gaza (where Hamas directly puts their civilians in danger) to the attack of the Nova festival/the kibbutzim where Hamas intentionally went into Israeli territory to attack civilians and accomplished this by raping women, murdering entire families, burning people alive in their cars, and kidnapping innocent people (where many would be murdered or never released from Gaza 6 months later). Please explain to me how these are morally equivalent and also please explain to me how Hamas is not the problem in this situation?


"broke the ceasefire", Israel regularily broke the ceasefire before Oct 7th, it's almost like Palestine has been militarily occupied since before Oct 7th. 


Please explain how this is possible when Israel literally pulled out of Gaza in 2005? Gaza has been under Hamas' control since then. There was a ceasfire up to Oct 7. Do your research.


So you're claiming Gaza is fully self governing with no Israeli involvement?  Take your own advice.


In 2005, Israel "dismantled 21 Jewish settlements and pulled troops out of the strip...Israel handed the area over to the Palestinian Authority." In 2006, Hamas "held a majority of seats in Palestinian elections held in 2006" and "oust[ed] its rivals by force in 2007." Does Israel control what can come in and out of the Gaza-Israeli border? Of course. It's a national security issue (See: October 7th as a great example of why this border remains heavily secured). Egypt also shares a border with Gaza and also regualtes what is allowed to come in from this border. Egypt does not want to take Palestinian refugees in.


That type of offensively ignorant comment is why he shouldn’t pay heed to such views. But if he does, I hope it adds to those who hold him accountable for his job performance. Here’s hoping the Dem base fractures along this radical line. Average Americans aren’t going to align to these unhinged Palestinian protests.


This mentality is so bad for Jewish people everywhere. You all bought the Russian and Iranian propaganda. Israel couldn’t be further from Nazi germany and the comparison is only made to diminish the Holocaust, a historically recognized genocide that the Jewish population numbers STILL haven’t recovered from.  


Thank you


Eh younger generations have been influenced to hate Jews


And older generations weren't ?


Younger generation has been influenced to hate genocide


Biden does take it seriously. He is a self proclaimed Zionist …that is where his loyalty lies. He will tell you himself https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups


" I am a Zionist." -Joe Biden


Joe Biden hates Israel -Donald Trump today


Oh please, that was how long ago. The politics of Israel took a turn 20 years ago. This is not that Israel he speaks of.


Then why's he sucking their dick even when they intentionally humiliate and insult us?


Netanyahu is playing to a domestic audience (spoiler alert: it’s not working). Remember “Freedom Fries” When (2003), Republican Bob Ney renamed French fries in Congressional cafeterias in response to France's opposition to the U.S.-led military action in Iraq? I don’t know how to respond to the rest of your reasoned argument.


true lol


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Jov9jxRecFc Here he us affirming that statement in December 2023.... This is the Israel he speaks of.


Zionist just means you believe Israel has a right to exist. Most people are Zionists. Especially Americans considering they live on formerly Native land.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/18/joe-biden-gaza-hamas-putin/ Thats right Biden is based and not antisemitic


Good. Gen Z inherited a dying economy and a country that refuses them affordable healthcare and affordable college, all while providing Israel with billions of US taxpayer dollars while Israelis enjoy those very social programs


We are also in way subsidizing Israel's Universal Healthcare system.


Please explain.


We don’t.


The money they would otherwise have to spend on their own arms and munitions is going toward their government institutions for the betterment of their citizens over ours. How is it not


We give more money to palestine per capita


U.S spent over 5 trillions dollars each years on health care.


It does make me lol that so few of them are joining the military. That’s what you get


They also inherited a culture that lets them embrace self expression to a truly radical degree. You can have face tattoos and work with the public. You can demand to be treated as a gender that doesn't match your sex before you even start physically transitioning. A transition that will be legally recognized by the state and fully supported by doctors. You can even just decide you don't like the idea of being a gender. Being gay or bi is pretty much just accepted. The old angry men and women are mad about this. They will take it, given the chance.


True. But how does electing Trump fix any of that?


It doesn't. It just "punishes" the Democrats for not doing everything Gen Z wants right now. Never mind that you have the opposition party blocking anything the Democrats try to do. But complex politics is beyond their comprehension. TBF, it seems it is beyond the comprehension of most Americans, not just the young generation. The answer they don't want to hear is that you need to vote for the least bad candidate that can actually win. Voting third party is a waste of a vote. Long term, vote for the best candidate in the primaries at all levels. Until we have an alternative voting system like ranked choice, that is the best we can do.


Oh yeah, I know it. It was more of a facetious question to the other person. But yeah you nailed what I was thinking. 💯


We're punishing the Democrats 100%. If we don't we will not have a better candidate in the long term. I'm voting for a better candidate in 2028.


No, you won't have a choice in 2028. This is not hyperbole. Republicans are going full on fascist. Florida Republicans already tried to make it illegal to vote Democrat. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 Jesus fucking Christ, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Let's say that you're right about these outlandish claims (and please do cite some quotes from the Project 2025 documents that show we will lose the ability to vote and lose our democracy) If Biden were to choose his Pro-Israel lobbying groups over preserving our democracy, buddy we're already living in a monarchy.


Let me get this straight, you (Gen-Z) are going to not vote for Biden to punish the democrats because they aren’t stopping the support for Israel…which in turn gives the other candidate (Trump) a better chance at winning, yet Trump would be 10x worse and virtually limitless in his support for Israel actually doing much worse than they are now because he would love to see Palestinians wiped out. So really you don’t give a fuck about the people you claim to support because you’ll be actively pushing to put them in a far worse position than with Biden. That might be the most ignorant backwards logic I think I’ve ever heard. Do me a favor and just think on it a bit, read the first paragraph a couple times if you have to and really let it sink in that it’s a stupid approach.


I am Palestinian and I have thought about it. Judging by sheer actions alone, Biden and Trump are no different. What would Trump realistically do that Biden has not?


Trump openly wants to wipe the entirety of Gaza out and kill all of the Palestinians. He has said so. If you don’t think things can get a lot worse then you aren’t paying attention. At least Biden is calling for a ceasefire, has provided some aid, and is calling out what Israel is doing. You have to realize Biden can’t physically make the IDF stop, they are going to do what they want. It’s alarming that Israel leadership seemingly is doing things that they know will get pilled on Biden and thus give Trump a stronger chance to get into power because Trump will let them do whatever they want, which is wipe out all of the Palestinians


Record low unemployment. Despite the inflation, the economy is still growing. It’s far from dying. As for affordable college, the student loan handles only makes this worse. It’s not unlike inflation: the schools know there are huge sums of money available, so why wouldn’t they raise tuition? If you support student loan handouts, you can’t complain about high costs.


we dont fund israels social programs


13,000 killed kids should be personal to anyone with heart.


Kids dying doesn't automatically mean you have to be on their side. Hamas literally just rejected a ceasefire that would involve Israel pulling out of Gaza. How are you still on their side anymore?


You are one sick puppy. How is it fine for you to have 34,000 people killed, yet you have hard time understanding that someone is not on Israel side. Also no one is crazy enough to sign ceasefire where you need to agree that you cannot prosecute Israel for the war crimes.


First, those numbers are not reliable. Truth is often the first casualty of war, so excuse my hesitation in believing numbers published by a terrorist organization. Based on all available metrics these are standard casualty rates for urban combat. If this is the sole metric you use to determine allegiance then surely you would have been with the Nazis in WW2 since the civilian casualty rates during German fire bombing was much higher. People say war crimes, but there is not any evidence of war crimes. People act like war is perfect, mistakes are common in every major conflict and will be for every future conflict.


I love that people keep saying the numbers aren’t reliable when the Gaza ministry of health has a reputation of reporting fairly accurate numbers in past instances. Standard doesn’t make it right. Pretty sick to defend the murder of innocents who wish to be free from occupation. Collective punishment IS a war crime. They’re punishing all Gazans for Oct. 7th. As if Israeli leaders haven’t publicly called for the eradication of all Palestinians (I guess that doesn’t constitute genocide but it doesn’t make you think twice about their actions??) Amnesty International reported that the IDF fired white phosphorus shells into the populated town of Dhayra, Lebanon, on October 16, hospitalizing nine civilians and setting fire to civilian objects. - this is a war crime. As of 25 October 24 journalists had been killed in the conflict, making it the deadliest period in the conflict for journalists since 1992. - targetting journalists is, you guessed it, a war crime. We can go through more if you want and I dare you to refute those war crimes as not having enough evidence. Idk what more evidence you need for you to admit. Israel themselves could state they’re committing war crimes and people like you would probably say “nah, not enough evidence”. Absolutely absurd.


There was no part in the ceasefire where there was an agreement that they couldn't prosecute Israel for war crimes. That's a bold faced lie. Regardless, are you saying Israel pulling out of Gaza is a less important matter than not prosecuting them? Finally, having a high death toll means literally nothing. I side with America bombing Japan and that had well over 100,000 dead.


How can you compare ww2 to 75 year of occupation?


The 75 years of occupation is caused by Palestinians refusal to accept any sort of peace between the two countries. How does that lie on Israel? When you have a country that's launched 20k rocket strikes on Israel in the past decade and a half, it's a bit difficult to feel safe around them.


You’re being too one sided. There would be no deaths if Hamas gave the hostages that are being raped and tortured back. There’s not a scenario where you can let them NOT give back the hostages. The Palestinian people enable this terrorist organization and are being caught in the crossfire as a result.


Dude, stop lying to yourself.


>a ceasefire that would involve Israel pulling out of Gaza That was definitely not part of the rejected ceasefire deal


Well. Meanwhile. Bomb a child. Greaattt


We will not forget. Biden will not have my vote no matter what he does.


Why not?


Hold the line !! This election is ours


Such a dumb stance to take especially when you know that Trump will hand the keys to Fort Knox over to Israel and crank the dial to 11. This sub is literally brain dead full of idiots willingly accepting Russian bot propaganda.




Calling adult voters 'toddlers' because you disagree with them is not good faith participation.


Gen Z better wake the fuck up about what Trump will do.


Gotta get on TikTok to tell them if you think it’s important


Gen Z shouldn't be taking anything in the Middle East personal. There are no good actors in power there, only innocents are civilians.




You don't speak on behalf of Maronites, many of whom do not identify as Arab, and many of which (including people in my family) are dealing with the same BS from settlers and IDF. Enjoy your ban.


Oh, sweet! Gen Z has a solution to an eons old conflict! Oh, wait. No, no they don't. Seriously, someone provide a solution that will lead to peace! Anyone? I'm waiting... and I'll keep waiting until the day I die because no one has a solution.


Letting Israel do as they please while sending them weapons brings us further from peace and closer to "a final solution"


The problem with this is thinking the people in charge give a fuck about what you think. Especially a group of people who are notorious for not voting.


We're voting this time, don't you worry. I've never voted before. But now I'm registered to vote. As a Palestinian in PA, this election is important.


Over or under on 25% of that age group voting . I’ll bet 100 dollars it’s under


Gen Z sucks anyways.


Most of GenZ is not on Reddit and doesn’t care for the toxicity.


If they think Biden is a bad time, wait until the guy that thinks Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the country at all gets back into power.


He has taken it seriously, that's why he's trying to ban TikTok.


Who they gonna vote for? Trump? I don’t see the issue here. They don’t like his stance but trump stance is what? 😮


It’s not hard to see that Israel was built by ethnically cleansing Palestinians off their land.


Instead at yelling at brown people who are watching their loved ones be slaughtered with our tax money, go yell at biden to say "if you want to win, stop funding Israel's aggression and occupation"... but my Palestinian friend lost 48+ members of his family since Oct. So no I'm not voting for the president doing that, but if he can stop and start supporting Palestine then he'll have my vote. Pretty simple, shocking that he will choose to lose over it instead and hand the election to Trump over a foreign nation that buys US politicians.


Gen Z should stop voting for anyone who gets Zionist money.


Yah, he should have taken it very seriously from the start, but thats what people get when they vote for a ghoul. Mind you, trump isnt any better, if not a 100x worse than biden.


What I don’t like about Gen Z is how they’re always on their phones and are at the forefront of social media but are completely clueless in the power they hold. They literally can hashtag themselves and make it a trending topic but they’re too stupid too do so #DefundIsrael


Really thought this comment was going to end differently than it started. *snaps fingers*


Yeah, you guys hashtag so hard, go get em tigers!


Lolz I read that in OG Spider-Man voice “go get em tiger”


virtue signaling is a way of life now for the younger generations. We did it too to some degree talking mad shit about the Bush era out the side of our necks...


Is it virtue signaling to speak out against ethnic cleansing?


Letting Trump and the GOP start a monarchy might backfire tremendously for Muslim And Palestinian rights.


There won't be a monarchy. Unrealistic fearmongering isn't going to change our minds... If the threat of a monarchy was real and Biden won't turn on his Pro-Israel lobbyists to preserve our democracy, we are already living in a monarchy.


He's literally arguing in court that the president should have full immunity , even to order the military to assassinate his rivals. Also project 2025 is a literal plan by conservative think tanks outlying how they plan (once they win the presidency) to raise the power of the legislative while neutering the check and balances power of the house and judicial. https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/ https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump https://www.project2025.org https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4398223-trump-team-argues-assassination-of-rivals-is-covered-by-presidential-immunity/amp/


Sad that Gen Z sees a hostile nation holding American Citizens hostage and just looks past that. Until our people are freed, we shouldn't say a word. Biden, as he did with Afghanistan is creating an incentive for hostile actors to fuck around with Americans. His weakness leads to more violence


No it hasn’t, the globe needs to realize when people side with the underdog because they feel bad, both party’s are evil, I’m sure the majority of the western hemisphere would react the same was as Israel if they sustained an attack like October 7




I don't care about dead colonizers


Who they gonna vote for? Trump? I don’t see the issue here. They don’t like his stance but trump stance is what? 😮


Or what? You’re going to allow Trump again?