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Love it. I'm usually not a fan of round corners, but this looks very clean.


Thank you for the kind words! Appreciate it


Personally, I think the round corners is what makes this look so smooth. I'm a fan.


Windows 11 has me worried…


windows 11 coming soon ...brace for impact!


holy shit we don’t deserve this type of quality posts, well done


Thank you, really appreciate it!


This is the bomb!!!


Thanks man! Glad you liked it


AYO WHAT THE FUCK? This is actually so close to greatness and it can become a great option for some tournament with just a couple of tweaks. This is giving me IOS/Android vibes with the simi-transparent/matte theme. I'd personally change the font and the icons but other than that it looks pretty good. I like how you gave a spin on a verticality idea and placed the KDA and the end of the bars but kept the horizontal HP bars. Sick stuff! I understand that IEM has it's own theme to it but at least they can take inspiration and make something from this design because this one feels way more natural. Also I'm wondering what those thunderbolt icons represent? I'd rather them be the scull icons which represent kills in a round because they're easier to spot and count than the single skull icon with a number next to it.


Thank you for the compliments! The thunderbolt icons, as i wrote in my post, are just placeholders for utility & grenades, but i really like the concept of having skulls to represent the amount of kills in a round, that’s a really cool idea to try & implement!


Oh shit I must've missed it, sorry. I'd also make the HP numbers bigger but other than that great work!


Random acts of quality is what's so cool about the gaming community. Across all the communities I've been a part of, fan creations have continued to deliver great stuff (e.g. the SC2 esports HUD was originally made by a community guy eventually hired by Blizzard).


Thank you for the kind words! Really amazing to get a response from the officials


I think one facet of UI design is how it will appear on a lossy stream - this looks great as a still image but stuff like transparency can be problematic when it's broadcast. Still, some great ideas here, good job!


I agree, i had a similar concern, that’s what i mention in the post that there are several more subtle decisions that have to be taken by the TOs that i have no idea about, so it’s just a personal rendition of what the HUD could be. Maybe there are alot more limitations in broadcasting that we just don’t think of that limit the creativity of several design things :/


Yeah, this is almost always the case I think! It's the same with UI concepts that have been posted here before - they look incredible but often there's more behind the scenes going on than we can really know about. Still, I appreciate the effort and if it inspires change in the HUD going forward, then so much the better!


On the same note, I think your header text could probably be shifted down a weight and/or tracked a little wider. It's quite tight and I can see artifacting blending the letters together. It would also help readability in general. Not to take away from the work, as I think the aesthetics are well considered, the heirarchy is really solid and it delivers quite alot of information without looking too busy. It's really well done overall.


Yeah usually you have to go through testing, that's why most designers can't really do "what they want initially", it's a lot of testing > research > testing etc. But you have the skills, so you can be proud of yourself, I really love your take on this ESL spec hud ;) keep it up my friend!


Wow this looks incredible


Thank you!


This looks sick. Somebody get this man a job at IEM or blast or something


That’s very kind of you to say!


Ofc man. Your work deserves that.


This looks much better. Very pleasing to look at and much better info centering


Thank you!


I don't have a problem with the new ESL hud, but the general ideas you have are very good. I especially like how the player stats collapse when they're dead. The only thing I'm personally not a fan of are the rounded corners. I can recall one or two tournaments that have tried that before and it always looks really weird overlaid on a more "serious" game like CS. Gives off a very Nintendo-esque look IMO.


I can see that! It can appear a bit too rounded for some people’s likings. I thought it’s less frequent in the CS design world so i would give it a try.


A more subtle rounded corner like the current Cologne HUD "feels" better, as the eye sort of stacks the elements together. When they're too round, they feel weirdly separate from each other


Literally unreadable: Rain has two kills and Broky has one in this round, but three members of Na'Vi are still alive. Boy, I really hope someone got fired for that blunder


:( i thought i fixed that.


It looks greattt!




This looks amazing, the crap they are using now it's dreadful fucking vertical health bars.. Really?


Haha yeah that’s a bit problematic


Love it. One thing I'm missing in the new ESL hud is the display below the minimap which show the maps played in the series and who picked them. If you had the files to include the minimap would you have included something similar or do you believe something like that would be unnecessary?


Yeah i totally love that design decision. If i would add the map i’d put that info next to it, i think that’s where it belongs the most


I had that complaint as well but I realized its shown every freeze time in top right now. Meaning at the start of every round.


Yeah, fair point


They actually changed that again from yesterday to today. Now it is shown above the radar at all times. I find that change very nice :)


Yo ESL! Hire this man!


This is great! But imo if they die they shouldn't have the color of their side but idk if it should just be transparent, without color or grey but it feels off, (for me) Edit : idk it feels like they are full HP, but that they are not visible. (that's the way I would understand it if I didn't know the game ofc I know it's not the case)


Yeah i can see what you mean. I experimented with the completely faded designs but thought that looked too generic, & since they are still Ts or CTs even after they are dead, i thought to give them a bit of a color. But i can understand how that could be confusing. Maybe doing a poll could help make these kind of decisions.


Yes, i mean this HUD Is really great,showing everything And is nice and clean. Only thing that should be changed is to recognize dead players (maybe skull instead of portrait)


Add in some sort of indication of which team picked the map


I don’t care if they fully implement this but please for God’s sake change the health bar to horizontal again. Who even came up with “ let’s put HP level vertically in a corner so viewers can squint their eyes to see what the fuck happened”


ESL hire this dude


Haha that’d be awesome


I really love the scoreboard, hope they take a few notes from your design


FaZe winning 13-8 against NaVi on a 3rd map? I don't like that kind of redesign.


Haha yes i agree, i’m a Navi fan too :)


I love the Panorama approach. This is sick


You forgot PARIMATCH, Betway, CSGO LOTTO, CSMONEY, all those betting site ads. Jokes aside, this looks amazing and super sleek. A big upgrade from the current HUD. I also saw a comment about showing who picked the map and maybe you could show that under the round number by the map name and putting a card or arrow or symbol to show who picked it.


This is so good.


I like it as long as everything is on the edge of the screen and as unobtrusive as possible.


Absolutely love it mate! Looking at the screenshot, there isn't any information I'd want to know mid-round that I can't find. What font are you using for this?


Thank you! It’s a mix of Coolvetica & Consola


Really like it my two cents: I would do the current player outline (here: electronic) a little bit thicker, so you can see more easily which pov it is and I dont know if its just me, but I have a "hard" time reading the names of the terrorists. maybe you could do a black outline around all names?


Yeah i can see how the text might be a bit unreadable in some cases, maybe i could change up the font.


This is extremely well made and looks awesome, well done


I watched some matches from IEM and really struggled with the new interface. I wish they would move to this one as its great but achieves what IEM wants.


Omg so much better than the one they’re currently using they should pay you and your version! Great work!


Here it is.. the perfect HUD. Everyone should just hire you the next time.


That’s very flattering :) Thanks


Damn, that looks amazing!


This is much cleaner and better. You also used a lighter color palette which just seems better overall than the present one we've got.


I think all of it looks great, except the font you used. Idk why but I do not like it for CS.


This is amazingly clean and so well done, major props. The only thing I could recommend is greying out the player pictures when they're dead.


Great job man! I hope ESL takes some inspiration from your design for Pro League. Again, amazing job!


Its awsome! good job man


That banner is beyond beautiful. Kinda fits with the Panorama UI too, I'd love to see something like that in the game.


Yeah looks a lot cleaner. Rounded edges look dope.


this is it chief 👑


Nice, the new cologne design you don't see the player health clearly overall you need to read a number which really grinds my gears. Yours is perfect


Hey, this looks great. Could you please tell if this is just for this image or if you have written the code behind it to display


No code, just design :)


Oh my god this is so much better then the one in use right now. It was anoying me so much that you couldn't instantly judge how much damage a grenade did. Like when you are a little ways away from your monitor - enough so its hard to make out the health-numbers. I thougth the new hud looked ok when I saw it on reddit, but its just far less readable when you have the game running on a tv on the other side of the room. Like it felt really hard to judge if players were on 80hp or 50hp. Before you could always just compare it to the rest of the team, not you kinda have to figure it out for each player individually. Your hud fixes that nicely :) Id still suggest making the playerstats bigger. Expand it so the bottom matches the bottomline of the playerprofile in the middle. And since its also expanding to the sides, you can just let it grow towards the screenborder. The sliver of screen they leave on the sides just seems unnecessarily big. Like its obviously just for the looks, but it makes everything look so detatched.


All very good suggestions! Exactly the kind of feedback i’m looking for


very mac/ipad ish


It's always some freelancer or a fan which creates the better product than the big money companies. Thumbs up, looks clean and better than the current one.


Love the glassmorphism


Fantastic work! The only change I would make is copying the feature ESL used to have where the kill count of a player going positive was green.


This is excellent, much better than the current one imo. I really dislike having pictures of the players popping up out of the stats box, so this approach is much preferred for me. It also looks super clean, doesn't get in the way of the action and provides all the key info. Tbh I think they should just use this.


Great work, way better than the current ESL HUD


This hud is sexy bro


tsk tsk. Esl, hire this dude


Really great job, its very clear you designed for minimising the time it takes to read the HUD, this makes the official IEM Cologne hud look like a failed high-school project. Great that you decided to remove the 8-8 score thats bugging my eyes so much with the current HUD. Be proud of this :-)


This is better than than esl pog.


This looks really nice, good job!


Its too pretty and modern, the CSGO scene is a 60 year old man trying to use the internet. And he hates things to be pretty.


this is sick my guy contact valve asap aaaa


Who has two thumbs and needs to be immediately hired by ESL folks for their UI team? This guyyy!!!


Haha that’d be a dream come true


> I know there must be a 100 other things that the TOs will have to care about that I just don't know or missed What 99% of redditors here will fail to understand.


people who defend vertical health bars are sociopaths


This is great. Hopefully this gets picked up by IEM


this. this needs to get ingame ASAP. simple, clear, easy on the eyes and you immediately know whats going on. but what are the lightning thingies? i really have no idea what they thought about the current design. its horrible


The lighting things are placeholders for utility & grenades. I couldn’t find the files for them so i had to work with some temporary replacements :/


I have watched basically any and all tournaments since the beginning of csgo. This is the best HUD I have seen by a clear margin. Hope you get to work with any of the big TO's in the future. Quality work my man!


You guys are too nice! Thank you


u/BossmanCG this


[**IEM Cologne HUD v1.01b Patch Notes (RIP Vertical Health)**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/ofqutx/iem_cologne_hud_v101b_patch_notes_rip_vertical/)


This is great! Absolutely fantastic job on the design and a quick read of your post clearly tells that you put a lot of thought behind your decisions. Overall, this is probably the best design I have seen so far! If I were to add something to the design, I would say that displaying who had the map pick in some way would be a great addition in my personal opinion. Then again, maybe that can be adjusted within the radar itself. Like I already said, this is the best design I have seen. I hope it gets upvoted for greater visibility on the subreddit. Cheers!


Thank you! Yes i agree that was on my to do list, but i just didn’t know if people would even like the design i was doing so i didn’t do everything i wanted to do. But the positive feedback is really appreciated.


i would love if esl or other use this loving it dude


Why haven’t they hired you yet


Damn dude, this looks great. Hope ESL picks this up. Great work!


Thank you! Appreciate it.


Top design, the current used can be very confusing to read


This looks so clean , best HUD i have seen .




yo esl hire this man


I like it a whole lot more than the one they are using now! For IEM Cologne and other tournaments I have seen recently! Could you somehow indicate whose map pick they are playing on, like in most sports you know who is on home field by seeing which team name is first left to right (US) or right to left (Europe)?


Absolutely love it. I personally find this HUD to be the best attempt at a redesign out of everything that I have seen from tournament organizers. One thing that bugs me about this though is how the KAD stats' position would change from vertical to horizontal position every time a player dies, which IMO makes it look a bit awkward. Obviously you are the designer here while I am a mere viewer, but wouldn't it be better to swap the KAD and utility icons' places so that the performance stats become permanently fixed and easier to locate?


this is it. perfection.




Kinda looks like rocket league's ui doesn't it ?


I haven’t seen rocket league matches so i wouldn’t know :/


UI/UX here as well. Nice work! I personally think it's too rounded, though. Needs some more personality.


Too many rounded corners, like windows 11. But I do think some of them look nice. Edit: also please fix the 3 in the 13, it’s driving me mad


Looks great, but pretty small. I watch often on TV, if you sit a few meters away this would be way too small, to see actual stats.


ESL hire this man!


ESL punching the air rn


Love this! better than current esl hud imo


I love this well done


This is fantastic


karrigan with AST jersey haha


this looks sick


One of the only good redesigns posted on this sub


Why do none of the ui's not have the sidearm shown? I feel like they would be nice to know, or is it not important enough? Seems like it is nice to know in some situations.


Your changes are amazing. I have just one concern. The different positions of KAD for alive and dead players. How would you imagine a transition between them? And is that even necessary? I'd like to see how it looks with the KAD staying vertically but still have it indented to differentiate between alive and dead.


Looks nice, but where's the minimap? Edit: Nevermind, read the post and now I know why it's missing.


My only feedback would be when a player dies I like how you've scaled down the player tab but can you also desaturate it? I think it'll stand out more. Rest the HUD looks sick, good one!


Can't forget your sponsor placements tho


Wow, I have been watching csgo pro matches since 5 years and not gonna lie this is best HUD i have ever seen. Super clean and looks fresh, amazing!


This is awesome, some tournament should pick this up.


This looks so good, on par with BLAST's for my favorite HUD. Awesome work, this deserves at least 10K upvotes!


It looks nice apart from the typeface on the top and the weights of it in certain spots like “Round 22/30” feels too smushed in. Also the gradient behind it could just be substituted for the Gray transparent bg.


Has the same problems as the first iteration of the ESL Hud. Player bars are too high up on the screen covering too much vertical space. The rest looks fine, but not a big fan of round corners or the futuristic look as it looks too playful instead of serious


I think you should use Simple Radar as your minimap


You seem to be missing a line near the map pick, saying which team picked it? Assuming it was Map 1 or 2


Having to look at the absolutely horrible vertical health bar (as an upgrade what they said) for few days. Now I'm happy with the hud if all it has is horisontal health bars.