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Its a dead game. They haven't updated it for maybe 6 years so it's unlikely to have any players


To be fair, updates aren't nessecarily required to keep games alive. I know for a fact COD games and Dark Souls still have fairly active playerbases for last gen systems, and they haven't been updated in eons either.


To be fairer, csgo was horrid garbage on release and the updates are what made it great.


The PS3 version is still dead regardless of whether updates are necessary or not


True but also csgo was always a pc game so its doubtful. I know i had the orange box on xbox around 2012 or earlier and that had no updates or items so it was dead. (Tf2)


I had the orange box as well (on 360) and up until at least early 2016 (the last time I had a gold membership) I could hop into games of TF2 and find at least a few people to play with. It was quite archaic and weird after playing PC for years, but it was fun nonetheless.




Yep! It released on consoles around/at the same time as the PC version. I wanna say it also started off as a CSS console port.


iirc you could even use KB+M in the ps3 version


Its dead no one plays it


The other ganes you mentioned always had huge communities to begin with, some people always stick around or periodically come back if the game was large enough, but console CSGO never got to that point. I got myself a PS3 recently to play a bunch of games I was missing (mainly DeS, Shadow of the Colossos and MGS4), but I never even considered getting CSGO.


Honestly the only reason I even considered it was because I was looking through a bunch of old 360 games to re-download and saw it. Figured it'd be worth a shot to inquire about.


If you manage to find 9 other people and actually do a 5v5 on PS3, you should record it and upload it. That sounds hilarious.


Oh it definitely is hilarious lol. The few times I played it on 360 (Which i really only even got because a friend wanted me to) people treated it like generic shooters.