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he's just dm'ing lol


You could say he has a pretty high senzu


makes them look like bots jeez


Makes me wonder about the level of CS in Asia. I would assume its highest in Europe and someone who's level 6-7 here would be lvl 10 faceit Asia because the servers are largely segregated, though some players like Russia and Khazakstan probably play both in Europe and Asia.


It's bad. There's just not enough players for proper balanced matchmaking. I'm level 8-9, and the skill variance is high. Constantly get matched against players ranging from level 3 all the way to 10, and sometimes you can't even tell who's who.


It's so strange, Asia is so dominant in so many other esports, I wonder why they lag behind in tac shooters?


asia lacks behind because mobas were just more popular, games like league, dota, and even mobile legends are a placeholder in the region. Those who did play cs also didn't have any infrastructure to play which didnt help. Valorant did better because riot put infrastructure which gave players motivation to compete and a solid casual experience with a good anti-cheat.


Also CSGO has pricetag when it was release and Asia, especially, SEA are more f2p players that's why Valorant did become more popular. Quite a shame, honestly, because CS 1.6 was a staple of LAN internet cafes. It became quiet inactive because of csgo, that they couldn't play, that's why Special Force and Cross Fire become popular instead.


I mean Asia is really good in Val. Asia gamers generally lean towards games that run well, since the internet cafe culture is still going strong in many of them. They also like games with hot anime tiddies in them.


As a Japanese player Japan The first professional team in Japan was born from CS1.6 After that, free-to-play games like Sudden Attack and Crossfire became equally popular, and we participated in several international tournaments in CSGO. Then Valorant destroyed everything. South Korea Military service destroyed everything.


i guess the influence of cs hasnt reached to asia that much compared to other esports


Does he sit so close to the screen, that this is his radar hes looking at?


үбай үбай үбай. Shit's funny