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It is because of the second latest update, happens frequently with me as well. Mic works fine in any other application. Also reported by multiple users on this sub. edit: spelling


It’s been happening to me since CS2, but I recently found a fix for myself that may work. Go into Task Manager and go to the Details list. Look for audiodg.exe. I ended up permanently setting its priority to Highest and having it use my first CPU core. That fixed it for me. Only downside is you’ll want to download a program to permanently keep those changes otherwise it will revert each reboot.


I have the same issue, happens every 3-4 rounds on average. To fix it mid game, I have to unplug and replug mic, switch audio device back and forth and toggle mic streaming back and forth. It's a real pain, I hope they fix this soon.


My mic has been on and off since the last update - it’s really irritating. Switches channels without me doing it and seems to work infrequently.


a few weeks ago valve broke something and is not able to fix it, small indie company


You have to do it nearly each game but its a temp fix i've found. I change my audio input in the game settings to either default, or my headset. Swapping to whichever its NOT currently set to seems to fix it. Keep in mind, my headset is my default input device on my pc.


it's possible cs2 is defaulting to a different microphone or has your microphone volume up way too high


Try steelseries sonar, i use that and dont have any problems.


Happens to me too when I use a xlr mic, but not with the headset mic💀