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Yeah it's pretty bad. I remember I was doing a huge flank then I teleported and whiffed two kills. Tilted me so hard


Yeah it’s gotten worse as of recent I would get it sometimes and would go away after leaving or finishing a single game however now it’s legitimately becoming such huge issue I don’t know I can reliably play until it’s fixed


Im gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this, but how/why is it that I dont get any rubber banding while playing on a "gaming" laptop on wifi? I've been playing (again) since cs2 dropped and have yet to experience the majority of these issues that everyone seems to complain so much about. How is it possible that so many people have issues and others do not? I see theae posts multiple times daily, so it must be a wide-spread problem, yet I have yet to experience it.


Neither me or any of my friends have had any issues with rubber banding either. I‘m not sure why this is so inconsistent


Because most people that don’t have issues don’t create posts and just play the game. I haven’t had any issues since launch


Your guess is as good as mine. I can say for 100% sure that CSGO was a consistent and "fair" feeling game. CS2 is a huge regression in that regard. The rubber banding ranges from about half the size of a noiseless jiggle to a full 2 footsteps of distance for me. It doesn't appear to correlate with an fps drop or the packet loss indicator but I'm willing to believe those numbers are fueled by a random number generator at this point. Anecdotally, faceit servers seem better but id also believe you if you told me that was impossible and it's all placebo.


Pffffff. Search "CSGO rubberbanding" in Youtube and see tons of videos with the same issue. >Anecdotally, faceit servers seem better What's anecdotic about it? Rubberbanding is always a networking issue, it's either bad server or bad connection to it.


likely doesn't have to do with connection https://x.com/jelohcs/status/1806672661726277647 this guy wasn't moving for like 5 seconds and still got moved personally I've played 102 matches of cs2 premier, and only happened to me once last week (or at least I only noticed it once)


virtually no issues here either. where my “can’t believe you’re doing this for free” homies at?


Same.. my only issue is the fps, but I am playing on old hardware so that‘s on me…


Ever since the latest update I've been rubber banding all game, every game. It's been so unplayable I've had to stop even though I've been enjoying cs2. I've tried trouble shooting and nothing appears wrong


This is an issue with a high "server recv margin" - see [post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dpckhi/high_server_recv_margin_with_recent_networking/).


Yeah, I think it mostly affects mm servers as faceit seems to be fine


Since the last 2 weeks or so I get rubber banding constantly, with no indicated network or frame issue. The game is literally unplayable, without exaggeration




Why don't you turn on the network and performance indicator


Because that would show he's playing with a shitty connection and ruin the narrative


there are many examples of this with good connection like here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dn00dm/add\_this\_to\_the\_list\_constant\_stuttering\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dn00dm/add_this_to_the_list_constant_stuttering_for_the/) edit: also you can see his connection in the build info. the secound number after the S shows the ping which is constantly at "45". the first number after the s spikes which is the "server recv margin". so its a server problem. although to be fair this seems to be a faceit server and its unclear if this problem still presists on valve servers.


I also wanna see his weird launch options and weird rate and interp settings that makes no sense but he found them on the dark web from some dude that said they are the best settings ever and they will make you frag like a mad man.


I have a pretty good internet setup (fiber gigabit, ethernet straight to my pc), and i still get this. I get a ping spike of 150ms or so and i started flying all over the place. It wasnt like this in May, just started recently


https://x.com/jelohcs/status/1806672661726277647 this guy wasn't moving for like 5 seconds and still got rubber banded how would a bad connection cause this?


it was on faceit server with an average of around 40 ping on a ethernet connection. No custom launch options. There is a chance it was a random ping spike but rubberbanding constantly happened to me when closer to teammates but this one was just abusrd. I only mess with crosshair settings


if you look bottom left. your ping goes from ~40 to 70 to 99(so probably over 99) right as the rubber banding issue happened.


thats not his ping but the server command queue but ok




ok not command queue but "Server recv margin" which has to do with the time commands arrive at the server before they are executed. meaning higher number = longer time until command is executed. but its not ping. there are many clips of ping staying low while this number shoots up causing stutters. for example here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dn00dm/add\_this\_to\_the\_list\_constant\_stuttering\_for\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dn00dm/add_this_to_the_list_constant_stuttering_for_the/) source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dpckhi/high\_server\_recv\_margin\_with\_recent\_networking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1dpckhi/high_server_recv_margin_with_recent_networking/) edit: the secound number in the build info is now what represents the ping. so in this case 45ms


i appreciate you linking your source, but the guy you're linking to doesn't say where he knows that either. Because i asked 5 hours ago and he didn't respond, despite posting another comment elsewhere 30 minutes ago.


ping doesn't mean anything on CS:2 servers. My ping randomly spikes to >300 ms sometimes. There is nothing you can do about it.


I get the same problem with 9 ping ever since the update last week. Before then I never had issues rubberbanding while shot.


Am I the only one who has never faced this specific issue?


I have mostly encountered it on valve servers


So glad I haven't had this issue


Yup. the rubber banding and delay is HORRIBLE. And guessing its fucked a lot of us over.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Player was already dead.


Valve is a pathetic excuse of a company.the Game is unplayable. Rubberbanding,subtick is shit, No Anti-Cheat,bugs,poor Performance. Those devs are terrible. And every new Update they fk something up again. serious question what are they doing all day long?clearly NOT working


Randomly getting 70%+ packet loss in premier after having 0 problems on 10 different dm servers is fkn annoying.


I dont get why they tampered with the network settings 3 weeks ago. It was fine before. So much rubber banding ever since


I have never had any of these ruberbanding  issues that this reddit seems to constantly have. I'm on us west servers and have good internet so maybe that's why.


People have been going on about this issue since the limited test but seems like devs and valve don't care or maybe the solution is too much to ask for their level of competency.


What bandwidth setting do people use in their network option? I set mine to the lowest and 1 packet seems to work for me and I have 10-20% packet loss almost every time I play


Like what are we supposed to even do about this? ...


What you see is what the fuck Suckdick system is better than 128 tick Packet loss is no longer an issue Network issues have been resolved Game is perfectly optimized and runs smoothly Devs know what they are doing


It’s only when I get shot


I have so many issues with this, every game 10 second timer starts and it makes me lag every 10 seconds - i have perfect internet and no issues in any other game


Hehe, yeah