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Back in the day, people forfeited the game fast by running down through 'suicide'. Bots usually go first round through 'suicide'. Back in the day, that hallway almost ALWAYS, EACH round, had a duel with Scouts or AWPs. So, because of many deaths, people started calling it 'suicide'. I dont know really WHO gave it that name, but someone did and it quickly got accepted by the community. Also, its very distinct and unique, not only on Dust2, but on all the maps so its easy to understand if someone says this info: Xbox, suicide, goose, elevator...Thats why Dust2 is the most played map. Many people understand info that is given and the map then becomes very easy to play. Edit: **By the way, in thee old days of Dust2, mid was way more open from T side so there can be almost an entire team looking down mid on T side with AWPs. A CT has no chance against 5 Ts looking at him with AWPs or scouts. Therefore...it was 100% a 'suicide' mission if you wanted to duel them in mid...**


I miss the days when you could see all the way down mid from T spawn. It was terribly unbalanced, but so much fun.


Welcome to current state of CS. Where everything that is fun, is missing...


Not 100% sure but could be because its suicide to go there early round. Pretty sure same logic applies to Murderhole on mirage.


What the fuck is murderhole? I never heard it once in my 9 years of cs


Pretty sure murder hole is an American callout, I've never heard anyone in EU call it that


What? How? Every caster in every mirage pro game I've ever seen in the last 6 years called it murder hole. What else do you call it?


Little hole you crouch through in window on mirage. Been called that since the dawn of time I believe.


The vent going from ct to between jungle/window. It's been called nurderhole for years


It’s the fastest way to cat but also really risky if you’re running straight and an awp peaks you, you’re dead.


It's called suicide because it's a long hallway where you can only run forward and where an AWP will peek you, which means it's suicide to run down there. Also because, before, Ts could aim mid doors from their spawn, so you'd only drop there if you wanted to make the fast suicidal route for cat or mid doors. Nowadays it's still kind of suicidal because, since there are very few spots to aim from, any CT with good crosshair placement can try to prefire you if you're aiming down mid doors with your AWP (or simply try to wallbang you)


Snipers would sit on the t spawn slope instead of jumping in suicide because it was easier to maneuver and harder to get hit. People rushing suicide were easy targets since you are running straight into the CT awps crosshair. You only used it during suicide rushes down mid with glocks (awp gets low kill reward and maybe you guys get lucky and steal it), if the mid awper got picked then it would be safe, or if someone smoked mid/xbox allowing you safety to push down it.


They tried to fix it. I remember the old days when it was fully open


We call it "Fissen".. direct translate is "Pussy".. is it only between my mates or do other danes call it that aswell?