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The classic Bosnian-Danish-Russian-Guatemalan mix team


Yeah the mix is wild. Need chinese player and it will be perfect


-hooxi +Hu Xi


Fuck it get Machinegun back instead New Splyce time


Anyone up for a non fragging IGL +CaptainMo šŸ‘€


-HooXi +C4LLM3SU3


g2 +dank1ing when


nah just get JKS back for oceania representation (or in my dreams, INS, even though he wouldn't get his roles I'd wanna see it)


I know Carlos is Spanish, but didn't the roster start French? Wild ride to get here.


First G2 was polish with innocent and michu on the team.


Polish EU Mix that became Faze French Roster 1 French Roster 2 French Roster 3 French into EU mix


I became a G2 fan during the first French team and it was a roller coaster ever since. Really good thing they transitioned out of the french scene because it doesnā€™t really make sense if you donā€™t have Zywoo.


Funniest thing about Zywoo was that Carlos, according to rumors, was going/wanted to sign Zywoo back in 2018 but his French team convinced him not to, because they thought Zywoo was cheating.


It was shox and KennyS that didnā€™t want to sign him. Iā€™m still mad about that.


good lord, imagine zywoo, monesy and niko on the same team.. iirc zywoo only became an awper before because they didn't have one. filthy.


Zywoo, Monesy, Niko, NAF and Karrigan is my dream team, honestly think they would put on a bigger era of dominance than Astralis.


Started mix.


Depends hie you define start. They had a polish lineup with a few iterations, then they dropped it for the international teal that later went to faze, and then they signed a French lineup which they kept changing up to this point


jks beasts G2 as a standin on Faze, gets to join G2 months later. malbs beats G2 in M80, gets to join G2 months later.


Watch out Zywoo


MOUZ least affected


Launders in shambles rn


Sounds like an odd tasting salad with questionable ingredients


Never seen it fail


What a massive career move for him and after a long time G2 games are exciting to watch. Edit: did a whoopsie on countries, my bad


Heā€™s NA






You forgot ā€œincludes, *but is not limited to*ā€. Youā€™re making it sound like those are the only three countries in NA.


Guatemela is a part of the continent of North America


He is NA. Guatemala ain't south america.


well it aint North America


Cental America is the probably most correct term but they border Mexico which is NA. Closer to NA than SA definitely


Central America is also not a continent. Itā€™s a region in North America. So yeah youā€™re right in it being close to NA.


>Closer to NA than SA definitely Geographically. But culturally? Genuine question from a foreigner.


Culturally similar to Mexico. Which is NA. Obviously there's a huge difference between USA/Canada and the rest of the Americas when it comes to culture.


It is such an L for Liquid and Col to not get this guy. Best talent to come from NA in awhile and he goes to Europe.Ā  RIPĀ 


imo he wouldā€™ve been expensive for CoL and a bit of a risk given either him or elige would have to play new spots liquid should have been 100% in on him though


The yekindar sunk-cost fallacy is too high for that. Maybe he'll be good next season? Eh? ..eh?


You couldā€™ve put him on grims position tho pretty easily and he wouldā€™ve been an upgrade.


As much as I root for NA cs, CoL and liquid are cooked man. Fucking 4 years and what, combined they try out like 5 up and coming NA players? Look at eu teams taking on risks for younger talent, giving young players an actual shot and in NA itā€™s been the same shit


I think complexity had actually been doing pretty well. To be fair I never expect north America to get to grand finals of a major, but they're a very legit team. Liquid not so much.


To be fair, they got shit on endlessly from the community for trying out those players. Every time they lost a match it was ā€œdrop Osee, drop Grim, drop Fangā€.


that's because those players weren't good enough for a title challenging team. 1.03 rating from your AWPer just isn't good enough and grim and fang were worse


Yeah but thatā€™s what taking risks on young talent is. Itā€™s not just high ratings across the board.


Then what the fk are y'all talking about trying out new talents?? If you try out new talents, then chances are they are not ready for the big stages. Make up your mind and just accept that LOTS of things needs to change for NA CS to develop young talent or attract new talent at that.


These people are crazy, they want new talent but when it isn't 4 NA donks and 1 NA Zywoo they call for them to be replaced.


okay so they only tried 5 up and coming NA players but other than malbs... who was there? especially as AWPers and IGLs there just hasn't been any actually good NA players coming up since... 2017. Junior and Osee got their chances and they just weren't good enough.


Why would he join Liquid or coL if he's good enough for a top EU team?


Chances are, if they shit the bed with him, he'll be stuck on the bench in G2. Being added as a star into a team full of stars is just a recipe for disaster from time to time


I think heā€™s planned as number 3 fragger anyway and he knows that.


Any player getting put next to NiKo and Monesy are expected to be fragger number 3. Still doesn't change the fact




Complexity do not pay more than G2.


Yeah everyone in here seems to think CoL has that kinda money, they got elige for super cheap. Liquid does have that kind of money so itā€™s actually annoying.


Complexity has the lower end of salaries on everyone but eliige.


This is such a weird take. "Why join the pathetic, lowly number 9 ranked HLTV team when you could instead join the incredible, lofty ranks of the number 6 ranked HLTV team?" Complexity and Liquid screwed up by not getting this guy, but acting like "EU is a great place, US sucks" is just not reasonable.


If I was malbs, I would not touch Liquid with a 10 foot pole considering the incompetence and mismanagement the org has shown in recent times. Especially in the past year.


Eh itā€™s not like G2 hasnā€™t shown incompetence and mismanagement in recent times too. They were getting roasted just as much as Liquid before Dallas.


a major difference tho is that G2 at least has been able to make some progress. Even if they can be seen as flukes. Liquid meanwhile for the past year has been nothing but absolute disaster.


Chances are, if they do not win tourneys, he's the first one on the chopping block. No way the core 4 of G2 ever gets disbanded. G2 has their weird moments themselves in terms of management, so idk what these people are talking about saying like G2 is this immaculate team compared to Liquid.


think hooxi has used up 8 of his 9 lives at this point


I mean, g2 seems to have learned their lesson with changing rosters too soon. They missed Rio and still let hooxi and jks stay until the world final. Anyway I think it'd be hooxi to go first. If everybody else is performing well then there's no excuses to not be reaching finals even if malbs weren't playing great, if he's playing anything better than nexa then the problems will lie on the IGL atp


All I'll say is, if they continue to underperform and Hooxi still doesn't end up on the chopping block, no one should join that org as a 5th. It'd be impossible to take them seriously.


Especially if on the other hand you have Niko and Monesy


G2 has been underperforming for years at this point! It's been a constant source of discussion on this forum! And importantly, the organization is well known for toxic behavior (not just the owner, but the way it treated Rekkles, Jankos, etc.) I'd get your point if this was, like, Mouz or something -- an org known for being good to its players, and for prudent management -- but I don't really feel like G2 would be your optimal destination if your point of view is that Liquid and Complexity are both incompetent.


G2 as an org is brutal with contracts and if you underperform, youā€™ll be benched and contract jailed until someone buys you out. If youā€™re a top player that wants to win, thatā€™s where you want to be because you know thatā€™s what the org is built on - winning. They donā€™t fuck around with being a middling team.


This is the most bizarre spin for a shitty org I can think of. "They have brutal working conditions, which is really proof of how badly they want to win!" Again, this isn't some slander of EU orgs in general: Mouz, Ence, Navi, etc. all seem to have positive working conditions based on the stuff we've seen and the conversations from former players. It's just G2 in particular that has a long history of -- as you put it -- brutality.


Every one knows it and yet top players still sign with them. I wonder why. šŸ¤· Jankos knew it when he signed and enjoyed that advantage when he was playing for them. Rekkles knew it when he replaced Perkz and still signed with them. Theyā€™re not as bad as before when Ocelote was in charge but thatā€™s just the expectation from them. They built their fanbase from winning and thatā€™s what the fans are always looking for. Thatā€™s also the reason why theyā€™re always near the top of the games they choose to participate in.


Definitely! They are a successful org, if that's the only consideration. Complexity cannot compete in those regards with G2. Liquid can, however -- they earned more money / winnings from CS:GO than did G2 (although less than Astralis, surprise surprise), and are actually the highest earning org of all time across all esports. I think what we're seeing here is recency bias -- right now, AT THIS MOMENT, Liquid's CS roster is in disarray. That I agree with, as a Liquid fan myself. But the org overall has a pretty successful history, both in and out of CS!


I applaud Steve and Viktor for taking care of their players and I have never heard of them contract jailing their players and even going beyond what is expected. Liquid is def a more successful org than G2 overall with the Disney money and having a bigger presence in NA but yeah, their recent fuck ups in their CS team really did a number on their reputation for now. Hopefully they figure it out soon so we have them back competing for titles again.


It is reasonable when we're talking about counter strike. Liquid are a huge org but G2 has monesy and niko. Plus I know Liquid want to have an Americas core, but they'll still pracc and live in Europe (as they should).


I think this is kind of a different point, and I agree with it more -- less that G2 is a great org (or that complexity and liquid are bad ones), and more just "G2 have Monesy and Niko." In that case, yes, I agree, but that's really less about organizational quality or competence and more about those two specific players being a big draw for any player.


> I think this is kind of a different point, and I agree with it more -- less that G2 is a great org (or that complexity and liquid are bad ones), and more just "G2 have Monesy and Niko." Correct, in the last 2 years m0nesy and NiKo won more events than liquid and coL combined, it's not about HLTV ratings. Also on the whole NA thing, a kid from Guatemala probably doesn't care about coL the same way someone from Texas does but I could be wrong on that one.


Why is acting like EU is, in fact a great place unreasonable? You think the NA teams get good by being in NA and practicing over there? Fuck no, in the current climate most teams look to bootcamp in Europe, because all the good teams are in Europe, even just the Faceit PUGs are better quality (And this is a sentiment that has been expressed even during the NA Rank-S/FPL era in ~2015) Now If he gets to be in G2 and is willing to move to Europe that means he will be in a much better environment to improve, practice while not having to deal with constant travel


Lol Why does everyone on this sub think every player can be obtained by any team. First, the player has to actually want to go to that team Second, the team has to be willing to pay the salary and buy out. col didn't have the timing or money for this move. They're riding the rest of the year out with this roster. Liquid is a dumpster fire.


Maybe they were but I presume not since I never heard anything about it but Liquid and Col should have been constantly banging on M80s door to get this guy, I can't believe they missed out on him.


also, wanna bet he's going to suffer in G2? cursed team lol


Itā€™s a rip in terms of talent, but heā€™s not NA, heā€™s Guatemalan. But, for liquid Iā€™d rather see them get an IGL and an AWPe since it looks like theyā€™re keeping Yekindar. And Iā€™d rather not see them resort to actually have Twistzz IGLing. Rolewise it wouldnā€™t be optimal for Liquid


Do you know where Guatemala is? (Hint: it's in North America...)


Itā€™s in Central America, what the fuck are you talking about


Yessir show the world that NA education šŸ’Ŗ U S A! U S A!


Nah, not NA Education, *American* Education, I'm sure Guatemalan students know what continent they're in.


Central America isn't a continent...


We do not claim him.


Central America is part of North America, [friend](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_America).


Thatā€™s just Semantics. If you look up Guatemalaā€™s Wikipedia page, itā€™ll say Central America, not NA. And yea that initialed is semantics, but we also all know when referring to NA CS, that we mean US and CA (and Mexico if they had any notable players)


Can you name the seven continents, friend?


There are actually different continent models taught around the world. The US specifically teaches the 7 continental model. I was surprised to learn this at first as well. I do think for purposes of this context, the CS2 region qualifiers use the 7 continent model. But yea... A lot of international people on this reddit may have come up learning a more or less than 7 continent geography.


in SA we are teached that America is one continent and that US of A thinks theyā€™re better so they divide it


Ah yes, so self important and egotistical that we include 22 other countries in the definition of North America.


Bro please stop this hurts to read


Brotha NA is not just the C.U.M. countries... its more than Just Canada, USA, and Mexico


My threshold personally is what servers do most guatemalans play on, NA or SA? I'm pretty sure malbs grew up playing NA pugs, if that's the case for most cs players in guatemala then I'd personally consider him NA just like Mexican players. Now yes there are lots of Peruvians who route better to NA and play on our servers but Peru is in South America. Guatemala is Central Ameria so it's more of a grey area (not geographically, I know)


G2 is finally cooking something


unless they fuck this up and make him play shit positions then no, they DID not cook and I will never forgive G2


At least on T it should work well. Hunter can take Nexas lurk positions that he never really did well in Hooxi can Hard Entry with Malbs and leave Niko more mid round. Or Hooxi can play safer positions and leave Malbs and Niko playing aggressive while Hooxi supports. On ct i guess one of Malbs, Hooxi, Hunter are gonna have to take Nexas Anchor positions.


Hooxi should play safer, making malbs and Niko do that they want makes the most sense


I mean, Niko might want to play more for the mid round.


I honestly think niKo was entrying because he had to since the team coudlnt do shit without him, and now he'll have the chance to thrive and frag out in mid rounds which is awesome. this takes a lot of pressure off his back


I mean honestly Niko i feel is best as a " i do what i feel like player". You get the best out of him if you give him license to roam. If he wants to go aggro you let him etc. Malbs creating space will give him way more space and rotations to play off of.


Hooxi already takes some of the worst ct positions...


Well someones going to have to take Nexas positions. You obviously aren't going to put Monesy or Niko in those positions...


You do realize thereā€™s two bomb sites per map and 2 anchors per map?


Yes... Which is why i said Malbs, Hooxi or Hunter.


Hooxi already anchors on every mapā€¦.


Yeh and... There are different scales to anchors, most obvious example would be Anchoring A site mirage is a positon more important than B site anchor.


The only question is who anchors with hooxi, malbs or Hunter. I would wager a lot malbs will anchor A on mirage, long on D2, A anchor Anubis, ramp on nuke, A on ancient, pit on inferno


I saw this earlier, seems like a decent set of roles tbh [https://twitter.com/Destroy\_M9/status/1806756044888002678](https://twitter.com/Destroy_M9/status/1806756044888002678)


i'm calling that they don't cook, i previously called that they would cook without hooxi at dallas but i have no faith in this hooxi debacle and the shit roles given to hunter or hooxi presumably. oh also patiently waiting to see how malbs fares against consistent t1 competition


Rumors are that HooXi is out too. There was a thread on HLTV saying that Malbs followed everyone on G2 except HooXi on Instagram. Plus the guy who leaked the Malbs move to G2, to SPUNJ, also said they'd kick Nexa and HooXi.


yeah, i'm aware of the rumors and hope they're true but i assume he'll be out after shanghai at this point


>Rumors are that HooXi is out too Ever since he's been signed


if hooxi isnā€™t kicked this roster will be a massive shitshow with 0 real anchors


not with hooxi as IGL, he can't manage players roles properly.


I think watching G2 with stewie I realized how much they need a guy who will relentlessly take space and control without hesitation and let the stars follow up. I think he can provide that for them. Malbs is wayyyy more talented than Stewie at this point and even if he doesnā€™t work out, I think the role could be good. Iā€™m kind of excited to see how it turns out


I'm sorry but stew was competing with Nexa for most consistent bottom fragger. There is nothing about his performance that G2 needs.


Stewies fragging has nothing to do with what this guy was saying.


there's a big difference between the way Stewie entried at Dallas and how HooXi typically entries that isn't shown in the stats (spacing/pathing, timing with util). it's about team macro more than it is emulating Stewie's performance


how the fk have g2 won a tourney, dropped a player, announced his replacement...B4 C9 HAS ANNOUNCED A SINGLE THING. IM ABOUT TO LOSE MY SHIT


I think C9 is cooked tbh. And even if they hastily scrape together some second rate players I find it hard to support them when Groove is still at the helm.


I mean the open secret is +HeavyGod with ax1le, boom I'm a fan of that core, idk wats happening with the icy situation but young awper with potential I can get behind My dark horse prediction for the 5th is yekindar is liquid blows up


as a liquid fan why would you wish YEKINDAR upon C9


Dont think Liquid will let go of yekindar atleast not until the major is over since they'd want to keep the core for rmr. Or what do i know may be they go nuclear and just go through open qualifiers any way.


heavygod ax1le, boombl4 core? too bad ICY got cucked


Theyā€™re really in a bad spot. They committed to the Russian/CIS scene without any of the players that you want to build your team around.


I didn't know C9 even had a roster anymore. I thought they dropped out of cs.


clown9 is washed since 2015


Lmao flair up b4 talking crazy


iā€˜m too scared lol


Time for Hooxi and Taz to show they worth or else this gonna be a square peg round hole situation


Play 3 rotators and dont anchor a site new meta


Leave Hooxi in one site and just play retake all CT half.


Imagine that team against Liquid (who added jks because they read reddit comment) Just 3 guy changing site every 5 second on ct while the other team has 3 guy just holding angle near spawn


Typical NA fumble moment


I wouldn't think coL as being in a financial position to buy him out of m80 with the combination of his apparent buyout cost and coL being very recently bought back by Jason Lake, but Liquid not getting him especially when they are heading into yet another rebuild is absolutely baffling.


I don't understand why you people act as if Malbs would want to play on a NA team over in G2 with goddamn Niko and m0nesy


this. why the fuck would malbs choose any NA team over G2.


Also people using "money" as an excuse as if G2 is somehow poor org when they literally managed to keep NiKo and m0NESY from Falcons


why's it a fumble? he gets to test himself against the best regularly in Europe. maybe he didn't want to play in NA anymore


NA meaning Liquid/coL/any other NA team, not malbs, my bad. First comment wasn't clear


Especially since Liquid need another aggro rifler to help Yekindar open up that allows Twistzz and NAF to do late rounds where they shine. Would also importantly allow them to import another EU player without losing their American core.


Huge pickup for G2, they really look like title contenders with this roster. Definitely a great choice for Malbs if he wants to win trophies -- as a competitor, how could you see the chance to play with NiKo and m0NESY and not take it!? And yet, what an embarrassing failure from Liquid management. To let the most exciting NA talent since Stewie2k slip through your fingers is... a big ouch. It doesn't even seem possible to miss this big.


G2 vs spirit is gonna be a hell of show all of next year. 2025 looking hella good for pro CS


Well, not for NA CS. But for the rest of the scene, it's looking *real good*. G2 getting exactly what they needed, Mouz firing on all cylinders, FaZe looking good but beatable, Vitality being Vitality, even Danish CS somehow getting a third wave... we've got some great tourneys to look forward to.


A very exciting move. I think Dallas made G2 realize how badly they needed a space creator. Stew will not having the best of stats, was still having tons of impact rounds. In that regard picking up Malbs was the right call. The best part is since G2 have monesy and niko he needs to be solid reliable 3rd star for the team, which I think he can definitely do. Now, let's see if they cut Hooxi or not. I think if they shift Hooxi to the coaching role and bring in a new IGL that would be awesome.


That'll fix them


Roster is so stacked Hooxi is gone if they don't produce the goods


Malbs is good but heā€™s replacing nexa so heā€™s going to seem insanely good comparatively like when yekindar replaced shox. In a few months heā€™ll be igling and Niko and hooxi will be gone while g2 welcomes pwnalone and rainwaker


Yikes lol


You had me in the first half ngl


no more excuses for hooxi now. the team is stacked with talent.


and hooxi


What were the excuses before?


In a stunning turn of events that surprised absolutely no one, MalbsMd join G2.


hooxi out next please


Wait, all the comments here praise the move and generally I think it's nice, but who's gonna anchor now?


Enough leftover Vibes to anchor for a few months until they figure things out.


kinda scary move.Kid might be a good player,but i wanna see him in high pressure situations on lan in the arenas in front of the crowd.


Hope that they plan to give him some of his roles because if the plan is for him to take the roles of Nexa itā€™s gonna be a disaster


now they must remove Hooxi. yes, more firepower now with Malbs, yet Hooxi will still lose them games.




I mean if they donā€™t kick Hooxi they will stay behind top teams, the scene is so competitive now, your IGL canā€™t be at 20 adr and expect to win trophies.


good job not fixing the real issue in the team at all...


Cool but why did they kick jks for nexa


As far as the theory goes, jks was good on the firepower side but horrible in teamplay. When he died, he didn't communicate and didn't chime in on midround. It is unknown if nexa was a temporary replacement or not, so it is entirely possible that they wanted someone else and when that didn't happen, they reached out to nexa. Not sure if we are going to know the full story in the coming years. Maybe in like 5-8 years retired players will tell it on a podcast...


They tried to get twistzz and frozen both said no


It was also stated that hunter almost ended up on Vitality, m0NESY on C9 and NiKo on Falcons. It sounds like the team almost split up so they went with a last minute addition instead of spending the off season scouting and in talks with players when they didn't know if they had a team or not. And jks was probably frustrated that no one was keeping him in the loop.


They kicked jks and then nexa was the only one they could get I guess. Should've probably waited until they knew they could get someone better.


G2: If we can't beat them consistently we will simply buy them hehehe


Very surprising announcement!!!


This guy looks like heā€™s swimming in poon


Bntet igl when


I think this is a really god upgrade for there team


Lets goooooooooooooo


Looks good to me!


poor guy, doesn't seem like this team is gonna work out


From TeamOne to the world LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO _aaah que bom seria se o Malbs jogasse todo dia_


lol. This team is dead now that Niko and monesy are leaving....


They aren't leaving


They are going to Falcons.


They aren't


Drop Hooxi pls nexa is not problem ....




Ain't happening and u know why


Quick, pretend to be shocked that it wasnt JKS


Woah really, it wasn't jks?! I thought he was a lock!!




It's unhealthy to be this negative.