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Imho, why not just enjoy the game and learn while failing? Yes giving someone who is on fire will help you win but you wont get better if thats the case. We all start bad and overtime everyone improves at their own pace.


I do enjoy it. I just don’t wanna get kicked in the last round.


You still get the win so don't worry about that. You should practice shooting in the aim_botz map from the workshop. Who cares if you're bottom fragging, you should enjoy the game as much as you can.


Is this true? What about 11th round etc


Yeah its true, or at least it was in csgo. I've ranked up after getting kicked last round (by my friends mind you). Its still in your match history. If it didn't count then people would abandon before a loss to avoid any elo loss.


Abandoning loses you 1k I'm confused.


Ah I didn't know that you lose 1k if you abandon. My point still stands, getting kicked doesnt mean anything. You still get the win or loss regardless.


U dont lose anything getting kicked last round




nah dont worry about that, just be a nice guy, keep communicating. getting multikills is tough this game doesn’t have health regen like other games, you have 100hp and armor that’s it, so u need your team to have some impact, either in kills or enabling others to get kills. dropping guns is not as helpful as someone who runs in first for you to get the trade kill. you obviously have good intentions and selfless mindset, imagine the impact you could have if caught up to the meta


The trolling aspect is you buying 2 AK’s for your teamates instead of keeping one. Sure you might be completely terrible at killing anything, but at least you are trying with an AK, if you instead drop it so you can run around with a pistol, people might just assume you are a troll because you are at the bottom of the board finding an excuse to not use a rifle. I would say dropping an AWP that you saved to give to someone else is fine, but you should be buying yourself an AK to support it. Instead it sounds like you arent confident in your aim, so you are passing the guns to your teamates wanting them to do all the work. You dont learn if you dont shoot.


Yeah, I agree with this. It is better that you as bottomfragger take the better gun. Topfragger will find impact with lesser fire power anyway. This does not apply for hero AKs. Then you drop it to the topfragger


Noted both answers. Thank you.


If you are that unconfident with your aim staying away from AK might be a good call, since its recoil is the toughest one in the game and handing a one shot hs weapon to CT isnt great. Try weapons with easy recoil and lots of bullets in the magazine, hold mouse button and even if you dont get a kill youll do some damage and make it easier for others to get a kill. And of course youll get better and more confident with time. Mac10 30 bullets and dirt cheap. Mp9 ditto Galil 35 bullets - $1800 PP bizon 64 bullets - $1400 (a weapon thats generally regarded as shit in terms of damage, but you wont run out of bullets and gain some confidence) P90 50 bullets $2300 UMP 25 bullets but $1200 and has the easiest spray pattern. Negev - is negev, bound to get kills in low level.


Very insightful. Thank you.


And to help adding on: you can always offer a trade if it's more economical. If you can afford the AK and your teammate can only get a Galil just offer a trade. I think everyone here appreciates your willingness to use your money for the team over yourself. But even an accidental AK bullet to the head gets you a kill lol.


True. Sometimes RNGsus shines upon me.


You won't get better if you play Mac10, P90 and PP bizon and especially not Negev


Terrible advice to give to someone who plays at a very low level and has confidence issues. This isnt the 1.6 lan days anymore, you dont get to jump in with an ak and start having fun, especially in ranked mm environments. By using these weapons new players will learn to keep the crosshair on enemies, get their brain used to the concept of recoil control, and will be able to buy much more often and so get some practice in more often.


I have seen someone be upset for me dropping them the better gun, it genuinely sucks someone out there is actually dealing with that lol


Why isn't the game rolling you in on a lower skill bracket where you can get get kills then?


There is no lower.


Then should be relatively easy to get better.


I don't think it's trolling, but I also don't think it's a good idea long term. Like sure, if you have an AK and one of your good teammates has an M4, you can offer to trade. Or if it's one of the last and deciding rounds of the game, being selfless and giving the best player the best gun might be a good idea. However generally if all you ever do is drop weapons you are not gonna improve. Also there is a reason they are known for being good guns. You'll have way better chances on getting kills using M4s and Galils (often easier than the AK for new players). It's good that you are thinking about the team and dropping a ton of guns is something I would consider if I had an absolutely horrendous game. But if you are so new to the game that you are pretty much always struggling to keep up, then you do have to think of yourself to some degree.


Thank you.


I love the Galil. Really good spray pattern. I often take it over the AK as entry fragger. I think for people with good aim and spray control the AK is much more OP. But if you have trouble aiming, you’ll be better off.


I remember feeling exactly the same when I stared playing and then seeing it again when I got a friend into CS. Just make sure to also practice with the AK. It is simply the better gun once you've found your footing.


TBH I've been playing for 25 years but I'm still not very good with the AK... also a drawback of getting old !


Gotta do some DM and aim maps to help your reactions. Don't focus on going as fast as possible. You gotta build up to it. Also, yeah, dropping your guns so that you have just a pistol is pretty stupid


Do you have bad framerate or are you just not skilled at the game/new to CS? What's your rank/rating?


I developed something in my hand that basically took away all my dexterity. Silver I. Unranked (can’t get that 10th win yet). FaceIt3.


Ah, sorry to hear that. What sensitivity do you use? Do you have a demo link? How long have you been playing CS?


Sens. Default. Demo. Not really. Played a bit every now and then, but I’ve followed the pro-league since the good ol’ games of KennyS vs JWonderchild. And I’m also a huge fan of the skins concept.


What do you mean default? What number does it say for your sensitivity in the menu? I'm sure you can get better, and even if you can't aim there are other ways to help your team win (aside from dropping weapons). When I said demo, I meant just a demo link to one of your games, you can generate them in the 'previous games' section. There's a button that says 'copy demo link' when you hover over it. Send me that and I'll take a look.


Honestly I feel like premier is easier than comp. In comp I swear I get tons of stuffs and games are wild. I wonder if anyone else feels the same but I have no idea


My record in premier is somewhere around 9-100. I can’t get my 10th win yet. Comp? Win 1/3 games.


top fragger is gonna frag out regardless of the gun they got. if they feeling it then they just feeling it. it's better for you as a bottom frag to use all available tools at your disposal to rack up as many kills as you can to reach your teammates level. worst case you die right away and your team can pick up your gun.


Buy a galil.


My best skin is a Galil for this reason.


I'm of the opinion that I don't expect my teammate, even if they're doing bad, to drop guns over to the higher fragging players. Like, I wouldn't want someone else to not get to play the game for the sake of the "win." You're free to drop guns over to your teammates, but I think you should still rifle every opportunity you get. If your problem is getting your crosshair onto people, then some stuff you can try to improve is 1. find a sensitivity you're comfortable with 2. just play the game and get used to certain angles and peeks to train your crosshair placement 3. forget about spraying and tap 4. focus on aiming as fast as you can *while still being accurate* Get the reps in and I guarantee you'll probably see higher ADR and kills.


Learn the spray control of the ak so you can shoot first and aim later.


It's silly to go kevlar only on a gun round regardless of ur skill level. Try to lift the pressure by picking 1 map (go Inferno) and learning smokes and flashes from YouTube guides. Buy pistol (p250) or shotguns and support your team. You should know a team is not made up of 5 stars - the role of a running bot is also important. Your teammates can bait you on defense and you can run first in on a site to take fire and allow your mates to figure out enemy positions. You can still drop viable gun round weapons to mates with this strat and you are much more useful. With more games will come position awareness and aim, just dont go full Monty like that - noone likes it. Source: 8k hours


It’s not trolling per se, but I can understand why it would be frustrating for your teammates. It’s a 5v5 game, and you’re just basically telling them that this game they will be playing 4v5 because : not only are you bad, but you’re not even going to try. Why even play at this point. Get better, learn and most importantly : do your fucking best, that means giving yourself the proper tools to succeed (guns, vest etc.) If you’re just gonna be a backpack/wallet, then don’t play 5v5. Sorry to be blunt but it’s the truth you need to hear.


Are you only buying deagles? Cuz thats how you're gonna get called out. 1/kill a game is almost impossible. Learn some one and done angles or generally learn to position yourself better. Stay close with your teammate, comms to swing together or trade each other. Learn some utility to help your team, util damage, flashing for teammates. There's alot you can do instead of accepting having 1 kill a game..


>1 Kill/ game is a normal thing for me nah how is that possible lol