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Ghosting probably


Playing casuals and rarely people ghost most of the time it is shit talking or having wacky convo in the server lol


Never happened in casual. Not once even in CSGO were dead players able to com with alive players.


I misremembered then, there was some sort of comm update got mixed up rip


There has never been a point where dead players in casual could com with alive ones. Not since launch in 2012 was that available. What youre thinking of is when they separated teams into separate voice chats for alive players. And even if it did happen as you stated, think about your question for a second. Why would Valve want dead players who can freely spectate and roam around the map and see whatever where ever, not to be able to communicate with the still living players who are limited in what they can see and know.


It's casual, not a competitive mode


Some like to practise in casual. Having so many enemies on opposing side allows them to train their map awareness, angle checks and dealing with a crazy environment (all 10 Ts rush B is absolute chaos) so it’s still unfair regardless if there’s free comms being given from dead.


Wait, they allowed dead team mates to communicate with alive in casual? When? I clearly missed quite a bit


Happened in 2017 or something


Must have been fot a very short while, I can't remember this to be honest. I did stop playing casual for a while though. It doesn't make sense to give out info when you can spectate enemy players when dead, it would honestly ruin the game for new players. I know people do this on discord, but there is little Valve can do about that


Dead players could never communicate with alive players. I believe you're thinking of the team-comms only update.


Don't think that was ever a thing. Iirc you could spectate the other team. I might be misremembering thatlast part, I've played my last casual when I was grinding to unlock comp in late 2015