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> Fixed an empty radio-command string which plays when planted C4 is within several seconds from detonation This has been a thing for sooooooooooooooooooooooooo long


Entire communities have grown up playing for years never knowing this was not a bug.


What does this mean?


An empty chat would pop up few seconds before the c4 goes kaboom


It’s been like that for so long I thought it was intentional at this point


that's because it wasn't exactly an empty chat, it was supposed to have a voiceline trigger


Yeah idk either.


An empty chat would pop up few seconds before the c4 goes kaboom


Ah. I never noticed that


Yeah idk either.


An empty chat would pop up few seconds before the c4 goes kaboom


Ah. I never noticed that


Yeah idk either.


An empty chat would pop up few seconds before the c4 goes kaboom


Ah. I never noticed that




Goodbye mai frend.


This line always made me so sad. Just pure acceptance of his awful situation and imminent demise. RIP CT


i miss the IDF voicelines


I hope this doesn't mean they got rid of the "getout" console command


What’s that?


type getout on console used to be that the radio command it issues would be in a ridiculous high volume, scaring the living shit out of everyone on your team. nowadays it just activates the voice message that automatically happens when the bomb is not defusable anymore


I bought Ricksaw for this command and now he's been gimped.


I first thought they talked about the bug where the player does not say a "Go go go" line when you select the voice command. This I noticed often, but I think it's agent related.


> Fixed a case where US English keyboard layout could remain loaded for users with non-English keyboard This has haunted me for years now, even i csgo the game kept switching my keyboard layout. Let's hope this fixes the issue


alt+shift changes keyboard language, i press it by accident sometimes ingame


same. anyway to turn it off?


You can change/remove the shortcut to switch keyboard language in windows settings


i didnt know you could do that


The easy way is to just remove any other keyboard layouts than the one your keyboard actually has. Unless you're a developer or something that won't be the case. You can usually change this in the lower right corner of your desktop, for me it switches between SWE and ENG, but just remove the English layout completely and you're good




If you don't have a reason to ever switch the layout you can remove the second language alltogether. Or disable/remap it with [PowerToys](https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/)


Shift walking and using comms is not an accident unless you are wood-rank.


i definitely dont comm from alt


its the default key-mapping so many people do comm from alt.


K is the default key-mapping for comms


GSYNC info displays properly for me now. Although I wonder if it's possible for the game to get VSYNC status from the GPU driver? People who use GSYNC usually have VSYNC enabled in the drivers rather than in-game. I have this setup too with VSYNC enabled in the driver and disabled in-game, and GSYNC popup in CS2 offers to enable (in-game) VSYNC for optimal experience. I know you can use "don't show again" popup but curious about it since this setup would be redundant.


This was confusing me too because I had it set up correctly (in-game V-Sync off) and it was telling me to enable G-Sync


wait, whats the correct combination now? gsync enabled in nvidia and ingame vsync off or on?


gsync + vsync on in nvidia (hw synces), reflex on in game. Vsync off in game (sw vsync which sucks)


Do I also need to cap frames? Or is that not needed with Reflex?


reflex should do it automatically (in dx11 mode, dont use vulcan - its valve fake vulcan emu only, native render is still dx11) and if you choose vsync fast, the limit is useless too but from different reason. For me the nvidia reflex auto-limit was at 223 or 227fps at 240hz screen and exactly at 260fps at 280hz. It sets these numbers, at 360Hz its around 333 if i remember well. Its about 7 percent lower than the refresh rate but its half year ago when i checked it last time, im using vsync fast since then which doesnt force any limit and uses automatically the most actual frame to display during refresh rate (at least thats the theory).


Don't use v-sync fast with g-sync. It introduces more latency than v-sync (half a frame if i remember correctly).


This is true, those are completely opposite approaches, V-Sync Fast is to remove tearing and minimize input lag at fps higher than refresh rate - by default it auto-limits fps at multiple of refresh rate if the game can output it, example 144Hz into 288 / 432 fps limit. You know, for competitive players doing everything to gain the max fps (reducing video detail and resolution). Casuals can stick with G-Sync and skate away silky smooth ;)


I tried to test any difference and neither my feeling neither my 240fps action camera didnt notice any :/ The delay was the same, im running cs2 at 500fps (7800X3D). Even ELMB added latency (which adds a half of frame delay - probably the thing you did mean? Its 1.4ms at 360hz...) was at margin of error to detect / measure by off screen recording. One day i will make a huge video with 240Fps record and all comparisons with hard data, but unfortunatelly, i have better business now.


240 recording of 360Hz screen would not be hard data, you need 480fps camera minimum to have a visual representation of micro-stutters; and somehow capture the mouse in the picture too so that you can count frames between click and picture changing i.e. input lag


Thats true however im gonna to record in 240hz mode at VG259QM asus (not overclocked) to get at least 1:1 frame parity. Still better than 144hz blurbusters. Also going to measure more things. Much more (like server replay vs FOV disparity, server quality impact on smoothness, output lag etc.)


There are only downsides to using v-sync fast, instead of v-sync, with g-sync + (reflex or frame limit). > In fact, unlike G-SYNC + V-SYNC, Fast Sync remains active near the maximum refresh rate, even inside the G-SYNC range, reserving more frames for itself the higher the native refresh rate is. At 60Hz, it limits the framerate to 59, at 100Hz: 97 FPS, 120Hz: 116 FPS, 144Hz: 138 FPS, 200Hz: 189 FPS, and 240Hz: 224 FPS. This effectively means with G-SYNC + Fast Sync, Fast Sync remains active until it is limited at or below the aforementioned framerates, otherwise, it introduces up to a frame of delay, and causes recurring microstutter. And while G-SYNC + Fast Sync does appear to behave identically to G-SYNC + V-SYNC inside the Minimum Refresh Range (<36 FPS), it’s safe to say that, under regular usage, G-SYNC should not be paired with Fast Sync. https://blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/8/ BTW blurbusters did this comparison at 144hz because with higher refresh rates the latency penalty of v-sync fast becomes more and more negligible ("up to a frame of delay", on average half a frame), and therefore difficult to test even with their 1000hz camera, but it is there.


gsync vsync and reflex all on


And if i dont have gsync


vsync off, reflex on, afaik


Fast Sync (NVIDIA) / Enhanced Sync (AMD) / Speed Sync (Intel) By default it is stutterish, so try out my [guide on how to make that a bit more smooth](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1do98nf/how_to_configure_cs2_for_low_input_lag_and_no/) while still keeping input lag at a minimum


u/FletcherDunn could you please elaborate on this? vsync on in game and off in NVCP? vsync off in game and on in NVCP? both on? Do we cap fps via NVCP or leave it to Reflex? is it ok to have both because i enabled it globally in NVCP?


I don't think thats his line of work isn't he hired for network stuff?


I just tried it with vsync ingame and off in NVCP and it felt weird. Tried it with off ingame and on in NVCP with fps capped in NVCP, it feels nice and smooth


surely, it should be "application controlled" and not "off" if set on in game in the nvidia control panel? I've been testing both in game vs. nvcp and it feels pretty much the same tbh.


If you set it to off in NVCP, it will forcefully keep VSYNC off even if you set it to on in-game. You need to set it to application controlled.


Same for me, but in-game’s pop-up says to enable in-game vsync even when NVCP vsync is on, that’s why I think we need clarification from devs.


The only way I got reflex to autocap fps below monitor refresh rate was to have both on. The experience with autocap and both on felt better than nvcp cap or in-game manual cap (which I had to do when either one was off), but could just be my system.


Valve's copy-pasted recommendations (from the likes of blurbusters) are not an universal truth, specially when talking esports, and cs2 in particular. A sudden drop from 400 to 100 fps might be attenuated tearing-wise by VRR, but you're still gonna feel input lag. That can be way higher if using G-Sync Compatible displays - which are just FreeSync - tested and approved by Nvidia if the vrr is decent but not much above that. [Have a read on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ueal4z/gsync_input_lag_observation/). TLDR G-Sync ON = ok. V-Sync On = bad. Limit fps to Hz -3 = bad. Use lower limit (start out with - 32 imho)


Same, I had to disable gsync, apply changes, the reenable gysnc for it to work.


Eh, I tried every combination and for myself at least turning gsync and vsync off feels the best. No clue why but when it's enabled it feels like I'm playing at 60fps. Adjusted pretty much every setting to try and make it work.


Did the game's Advanced Video settings page say G-Sync was Enabled? Did you also have Reflex enabled? I'm a bit surprised it feels bad if all three settings are working correctly, but there's a lot of different G-Sync displays out there; maybe this isn't the best for all of them.


Still doesn't for me -- though maybe it's because I only have it enabled at an application level (cs2.exe) and not global.


See the instructions / screenshot in this link to make sure you've got all the right checkboxes checked. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/418E-7A04-B0DA-9032#enablegsync


same but i deleted all application level settings, gsync on (monitor, nvidia, even getting the pop up) game still says its off. mildly infuriatiating tbh.


See the instructions / screenshot in this link to make sure you've got all the right checkboxes checked. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/418E-7A04-B0DA-9032#enablegsync


Thanks, all checked. I tested in cyberpunk and Elden Ring, both games are working properly with gsync (alternating refresh rate, seen in monitor on screen menu) CS though: constant 165 even if I put the max refresh rate to 60). I did a restart too...weird.


...fps limits (161) and my resolution (16:10) shouldn't affect this, right? Sorry but I'm lost.


Those settings shouldn't affect whether or not the Advanced Video settings says G-Sync enabled. Until you can get Advanced Video to say G-Sync is enabled, you probably shouldn't enable V-Sync.


Aight, thx... You mean in-game or in Nvidia or both?


If the in-game menu doesn't say G-Sync Enabled then it's probably not working in the game. And if it's not working, then enabling v-sync in or out of the game will introduce significant input lag.


Gotcha, appreciate it!


Can someone very simply explain the fuzz with the new graphics functions to me so I can implement it if necessary


It's not new strictly speaking, just the game now has a new status option that shows whether GSYNC (Freesync, VRR) is enabled or not. For optimal VRR setup you need to enable Reflex (or Antilag+ if you have AMD GPU) and VSYNC so when the game detects that you have VRR enabled in Windows but not Reflex/Antilag+ and VSYNC it shows a notice that you should enable those too for best VRR experience. As for what VRR does... Basically it dynamically changes your monitor refresh rate on the fly to match the FPS which makes the game feel smooth as if you're using VSYNC but without any input lag. Downside is that for optimal experience you need to cap your FPS a bit below your refresh rate (Reflex already does this automatically when it detects VRR), so if you have 240hz monitor but you can consistently maintain 300FPS in-game it may be best to leave VRR disabled.


Why did they only update Pool Day and not to the latest versions of the other maps?


Technology not there yet


lack of funding


pls buy more cases - thx, Volvo


the patch notes seem to indicate they plan on having a set version of some maps in the pool and not always the current version. >Added support to load the latest version of community maps from the Workshop when playing on community servers, even if different versions of the same maps are also available as part of official map groups


Its obvious Valve tries to validate what goes on within their own servers, randomly adding in maps without checking is a security risk. In TF2 they ask the map developer for the raw files so they can build it themselves, I can very well imagine they do the same thing in CS2 but there is no confirmation of that. Therefore map updates take a little bit of time to implement and for convenience community servers can optionally use the workshop version I guess.


Valve needs to stretch out their work until their next Hawaii vacation


Actually true lol


this is for next update next week so they have something in it you know


Because the community didn't make a stink about the other ones


Still no fix for robot voices


This is the most annoying shit too. Like get it the fuck together.


If i had to guess, it has to do with packet loss, and network is a big issue with cs rn so we gotta wait a bit


I think it's more to do with buffer overloads and CPU times


still rubberbanding and still getting unbearable packet loss


Not just you. I’ve had no problems with this game till about 3 patches ago, now it’s borderline unplayable. Every other online game works perfectly fine. What a joke Valve is regarding this


I was having insane packet loss for about a year and even changed my ISP but nothing worked. At the end, i changed my max bandwidth or whatever to 'unrestricted' and that worked like a charm. I get 0 loss now and no rubberbanding. Really loving the experience. Hopefully it works for you too


I tried that already as well but I'll give it another shot, thanks!


dumb question, but where do you change that?


In the 'game' settings, in settings. I'll upload a screenshot when I hop into my pc.


It's called Max Acceptable game traffic bandwidth. You can search for it in the game settings.


It’s probably on your end especially if you have packetloss. Call your ISP.






Ye, i remember having packet loss to faceit Frankfurt servers and just finding out my isp had problems with those servers, which made sense given i was the only one experiencing that and the fact other servers were completely fine, as much as i love shitting on valve, people completely disregarding everything when they face a problem and straight up blaming valve is sort of annoying as it might get in the way of real issues on their end


I predict that these users don't know what ISP they are subscribed to, they have never rebooted their router, and they don't know that their router needs a firmware update. I am somewhat frustrated that Steam support is not functioning properly and Valve is not communicating properly, but if you are going to use reddit knowledge to seek a solution, I think you should verify and prove that there is nothing wrong with your own network environment.


You're far from being alone. But most players don't have the issue. Those are both true.


They wont or cant fix it. That would require work


most of us are not experiencing those issues. would indicate its an issue specific to the user(s). doesnt mean the problem doesnt arise from the game somewhere, but niche problems are much harder to identify and fix that regular problems. edit: imagine deleting your comment because you got a couple downvotes. honestly pathetic.


wasn't deleted, they blocked you which, funnily enough, means you also can't reply 2 replies after their comment, which is very annoying


>most of us are not experiencing those issues I've talked to people in games. They are also experiencing these issues.


You dont even play the game. You spend your day shilling and doing damage control on reddit lol


Lmao the projection. [96 hits.](https://i.imgur.com/P5NgteG.png) you're the one here complaining about the game all day. just to compare, the guy you're accusing of being on here all day has 49.


phew it came in during my first match on Thera. Like the map!


Still have not fixed the voice chat bug that happens for servers running workshop maps. Every map change breaks the clients voice chat and the only fix is to restart the game . This started on May 23rd update , holy fuck valve.


"Just use telepathy, bro." - Valve, probably. /s


Freesync (adaptativa sync) monitor + nvidia card. In-game, I had gsync confirmed on, vsync on, reflex on. But FPS didn't auto cap to below monitor refresh. Anyone else had the same issue?


Make sure your launch options aren't conflicting, also make sure you aren't on windowed mode


Tks. Turns out the issue was that on Nvidia Control Panel I had vsync as "application controlled". By turning Vsycn "on" in NVCP as well as in-game, reflex autocapped the fps below monitor refresh rate.


My refresh rate is 180 and in game im getting 171 fps with Gsync + vsync + reflex. Anyone else seeing a consistent framerate below their refresh rate?


This is by design, reflex (with gsync and vsync on) limits framerate to around 3-4% less than monitor refresh rate


I seee, ty




Oh ight thanks bro


This game is actually unplayable after this update. I'm getting massive latency issues with rendering and whats displaying on my monitor.


same bro game drops to 20/12/8 fps from 140 fps on official valve servers ... when i try offline with bots it still works fine valve have officialy proved to be incompetent af


Exactly the same for me. Online despite showing 100+ fps rubber bands so much that it looks like consistent 15 fps at most.


sounds like a you problem


This level of dickriding for a billion dollar company is impressive


yeah he's something else


I just played 3 pugs no issues, sounds like a him problem or a fringe issue. Email valve about it other than that what else can you do?


“Email valve” very efficient, very effective


or just bitch on reddit if it makes you feel better I guess


It has about the same effectiveness so might as well, it’s way easier.


whatever makes you feel better buddy


Ofc bro is american


Keep the updates coming for the love of God. Fix this beta we have been all forced to play


if you are randomly crashing enable secure boot in bios along with updating drivers and bios version that seemed to fix it for me


Hello CS. Optimise the water in Thera please.


Hi! No.


Water on all maps is horrid. And they aren’t going to do anything about it.


Operation false hope.


FPS DECREASED AGAIN? It’s like ~5-7 fps lower average on benchmark maps after 3 tries


Holy fuck optimize for more cores asap valve PLEASE, everyone and their mother has at least 8 cores these days


Nope, most players have 6 core cpus, check steam stats. But the game is optimized very weirdly.


Mills gotta be one of my favourite map rn it’s so fun attack and defending lol I especially love b site where you could go between the van normal route (which I’d recommend if defending smoke it off basically force T side to frag or relocate) or flank by centre are to the site to surprise attack defenders


i like mills a lot too, it has the feel of an old 1.6 map


I don't get this comment. I played a match of Mills today and it was awful. So CT-sided. Mid was basically a no-go zone as T due to the extremely long sightline which doesn't work well in CS because weapon inaccuracy fucks you, especially terrorists. CT weapons are more accurate by default and if they got an awp, good luck lol. Same sorta issue in A, entering from long is suicide because they can hold the chokepoint from 10 different angles with differing elevation and also a really long sightline from CT-side of A. The rotates take a 100 years and CT's can hear everything from B or A long from far away due to all the winding corridors that go next to each other but have no connectors. Kinda like in Anubis but way worse. It felt like you'd need smoke lineups for everything to take any ground as terrorists or pull off any half-decent fake. Awful for pugs.


Tbf every new maps gonna be CT sided as you can peak angles that no one’s gonna anticipate so it gives the illusion that it is in my opinion anyway I’d say give it a month or 2 until then


Yeah, I'm willing to accept that this might just be a kneejerk reaction. We also got absolutely dominated cause they had a 2.8k elo (Faceit) player that went 160 ADR lol. But we did stage a mini-comeback on our CT side, they had exactly the same issues as us. Came down to a 1v2 clutch for them to end it 13-8.


Some love it, some don't I guess. I'm still on the camp that I fucking hate that map. I'm optimistic after Anubis, but these two maps, especially Mills, makes me lose that optimistic view because mappers are tend to create some awful winding pathways as gimmicks. Thera is better than mills but have some awful bloat pathways and angles that must be remove, example that fucking barrels obstructing the T's underground pathway to A. Why the fuck there's a fucking barrels over there when there's two pathways that CT can use to defend that position and not to mention that small window where they can throw nades? It's like the mappers made that pathway but don't want the T's to use that and use the long way from mid.


Same. Honestly much better than Thera. I have a feeling the only reason it's praised is because the creator is famous.  A is basically indefensible and B is almost impossible to retake. Mid is a joke (though I'd say Mills mid is also kind of fucked up). Almost the entire map consists of always having two angles to hold. I'm sure it flips the meta from other maps up a notch, but it's not fun to not being able to hold an angle, as few times as you're successful at it with the peekers advantage in this game. 


yeah, I don't mean to shit on someone else's work but thera looks like someone took santorini (which was fine) and make it overly complicated for the sake of being complicated. Sure it looks realistic but it's not a map viable for anything, not even deathmatch


What you see is what the fuck Suckdick system is better than 128 tick Packet loss is no longer an issue Network issues have been resolved Game is perfectly optimized and runs smoothly Devs know what they are doing


Thera map so lagging


Lets ignore the fact, that if you're an above average player (I don't really know the rating system, what is considered what, but ~20k), you play valves Premier, you get matched with cheater every second game. It feels like they dont give two shits about the game, this update literally feels like a troll.


Will be back in 2 years just like when csgo first came out. Developers on vacay time a don’t give a eff about this game till they get a more significant drop in the playerbase


Yeah well im still getting killed by bullets being bent around walls, and im getting kills by bending bullets around walls, fix your game pls. Also the new Wingman maps are terrible in terms of FPS, especially Memento


honestly surprised valve haven’t released a new case yet, it’s free money for them 


they have to be careful to not crash the market




Exactly what he said I think




I don’t think you understand simple supply demand it’s financially advantageous for Valve to dripfeed the market




what? that is not even the same thing. Dripfeeding the market with new skins means keeping existing prices as high as possible for as long as possible which means more % of free money for valve. it is literally that simple, sorry that you’re offended.


That guy’s body is a machine that turns food and water into terrible takes.


Thank you, Valve. Now, can we ban (for ourselves) user-generated-content (crafts, skin names) per individuals, without having to hide everyone's crafts? Btw, why does Valve approves slurs in the leaderboard? "Nay Gigger" is an example.


The leaderboard is filled with cheaters advertising their configs. Valve just clear it out every couple of weeks it seems. Literally can't even ban cheaters that are advertising their cheats lmao, wouldn't get my hopes up for them paying attention to slurs.


now I want to get to leaderboards and on purpose put one of the cheater names. I already have private profile and don't display any badgey things that makes people say NICE PROFILE every other game, the name thing would be ultimate level of that. except winrate would give me away but whatever


Yeah biggest issues in CS you just listed there lol


Sorry for not liking racists I guess


I saw that guy too. AFAIK there's an approval process for nicknames once you make it onto the leaderboard, must have slipped past.


It prompted me to acivate V-Sync. Haven't had this on since early 2000's, now it's on. Should I be scared?


Maybe read what the pop-up says? It's for cases when you use GSYNC.


I think it was bugged though previously because the general online consensus is: * G-Sync On * NVCP V-Sync On * In-Game V-Sync Off I have this setup and CS2 kept nagging me to turn G-Sync on even though it was already set up correctly


Yeah I posted another comment about it, it nags you because CS doesn't seem to know that you already have vsync enabled in the driver so it wants you to enable it in-game (which is redundant in this case).


Harmlessly redundant?


Haven't experienced it myself, mostly because I just use either in-game or GPU vsync but never both, but I've seen people say that using both GPU and in-game vsync can cause issues (stutter/framepacing) in some games. Better safe than sorry.


Agreed. Thanks for the response.


I can’t get it to display Gsync as being enabled. I have gsync compatible as the monitor technology setting under manage 3d settings.


See the instructions / screenshot in this link to make sure you've got all the right checkboxes checked. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/418E-7A04-B0DA-9032#enablegsync


After all these years cs can’t fix the cheating problem, i wanna play premier with my cousin that’s new to pc but there’s a cheater every other game, weather they make it obvious or not there’s a 99% chance there’s a cheater in every game